Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

I am so relieved Emma and glad that your LO is doing well!!!! I bet you were excited to see him/her! I understand about the tickling thing with your bladder - if my dh would have been like that I would have been not happy cause I felt like I was about to pee all over anyway! Did you get pics?!?!?

Amerikiwi - that explains a lot - that you are STILL in the states - I was very confused as to timing of why you were back so soon and then thought it must just be my pregnancy brain! LOL That is such a great idea to buy both sexes of clothes while you are here - esp. if they are so much cheaper! Also since your seasons are opposite - which I wasnt even thinking about- perfect time here to shop! Im sure all the summer things are already on sale - because usually by August they start to have fall things out.
I havent been to VA but my brother lives in AZ - it is so beautiful there! When did you move to New Zealand?

JayDee - I cant believe Levi's cost $100 over there!!! It would be interesting to see the price differences of some of the baby things we will all be buying!

This weekend is big 4th of July holiday over here so we are off of work tomorrow. We are going to 2 parties and attending fireworks too. Weather is supposed to be awesome too! Im excited!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Emma - so glad everything is ok and you finally got to see bubs :) I think you're about spot on with new years day if they've given you a date of 3 Jan, cos I'm sure they say the date is plus/minus 5 days. On that basis, your baby could come on 30 or 31 Dec so you're still late December, creative accounting there but hey....

I'm doing ok, thanks for asking. Enjoying the sunshine at the minute, hoping it stays nice for the weekend as it's my niece's christening. We're having a party after the service in a marquee in the in-laws garden (they have quite a lot of land by UK standards so plenty of room).

Daisy - Maybe when we all start buying stuff we should post the prices of standard things just to see how much they vary. The only thing I've really looked at for now is car seats, which are about £100 (US$170 ish) for the branded ones. Clothes aren't that bad if you buy them from supermarkets (most of them here have good clothing ranges these days) you can get 3 sleepsuits (do you call them oneies?) for about £5 (US$8/9).

4th July celebrations always look so great when you see them in films etc, hope you have a fab time. I guess because it's celebrating breaking away from the English rule I shouldn't like it on principal, but any excuse for a good party I say!
Jaydee, that's so cool that you were able to record the heartbeat. Could you make it your ring tone? Everytime someone rang, you'd get to hear little one!

Yes, I could make the heartbeat my ring tone but I have a habit of leaving my phone lying around in random places in my house, so I have to have a really loud tune, if I had baby's heartbeat I'd never know anyone was trying to call me! Could make it text message tone I guess, cos it's only an 8 second clip, but people might think I've gone a bit mad... what does anyone else think?
Emma - FANTASTIC NEWS!!! You must be so relieved and on a complete high from that news!! WOOOOO HOOOO xxx

Jaydee - who cares if people think it's weird so go for the message tone i say - it's your phone your choice!!!

Had an appointment with my midwife today - they were going to do the triple blood test as we were unable to get nuchal mesurements from our sleepy little baby. But she decided to put it off til next week when i'll be 16weeks 4 days. Heard our little babys heartbeat for the first time with the doppler which was just amazing... i had a tear in my eye and didn't dare move incase we lost the heart beat - i would have lay there all day listening to our little one!!! I called my hubby as soon as i left, but i didn't get the same excitement from him... he just said 'oh yeah, that's good then!' - but i'm still chuffed to bits! x

Got my 12week blood tests back - all good - confirmed that i'm Rh negative so will have a few more injections than those who are positive but appart from that all is normal! YAY
Thanks, yeah it is great news, i havent picked up scan pics yet, cos the weathers been funky and i didnt wanna walk down there and get soaked to collect them! couldnt get them on the day as they hafta be sent to the usual scan place rather than the EPAU! as soon as i get pics i will share!

I would soooo have it as my message tone Jaydee, nothing as beautiful as a unborn babies heartbeat!

Glad your blood tests all came back great TTC!

Ive been a mess the last couple of days, and it almost disgusts me too much to tell you people why, but i hafta share it somewhere, you know the FOB works at the same bar as me and hes recently moved into the upstairs apartments, we have been getting on great, hes really been an angel for me, til friday when first i find out hes sleeping with one of the female customers who is in a relationship with another woman, yep, so a lesbian, which wasnt too bad, but then i found out hes sleeping with our boss, a male, i'm completely devo'd, its just completely below the belt, hes my boss ffs! i dont even know how to act around any of the staff anymore, i'm not homophobic at all i was brought up in the environment but im soooo annoyed that hes shitting on his doorstep, AND MINE! i'm really not sure how to deal with this, so far ive ignored them all, but that cant go on forever, any ideas on how to deal with it?
Woooo - Emma tough one. I'd agree with you, each to their own, but when FOB is involved you can't really be as "live and let live" about it can you?
Have you asked him about it? I think if it's somewhere you both work, and people you have to see, you need to know what's going on, just so you can be prepared if anyone else mentions anything to you if nothing else.

I guess, above all, what you need to know is whether he is going to be there for you and your baby (which it seems like he has been so far) and, further along the line, that he'll only introduce partners that he is serious about (male or female) to your child.

TTC - I'm going to the midwife tomorrow, wonder if she'll check for my baby's heartbeat. I know I've heard it on my own doppler, but it'd be nice for someone who knows what they're doing to confirm it's there. Will update you all tomorrow x
Hey Christmas mommies!

I had a wonderful long holiday weekend- weather was beautiful too which made everything all the better. We ended up having a get-together at dh's parents house with some other relatives the one afternoon. DH's cousin was there with her baby 5 1/2 months old. Everyone was asking my mil if she had a "grandma bag" yet which I didnt even know what they were talking about. Well they were asking if she had toys, extra bibs, etc. for when the baby comes over and then someone was surprised that my mil doesnt have a highchair at her house yet. LOL I think thats all kindof funny - cause I really dont plan on my child needing a highchair at grandmas house and I havent even bought things like that yet! Im sure when we are over there that I can feed the baby in my lap anyway! Well - the good part is that my mil was realizing that she's been kindof slow with the whole baby thing! My mom had also bought and given us a small gift the other day for the baby which dh told his mom that, and think my mil is realizing that she has to start getting on board a little more.

Emma - I would think that if you and FOB are going to get through the next X amount of years that maybe you both need to set some ground rules? Maybe talk to him and let him know that it bothers you that he's sleeping with someone that you have to work with too. I agree with JayDee that it is important that he is there for the baby and that your child isnt having to meet everyone his/her dad is with. It can be very confusing for kids. If you talk now to FOB about your concerns about it - that you arent telling him who he can or cannot sleep with - but that you want him to be a grown-up about it when it comes to your child & that you dont like that he's sleeping with people you work with. I would think he would understand the issues with it.

ttcbaby - so glad you got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Its so great isnt it!! I totally am the same as you with the excitement - maybe it was hard for your dh to be excited when he didnt actually hear it?

Good luck with your midwife appt tomorrow JayDee! Its up to you about the ringtone- Im not sure what I would do if it was me.
Hi all

Midwife appointment was pretty disappointing really, felt like a bit of a waste of time to me. She checked my blood pressure, which had gone down again, but she said was still fine and listened for baby's heartbeat. She warned me that it could take a while to find this early but I was able to tell her exactly where it was so she found it straight away.

All is good with my blood tests, I finally know my blood group, A positive, I guess I've survived this long without knowing so it's not that much of a big deal and she confirmed that I don't have HIV or anemia or any of the other things they test for.

Daisy - my MIL has lots of baby stuff at her house, mainly because her friend (who is also a grandma) gave her it. She has a rocker chair, a playmat, a travel cot/playpen (although she brought that last week) a sterliser, a changing mat..... the list probably continues but I can't think what goes on it! I can't imagine my mum having that much stuff for our LO though, I guess it depends how much time they end up spending there, it would be good not to have to ship everything with us all the time.

I've decided against the ring tone, mainly because I don't think I'll hear it go off.

Hope everyone else is well x
Hi Christmas Mommies (Mummies)!!

Jaydee, glad to hear the midwife appointment went well and she was able to find HB on doppler!

ttcbaby, glad you got to hear HB too. I can't wait to hear my little one's heartbeat!

Emma, I agree with the other ladies that you need to talk to FOB about setting boundaries. You'll both need to agree on what your little one should and should not be exposed to.

I had a lovely 4th of July weekend in US. We went to a BBQ and saw friends that we haven't seen in a year. I think I'm officially showing now. I had held off posting anything on Facebook yet because I wanted to tell friends that we were visiting personally. Well, as I walked through the door, one of my friend's eyes immediately went to my belly and she got a huge smile on her face and knew. I think since I'm quite short that baby has no room to move except out. Hubby says that seeing my bump grow makes the pregnancy and baby feel more real to him now.
Aww, that's so cute Amerikiwi, someone noticing your bump, people keep telling me the opposite, that I don't have a bump at all, even the midwife yesterday said "no-one would really know that you were pregnant would they?" I can tell, cos I haven't got the (almost) flat stomach that I'm used to.

I posted a picture yesterday on the main forum on a thread called something like "do you think your bump looks big" because the girl that started it is 16 weeks something too and has a proper bump.

I'm going to a job interview this afternoon, so it's probably a good thing that I don't have a bump, gotta make it easier hasn't it?

Emma - hope things are going ok with FOB.

Hope everyone else is doing ok too x
Good luck with your job interview JayDee!

I feel like everyone is staring at my belly so I am either showing or paranoid! LOL Im glad you were able to share the news with your friends Amerikiwi!

I told a neighbor lady the other day that Im pregnant - I barely know this woman but she stopped over when I was outside and for some reason I told her. She acted so excited - it was kindof weird! She acted like she was my best friend or grandma or something for how big her reaction was! HA! Just seemed kindof silly to me!

My dh has been talking to my belly recently (like my belly button is the phone or something - LOL) and putting his ear to it too (down lower) - trying to hear the baby moving around. (Im not feeling movement yet) Its pretty silly but makes me grin cause its kind of cute that he does that. I think that it must be more real for him too if he's doing that kind of thing.
I wouldn't worry about everyone looking at your bump, everyone has taken to rubbing mine! My mum, my MIL and even my husband's auntie. I dread to think how many people will do it when I'm really showing!

Both me and my husband keep talking to the baby, only little things like "are you ok in there?" and "are you listening, you have to do <whatever> when you come out". My husband keeps stroking where the baby is too, it's quite cute really....
I keep loosing this thread and finding it ages later! How is everyone? im properl showing now and feel very fat. my friends compare me to them and they were smaller and its freaking me out!!
hi all...
sorry for beeing not in contact for soo long, but we needed to do a bit of diy and then our internet went down... pretty hard without the normal b&b reading and chatting in the eve :o)

anyway ... I still don'T show much... yes I have only one pair of trousers which are good for work, before I need to go for maternaty cloths, but... no... still looks like I#vw just eaten a little too much! Apart from that... had my 16 weeks appointment today... after asking the midwife reluctantly put the doppler on me, just waring me 1000 s of times that it could be that you cannot detect the heartbeat... but Bean was playing quiet well and how quick it is... it was really loud as well... god so nice to hear.... reassuring...

anybody already bought some stuff for the Smalls?
Purple - you are definately showing a lot more than me, but people keep telling me that I'm hardly showing. I guess everyone grows at different rates, I do keep getting told that I might "pop" at any minute.

My regular clothes still fit but are getting a bit tight so I've brought some jeans that are a size bigger in the sale (new look - bargain for anyone that's interested) for the day when my regular ones won't do up anymore.

Bigbean - Hearing the heartbeat is great isn't it? Glad she managed to find it.

Hope everyone is doing well x
hi ladies, glad everyone is doing so well. I'm starting to show now, which is very strange! (but i love it!) I love laying on my back in bed in the morning - it looks like i have a melon under my skin!!! It's very hard and it sits right up - so cute! Me and hubby have started chatting to little one, just silly things like - i hope you're ok in there. And we can't wait to meet you at christmas etc!

I'm still being sick daily, and i'm back at the doctor today to get some more tablets for that! I'm running out and i dread to think what the sickness will be like without them if i'm being sick 2/3 times a day on them!!! I've got another 10 days off work, and i really really don't know how i'll cope when i have to go back. It's really exhausting being so ill, and not knowing when it will stop. My nose is driving me up the wall, it's so sensitive to smells!! The slightest smell and i'll start retching and vomitting!! eeewwwhhhh
Im sorry to hear that your still sick ttcbaby! I was asumming that you were all done with it by now! (stupid me huh!?) :hugs: Hopefully it wont last much longer for you - I cant imagine still being sick - it was the worst feeling!

I'm more browsing then buying right now for baby stuff. Sounds like I will be having 2 baby showers and I already have some baby things that I use for daycare - so I will be needing to be creative to come up with ideas for a registry I think. Good problem to have right?! I'm already overwhelmed with all the decisions though. When I actually started looking and comparing things - I have no clue on what I want! If anyone has bought anything you should post pics here for me - to give me ideas - like that thread in 2nd tri! Is anyone else finding this part overwhelming?

Ive decided that my bump looks more bump-like in certain clothes. And in some clothes I just look like I've gained weight. I attended a family reunion last weekend and saw lots of distant relatives - most I havent seen in over 10 years. My aunts and uncles know Im expecting but Im not very close to them on my dads side. But to everyone who didnt know I was pregnant (great aunts and uncles and cousins) my mom kepts saying over and over "she is carrying our first grandchild". She had no new lines to say - but I was glad she was telling people so I wouldnt have to! I was getting sick of hearing the same line throughout the afternoon! LOL Anyway - everyone always looked right at my belly and then asked when I was due (vs other days with other people they are noticing my bump before I say anything). Also - I either got excitement or pity when they found out it was close to xmas! HAHA!!
Hey ladies, glad to hear you are all dong well, TTC sorry you're stll being sick!

I am full of flu, its really killing me, paracetamol are doing nothing at all and ive just gave in and taken a couple of sudafed, i see mixed opinions on them, like everything else!
Everytime i cough, i pee, its driving me nutty!!! LOL, ive passed out twice, i feel completely done for! I ache in places i didnt know existed and my bump is sore from coughing, blah blah blah! anyone have any super miracle ideas for me?!

I went to see the midwife today, for what should of been my first scan but of course i had that emergency one 2 weeks ago so they wouldnt do another, but i did get to hear the heartbeat which was really cool, movements had stopped so that was really reassuring... i have my 20 week scan on the 20th August! cant wait! :happydance:
You've been feeling movements??!? I havent felt any yet! Who else is feeling movements?

I was coughing so much a few weeks back - and had the same problem with peeing cause I was coughing so hard. I took robotusin (sp?) to help with the cough cause it was getting really bad. Its on my dr's note of ok things to take. I couldnt find anything to help otherwise - so sorry no ideas from me! (besides the normal - drink more fluids, get lots of rest.... you know the drill! Hope your feeling better soon!
I don't know if I'm feeling movements or not - I know that sounds silly but things keep happening in the bump area and I keep wondering if I'm imagining it or not! I think I probably am as they aren't that frequent. I think the books say you probably won't feel anything until 20 weeks so I wouldn't worry Daisy, there do seem to be quite a few people feeling things from 15 weeks onwards in 2nd tri forum, but quite a few of them are 2nd timers, when things happen quicker (they've also got a lot bigger bumps than I have at least).

We haven't started looking at baby stuff yet, going to wait until after the 20 week scan to check everything is ok, no reason why it shouldn't be but..... That's on 3 August, so just over 2 week's time - yey! I can't wait :)

Emma - sorry to hear you have flu, I have no suggestions other than what you're doing I'm afraid. If I ever get flu I just try to stay in bed as much as I can and sleep until it goes away! I'd say night nurse tablets are great for helping you sleep, but I have no idea if we can take it at the minute, it doesn't have caffine so maybe it's worth asking your doctor? Other than that fluids, maybe some orange juice for the vitamin C, and plenty of rest. Hope you feel better soon.

Ttc - also sorry to hear you are still being sick, hopefully the doctor can give you something to calm it down a bit, you're obviously very sensitive to the pregnancy hormones, I'm sure it'll be worth it when you have your baby in your arms.....

I also forgot to tell you about my (long) weekend, I went to my friend's wedding on Sunday, which was amazing. I'd manage to pick a dress that hid whatever bump I might have quite well to the point that people were looking at me in amazement when I said I was 17 weeks pregnant! It was more obvious in the dress that I wore for the banquet they held on Tuesday afternoon/evening (she's chinese but married an english man, and chinese weddings are banquets, so they got to have 2 weddings). That was also such an experience, dragon dance (think chinese new year celebrations you see on tv), firecrackers (so loud I think baby must have heard them!) and a 14 course meal!
As we stayed until the end (quite a lot of people go straight after the food, this is expected) and stayed over we also got invited to go for lunch with her family the next day. That was good too, although using chopsticks in front of a table full of chinese people is a little scary (esp as they all speak cantonese and could say what they wanted about us without us having a clue). Definately very different food to what you get from a chinese take away....

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