Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

:happydance: :wohoo: Emma - thats so awesome news! I bet your over the moon!

Have a great weekend everyone! Hopefully next time I'm posting I'll know if its a boy or girl! :wohoo:
Everyone in the xmas babies thread - is this your first baby? Do you think you'll have more or is this maybe it? How old is everyone?

DH is turning 34 on sat... and I am 30. Its our first baby and we think we want 2 or 3 kids total.[/QUOTE]

Im expecting our first, im 29 and DH 30 turning 31 next month, and i too have a feeling we wil have a boy, weird that most of us feel the same..... we are going for our 20th scan on monday, im for finding out but DH is for suprises, so lets see what happen when we are there..... i will update you..... all the best to all of you:hug:
Emma - how exciting about the house, that's great news:happydance:

Henrica and Daisy - look forward to hearing updates from your scans, hope all is well and baby decides to play nice for the camera :flower:
Emma, great news on the house! Congrulations!!!

TTC, happy anniversary. Hope you're having a great weekend away.

Age Gap: I have a 10 year gap with my sister which is obviously much larger than what I want for my children. I think 2 years is a good gap but we'll see what happens.

I can't wait to start seeing the 20 week scan pictures!!!
Thanks everyone, FX that we get this deal closed in the next 6 weeks so i can get moved in and settled before bubs arrives!

TTC - Happy Anniversary, enjoy!

I today found out my best friend is pregnant, i think its fantastic LOL, though shes still not too sure, shes 5 weeks so not too far behind me, we're gonna marry our kids off LOL
Hi everyone! Well, well well - what an amazing anniversary!!! We went back to the little boutique restaurant/hotel where we got married last year... had an afternoon in the jacuzzi in the private garden (could alter the temp - so it stayed at 37-38) and i kept most of my upper body out of the water alot of the time just incase. I was very careful not to get even a little bit hot!

Then we went in and had a fab dinner and i enjoyed a sneaky glass and a half of champagne to celebrate (thought this would be fine as i made them last over 3 hours!!!)
We then went back to the room and snuggled up in bed and watched Benjamin Button DVD.... just what the dr ordered!!! BLISS

Emma - so pleased for you!!! Great feeling - hope the paperwork/move goes smoothly over the coming weeks!

Still on cloud nine from a lovely weekend with hubby - but will come crashing down to earth tomorrow when i'm back at work after 2 weeks off sick and hubby goes on a trip for 10 days! BOO HOO
I made a thread in 2nd tri - but announcing here as well......

We are having a girl!!!!!!! :pink:

The ultrasound was so amazing! The baby was laying great for good profile and face shots! The only thing she wasnt cooperating on was rolling over completely to get a good spine pic for the drs. So in the meantime we got to just keep looking at the rest of her! The tech almost gave up and said we would have to come back in a week or 2 to try again and then finally she rolled over completely. I was almost hoping she would continue being stubborn so I could have another ultrasound! LOL I got a bunch of pics & will post them in here later. We got so see her playing with her foot - she was pulling on it with her hand and had it way up by her head at one point! It was so cute! But we didnt get a pic of that part. She was active - but not too active. The ultrasound lasted about 40 minutes and the tech was so good at pointing out every detail she could. She said that the baby weighs 10 oz right now and she said that the baby is measuring 4 days ahead but that the dr wont move my due date since it is less than a week off. Right after the ultrsound we saw a dr - one we hadnt seen before & she was so nice! We loved her! She listened to the heartbeat on the doppler & we could hear the baby moving around when she was finding a good place to hear the heartbeat. She had no trouble finding the heartbeat but was seeing if she could get an angle somewhere where it would be louder and after a little bit she got a really strong sound. She commented on the baby being active and told us that is what we were hearing. She said that my uterus is just at my belly button right now. She said all movements will still be down low though - and I told her thats where I am feeling them. She did mark down Dec. 19th but isnt officially putting anything down except the original Dec. 23.

Sat night we went to a show and it was sooooo loud - I felt the baby moving the whole night!!! I have only felt her move once every few days - but she must have been dancing in there! I couldnt believe how much I could feel her!

Im so glad you had a wonderful weekend ttc! Sounds so much better than mine.... we have realized that we are never going on a vacation with my inlaws... ever!! I'm actually glad the weekend is done and I can regain my sanity again! LOL At least dh felt the same way - so we were miserable together! :wacko:
Congratulations on your little princess Daisy!! How great that you got to watch her for 40 minutes. :cloud9:

The most movement I have felt from bubs was around loud music as well--went to a funeral of a distant relative and the church organs had bubs dancing through the whole service.
Hello Everyone!

Am guessing most of us will soon be having (or have had) our 20w scans! Where has the 2 months gone since the last one! Can't believe it!

Sounds like an AMAZING anniversay ttcbabyno.1 (!) Wowzer!

Congrats on having a wee girl Daisybee! We are hoping not to find out the sex but if we see, we see! They have a policy of not telling you at Aberdeen (due to some lawsuit) but we are happy with that.

This is the first baby for us. I will be 37 when the babby is born, and my OH is 40. I'd like to think we will have more than one baby but taking it one step at a time :)

Got a baby names book out the library last night, it's going to be hard agreeing on a name we both like :)

Daisy - really glad to hear your scan went well, and your little princess was playing for the camera. Getting to see her for 40 minutes is great as well.
Did you go with the OJ before the scan or not? I ask because I can feel my baby move every day now, but it doesn't seem to be until 5pm ish, and my scan's at 11.30am, so I could do with waking them up a bit earlier that day.....

Emma - It's nice that you'll have a "real" friend (you know what I mean) to talk pregnancy and babies with. I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) by the comment that she's not so sure about it, that it wasn't planned, I guess it that situation it takes some getting used to whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll be there to help her with it.

TTC - sounds like a wonderful anniversary weekend, glad you enjoyed it.

Piemistress - My SIL found her baby name book last week, so has passed it onto us. I had a quick look when she gave us it, but we did say we wouldn't seriously think about anything until after the scan next week. I think it's going to be hard to choose a name too, but I guess we'll see, we'll maybe randomly open the book at a name we both love (well, I can hope...)
Got a baby names book out the library last night, it's going to be hard agreeing on a name we both like :)x

Pie/Jaydee - I have the same problem. DH and I just can't seem to come up with a name we both like (for boy or girl). It's time I got a book too.

TTC - Glad you had such a lovely time on your anniversary. :flower:

Daisy - :pink: Ahh huge congratulations on your lovely pink news! :happydance: Are you telling anyone or keeping it to yourselves until she's born?

I've got my scan tomorrow morning, I'm excited but nervous! Eek
Good luck on your scan tomorrow Meerkat! Wasnt someone else having a scan early this week too?? Maybe I'm confused! LOL

We are telling everyone that its a girl - we called my parents on the way home from the scan because my mil was being a sub for me with the daycare. We decided that since we told inlaws first that we were pregnant - that we would tell my parents 1st that it was a girl. I would have liked to tell them in person - but just not possible. I was showing off my pics to mil after we got home and one of the daycare families was arriving. My mil gave one of my scan pics to the 2 1/2 year old. I about flew through the roof! I dont know about your scan pics - but ours are very fragile - not like normal pics and I hadnt had time to scan them or anything yet. MIL also asked if my dh was happy - cause its not a boy! :saywhat: Of course he's happy! What a dumb thing to say! Sorry - mil is annoying me since last weekend I think.... hard not to vent about her! LOL

JayDee - I had a bowl of cheerios (cereal incase you dont have that over there), like 4 oz of oj, and about 20 oz of water. (About an hour before the scan) I was not sure if it woke our baby up or if the baby would have been awake anway. I was thinking with all the water I had to drink to have a fuller bladder that the oj was probably so diluted that it wasnt much of a sugar rush! While we saw the baby moving during the ultrasound and heard her move during the doppler - I didnt feel any of those movements. I'm thinking that I must just feel certain movements if she is really close to the front when she does it. Make sense?

DH & I are on our 2nd baby name book already! LOL We tried getting on common ground with boy names first - which was impossible! So we are kindof glad that its a girl because last night we talked more girl names - and we seem to be at least on the same planet! LOL Our boy names couldnt have been more different and total opposite types of names! Thinking the new book is helping too though - seems to be more helpful!
Good luck on the scans Meerkat and Henrica! Can't wait to see photos and hear team assignments (if you're finding out).

DH and I have 3 baby name books on the coffee table! It'll be a mission if bubs is a girl as I can find lots of boy names that both DH and I like and not many girls names. I had a dream at about 8 weeks that bubs was a boy and he even named himself in my dream.

Ttc: sounds like an awesome anniversary weekend! Glad you enjoyed it :flower:

I can't believe how quickly we've all progressed in our pregnancies. Seems like just yesterday the chat was all about morning sickness and now we're figuring out names and starting to shop (well, i started shopping a bit early:blush:)!
Lots of us with scans this week! Only 2 more sleeps for me! Am intrigued by thoughts on whether or not it is better for the baby to be awake and more active or not (as this would be much more exciting) or that they be sleepy so that the doctor can see what they want to see better, without he/she moving?

Has anybody 'accidentally' seen what sex their baby is at the 20w scan without being told? We are hoping not to know but deep down I wouldn't mind too much if I saw something obvious - tee hee!

Good luck with your scan today Meerkat! Whoop Whoop! Mine is Friday :) :) :) :) :) :) Maybe then I might just let myself by an ickle something (or I might move my own goalposts to 24w, mmmmm!!) but have seen sooooo many cute things people have been posting on here that they've bought I might not be able to resist!

Funny how some of us are finding girls names easier than boys or vice versa isn't it! Am sure whatever name we choose somebody won't like it (tough!!). Unfortunately before I'd even found out that we were pregnant we'd always liked the name Holly but given the time of year it's too appropriate now!

Lovely morning here in Aberdeen today, won't last long though i'm sure! Had worked my self up into a right state about my tick bite I got at the weekend but (slowly) starting to calm down now. Got my hair highlighted last night too and feel a bit normal again! xx
Glad it's not just us who might find choosing a name a problem, in the nicest possible way! I have a funny feeling our baby might choose their own name, by kicking me at the appropriate time. I was talking to my MIL about names yesterday and said a couple and baby kicked as I said them, so I asked which it was they preferred! (Ok, I'm a bit silly, I know!) Now I've got a bit of a bump and can feel kicks and, I think, some other movements as well, it doesn't seem so weird to talk to them (just kicked me again as I was typing :) )

Daisy - yes, we have cheerios, but thanks for explaning. I prefer cornflakes or rice krispies though :) I also think someone will say to us are we happy if baby turns out to be a girl, because my husband hasn't made a secret of the fact that he'd prefer a boy. He does always say "as long as it's happy and healthy" first though and I know he means that, he just wants someone to teach how to ride a motorbike and fix stuff. I'm useless at that sort of stuff so he assumes all girls will be...

Piemistress - I think if you say you don't want to know the sex they can avoid the area, so probably best to say when you go in whether you want to know or not.

Amerikiwi - I'm the opposite and feel like I've been pregnant for ages. Possibly because I've not been at work so I've not had anything else to think about (other than finding a new job, which is pretty hard at the minute, and seems a little unfair now I'm more pregnant). My husband keeps saying "when's baby coming?" and I keep saying "soon", a bit like "are we nearly there yet?" answer "ten minutes" however far away you are!
Ahh Daisy so happy for you!!! congrats on your pink bundle! sounds like you had an amazing experience!

Yeah JayDee, it wasnt planned, but i've been thru the same as her as i was on the pill when i found out and it is hard to come to terms with things, i think she's doing better than me though, i see the excitement coming thru already and it took me a while to get excited!

Pie/Jaydee - i'm completely lost on baby names, i thought that was suppsed to be the easy part!!!! at least id ont really hafta agree my name with anyone LOL

Cant wait to hear about your scan Meerkat!
Hi all

:happydance: I just got back from my scan!! Ahhh it was sooo lovely. Bubs was leaping around again, exactly the same as last time! But the sonographer had no problem seeing everything she needed and gave us a guided tour of LO as she was measuring etc. She talked us all the way through and kept the screen facing us so we could see it all the time we were in there!

So the good news is everything is ok with the baby and all developing as it should be. The only thing was that the placenta was close to the exit so I have to go back for another scan at 35 weeks to see if it's moved. The sonographer says it will prob move by then so not to worry too much. Worse case scenario, I may have to have a C section. Gulp!

You may remember, we didn't want to know the sex so we're still on team yellow.

Anyway, now I guess I can maybe brave buying my first item! Might just get a bib or something little to start with...

PS I got totally and utterly drenched in this rain! My trousers have soaked up all the rain in Devon and its now running into my lovely KG shoes :growlmad:


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So happy to hear that your scan went so well Meerkat! I wouldnt worry too much about your placenta - odds are it will be out of the way later on.

DH & I went out Monday night and bought a sleeper outfit... I dont know if thats the real name for it or what they call it elsewhere? - its pink, with multicolor polkadots, so soft and fuzzy and the feet part have a kitty's face on them. But dh was playing with it last night and it seems to be really difficult to snap together and open so we are thinking of taking it back and finding something easier.

Our little girl was awake and being active - but wasnt bouncing all over the place and the way our tech talked it was a perfect amount of activity for the scan. If the baby was complety asleep I would think it would be hard to get them to stretch out or move there head around to get better angles to see everything. Ours had to be awake enough to roll completely over to get a good pic of the spine for the dr - but dont know if this is how they do it everywhere?
I tried to get pics on my computer yesterday - but not working well.... my scanner isnt hooked up right now cause I cant find the disc for it. So I took pics of the scan pics and loaded them on the computer - but the files are huge & with it being a pic of a pic - if I try to lessen the quality you cant even see what your looking at. So today Im going to hunt for the I can show off my pics!!!

Also - dh & I are actually agreeing on 2 names! We both really like them and we are thinking maybe just to stick to those names and not keep searching - cause what are the odds we will find something better that we can BOTH agree on. LOL Its kindof funny considering 2 days ago we had no clue and couldnt come close to agreeing on a name! So we are thinking over those 2 names today and tonight going to see if we both still like them- and which one we like best! So exciting!

I agree with Amerikiwi - time is flying!! I think it does help that Ive been so busy - summer always goes fast anyway. I remember thinking not that long ago that 20 weeks and our ultrasound seemed so far away - and its already here! We leave for vacation in 2 1/2 weeks - so august is going to fly right by! I'm going to try to set up a 3d scan for the middle of sept I think - anyone else going to do one around then?
Thanks to you all for the congratulations and well wishes for our anniversary.

Hubby has now gone on his trip away for 13nights. (he does white water kayaking and has gone on a trip to Norway - i'm sooo worried you wouldn't believe. They paddle some very dangerous water and heights) ... he left on tuesday afternoon so i had to say goodbye to him before i left for work tues morning.

When i arrived home from work he'd gone but left the house so neat and tidy i couldn't believe it. He'd mowed the lawn, cleaned from top to bottom, bought me some flowers and a card and left them on the dinning room table for me! I cried like a big baby when i realised how sweet he'd been!! Then later that night after calming down, when i went up to bed i saw he'd put some flowers on my bedside table and put a written goodnight letter under the duvet on my side of the bed! HE NEVER DOES SUCH SWEET THINGS!!

It's going to be a very lonely 2weeks for me, worrying alot about if he's ok and very hard being back at work but still very sick!


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