Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hi Josie-Jo - welcome along :wave:

I hope you're wrong about having a smooth pregnancy so far meaning something will be worse later on, as I've had a relatively smooth one too, just been really tired. I guess we'll see won't we?

You're in good company, most of us are having our first babies, so we're as clueless as each other (but learning fast!)

Emma - glad your friend's scan went well and, all being well, your group of friends will have 2 babies to coo over by next summer.

Pie - I can feel baby moving every day now, but not strong enough that DH or anyone on the outside could feel it. I think there was one punch (think his feet are at the other side) which was pretty strong and I could feel through my hand (which was on my bump) as well as from inside, but only the one. I think it depends how close baby is to the front of your bump and how they are laid. I'm not too concerned, just sad that DH can't share yet, he just has to take my word for it when I tell him that baby's moving (or when I say "oh, you've woken up now have you" to the bump - lol)

TTC - sorry to hear you're still feeling rubbish, hope it disappears this week for you. Did your husband make it back from his trip ok? I hope so.

We spent Saturday sorting stuff out (both of us) and moving furniture (DH, I wasn't allowed to lift stuff) to get a room clear for baby. Decided while we were at it we'd tidy some wardrobes (which we use as storage for random stuff) in case we need some more space.
Sunday we went baby shopping, to look at nursery furniture and pushchairs (strollers)/car seats. Think we've found one we like, until the girl in the shop (who was really helpful) told us that it's the one that chavvy dad Ste in Hollyoaks has (teen drama tv show for non-UK people), but it fits the car seat that DH likes so think we'll get in the end. Furniture, I'm not sure, there are lots of ranges that I like, think we'll go for the Ikea ones as they look just as nice as the more expensive ones, and I won't get upset when baby decides to stick posters/stickers all over the wardrobe when he's 4 or 5 if I haven't spent £500 on it!
It was good fun looking round at all the baby stuff though, hope everyone else had fun x
Hi Josie-Jo, welcome!

JayDee, i'm feeling the same as you, which reassures me! i feel wriggles but feel nothing from the outside and ive felt no kicks yet, i was actually getting a little worried as he/she wasnt moving on the scan, i'm sure i'm just finding things to worry about lol

TTC - Did your husband make it back okay? did he think you'd ballooned?

I had a nosey at prams and nursery stuffs also this weekend, has everyone picked their prams yet? I'm really liking the babystyle lux and think it will definitely be one of those as nothing else seems to catch my eye, like JayDee, I'm thinking i'll do Ikea for the furniture, for the same reasons, looks nice and less expensive!

I'm still waiting on my date for moving house, wish i knew so i could plan things and get things sorted, but solicitors do like to take their time dont they! i think were looking at September now, hopefully early sept!

Did everyone change their tickers to the revised date given at their first scan? I think i need to do that yet, cant decide if to leave it or wait til the next scan to see what they say, just dont wanna put myself a week back lol
Hey there ladies,

I was wondering if I could be so bold and ask to join you lovely ladies?? I'm due 30th December with my 2nd little bean, as you can probably see from my tickers, that makes me 19 + 5 today and my scan is 18th August! We are hoping to find out whether we're team blue or pink but really keeping fingers crossed everything is fine and dandy with the little one.
My ds turned 3 last week and he knows there's a baby in mummy's tummy but he is also thinking that everyone has a baby in their tummy now!

I hope all of you are well xxxx
hi im due the 24th dec and having a little boy xx gud luck ladies xx
Hi everyone, sorry it's been a few days and I'm just trying to catch up.

Hi and welcome Josie-Jo, Cotto and Key123 :hi:

Emma - glad to hear everything was ok in the end with your friend.

TTC - Hope you feel better this week hon

Pie - I've gone the other way, a few weeks ago I was trying to sleep with a pg pillow but not getting much sleep ata ll and now I'm back to no pillows and seem to be getting more sleep again. Although that may be because I'm able to sleep on my back again :dohh: whch I know isn't ideal but I jsut feel like I need all my sleep however I can get it!!

JayDee - I can feel LO from the inside or if I put my hand on my belly but as soon as DH gives it a go it all goes quiet!!

Daisy - How lovely for you to both feel the baby together :happydance:, hopefully won't be long before my DH gets to feel ours too. Can't be too long now!!

I've had a lovely sunny weekend sailing and eating and spenidng time with friends and family. And as its raining here today I'm trying to gather some enthusiasm to finish painting the bathroom. Although it's not hugely appealing!
Welcome new ladies!

My husband's home, and really thought the bump had grown! We had our scan today - and baby is perfect!! We didn't find out the sex so we're still up for team yellow!

The sonographer said that it's definately not going to be a small one, and that a six pounder is out of the question! We got our measurements and they're all on above average apparently!! Can i see some comparissons please ladies?!?!
Head Circumference (HC) 188mm
Abdominal circumference (AC) 166mm
Femur length (FL) 33mm
est fetal weight 395g 14oz

Nuchal fold thickness 5.6mm
Anterior high placenta.
I haven't posted on here for months :blush:

Since my last post the morning sickness has thankfully stopped, my due date has moved forward 5 days from the 18th to the 13th and the biggest event was finding out we are on team blue :D
Welcome to the new girls!

I had an exhausting weekend with doing our baby registry, shopping for our vacation coming up, bday party, and getting my hair highlighted and cut. I was also so constipated all weekend that at times I was in agony and it was making baby shopping etc not as much fun! This is the first time all pregnancy its been bad at all so guess I shouldnt complain. My bump was in agony yesterday - and last night when we were relaxing in front of the tv I realized that my bump was huge & my belly button is closing in which is so weird! Is that happening to anyone else?

We registered at babysrus - and are registering for our baby furniture there. My brothers are buying the crib they say and sounds like mil & fil will be buying either a dresser or the car seat/stroller combo. What is a "pram" again?? I forget :shrug: So Im considering us lucky that we wont have to buy much.

I'm actually starting to reconsider the whole excitement over all of the baby's movements - does the fact that my baby seems to be the most active and kick the hardest in this group mean that I'm going to have a hyper baby!?!?!? I started thinking about that this weekend - and not sure that all those kicks are a good thing! :rofl:

I havent changed my ticker Emma - but didnt have a new date at my early scan (8+5). Since they arent going to technically change my due date up 4 days from the date of the 2nd scan Im leaving for now... may have the urge to change it cause Im thinking that it would be more accurate as far as baby size, etc.

I am thinking of being done with work the beginning of October. With having daycare in my house it is kindof hard to do any organizing of the nursery or painting, etc. because right now that room is used as a toyroom. Im going to make my office into the toyroom and the toyroom into the nursery. I have 2 kids moving out of town sometime soon - im guessing in the next 6 weeks. 2 kids are starting school sept 8th- so that leaves me with way less kids - and a very small paycheck. Doesnt seem worth it to me to stay open when my dh earns enough for us and we have $ in savings. Then I can get organized and not feel rushed in december when it will be cold and snowing! I dont want to get bored though - tough decision! DH & I are going to discuss more when we are on vacation.
Hi - and welcome along new ladies :wave:

Kirsten - glad all is well with you and baby, welcome to team blue :blue:

Daisy - a pram is a completely flat stroller, do you have carrycots? If so, imagine one of those on wheels and you've got a pram. (I've attached a picture of a random one from google so you can see).

Emma - I changed my ticker to match the scan date, but it only moved by 2 days so didn't make that much difference. I guess, in a way, I could believe there was a couple of days each way, as I wasn't tracking my ovulation, only my cycle. If they'd have said it was a week out I might have questioned it. I guess you weren't really doing either..??
And yes, moving house takes AGES with all the legal stuff. I think ours was 8 weeks from having the offer accepted to moving in this time, and that was quite quick (but we were buying and selling at the same time). They say the shortest time is usually about 4 weeks, but I don't know anyone who's had it all done in less than 6 I'm afraid. I thought those home buyer report things were meant to help speed things up but I guess not.

TTC - Glad all is well and you got to see baby again. I posted the measurements from my scan on here when I had it, so if you go back a week you should find them. This was at 20+1. I only got measurements for HC and FL though I think so won't be able to compare them all.


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Hi guys, im due Dec 25th (same due date from 2nd scan as 1st) can i join?:flower:
JayDee - I wasnt tracking anything as i was on the pill, but i do know we only did the dirty once that month due to other stuff going on so i know i conceived on April 9th(my dads birthday is how i remember the date lol) if i go off that my due date is new years eve, if i go off LMP its 28th and if i go off scan at 12wks its 3rd Jan, so confusin!

9 days til my scan whoooooooop!

welcome new peeps!
wow - lots of new girls! How exciting! Big :hi: from my corner!

Thanks JayDee for the info & pic. I'm not getting anything like that - we are going to get a carseat/stroller combo that you click the carseat into the base in the car(only good til they are a year old then you buy a front facing carseat) you can unclick the carrier out & carry the baby around in it or click it into the stroller. When the baby is old enough to sit in the stroller without laying down then you just dont use the carseat carrier part. Like these -|Chicco
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the welcome, seems like everyone is doing well??

I have had to take yesterday and today off sick from work as I have been just so exhausted and spaced out, just not been able to focus. I feel pretty pathetic that it's just that compared to some of the other symptoms other ladies face through pregnancy, but hey, I'm a wuss :haha:

Got my scan a week today and am looking forward to it, just praying little beanie is ok in there and hopefully find out the gender!

Toseland13 - welcome along, there certainly are lots of Christmas babies this year.

Emma - I did seem to remember you saying that pregnancy was a surprise, at least you know roughly how far out whatever date they give you is. Personally I'd expect baby to turn up anytime from Christmas onwards.

Daisy - I don't think we'll be getting a pram either, we're currently looking at this:

if you look in accessories further down the page you can see the carseat and the carrycot for if you want (little) baby to lay down facing you, car seat also faces you when clicked on. I really like the idea of baby being able to face you, I know when they are a bit bigger they want to see the world, but when they are little I want to be able to see they are ok. I didn't think choosing such a thing would be so hard!

Cotto08 - in case I forget to say later, hope your scan goes well, hopefully baby won't have their legs crossed if you want to find out which team you're on. So far, all of us on here who wanted to know have found out, may the trend continue...
Toseland13 - welcome along, there certainly are lots of Christmas babies this year.

Emma - I did seem to remember you saying that pregnancy was a surprise, at least you know roughly how far out whatever date they give you is. Personally I'd expect baby to turn up anytime from Christmas onwards.

Daisy - I don't think we'll be getting a pram either, we're currently looking at this:

if you look in accessories further down the page you can see the carseat and the carrycot for if you want (little) baby to lay down facing you, car seat also faces you when clicked on. I really like the idea of baby being able to face you, I know when they are a bit bigger they want to see the world, but when they are little I want to be able to see they are ok. I didn't think choosing such a thing would be so hard!

Cotto08 - in case I forget to say later, hope your scan goes well, hopefully baby won't have their legs crossed if you want to find out which team you're on. So far, all of us on here who wanted to know have found out, may the trend continue...

Thanks hun, in that case, long may the trend continue!!!

I had a look at what pushchair you liked and that is one I am contemplating along with Mothercares My4 one, I kinda want a lightweight one as live in 1st floor flat and go on public transport from time to time when DH isn't around plus wanna have babs facing me in the early days. xxx
I'm thinking about this one, i just really like the old fashioned style proper prams 09.htm not sure on the colour yet, may just go neutral!

8 days to go til my scan! man its taking forever!!

Can i be a paranoid mummy to be again? urgh, lol.... ive not felt any movements in a few days an im finding it weird! i take it is completely normal to be paranoid thats something wrong? expecially after some of the stuff you read in this forum... i usually always feel him/her move the second i lie on the couch, but nope!
Emma - have you tried eating something spicy or really sugary? Also I have found that ice cold water usually makes my baby very active. Im sure yours has just been having a lot of nice snoozes. Also realized when I had my ultrasound that just because at times I dont feel her doesnt mean she isnt moving. She has to be right at the front for me to feel her movements - if she is towards the back I dont feel a thing.

JayDee - that is the same kind of thing as ours - very popular type in the U.S. - I agree - I like the idea of baby facing me. Also like the idea of clicking the whole carrier out of the car - cause in the cold and snowy winter I dont want to have to remove her from the carseat and just carry her to whereever - which is what the convertible carseats have you do. They last longer (the convertible ones) cause you can use them for rearfacing and then forward facing later on in the car - but seems more practical to be able to leave them in the carrier with a cover overtop.

Emma - I love what you are looking at!! It is so darling! That sort of stroller is NEVER seen around here - I didnt even see anything like that in all the baby stores that I have been to in the last month. We are planning on a neutral one so that we could use it again - even if we needed to buy a different carseat - the stroller should last a long time.

Good luck on everyones scans that are coming up - I leave Friday night and wont be on for a few weeks so wanted to make sure I got that said.
I'll try something spicy later and see if that works! Ive never felt kicks and what not but can usually feel wriggles, I think the paranoia is all stemming back to the scan where for the full 30 mins an arm was moved once and it just didnt seem right to me... im gonna be drinking that OJ for the next scan for sure!

Yep nothing has compared to that pram since or come anywhere close, i'm deadset on it, tis expensive though, might split it between a few people lol, dont think its fair to dump that bill on the person who offered to buy the pram!
Emma - I love that pram, and I agree with Daisy, I've not seen anything like it in any of the shops I've looked in.
I also noticed on my scan that baby was wriggling loads and I couldn't feel a thing, I think they have to really kick (or punch like I think mine is doing) for you to be able to feel it. Cold drinks seem to make mine move or, as you suggest, just sitting still for a while. Hope the 9 days until your scan go quickly so you can see that he/she ok in there, sure he/she is....

Daisy - hope you have a good holiday/vacation.

Cotto - We had a look at the mothercare 4 as well, the quinny 4 and the silver cross 3d (I think that's the name of it). The xlr folds the smallest, and easiest. Not sure what shops you have near you but only have a relatively small mothercare near us, so had to take a trip up the motorway to a larger one to see them all in the same place.

Happy shopping ladies :)
If you click on the link it says stockists, you should be able to find a shop near you that sells them, theres a price guide on there too, ignore it though as any shop ive been in is twice that price damnit!

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