Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Jay Dee - what an amazing extra long weekend!!!! I've always wanted to attend a wedding celebration like that, such a different culture that kind of thing amazes me!!!! WOWOWOW i'm v v jealous of the cantonese food too!! (very very different to a take-away! in such a good way!)

I got a little freaked out by my tummy this morning. I was laying in bed on my back - and sucking in my tummy to see how much was baby and how much was excess! and my bump was rock hard!!! It starts at my naval and goes down to the pubic area... it's creeping higher and higher every few days!!!! It was just so so so so hard - it's never been like that before, and i got little flutters (like when you summersalt in the swimming pool and it gives your tummy a funny feeling or go down a dip in the road while driving too fast).... i think that's beginnings of movement. But nothing else and definately not regularlly.

I'm really excited about our 20 week scan which we'll be having on the 10th august (at 21weeks).... but a little anxious, i really hope all of baby is developing as it should (especially given how sick i've been...hardly keeping anything down since about week 6). I'm not bothered about finding out the sex of the baby, i want them to spend the extra time on looking at the chambers of the heart, kidneys, bladder etc so i can sleep a bit easier knowing all is going ok.
Yeah i got flutters at first, then when i ate a whole garlic bread as a craving i think the baby wanted to respond with some mega movement and that was an amazing experience! i've found it responds to garlic and chocolate the most!

Yeah i'll be concentrating on that stuff too TTC, though i do want to find out the sex! dont worry too much about the sickness, your not the first and certainly not the last!!

Robitussin Daisy? never heard of that, looks like its an american thing on wikipedia!

The flu doesnt seem to be quitting any and i'm getting the feeling it could be swine flu, blah, i'll call the doc monday to get checked out, but it seems its really popular around here at the moment!

Jaydee that sounds amazing! I would of loved to experience that! Ive done a muslim and a hindu wedding so i'm so ready to try chinese LOL
Hi everyone

:hi: Just wanted to say hi. I'm due on Dec 28th and I'm on the older mums buddy thread but I'd love to join you ladies here too please if that's ok?
Hi Meerkat!

I'm on both those buddy threads too! I've been rubbish and not posted on either for a few weeks mainly as i've been on holiday and now my keyboard doesn't work properly (mwahhh!).

Hope all the other Christmas babies are coming along fine! It's really lovely to have these buddy threads so we can all share what we are going through :)

I had a mild freak out today in John Lewis when I saw the vast array of baby kit that was there - from buggies to changing mats to bottle sterilisers and breast pumps!!! I quickly ran away to the clothes upstairs where I'm much more in my comfort zone!!

20 week scan is a week on Friday!!! Can't wait :) I think after that I might let myself buy something as i've been too scared so far! First on the list is a babygro that says 'I only cry when ugly people pick me up' !!
I had a mild freak out today in John Lewis when I saw the vast array of baby kit that was there - from buggies to changing mats to bottle sterilisers and breast pumps!!! I quickly ran away to the clothes upstairs where I'm much more in my comfort zone!!

20 week scan is a week on Friday!!! Can't wait :) I think after that I might let myself buy something as i've been too scared so far! First on the list is a babygro that says 'I only cry when ugly people pick me up' !!

Hi Piemistress, I know what you mean I'm waiting til after my scan too. The baby shops are still a bit scarey. In fact sometimes I still can't get my head round the fact I'm going to have one. :baby: Good job it takes 9 months, should be just enough time to get to grips with it and then to buy all the gear!

Ha love the babygrow...

Do you enjoy shopping for maternity clothes? I really don't :nope:
Welcome meerkat!

Im not enjoying shopping for maternity clothes either. I had to give in yesterday and go get some. I wasnt impressed! I found 2 skirts, 1 pants, and 1 dress. All very casual things that Im hoping will tie me over til I get to a better maternity store in a few weeks and get some nicer things - and hopefully things that will work better for this fall.

I'm so excited about our scan!!! Coming up a week from tomorrow! Its exciting too that we will all be having ours around the same time and can share these experiences!

I figured out yesterday that I think I'm feeling the baby - and was realizing I felt it a couple of times before yesterday too but just didnt realize thats what it was at the time. I am thinking ice cubes are what set it off! It is much lower down than what I was expecting but it is the stomach butterly feeling like when you are going downhill like on a ride.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I went in to town today to get some maternity pieces (mainly for work) but there were 2 (!!) shops in Aberdeen (Dorothy Perkins & New Look) that had stuff and it was a tiny selection! All I wanted was a couple of smart skirts!

Luckily there are lots of nice smock type tops about just now (non maternity) that will get me through not being able to wear my skinny tee-shirts!

Think I will have to resort to going on-line for stuff but knowing that I will only be wearing it short-term am loathe to get more than the essentials!

Monday tomorrow! mwahhh and the car hasn't started all week so have to arrange for the breakdown truck to come and tow it to the garage <sob!>
Hi all, and welcome Meerkat :)

I think I'm feeling something that might be movements, I have occasionally felt the sensation of a bubble pop, which people describe as being the first kicks, as well as the butterfly type ones you describe Daisy.
One of my ex-collegues (whose baby is due a week before me) posted on facebook that she loves feeling her baby kick - I replied "not fair :)" and gave mine a poke! It was later that night I felt the bubble thing....

I've not brought any maternity clothes yet, my regular clothes still fit (just!). I went and got some trousers/jeans that are a size bigger than I would normally get, think I might start wearing those soon. New Look have got a sale on and loads of stuff is half price, perfect for stuff that's not going to fit for long. I've also purchased quite a few baggy/tunic style tops which I think will be fine for a while.

Piemistress - hope you get your car sorted.

Emma - hope you feel better soon, maybe you should ring the doctor just to check you don't need some antivirals.

Yey for everyone's scans coming up, can't wait to see how the Christmas babies have grown!
Hello, im also due on 16th december and i wil like to join you ladies......
Hi Meerkat - welcome! :)

Piemistress i'm so with you, i just cant buy anything until ive had that scan! those places are so scary! I looked on the next sale the other day and felt completely out of place, even though i was on my own at home, online, lol...

Thanks JayDee, I think im getting better, i'm nowhere near as bad as i was so think i will just deal with it for now! my chest is still really sore but to what i was like last week, i'm 100% better! I was freaked out with low blood pressure, nose bleeds, passing out! scary! but it seems to of passed now!

I'm in with the midwife this week, whats she gonna do? anyone know? its apparently the appointment you have after your 12 wk scan, i'm sooooo behind!
Hi everyone, hi Henrica

Oooh how exciting, sounds like everyone is starting to feel their :baby: moving. I'm still not sure if that's what I can feel or not.

Piemistress - Did you get your car towed?

Emma - At that appointment, the MW checked my blood pressure and listened to the heartbeat. She even asked if I wanted to record it on my mobile so I could listen to it again later. So I did!

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like buying maternitywear... In fact, I'm tempted to buy 7 x kaftans and be done with it! :rofl:

PS Got my scan next Weds woohoooo :happydance:
Glad you're feeling better Emma. At my 16 week appointment (which was the first one after my booking and scan) she listened for heartbeat, checked blood pressure and that was about it. Even had to ask her to give me my blood test results which I thought was the whole point in going!

If you've not heard the heartbeat it's pretty amazing, I had a few times so was a bit less special for me, but always good to know that the midwife agreed that's what it was!

Welcome Henrica :)
Oooh okay, sounds simple enough, thats all they did last week but if they wanna do it again, who am i to stop them eh?!

On this blood pressure thing, whats normal? or should i ask, whats dangerously low? i have issues with blood pressure!
Welcome Henrica!

Not sure what is "normal" emma for blood pressure. I have the opposite problem. Right now my blood pressure has been 130/80 but before being pregnant it was much higher. They are worried about me getting pre-eclampsia which keeps freaking me out anytime I get my blood pressure taken!

I have felt the popping thing 2ce now I think (but not positive so Im waiting for more to see if it really is the baby) Havent felt the butterfly feeling since sat.
my normal was always around 110/85 at my bookin in appt it was 100/70 and on thursday at the hospital it was 100/60... it just keeps goin downnnnnn
I have felt the popping thing 2ce now I think (but not positive so Im waiting for more to see if it really is the baby) Havent felt the butterfly feeling since sat.

Ooh whats the popping thing??
My bp was 90/50 at one appt and the dr said that was great - so think you should be ok with your #'s.

Feels like a bubble popping - but different than gas. Not a hard feeling - very gentle "pop". Thinking it has to be the baby because I've never felt it before now - but its only happened 2ce so I'm still a little unsure about it! LOL
Hi Christmas moms!

I haven't been online in ages so will need to have a read through to catch up on what's happening with everyone. Welcome Henrica! :wave:

My trip to the USA was fantastic!! I went on a bit of baby shopping mission. My most exciting purchase was a jogging stroller!! I've done a fair bit of running and triathlons so I'm excited about running with bubs once he/she is old enough for the stroller. I choose one with adjustable handle height so hubby can go for a run with baby giving me time for a nap!!

Has everyone decided whether or not they will find out the gender at scan? Hubby and I are too excited so think we'll find out at 20 week scan.

On the movement front, I think I"m feeling movements as well. I had butterfly feeling on take off and landing in plane, and I've had the popping a couple times now. In fact, I had a glass of orange juice before sitting down to computer and feel the popping as I type! :happydance:
Hi everyone

:hi: Just wanted to say hi. I'm due on Dec 28th and I'm on the older mums buddy thread but I'd love to join you ladies here too please if that's ok?

:wave: Hi Meerkat! Technically we're due on the same day. I'm due on the 29th but since I'm in NZ, we're a day ahead of the UK. :)
Hi Emma - My blood pressure was 123/56 at booking appointment (11 weeks) and 110/62 at the last appointment (16 weeks). Not sure what it was to start with because although the doc checked it when I first went in she just said it was ok and left it at that.
I did try and ask the midwife what a "good" number was, she said the top number is normally about 100 plus your age (before pregnancy kicks in too much I think) I can't remember what the bottom number was meant to be.
Judging by how often I feel dizzy when I get up (still) I'd say mine was a little on the low side, but that's my opinion, no-one else seems concerned enough to warn me about anything.

Meerkat - the popping thing is meant to be the first kicks that you feel from baby. People describe it as a bubble popping inside you, and I thought that was weird, but it really does feel like that. You could very easily miss it if you're doing something else at the time, I have only ever noticed it when I'm sat still or laid in bed.

Amerikiwi - glad you had a good trip. We're going to find out the gender at the 20 week scan if we can, we want to be able to buy stuff that is matched to the child (gives you more choice that way and I'm fussy!) as well as be able to say he/she without risking being disappointed if it turns out to be the other. Personally, I have a weird feeling it might be a boy, but I really don't know why (other than I know my husband would love it to be).
My psychic powers do seem to be working at the minute though, about 18 months ago, 4 of us were discussing who would be next to get engaged (I was excluded as I've been married 4 years). I said one of the friends, but it would be this summer (cos they had only just moved house when we were having the conversation). I was wrong about it being the next person, as a couple of months later another of them got engaged but, the friend I thought it would be text me yesterday (from her holiday) to say they had got engaged! I'd only thought a couple of days before "I bet they come back engaged" so I'll have to see if I'm right about the baby in less than 2 weeks - yey :)

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