Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Glad you had such a wonderful trip amerikiwi!! So did you buy some girl items and some boy items like you mentioned you might? DH & I looked around last weekend at baby things thinking about what we might want to buy - and he is very interested in a jogging stroller - I like the thought of adjustable height for him & me! (what kind did you get?)
I noticed that it seems there are a lot more girl clothes than boy clothes out there - and I told my mom this and she said she has noticed the same thing.

We are for sure finding out if its a boy/girl on Monday! Yeah!!! If the baby's legs are crossed we'll have to wait til our 3d pd scan we plan to do in sept I think.

I'm feeling very pregnant the past 2 days. At night when I try to sleep I just lay there and notice my belly. It feels weird... like all of a sudden its there and I cant not feel it- not with my hands - but inside. (does that make any sense?!?! Feel like Im losing it! LOL) Ive also been having not so fun time with my hips and tailbone area - so thinking I'll mention it to the dr next week. Anyone else having any problems in their pelvis area?

I was reading online that some women drink orange juice before their scan - cause it makes baby more active... is anyone planning on eating or drinking something to help bubs wake up a bit for their scan?
:wave: Hi Meerkat! Technically we're due on the same day. I'm due on the 29th but since I'm in NZ, we're a day ahead of the UK. :)

:hi: Hi amerikiwi, how fab I bet neither of us have our babies on that day though!! ha

I'm very intrigued about the jogging stroller you bought. What age can they go in it? I was thinking about using my running machine after LO is born but your idea sounds much more fun. I can't imagine running and pushing at the same time but I guess I'd get used to it. Where would you go to run? Do you know anyone else who's done it? It sounds fab x Sorry so many questions! :blush:

JayDee - Congratultions on your new psychic powers! :winkwink: I feel like I might be having a boy too. No idea why really just a feeling. But I'm not going to find out at the scan as I want a surprise. Unusual for me, I normally hate surprises but just fancy it for some reason!

Think I might be feeling popping but just can't be sure..

DaisyBee - I've got my scan next week too (Weds). I'm so excited about seeing LO again.

Hope you feel better soon - I haven't had any problems with my pelvis (other than a strange heavy feeling) but I've been feeling short of breath when I move around which is odd for me as I'm normally quite fit. I recently had to move to another doctors practice as my old one is too far away for the mw to visit me. My new doctor is really grumpy and matter of fact and totally dimissed my concerns. I'm thinking of asking to change to another one but what if I end up with an even worse one :cry: It's like playing pontoon, do I stick or twist??

I didnt know about drinking orange juice for the scan, but I drank water last time and :baby: was leaping around and performing like a sealion anyway but it's defo worth considering...

Emma - Sorry I don't know anything about bp. Hope they get it sorted for you. :hugs:
Hmm, interesting thanks Jaydee, i remember being told not to worry much about the first number, it was all about the second and the average should be around 85... i guess im a little low, i may discuss it with my midwife on thursday...

anyone else heard that about the OJ? LO was sooo still last time, i didnt like it! :( sl i'm deffo up for trying that one!

I had to move docs when i found out i was preg too Meerkat, ive still not met my doctor! lol...

JayDee - I think i'm having a boy too! dont know why, but most people seem to think its a girl, cant wait to see whos right so i can start buying things!!
Meerkat - that totally sucks that your dr is that way... I wouldnt like it one bit! I had some bad dr's during the first part of my pregnancy and think it would be a good idea to press your luck and see who else is out there! There is nothing worse than a bad dr when you are pregnant!

Does the time seem to be going fast or slow for everyone?? I cant believe Im already 18 weeks tomorrow! Maybe it helps that it is summertime and I'm not stuck at home with morning sickness anymore! LOL
Hi Chicks,

Hope you are all well , and those of you who are a bit under the weather (DaisyBee) feel better soon:) It is absolutely horrendous weather wise here in Aberdeen - a night for ducks!

I just had a sudden glee of excitement about being pregnant :) am getting very impatient about waiting to feel the baby move. I am also convinced I am having a boy but that is more because I cannot think of any boy's names whereas my list for girl's is very extensive!

Keen to hear of any good recommendations for jogging strollers. I'm still jogging twice a week albeit at a slower pace, apparantly babies like the rocking motion as it sends them to sleep!

Looks like a few of us have scans next week - let's have a big WHOOP WHOOP!! It's both exciting and nerve wracking isn't! Mine is on Friday 31st :)

Today was a day when I was reminded that there are decent people in the world and not everybody is trying to rip you off! We had to get our car towed to the garage this week because it wouldn't start (well, it has done 98,000 miles!) and all the quotes were about £130 + Vat (FOR 4 MILES!!) but eventually one of the mechanics at the garage sorted us out a tow for £40 and eventually all that was wrong was the fuel cut off switch was stuck. . Sooo anyway they didn't charge us at all for fixing it as it only took them 5 minutes to sort. That kind of thing just doesn't happen does it! And here was me thinking we'd have to take money out of our wedding fund to get a new car (ha ha not that we are likely to be tying the knot any time soon with bubs on the way!!)

Sorry for waffle (again!!!) now chucking at my OH skiing on the Wii Fit!

Wow! I'm amazed at how many Christmas boys we think there'll be. I have also had a feeling that I'm having a boy--still waiting on scan date to know when we can find out for sure. All of my family has been guessing boy too, so it'll probably be a little girl to prove everyone wrong, but of course I have no preference. I too have noticed there's a lot more girl clothing in the shops.

Daisybee, I've heard the orange juice before scan thing as well. I can believe it given that most of the movement I've felt has been after a glass of juice! My baby was so active during my last scan that I don't think it needs any juice. Time is def. going much quicker for me in second tri than it did in first!!

Piemistriss, great news on the nice garage. Our car just failed it's warrant of fitness for the headlights not beaming in a perfectly straight line so we are looking for a trustworthy mechanic now.

Emma, no idea on the BP issue. My last one was 100/70 which she said was great. I had low blood pressure before pregnancy and this was the first time my first number hit triple figures! Don't know anything about second number.

Jaydee, well done on the psychic powers. :thumbup:

Meerkat, sorry to hear of your doctor problem.

I can't wait to see the Christmas baby scans coming in next week.

Has anyone else had people ask you if you'll name baby Nicholas? It's a common comment when I tell people the due date. Ha ha

For those interested, here's my jogging stroller finds (a bit long):
After a fair bit of research we ended up getting a Schwinn/Instep M3. The three main criteria that I wanted was adjustable handle height, a fixed front wheel (some have a swivel wheel which can be locked but it's still hard to keep it in a straight line if not fixed), and a bicycle style hand brake on the handlebar to stop the stroller with. Supposedly you can push this one with one finger which I can believe-it's very responsive and keeps a straight line. It also comes with a leash for your arm in case it gets away whilst running. The BOB brand gets rave reviews from all websites, but they don't have the adjustable handles and since both DH and I are runners (he's 6'2 and I'm 5'4), we really wanted one that we could both use. We found lots listed on craigslist as apparantly a lot of people buy them with great intention to exercise but never use them. This one was 1/5 of the price of new and still had all the little nubs on the tires. I doubt if it had been used more than once. Most of the strollers we saw say that baby can start going for a run from 4-6 months. I live along the bays in Wellington and there's a beautiful jogging path right by the water so I plan on making good use of it!! A lot of the local races allowing jogging strollers in this area and they're quite popular. :happydance:
Wow - I can't believe so many of us think we might be having boys, we'll just have to see in the next week or two/at Christmas depending on whether we find out at the scans or not. Weirdly my MIL also said she thought baby was a boy last night because my "bump" (I put " " because it still looks a bit like bloat!) is quite high up. I guess we'll just have to wait and see....

I've not even started looking at any baby things yet, we agreed we wouldn't until after this next scan. I'm really not into running though (I can manage the long one on the wii fit - about 6 minutes of jogging I think - and that's about it) so I don't think I'll need a jogger stroller. Think we're going to go for a 3 in 1 type travel system, so you can use the car seat on the pram/push chair (stroller) wheels if baby has fallen asleep in the car and you're not going very far. Luckily, MIL has offered to buy this for us so we don't need to worry that it might be a slightly expensive option (although I'll still make sure we aren't buying the most expensive one, it's not fair).

In case I forget to say, hope everyone's scans go well next week, I've seen people on the forum mention the orange juice thing, I think it's the sugar rush that gets into your blood that helps baby moving, because I've seen people mention lucozade as well. Without thinking, I did have orange juice with my breakfast at my previous scan and, although they were still to start with, baby was kicking and waving by the end of the scan - not sure if it helped or not....
We'll i'll be trying the OJ thing for my next scan, i wanna see bubs wriggle! not sure who to take with me to the scan yet, my birthing partner or FOB... i'll see how FOB acts in the next few weeks i guess... i've got the longest to wait for my scan again! Boohoo! 5 weeks to go :(

Ive not bought anything for baby either, I just want to find out the sex first! I think i've decided on a pram tho! i did want the ltd ed loolah with the stripey chassis but they are just impossible to get hold off! so i'm goin for the babystyle, loving the leatherette version but not sure how practical white is! a friend has said she is buying me any pram i want, nice! but not sure i will take her up on it yet! another has said theyre decorating my nursery and another buying a cot, i have generous friends!!
I just had a sudden glee of excitement about being pregnant :) am getting very impatient about waiting to feel the baby move. I am also convinced I am having a boy but that is more because I cannot think of any boy's names whereas my list for girl's is very extensive!

Looks like a few of us have scans next week - let's have a big WHOOP WHOOP!! It's both exciting and nerve wracking isn't! Mine is on Friday 31st :)

Ah I agree, it's exciting times being pregnant :happydance:

Hope all the scans go well for everyone, I'm excited to see :baby: again, but nervous in case there are any problems.

Has anyone else had people ask you if you'll name baby Nicholas? It's a common comment when I tell people the due date. Ha ha

I live along the bays in Wellington and there's a beautiful jogging path right by the water so I plan on making good use of it!!

No I haven't had anyone ask about Nicholas but I've been asked if I might call a girl Holly, so I know what you mean. I might like to see their face if I say I'm calling it Rudolph if it's a boy... (sorry no offence meant if anyone is calling theirs Rudolph!)

Your jogging path by the water sounds perfect. I live by the sea but its quite hilly here so could be quite a mission jogging with a stroller. But we'll see, I might just do it! DH reckons my boobs will get in the way of jogging if I decide to breastfeed. Is this true? Will they leak milk as I run? :shrug:

Jaydee - I have a bump which sometimes is hard and sometimes is more like wobble. A girl at work today who is 19 weeks said she had a wobble at 17 weeks but it turned into a proper hard bump by 19 weeks. So that's something I guess!

Emma - Great news you've found the pram you want. Your friends sound lovely all offering to help you out.

Daisybee - I was thinking about the OJ thing, and it occurred to me that LO was leaping around so much at the last scan I know that the sonographer struggled to get a good pic and it took ages for her to make her checks etc. So I wonder if too much movement maybe isn't neccessarily always the best thing? What do you think?

It's funny we're all imagining ourselves with boys!! Ha wouldnt it be funny if they all turn out to be girls! :winkwink:
Meerkat - thats why Im wondering what you girls think - about oj or anything else... my last scan was 8+5 and bubs was pretty much still a "blob" as the tech called it! So I just dont want to have him/her curled up in a ball sleeping the whole time - LOL! I'm just starting to have some nerves which I think is because my last scan was so early and I didnt have any nucheal scan or even the extra blood work to check for problems. Dh's bday is sat. and we are going out of town for the weekend to celebrate - and am thinking it will be a good distraction from thinking about the scan!

Piemistress...... glad to hear there are still good people out there!

Im wondering if some of my pelvis issues lately are because of my job - with kids jumping all over me and me up and down constantly, etc.. I realized earlier that I was sitting on my front step with one of the last kids to be picked up and my tailbone was killing me! Maybe I shouldnt be sitting on the cement anymore! LOL Im not sure if its part of the issue or not - but going to be paying more attention in the next few days how I'm treating my body during the day see if I notice any improvement.

Am I the only one who doesnt have a clue at all what they are having? MIL keeps asking me what my gut instinct is --and I dont know! Before and after the psychic reading she had- dh and I always thought she wished for a boy and thought it would be a boy. But last weekend she told me that she thinks its a girl?!? I was shocked - because we were worried that if it was a girl that she would be disappointed. So guess I am no good at reading my mil!!! DH & I will be happy with a boy or girl but just excited to know which it is! We have tried to come up with ideas for names - and found out that we have opposite taste! We are so similar and I assumed we would have common names we like - but not true at all.... Its going to take the rest of the pregnancy to figure out a name... so hopefully we'll be able to narrow it down to boy names or girl names!

Everyone in the xmas babies thread - is this your first baby? Do you think you'll have more or is this maybe it? How old is everyone?

DH is turning 34 on sat... and I am 30. Its our first baby and we think we want 2 or 3 kids total.
Everyone in the xmas babies thread - is this your first baby? Do you think you'll have more or is this maybe it? How old is everyone?

DH is turning 34 on sat... and I am 30. Its our first baby and we think we want 2 or 3 kids total.

Wow Daisy, except for my DH being a year older than yours, my stats are identical: It's my first baby, I'm 30 and DH is 35, and we're thinking 2-3 kids.
Everyone in the xmas babies thread - is this your first baby? Do you think you'll have more or is this maybe it? How old is everyone?

DH is turning 34 on sat... and I am 30. Its our first baby and we think we want 2 or 3 kids total.

Wow Daisy, except for my DH being a year older than yours, my stats are identical: It's my first baby, I'm 30 and DH is 35, and we're thinking 2-3 kids.

I'm an old woman of 40! DH is 36. It's our first baby and we probably won't have any more but never say never! We got married in February and due to my old age we decided to try for a :baby: straight away. We were so lucky. :happydance:

PS Daisy, try not to worry too much about the scan. I think its a great idea of yours to go away to help take your mind off it. :hugs:
Sounds like we're all similar so far then. I'm 29 and DH is 32 and it's our first baby. Still undecided whether it will be our only one, or if we'll have another, we don't really want a spoil only child, so we'll see how it's going by the time they are 2 or 3. There are 3 and a half years between me and my brother and I think about 3 years is a nice age gap. DH is only 18 months younger than his older brother and my MIL said that was too close. His sister is 8 years younger and that was too much when they were growing up, it's only now that they are anything like close really.

Anyone else any views on age gap?

OJ before the scan? I'm not sure, as I say, I had some (without thinking) a couple of hours before and we managed to get a good balance of baby staying still to take a picture and dancing about to show us they were ok in there. I would have been stuffed if baby wouldn't move at all at the scan because he/she was laid the wrong way for the sonographer to get the measurement she needed, so I had to cough and stuff to make them move, it was quite funny to see how much it did make him/her move... My next scan is at 11.30, like the last one, so I'll probably have some OJ with breakfast again...
I'm 29, OH has buggered off :D lol, but he's 31! I want more kids one day, though i never wanted my kids to have different dads, i guess its just how things work.... maybe i wont have any more, who knows... depends who i meet i guess. cos i definitely wont be using him just as a sperm donor so that they do have the same background, that boy is messed up in the head!

There was 5 years between me and my older brother, then theres 18 months between him and my other brother, our age gap was way too big, i felt like an only child growing up! i think the perfect age gap would be about 2 years!
HI ladies!! I'm 29 and my husband is 35, this will be our first baby (2nd pregnancy). We've been together for 10years, living together for 6years (finally bought a house together 3years ago) and got married a year ago this weekend!!! We saw marriage as a formality as we decided we wanted to have children, and i firmly put my foot down with not before we're married!!! LOL

I have been so so so ill with hyperemisis that i have been thinking that this little one could be an only child! But realisticly, we'd love to have 2 (possibly a third). I've always wondered about the age gap and what would be best.... for us will have to be more than 2years (as if i was this ill again i don't know how i'd cope with another one still in nappys, waking in the night etc!) and i think actually around 3years... as this would mean first baby would be at nursery school in the mornings giving me a little time on my own.

It's also less likely that the older baby will feel like they're being shipped off to school, and a new baby is taking precidence! As they'd already be in the routine of nusery/school before the next one arrives..... yes i've convinced myself - 3 years is the perfect age gap for our family!!! :winkwink:

On a different note - it's our wedding anniversary this weekend!!! We're going away for the weekend to a plush hotel. Staying in an amazing suite with an 8 seater Jacuzzi in it's own private garden!! A hot topic for debate - but i've emailed the hotel, who have assured me they are going to put fresh water in the jacuzzi for our visit!?! If i can alter the temp on the thing do you think it will be ok for me to sit in for a little while with hubby!?!?! What would you girls do? My husband is very much one of these men that thinks all the things to avoid in pregnacy is a load of hogwash, and that if i've always done it before why do i have to change?!? He jokes with me cause i won't eat real mayo (cause of raw eggs) and i've avoided my beloved cheese platters and anti pasta too!!

I think i should be ok in the Jacuzzi - if it's fresh water for us, and i can turn the temp down - i won't get hot and there'll be no germs!? Won't the same rules apply as to having a bath... not too hot, not too long!?! Any advice welcome.

I would think that would be fine TTC, though i am kinda like your DH in a way as i dont strictly follow rules, just the main ones of no drugs or alcohol!

Didnt realise we were all first time mums! cool!
TTC - I would think as long as you can alter the temp enough that it isnt too hot then you should be ok. Sounds like a fun weekend! Hopefully your sickness stays away enough for you to enjoy yourself to the fullest! Our weekend away isnt going to be quite as romantic..... dh and his mom's bday are on the same day. (What are the odds, huh?!?) This has always been kindof a problem because we feel obligated to spend dh's bday with his parents to celebrate. This year we convinced them to go out of town with us and get hotel rooms, go out to supper at dh's fav. restaurant, go to the casino, and do some baby window shopping (not buying anything til after mon). Only thing is that it sounds like they are riding with us - so we will be pretty stuck together except at the hotel. It will be fun - we all get along fine.... just not so cozy romantic weekend with just me & dh. We've got vacation coming up soon though - that should make up for it!

Age gap - I have 2 younger brothers and age gap between us was 28 months & 20 months. The youngest was a surprise(even though they were going to have another - just not as soon). My mom says it worked out just fine. We were all really close and played constantly together and to this day are very close. My dh is turning 34 and his only sibling just turned 28 - so bigger age gap. Dh's mom wishes they were closer in age. While growing up dh was his sister's protector but they didnt really play much together. They arent very close as adults either. Even my daycare families - those siblings that are closer in age play together more. I have a 6 yr old girl here with a 1 1/2 yr old sister and instead of being good playmates (or the older one wanting to help mom with the baby) - she is jealous of the attention her younger sister gets. I havent seen the jealousy in any of the kids that are closer in age - so made me wonder if some of it is their age gap? The 6 year old had a longer time frame of being an only child & was used to all the attention and now she has to share it. Maybe its just the 6 year old's personality - and it wouldnt have mattered at all... who knows?!

We would like to have our kids closer in age but think we will not be deciding exactly how soon to have a 2nd one yet.

Happy Anniversary TTC!!!! :wedding:
Happy anniversary TTC, hope you have a great weekend away. I think you'll be fine with the hot tub, I did read something on the internet the other day that said they aren't that bad in 2nd tri as long as you don't stay in too long, or until you feel too hot (I was looking it up because one of my friends fancies a spa weekend next month for her 30th bday). Therefore, I'd say, as long as you don't stay in until you're about to pass out I'm sure you'll be fine.

Happy bday to your DH Daisybee (and his mum I guess!) Maybe, if the inlaws get too much, you could get DH to have a quiet word with them? (or wouldn't they take that very well?) Hope you have a good weekend anyway, in fact, hope you all have a good weekend :)
I think maybe 2-3 years is a good age gap between siblings. I have a sister 3 years younger and we've always been really close. Although saying that, I also have another sis and brother who are a lot younger but I still get on really well with them too. I guess sometimes its just simply down to whether you get on or not rather than age!

If I was younger I'd have liked more than one child but I'm just happy to have this one and at 40 I think he/she will prob keep me busy!

And it's funny, I'm the oldest and all my siblings have had their children before me. I don't like to rush.. :rofl:

TTC - Congratulations on your first anniversary x

Have a lovely weekend all. If the weather is nice I hope to go sailing with DH and maybe a bit of sunbathing on board if its reeeally nice!! :boat:
My offer just got accepted on a houseeeeeeeee, i'm so so excited!:happydance:

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