Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Congrats on team blue and the healthy scan JayDee!! ( I think i will be joining your team soon!!)

ohhh pie i didnt think of checking that hahaha, i will be sure to do so when my scan day finally gets here!! I was having the same sleep issues as you, but i found putting a pillow under my bump and one between my legs has really helped me, maybe give that a try?

Daisy i've had that LOTS! bit of relief in that its happening to someone else too really! i always blamed my blood pressure! maybe i should take more note on foods i eat, hmmm!

I had a bit of a spook last night with such bad shooting pains, they had me in tears at one point, when i coughed the pain was unbearable, i've been a worrywart all day as i hadnt felt baby move and was debating calling someone but since ive got home ive felt baby move and feel much more at ease!

I agree this is a lovely thread, though i think we should all share face pics so we know who we're talkin to, watcha think?
Firstly - Emma, glad you're feeling better. I'm sure the pains are nothing to worry about, but it doesn't stop us wondering everytime something "funny" happens does it?

Daisy - I've had that feeling occassionally too, usually when I haven't eaten for a while. I now have emergency snacks and a bottle of water in the glove box of the car just in case!

Going slightly off topic, has anyone else found their eating patterns have changed since being pregnant (when not suffering from morning sickness I mean, as I imagine that puts you off eating anything at all) - I seem to be hungry more often, but able to eat much less in a sitting. DH and I went out for a meal on Sunday night (Moroccan in case anyone is interested) and ordered starters and mains, I kind of picked at the starters, it was mixed veggie dippy things which aren't my favourite, I really just had a pitta bread and some hummus, but then felt full as soon as I started eating the main course. Normally, I would be able to eat a 3 course meal without too much trouble (as a one off, certainly don't do it every night!).
DH didn't mind as it meant he got the leftovers in a doggy bag (is that a UK saying?) for the next day (I decided reheated chicken and meatballs might not be a good idea for me).

Emma, I think it would be nice to see who we're speaking to, I was looking for you all on the thread on the 2nd tri forum with the same idea! I'll use the most recent pic I have of DH and I, from when we went to that wedding nearly 4 weeks ago, then you can see why people were asking whether I was really pregnant or not (the dress hid it well).
Oh, and, for comparison, I've also put on a pic of me taken (as you might think from the outfit) at our Halloween party last year - random I know, but it was in my facebook "profile pics" album, which is where I copied the first one from!

Looking forward to "meeting" anyone else that wants to play x


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my eating has changed for sure, ive always been a gannet! but like you, when we go out for a meal i really struggle, i guess my stomach is constricted? thats what ive been putting it down to anyway!
Ive also noticed that i have days when im always hungry and days when i can give or take food - i wonder if thats when i've been noticing the dizzy spells?!

How slight are you JayDee! can understand why people questioned you at the wedding lol! I'm a big girl anyway so i could probably get away with saying i've just put on weight!

Lets see what piccies i have on here...

I look different in every picture, be warned lol, tried to find one of me and FOB but the only one i can find we're extremely drunk on, lol...

and me before i got pregnant

Also something else, we got bored and started playing about the other night, thought it would be fun for us all to do... go to and uploadpics of you and OH, preferably front facing ones with a good pic of the face in!! and morph them to see what your baby will look like... heres mine!
I know, JayDee you are so slim!

Have also noticed similar with my eating patterns in that I'm grazing a lot but struggling to eat a big meal. Still struggling to get a decent nights sleep at the moment too, mwahh!

Anyway, here's a couple of the pics I posted on the 2nd Tri thread (sorry, they seem to be massive!) Will have a go at the morphing later as it looks wicked fun!!!

This is us at at a wedding earlier this year:

And one of me on my own at the Grand Canyon. Don't seem to have very many 'normal' face type shots!
I always wake up on my back (then worry that i'm not supposed to) but can't get back to sleep any other way and think sod it! I need sleep! It's almost a relief when the alarm goes off at 6.00am :) :(

This is a really lovely thread x

Me too Pie, I start off on my left and always wake up on my back and then lay there worrying about it and wanting a wee.. I have a maternity pillow but it doens't seem to make any difference. I think I'm just more comfy on my back and naturally go that way when I'm asleep. I guess at some point we'll be too huge to heave ourselves over and have to stay on our sides :rofl: Do you think it's really bad though?

PS Yes it is a lovely thread with lovely peeps x

JayDee - :happydance: Huge congratulations on your scan and joining the blue team. Maybe we should keep a tally of how many are on each team, I can't keep track! :dohh:

Emma - Glad to hear your pains have gone away now. Try to take it easy if you can hon. When are you thinking of starting your aquanatal classes? Soon?
PS Great idea about the face pics, I'll dig some out.

Daisy - Sorry to hear you almost fainted from lack of food/sugar. I think a big slice of your choc :cake: could be the answer to that hon :winkwink: Seriously though, hope you're ok now x

I'm sooo tired after my weekend away at the rellies. Its a 5 hour drive each way and we were up late both nights. I can't beleive I'm such a lightweight these days!! But we're off work next week so I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep and do some sailing if the weather is kind...

I started the summer going dogwalking with my friend twice a week after work for about 3 hours to keep fit during my pg. But sadly we've been rained off that many times it's jsut not happening anymore. :growlmad:

Here's a pic of me and DH on our wedding day in Feb. And one at a works do with all men and just 2 ladies trying to blend in..


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Hopefully this works! First time using photobucket - I put a pic of me & dh in caribbean in Jan & ultrasound pics. I had to take a pic of the scan pics - but they are showing up ok. Im just excited to show them off!

Fun to see everyone - I havent been on enough lately to post to the pic thread in 2nd tri. I'll have to take a look at that one some time too.

My eating has changed in that I am usually hungry all day and then not very hungry at night (opposite of my usual) Ive been eating breakfast - usually just cereal with milk with a banana or some juice. But by 10am I am starving. That is new for me too - once I get hungry I am so starving that I have to eat right away. I am loving salad & raw veggies and not loving cooked veggies. I am usually a huge veggie eater - but not raw veggies. Before pregnancy I would have cooked broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, squash, etc. with dinner. But now I'm never in the mood for those things. Instead I have a big salad and put tons of raw veggies in there. I am loving tomatoes (fresh, sauce, soup, etc) and usually not a fan of. I am the kind of person who doesnt like tomato in tacos, omlets, salads, etc and always pick them out! I suppose it isnt as weird as the pickles with ice cream thing they show on tv.

I have been sleeping horribly lately too - and its affecting dh too. We have both been zombies all week! I bought a pregnancy pillow and dont think its helping - it gets all screwed up in the night and its so huge that its hard to move it to where I want it. Hopefully its just a phase for those of us who arent sleeping well!

Im starting to think about maternity leave - anyone else thought about it yet?
Hello lovely ladies! So nice to put faces to names - will try to sort that out so you can see me and hubby in the next few days!

We have our scan next monday!!! And hubby comes back from Norway on sunday night (i hope they don't miss the ferry!! ekk) I was really tearful last night, i miss my hubby sooo much and i've been really worried about him! I've been going to bed very early each night he's been away (usually by 9pm!) but last night when i went to bed between 8:45- 9:45 i went to the toilet 5 times.... and each time it was a proper wee! No little trickles!!!! As well as having to get up twice in the night/early morning. It's just ridiculous. I didn't drink any more than normal. And would have maybe 2 glasses of water between getting home from work and bed, so no excess fluids either!?!?!

Daisy - i've been thinking about maternity but find it so hard to decide when i should finish. I would love to have most of my time when baby is here, but i don't know how i'm going to feel. Will i be able to work right up to 2weeks before baby is due?! It's a real tough decission and as this is baby no.1 for us i have no idea how i'll feel in december.

Jay-Dee HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! So pleased your little man is growing well! whooop whooop

Is anyone else getting fed up with the sympathetic ahhhhs or oohhh noo's when you tell people you're due in december (and then i get a huge- oh my goodness NOOO when i tell them our exact date is the 25th - christmas day!) We don't feel that way about it!
Firstly - Daisy, yes your photobucket link worked, great scan pics :)

Nice to put faces to everyone, great idea Emma. I could have put on lots of drunk pictures of me and DH, there are more of those than nice ones really!
I love the wedding pic as well Meerkat, I never think to use mine as it was over 4 years ago now!

Emma - I love the morph baby thing, your baby (well toddler I assume in that pic) looks very cute, might have a go with that later if I have chance.

I'm glad it's not just me having weird food/hunger things. I've not really had any cravings or food adversions at all, just when I want to eat/how much I can eat when I do. I was also assuming my stomach might be constricted due to baby.

ttc I'm not getting sympathy when I say I'm having a December baby, in fact the opposite "oh that'll make it a lovely Xmas for you this year then". I guess it's a bit different if baby is due on Xmas day, as I'm guessing labour isn't really that relaxing, but so worth it in the end. And any one of us could end up having our baby on Xmas day, 2 weeks either side of due date is considered "normal".....

I think, team wise, we have:

Pink: Daisybee and Amerikiwi
Blue: Me
Yellow: Meerkat and Piemistress

Is that right? Sorry if not. If you think it's a good idea I can put names of the regulars on the first post, along with teams and due dates, so we have a reference point.
Let me know what you think, happy to do it if you give me the information.... x
Lovely to "see" you all!!!

Good Idea JayDee - Dont know my team yet and i have the midwifes due date of 28/12 and the scans of 3/1 my dates put me at the 31/12 so we shall see! lol... my tickers stuck with the 28/12 for now!

Ive not had any positive or negative comments about an xmas baby, i just get "oooooooooh" lol, not sure what thoughts theyre hiding behind that!

I havent had cravings as such, i just kind of know what i want and until i get it that thought doesnt leave my head, for example, last night i decided i wanted pizza, friends came round for tea and they wanted chinese, i still want pizza!!! lol... so i think we're gonna head out to pizza hut today for lunch!

My BF got rushed in to hospital last night with bleeding, though it stopped when she got there, just like mine did, so thats a good sign, she has a scan tomorrow so we shall see, i'm praying everythings okay, shes already had 2 miscarriages and i think this is really gonna kill her if its bad news :(

Since i've found out i was pregnant, 4 of my close friends have also, thats 2 that have miscarried already and now Kelly going thru this, i hope to god all works out okay!

3 out of 5 would be serious bad luck wouldnt it?!
FX & prayers for your bf Emma - good sign that her bleeding stopped!

The morph thing looks cool - I will try to get it done sometime this week or I'll probably forget about it! My memory lately is not always like it should be!

Good idea about adding teams and dates to first page - Im on team pink due Dec 23!

I have gotten lots of groans when I say Im due in December (I dont even say the 23rd or xmas time.) A few people have said "what a nice xmas present for you!" But most have gone into a whole thing about my poor child and bday being around xmas kindof thing. Im tired of it myself - and have started not offering even the month of my due date unless they ask me! LOL
JayDee That sounds like a great plan! Put me down for team yellow and due date is
25th Dec.

Emma - hope your friend is ok. It's very frightening to have any type of pain or bleeding in pregnancy. It was a real eye opener for me when i got speaking to my friends about my miscarriage... the amount of women who've had experience is frightening!

I'm getting more regular movements now which is really lovely. I really feel like i've balloned over the last 2 weeks, all the girls at work have commented on it! I hope hubby isn't too shocked when he gets home on sunday night! LOL I have an innie belly button (which is very deep actually) and it's definately on the change. It's not so deep, and i think i'm getting an outie! HA HA HA
Hi Ladies!

I've missed you guys. I'm at a conference in Chicago (2nd long haul flight of 2nd tri) and have been super busy and away from the computer. I have to go back a few pages to catch up, and see everyone's pictures but I did see that congrats are in order to Jaydee for a healthy team :blue:! :happydance:

Just wanted to pop in real quick. Will have time to post pictures and properly catch up on Saturday. :thumbup:
Just a quickie, will post more later (just in work and have oodles to do!)

Put me on the list - due date 20th December xox
I've updated the first post, Amerikiwi, I guessed your EDD from your ticker, please let me know if it's wrong and I'll update it. If I've managed to get anything else wrong, please let me know as well.

I've put the list in EDD order, and will add anyone else when they post the details.

Emma - Hope your friend gets some good news at the hospital, I know miscarriage is more common probably than any of us realise before we start thinking about having a baby, but 2 of your friends since you've been pregnant seems a high percentage. Let's hope she doesn't make it 3.

Amerikiwi - hope you had a good trip.

My SIL yet again said that I don't seem to have much of a bump the other day. I might have a look in the bump pictures thread to see if I can find some more 20 week bumps. I decided that I'd best start wearing my bigger size jeans this week and they are massive, having to keep them up with a belt! My husband disagrees, and keeps calling me fatty (in a jokey way, he's lovely really).

I bet in 2 weeks your husband will be able to see a difference TTC, even if you haven't balloned like you say you might have done. It'll be a nice surprise for him when he gets back.

My SIL sorted out all her baby clothes, and brought us all the unisex ones (she had a little girl in March) - there are LOADS of them. They filled the carrycot (which, as a warning to everyone, her daughter has already outgrown at 5 months) and baby bath (which she no longer likes, she goes in the real bath now) which she also donated to us. There is lots of stuff which still has the tags on, including lots of snowsuits, honestly think we could get away without buying any clothes for at least 3 months. Sure we'll get a few things, but don't need to worry about running out!

Hope everyone has a good weekend x
How nice of your SIL JayDee, ive got plenty of people saying theyre donating but nothings arrived yet! fine by me, i have a house move to take care of in about 6 weeks and its less to pack lol

My friends scan went fine this morning and she saw the heartbeat, so everyones all excited again and were off out to lunch to celebrate this afternoon, pizza hut buffet! ive been craving it all week and finally got my way LOL I'm not sure what i want more, the salad or the pizza!

Amerikiwi - glad you had a good trip, look forward to hearing from you on saturday and 'seeing' you too!
Hi Ladies,
Can I join you, I'm 19w6d and due for a Boxing Day Baba!!! Would be good to chat to others at around the same stage as I am. I have just discovered this page and am about to jump in the bath before heading for a night at the races, but I promise to introduce myself properly tomorrow. Look forward to chatting some more, Josie-jo xx
Welcome Josie-jo!

DH & I both felt kicks last night with our hands on my belly! We were so excited!!! (well still are -LOL) She was so active all day yesterday. By last night after dinner she was kicking the hardest I have felt yet. Not sure if it had anything to do with the pizza (onion,garlic,peppers,sausage) + the ice cream I washed it down with. :blush: I made up for it today already with a huge salad full of veggies though....

Emma - so glad your friends scan went well! Also sounds like a good way to celebrate! Ive been craving pizza hut for weeks now & told dh that we'll have to find one when we are on vacation for a lunch buffet since when Im working I cant go out for lunch. :pizza:

Hope everyone has a good weekend! I am getting my hair done and start shopping & packing for our vacation (leave next friday) and do our registry at babysrus. Busy weekend for me!
:hi: and welcome josie-jo (!)

I'm feeling the baby's movements inside but OH can't feel them yet? My OH commented that my tummy looks a slighty different shape each morning, the baby must have moved position in it's sleep or something! Must take another bump piccy and add it to the bump thread this weekend as it's been a fortnight since I took one :)

It's probably a bit early to be using it but I had my first night with a DreamGenii pillow last night. For the past week or so i've been sleeping terribly and always on my back (then suffer from backache for most of the morning). Anyway, it worked a treat and was lovely and comfortable and stopped me from rolling onto my back properly (woke up sort of half on my back and half on my side). I tried to make my own pillow but failed miserably as it kept ending up on the floor :( The only problem is it comes inbetween me and the OH (!)

I'm on call this weekend which means I have to stay within 1hr of the office (booo) so will be making the most of having to stay local and doing useful things like gardening and going to the tip (and maybe a sneaky visit to TKMaxx!)

Have fab weekends everybody xox
Welcome Josy-Jo!
Emma - really pleased your friends scan went well!
Emma/Daisy - I had a pizza hut fix during the week- and the salad bar was miles better that what i remember it being! I had more salad than pizza!! I'll definately be back there within the next 6months! LOL

I've still been on medication for hyperemisis... but my dr has told me that it either goes away at 20weeks (like magic!) or it stays with you till you've given birth. I'm taking myself of my medication this weekend to see how it is! Wish me luck..... i really really really hope it's disapeared! I'm currently 20wks 2days.

Hi ladies,
Thanks for the Welcome notes, it's been good to read your threads and hopfully join in some of the chats as the days pass.
A little about me, I am 29, I live (in sin!!!) with my other half and our two mutts and I am expecting my first little angel.
Fourtunately, touch wood, I have had a very smooth pregnancy so far, no sickness, mood swings etc, just an outbreak of spots! I am sure it can't be smooth sailing all the way through, maybe I am going to have a screamer of a babe who doesn't sleep!!!!!
Look forward to getting to know you all a little better and I hope you are all feeling well and have enjoyed the weekend.:thumbup:
P.S. Friday night at the races was a successful night, never been before but if we come away £35 better off every time I'm going again!!!:happydance:

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