Glad it's not just us who might find choosing a name a problem, in the nicest possible way! I have a funny feeling our baby might choose their own name, by kicking me at the appropriate time. I was talking to my MIL about names yesterday and said a couple and baby kicked as I said them, so I asked which it was they preferred! (Ok, I'm a bit silly, I know!) Now I've got a bit of a bump and can feel kicks and, I think, some other movements as well, it doesn't seem so weird to talk to them (just kicked me again as I was typing

Daisy - yes, we have cheerios, but thanks for explaning. I prefer cornflakes or rice krispies though

I also think someone will say to us are we happy if baby turns out to be a girl, because my husband hasn't made a secret of the fact that he'd prefer a boy. He does always say "as long as it's happy and healthy" first though and I know he means that, he just wants someone to teach how to ride a motorbike and fix stuff. I'm useless at that sort of stuff so he assumes all girls will be...
Piemistress - I think if you say you don't want to know the sex they can avoid the area, so probably best to say when you go in whether you want to know or not.
Amerikiwi - I'm the opposite and feel like I've been pregnant for ages. Possibly because I've not been at work so I've not had anything else to think about (other than finding a new job, which is pretty hard at the minute, and seems a little unfair now I'm more pregnant). My husband keeps saying "when's baby coming?" and I keep saying "soon", a bit like "are we nearly there yet?" answer "ten minutes" however far away you are!