Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

ttcbabyno1 - ok, so i'm just in the office and already have tears in my eyes from your post. Your OH sounds so lovely, what a sweet thing to do! x
Meerkat - your pics are so cute, glad all is well with baby. I agree with Daisy, odds are you placenta will sort itself out once baby gets bigger and movements make more difference if you see what I mean. Hopefully all it means is you get another sneeky look at baby just before it's ready to come out.

Emma - Glad your friend is beginning to get excited, it must be a shock when you're not planning to get pregnant, but nice that you now have someone to share things with.

Daisy - glad you're managing to agree on names. I hope it'll be that easy for us once we start thinking about it properly.
If we have a private scan, which I haven't decided on yet, it'll probably be around the end of September, which'll be 28 weeks, bang in the middle of when the place we'd be going recommends for 4d scans.

TTC - your husband does sound very sweet. Bit of a shame he's away for 13 days but, you never know, by the time he gets back, baby might be kicking enough for him to see/feel (I assume no-one has had this already??)
Ahhh Meerkat, so glad your scan went well, great pics!!!

So Daisy, gonna let us in on the names you are choosing from?

Oh TTC, how sweet of your husband!!! its hearing things like that, that make me miss having someone around, but i have so many pros to being single i dont know which outweighs which LOL!

Nope JayDee, not seen anything yet! or been able to feel anything! but baby has had a wriggle on the last coupla days!

ahhhh, 3 weeks today til my scan, blah!!! mine seems so far away to you lot!
I've not had any regular feelings.... a few little niggles that seem to make my tummy itchy! (don't know if that counts!) Would be nice if when hubby gets back theres big time movement that can be felt and seen by him! He arrives back on a sunday night (not this wk but next) and then we have our 21week scan on the monday - woo hoo. We've decided to keep the babies sex a suprise, but i have such a strong urge that it's a girl (no idea why!)

I would love to say my husband is normally that thoughtful and sweet but he's never done anything so romantic in his life!! That's why i felt the need to share.
I get my 20 week scan today!!!! It wasn't booked until about 5 minutes ago and the lady was feeling in a good mood, so they've booked it for after hours at 5:20. I'm so excited!! :happydance:

It's been a rollercoaster finding a midwife which is why I had no idea when my scan would be. My GP was great through the first tri but she's only supposed to handle my care through 14 weeks. Since the day after i got BFP, I have rung all of the local midwifes and OBs and none were taking patients with an EDD during the holidays :wacko:. I finally gave up and rang the local hospital to register with them (whatever midwife is working at the hospital on the day I need appointments will see me). Long story short, the hospital can't do my booking appointment until the end of the month, so my GP is still taking care of me until then and she gave me a referral form to ring the scan place direct to book. I fly to the US again on Sunday for a conference in Chicago and really wanted to know if bubs is a boy or girl before the trip--so I caught a nice lady on the phone who agreed to schedule me in!!

TTC: you're husband sounds so sweet!! You also have more willpower than me keeping baby's gender a surprise.

Meerkat: glad bubs is healthy and bouncing around. Again, I'm amazed at the willpower not asking baby's gender. Hopefully placenta will rise and end up being just a good excuse to see bubs again!

Emma: sorry you have to wait so long for your scan again. If I remember correctly, you were the last 12 week scan as well.

PieMistress, how was your scan?!?!

Jaydee, your scan is coming soon too isn't it? I haven't had any kicks or movement strong enough for DH to feel, but I"m feeling them a lot more frequently now.

Daisy, so glad to hear your shopping for pink outfits and finding suitable names! Do we get any insight on the name shortlist?
Amerikiwi - Good Luck with your scan today!~ Mine is at 10am! Am now more nervous than before, just want to see little bubs and hear that everything is ok.

It seems that the health care systems seem to differ wildly across the world as to what they do and don't offer! My friend just got me a book 'The Best Friends Guide to Being Pregnant' which is both US/UK based (and, it has to be said contained a few things I'd rather not know or be thinking about just yet like going for your first poo after the baby has been born!!).

Jaydee - When is your scan? I noticed that we are exactly the same way through our pregnancies on the tickers!

Meerkat - Glad your scan went well and bubs was happy and bouncing around! I haven't got a clue about any placenta stuff and what things do or don't mean. This pregnancy stuff can be a minefield of information can't it. And I won't tell you to stay away from Google as I'm simply rubbish and CANNOT stay away! It's bad!

We would like to go for a private scan in another couple of month as it's a long way from the 20w till he/she is born! Then again, we don't want to know the sex and it's more likely we might see something at a 3D/4D scan - dilemma dilemma!

I have had to cull my wardrobe as there are barely any clothes left that fit me anymore :( Was gutted that I couldn't get most of my trousers over my thighs (!) and here was me thinking the weight would just go on my belly, oh no, not for me! Have put a stone on now, not sure how much more there is to go on but I imagine quite a bit (especially as I can't stop troughing!)

Anyway, better get some work done! yawwwwn! xx
:pink: I'm having a little girl and she looks perfectly healthy!! :pink:

She was laying face down for most of the scan with her arms stretched out doing Superman dives! Or perhaps I should say Wonder Woman dives. All parts were in place. My scan place said they wanted to another one in two weeks just because they couldn't get a clear shot of her heart but that it was nothing to worry about. I'll take another free glimpse at my little girl any day!!

I'm just so excited. I had been thinking it was a boy but then the last couple of days I started thinking pink, and pink she is! They didn't give me any photos this time, but they did give me a DVD of the whole scan for free :thumbup: Have to take some still shots of the DVD and post pictures of her.

Piemistress, can't wait to hear how yours goes!
Amerikiwi - that's great that all is well, congratulations on your pink bump! That's 2 pink and 2(?) yellows so far in here, wonder if there will be a pattern or an even split in the end? Getting a dvd is much better than a picture. My husband has a program on his computer that allows you to grab stills from a movie on your computer, so you would be able to get as many pictures as you want of your princess, now if only I knew what it was called..... I do know it was a free download from somewhere on the net...

For everyone that asked (thanks) my scan is Monday at 11.30am. My husband's got the day off so we'll probably go out somewhere afterwards and I'll be updating you all at about this time on Tuesday (it's just after 9am here) - hopefully with a team and a pic.
I've posted a thread in the 2nd tri forum with bump pics if anyone wants to have a guess (or just a nosey at the bump).

Piemistress, if I'm right, you should be on your way to your scan now, hope all goes well, will try and check in for an update later.
I've already culled my wardrobe once, and think I'm on the verge of doing it again. I can still just about get my more stretchy jeans on but have opted this week for leaving the button undone and covering with a belt. Might be time for the larger size ones I brought to have the labels taken off. I don't think that's bad for nearly half way through though... I think I have only put weight on my bump area (and a bit on my boobs) but I guess there is still time and everyone's different with these things aren't they...

Emma, your scans do seem further along than the rest of the group, and I thought I was the last, and mine's at 20+1 so you can't get more spot on 20 weeks really (given 20 weeks exactly is a Sunday).

Hope everyone has a good weekend x
Congrats on team PINK amerikiwi! You must be soooo excited! xx

Am just back from my scan and everything looks tickety boo and as it should which is fab and reassuring :) I've just posted a thread on 2nd tri about it through as it felt very rushed (was 15mins tops between entering and leaving the room) Is that normal ?! Maybe my expectations are too high! The Sonographer was also very brusque and somewhat lacking in personality! BOOOOOO !!

I'm trying not to let her spoil our experience (as seeing the baby is so magical) but she was so different to the Sonographer we had at our 12w scan.

There was absolutely no chance of seeing what sex the baby is (they avoid that area as policy at Aberdeen) but we did get a picture where he/she is smiling :) (that was it though, no other pics!). Based on this we will go for another scan in 8w or so time, I can't wait till December to see he/she again! Measurements show short legs and big tummy just now (!)

Hope everybody has fab weekends too and the sun shines for us all ! xx
I know! I'm just always the one thats lagging behind!! but i suppse they did move my due date to 6 days later on 3rd Jan, which makes my scan on 20+4 which isnt really that late! i'm really hoping they move my date forward on this next scan back to what it was, but we shall seee!

Kiwi - Another lil girl!!! didnt we all think boys?! would be funny now if we all get pinks! hehe, glad everything went well and you get to see bubs again in 2 weeks, weee!

Glad your scan went well pie, sorry you got a pooey sonographer, seems to be quite a lot of them about unfortunately!

I cant believe our team yellow girls!!! i sooooo could not, not find out! no way, i'm far too nosey!

Good luck for monday JayDee!
Glad all is well PieMistress - my letter says the scan should take about 30 minutes so it does seem a bit rushed but I guess I'll be able to compare next week.

The person who did my first scan was really good, it's the midwives that I find lacking in any personality or bedside manner around here. I rang the community midwife helpline the other day to check if there was any reason why I shouldn't join a gym to go swimming and maybe some light cardio stuff (walking on treadmills that sort of thing) and the person I spoke to practically shouted at me and told me off for even considering doing anything. Did finally get her to agree that swimming was fine, although she wouldn't tell me for how into pregnancy people generally feel ok doing it.

Sorry, that was quite a bit of a rant wasn't it? In a way, I'm kind of glad that I'm very unlikely to ever meet her!
That's ridiculous Jaydee (re: the exercising)! Were you doing much before you fell pregnant? I'm still jogging (albeit more slowly and only twice a week), cycling and doing very very easy rock climbing (all whole-heartedly recommended by the consultant I saw at my 12w scan - there is a special harness I wear and I have to be careful not to over stretch as my ligaments are prone to injury at the moment), these are all exercises that I did pretty intensely before I became pregnant.

I read somewhere (ha probably via google) that the baby gets benefit from the mother exercising as the endorphins also go through the placenta ?

I wish the people you saw were like your best friends!

There is quite an interesting thread on 2nd Tri at the moment about measurements taken at the 20w scan. I'd be interested to hear what people's were on this thread?

These are mine, taken at 19w+5 (I was hoping for some of my OH's height to come into my family but doesn't look like that will be! I'm 5'1" and he is 6'3"! Not sure if these differences will change much throughout the next 4 months though)

HC - 179mm (size for 20w+)
AC - 152mm (size for 20w+)
FL - 31mm (size for 19w)
Amerikiwi - Congratulations on your fab pink christmas present!! You must be so excited, now you can set about buying up lots of pink goodies!

Pie - Congratulations on your scan Pie. How fab, it's such a relief to see bubs is doing well isn't it. I think we should be given a scan every month!! Shame your sonographer was so miserable though. Hope it didn't spoil the experience too much :hugs:
You said about LO having short lets and a big tummy. Mine had long legs and a big tummy. Big tummy's all round then..

JayDee - Good luck on Monday!! I wonder if the bump hinders or helps when swimming?

Emma - Not too long to wait til your scan hon. It'll be here before you know it :happydance:

TTC - Go team yellow!! ha :winkwink: I've been thinking about why I wasn't tempted to find out the sex at the scan and I think it was because we'd already decided we didn't want to know so I really just didnt really think about it until she asked us. It's funny really because usually I hate surprises!!

As I have to go back in November do you think :baby: will be too big to fit on the screen let alone see its bits?
Forgot to say, have a great weekend all. I'm away visiting the outlaws in Sheffield so won't be around until Monday. :eek:
Congrats on team pink amerikiwi!!!

And big congrats to team yellow girls too! Its an amazing experience isnt it? So glad your scans went well! Although I agree - you guys have more willpower or something. I am so glad that I know that my baby is a girl now! Although I will admit I was the kid who searched the house to find xmas presents before my mom had a chance to wrap them! :blush:

Good luck on your scan monday jaydee!

Piemistress - Im sorry you felt so rushed - in getting the opposite feeling I know I would have been disapointed if I had gotten a rushed feeling. I think it might have helped that 10 minutes into the scan that the tech and I realized that we knew each other. She was also my tech at 8+5 & when I left that scan I told my dh that I knew her from somewhere. Well ends up that I did daycare for her infant daughter (who is now 4!) for about 3 months part-time before she decided to be a stay-at-home mom. She now has twins too - so I think that is part of the reason I didnt realize it was her at 8+5 cause she was talking about the twins - and I havent ever cared for twins. So she now after the twins went back to work for only 1 day a week - and just so happens that its mondays - which is the day that my mil can be backup for me. My tech is a very friendly person anyway - but maybe it helped that she realized who I was. There was another tech walking the halls when we were waiting to go in - and he was very gruff - unfriendly to everyone around - so I am glad we didnt have him!

I am feeling the baby kick and move many times a day this week - she must be really active! My dh thinks he can hear her moving around when he puts his ear to my lower tummy - he said it sounds like what the doppler was doing monday at the dr. At first when he had tried - he was guessing it was my digestion - but he's been doing it for quite a while now - and he says that he is pretty sure its the baby - cause he can hear it the most when I tell him the baby is being really active (like I'll get 3 kicks within a minute) I had some honey last night with supper and think that really got her going! Cause everything else wasnt really sugary or spicy or anything - maybe she just is getting to where I can feel her more?

For measurements - The baby is measuring 4 days ahead I was told (so I guess I am more like 19+6?) but since they werent changing my due date I was going to leave my ticker - but now wondering if I should change it? Not sure on the measurements - I was told they were all good and was only told the weight - 10 oz which I was told was in the 50 some %tile. (which would have been for the date of 19+2) What measurements are those that you were told? (HC? etc.)

I havent found my disc yet - and so frusterated I might go get a new scanner/printer this weekend. I want to show off my pics - and promised my brothers I would be sending some - but cant!

Not sure Im ready to spill the beans on my names yet - maybe after the weekend do dwell on them I'll let you girls know. It makes it more official if I tell anyone - even if its just to you guys! LOL Kindof silly I guess!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Im hoping to go do some baby shopping and maybe start my baby registry. Also start planning our vacation - 2 weeks away!
HA! I never realized how long winded my last thread was! I was just in 2nd tri and found the thread about baby measurements at the scan -

I dont know any of the answers - do you guys have notes from the scan that tell you these things? I know that the tech measured everything - size of head, belly, length of legs, arms, and brain stem. She looked at lip/nose for cleft palate, the heart (which was cool that we could see all 4 areas and see it so close up!), spine, bladder, feet, toes, fingers, girl area, brain size, umbilical cord & all 3 vessels, placent (posterior), and my cervix length.

I was told each time we would look at something new that it was good and perfect and she would point it all out - but the exact measurements just go in my computerized chart. Maybe its different elsewhere?
Jaydee, swimming is the one sport that pregnant people can do pretty much until the end, but of course that goes on how you feel!! I'm looking at joining the aquanatal classes at my local pool soon!

Pie - I never seem to get any measurements when i go for a scan, albeit i have only had one and it was an emergency one, do you have to ask for these? i've never been told the heartbeat either!

Meerkat - I dont know how you can do it! or the rest of you team yellow people! i cant believe ive waitied this long lol, only cos i didnt have the choice i guess!! Hope you had a great weekend with the inlaws!?

Come on Daisy, we want to hear your names!!

Hope your scan goes well today JayDee!!!

17 days til mine :( lol
Hi girls

Pleased to report the scan went well and that my pregnancy psychic powers were working correctly, baby is a BOY:blue: :happydance:

Also pleased to say the sonographer was really good, and rather than sitting in silence whilst she checked him, made a point of saying what everything was and why she was looking at it. Everything was as it should be, measurements are slightly below the mid line on the graph, but still within the shaded bits (that basically means he's between 50th and 97th percentile, if it's even distribution I'd say he's about 60th)

HC 167mm
FL 31mm

They are the only measurements she recorded. She also checked for all the things Daisy mentioned, and took a picture each time, which I assume have gone on my records on the computer. I was amazing to see the 4 chambers in his heart, and seeing it pump blood around, esp when she turned the blood flow colour bit on and you could see the red and blue (which I assume is artery and vein blood).
I asked if the dates still looked right and she said yes, she wouldn't change anything from what she'd seen.

He was wriggling about just enough so she could get all the pics she needed, and the funniest thing, when she went to check his fingers, was that he was laid in the exact same position as me, with one arm behind his head! That made me laugh.

I've attached a pic below, baby was already too big to fit all on the screen at once (guess the scanner thing is designed to get detail not full profile pics) so you've just got side on face and body (and hand behind the head as I mentioned above).

DH was really happy that he's a boy, and spent most of the night on ebay and similar looking at ride on tractors etc, most of which are suitable for age 3 and up! Have to admit, they do look cool though :)

Now started thinking about names, went through the book last night and narrowed down "over 3000 names" to just 12 that we like! I was quite surprised how many names we picked the same, so to make the list, I basically let DH read out ones he liked and if I agreed they went on the list. Just need to narrow it down a bit now. I think we'll get to a shortlist of about 5 before I share with you (not telling "real" people as I'm not sure we'll choose until he's born).

In answer to the exercise question - I was doing next to nothing before, other than walking and the occasional bike ride, so it probably isn't a good idea for me to go for a full on gym program, it was just the way she almost told me off that bugged me. Swimming twice/3 times a week for half an hour should hopefully give baby enough endorphines or whatever they get from mum exercising.
The little bit of a bump that I've got at the minute doesn't seem to make any difference to swimming at all, really can't feel that it's there, but we'll see when it gets bigger if I say the same.....

Right, off to post the results on 2nd tri forum now, tell most people who played "guess the bump" that they were right x


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Jaydee - How FAB!! You must be over the moon with your scan, what a great wee picture and on team blue :) So, we are both due on the same day and our FL is both 31mm (! but my HC is 179mm - eeks!) but I don't know the sex yet (mmmmm, god now i'm swithering about wanting to know - mwahhh!)

Must try and get a scan pic up of bubs <emails OH and tells him to hurry up with the scanner>

Emma1980 - The Sonographer never mentioned any measurements to me but I noticed them in my maternity notes afterwards?

Have had a couple of really bad nights sleep recently. Found myself getting very hot and not able to get in a comfortable position. I always wake up on my back (then worry that i'm not supposed to) but can't get back to sleep any other way and think sod it! I need sleep! It's almost a relief when the alarm goes off at 6.00am :) :(

This is a really lovely thread x
:happydance: Congrats on being on team blue JayDee! And glad that your scan went so well!

Totally agree PieMistress - this is a lovely thread. Its pretty cool that we are all going through the same things- just think of what we will be talking about around November/December time?!? Think we'll all be complaining about how huge we are? LOL

DH & I did some baby shopping this weekend - basically clothes - but started to look at other items too. We are going to do our baby registry on Sat. My mom and mil have been shopping. MIL is totally on board now - took a detailed scan and telling her its a girl for her to say "theres a real baby in there!" HAHA :rofl: She really said those exact words! She has been clothes shopping for the baby 2ce already since last monday. She still thinks the baby is going to spend every sunday night at her house though (overnight) Fat chance!!

I almost fainted on sunday. I hadnt eaten breakfast yet and was making some coffee cake. I got hot and started sweating - the room started spinning and I thought I was going to vomit! I sat down on the floor and yelled for my dh who thought I cut my hand because I was holding a towel so tight in my hand. I am thinking it was low blood sugar- after eating (while still on the floor) I started feeling better. Going to have to watch that closer I guess!

Hope everyone is doing well! :hug:

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