Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

I need your advice girls... tis about FOB...

I just got this text message off him

" Hi honey, do me a favour please and listen to this song for me - Jackson 5 - i'll be there, no matter what you will always be special to me xxxxxx "

so if you listen to the song the lyrics are

You and i must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, i'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you, i'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and i'll be there
I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, i'm so glad that i found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, i'll keep holding on
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well that's all i'm after

Whenever you need me, i'll be there
I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name and i'll be there
If you should ever find someone new, i know he'd better be good to you
'cause if he doesn't, i'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, i'll be there, just call my name, i'll be there
(just look over your shoulders, honey - oo)
I'll be there, i'll be there, whenever you need me, i'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, i'll be there, just call my name, i'll be there...

So ummm? whats he saying? cos my BF says hes trying to say hes realised hes done wrong and that he wants me back (see bolded part) but i dont know if thats reading too much into something and i dont wanna respond in that way incase hes just saying, look, i'll always be here for you, ya know?

Emma - my first, synical, reaction would be: "is he drunk?"

If not then, well, I'm not sure how things have been going with you and him recently, but he could mean he wants to get back with you, or he could just mean that he's not going to abandon you and is going to be there for you and your baby.....

I know what you mean about the highlighted bit, but you could highlight a different bit and get something completely different e.g.
If you ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you

See what the others thing but my advice would be proceed with caution. Maybe a conversation to have in person rather than on text as well.
well he was just starting his shift at work so wasnt drunk, infact, i think it was before he even went to work, though you had the same reaction as me as my reply was "what drugs have you been on?!" but i was just trying to be sarcy!

I'm not one for talking to people, i kinda go with the flow and let things come out as they go on, we spoke a little face to face last night he gave me a lift home from work and he just said "so, did you really listen to the words in that song" so i said "Yep :)" and he said "I mean every word ya know, i'm not all bad" so i just said "i never said you were....." and got out of the car....... arghhh!!
Hi Ladies!!

2nd week of my conference has now finished and I'm exhausted. We had to do a group project this week which meant 11 hour + days. My little girl is very active now. The two things that will always get her going is Oreo cookies (but not other cookies) and organ music. I went to a baseball game one night that had an organ and everytime they put on a little jingle, she would dance about! :cloud9:

Welcome to the new ladies!!

Daisy, have a great holiday! Look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

Emma, not too sure about the message from FOB. I'd say it's a good sign that he doesn't want to completely bugger off but to proceed with caution.

Regarding shopping: I have gotten a travel system like Daisy mentioned. It's a lightweight stroller which has the car seat snap onto it. Has anyone else found it hard to get gender neutral stroller/prams? I've been limited to what's stocked in store instead of online, as doing shopping in the US again, but most are very girly or very boyish and we want something that will last for this baby and #2 when we're ready.

I begin the long flights back to NZ tomorrow morning. I have the followup anatomy scan the day after I get back and my first midwife appointment (been going to the GP until now) the next day so I'm excited about getting home, seeing DH, and then seeing baby girl again!
Emma - well, he didn't try to jump on you when you were alone, so maybe best just to go with the flow and see what happens. Whatever he meant, hopefully it means he's not completely abandonning you with his baby.

Amerikiwi - 11+ hour days don't sound fun when pregnant, they were bad enough before! Most of the stroller things in the UK are gender neutral, there aren't that many pink/blue ones around, most are black and cream, probably because they know people will want to use them more than once, or, weirdly red, which I suppose you could use for a boy or girl, it's primary red not pinky red.

Hope your follow up scan went well and all is well with your little girl :)
Hopefully, we shall see, he came and cooked me dinner on sunday, its all a little weird haha....

Hope your scan went well Amerikiwi!

My scans on Thursday, almost here! does anyone else always seem to think the worst before they go? before my 12 week one i was adamant they were gonna say "theres nothing there, are you sure you got a positive pregnancy test?" this time i'm expecting to hear "sorry but it looks like a MMC" i'm so freakin paranoid always thinking the worst, will i ever feel comfortable that all is okay?! grrrrrrrrrrr
Hey everyone,

Had my scan today, everything was lovely and baby looking healthy! Found out the I am on Team Blue! :blue:

There was a tiny part of me that thought it might be a girl - because I have a ds already or maybe the online predictor tests had some impact :blush: so it was a slight shock when she said it's a boy! Am so chuffed though and I love the knowing as I didn't with ds. Can't wait to meet my 2nd little monkey lol oh and due date remains the 30th! Just want to have a new siggy to add now as my 20 wk scan countdown is over lol

Hey Emma, I felt, exactly the same as you, before my 12 wk scan, I was certain they were going to say, I'm sorry but why are you here, there is no baby! And today I had butterflies all the time leading up to the scan - especially after waiting for half an hour extra as they were running late - I was so nervous. Try not to worry too much - I know, easier said than done! I am sure everything will be hunky dorey x
Cotto, congrats on your :blue: bump!

Emma, good luck on your scan. I think it's very natural to be both scared and excited at the scan. Try to remember that the chances of something going wrong after the 12 week scan without you knowing about are extremely miniscule.

Jaydee, sounds like I should have gone to the UK to do my shopping instead of USA (Of course I can't judge all US shops by Chicago). I ended up with a lightweight stroller that I'm really happy with and it's a dark enough blue to be considered nuetral instead of just for a boy.

My follow up scan was great! The heart was the main focus as that's what they couldn't see before and all was perfect! At one point the lady even said "look at that wonderful aortic arch. Absolutely beatutiful!!" I don't remember much from anatomy class, but we figured that was all positive and then she confirmed that everything looked perfect. I was hoping to get a gender confirmation, as the first one didn't show us the girly bits and the sonographer was a bit hesitant, but baby was giving up no money shots again this time so we're still assuming team pink but not going completely overboard on the pink yet!
Cotto - glad your scanswent well and congrats on team blue :blue:

Emma - I was the same as you as well before the 12 week scan, esp as mine was at 10 weeks so I hadn't even put on any weight really by then. I wasn't much better at the 20 week one, I was pretty sure baby was still there, as I could feel movement, but was expecting them to say that he's got some sort of health problem.... Think it's just part of being pregnant to worry. Everyone else on this thread has had successful scans and baby has been fine, there is no reason to think that you'll be any different. Easy for me to say I know, but do try not to stress too much...

Amerikiwi - Glad your scan went well too. I couldn't remember much from biology at school, but it seemed to come back when I saw 4 chambers in the heart and the blood pumping round it.
It's possibly a bit far to come and do your shopping in UK, and I bet we are more expensive than the US as well (we are for most stuff). Not sure what prices are like in NZ but I bet US is a good place to do shopping. Glad you managed to get something you like.

I've started buying a few baby clothes as there seem to be loads in the sale at the minute. I've had lots of newborn and smaller donated by my lovely SIL so am buying 0-3 month ones. Hopefully it will be a couple of months before he fits into those and the weather won't be so cold anymore because the things I've got so far are short sleeve t-shirts. I can always get a little jacket/cardigan thing to go over the top if not.

I know Amerikiwi has done her US shopping trip, anyone else brought anything yet?
thanks for the welcome guys!:flower:

cant wait for christmas now, usually i dont mind til closer the time but im so excited, what a present to have :happydance:

ive told ppl im nt buying them xmas pressies this year, maybe 1 small thing but we cant afford it with LO coming! any of u in same position?:hugs:
would love to get away with that toseland but i just know i've got no chance LOL... i'm just gonna start buying things now i think, get them over with.

Glad your scan went well Amerikiwi!

thanks for the scan reassurance, i feel movements-ish when i lie on the couch at night, but i never feel kicks or anything, all comes back to the 12 week scan where the baby didnt move throughout, its still in my head, OJ is at the ready for tomorrow!

My friends whos about 12 weeks behind be keeps buying me things and i keep wanting to stop her, it doesnt feel right? its like its implanted in my head that somethings gonna happen, grrr, i really need to get over it! oh well, its tomorrow so we shall soon find out!
Emma - I was the same as you as well before the 12 week scan, esp as mine was at 10 weeks so I hadn't even put on any weight really by then. I wasn't much better at the 20 week one, I was pretty sure baby was still there, as I could feel movement, but was expecting them to say that he's got some sort of health problem.... Think it's just part of being pregnant to worry. Everyone else on this thread has had successful scans and baby has been fine, there is no reason to think that you'll be any different. Easy for me to say I know, but do try not to stress too much...

Emma - Wise words from JayDee. I felt exactly the same. In fact today I saw the MW and we were listening to the heartbeat and I was still thinking 'Is that really coming from me?' Try not to worry hon, not long to wait now x :hugs:

Cotto - Huge congratulations on your blue bundle!! :blue:

Toseland - A couple of years ago we agreed in our family to just give 'token gifts' at Christmas (no more than £10 each; e.g. a book, CD, DVD etc) and splash out on birthdays instead. I have a big family to buy for incl. brothers, sisters, nephews, neices, parents, step parents, grand parents, friends etc and it was so expensive all in one go at Christmas. So we set up £10 wishlists each and it was fab, everyone got something they wanted and we weren't still paying for Christmas at Easter!!

JayDee - I still haven't bought anything at all. Not even a sock. I'm not sure exactly what I'm waiting for though! Although I bet once I start buying I won't stop... :shrug:

Amerikiwi - Glad your scan went well. Hope you're nice and relaxed after your shopping trip, it sounds like it was successful.

My SIL told me to look in the August bank holiday sales for nursery furniture, she said she bought hers on Boxing Day (baby was due in June) and saved a fortune. What do you ladies think?
You ladies are all so organised, i haven't even thought about xmas yet, other than people never know what to buy us, at least this year they can buy us baby stuff, just the things that we won't need straight away. Oh, exciting news, well to me and DH anyway, baby decide to kick so he could feel it last night! Yey :) It was really weird because once he'd felt one, quite big, kick he could then feel the smaller ones too, which he hasn't felt previously. Made him smile anyway...
Aw JayDee that's lovely, I bet he loved that. My DH keeps asking me if he'll be able to feel it soon but so far it hasn't happened and it's only me that can feel the kicks. So maybe it will happen for us soon too soon then!! :dance:
Thats great Jaydee! i still cant feel kicks! how long have you guys felt them for? i feel wriggles but no kicks!

scan today, what ya reckon im gonna be on, pink or blue?!
Thats great Jaydee! i still cant feel kicks! how long have you guys felt them for? i feel wriggles but no kicks!

scan today, what ya reckon im gonna be on, pink or blue?!

I've been feeling some movement from about 16 weeks but in the last couple of weeks its definitely been full on kicks (usually aimed at my bladder in the middle of the night when I wake up desperately needing a wee!)

Maybe the :pink: team? Good luck :hugs:
Jaydee, that's great news about the kicks! Your DH must be on :cloud9: I can't wait until mine can feel them as well.

Emma, good luck on your scan today!! :hugs: I'm going to guess :pink: just because our thread has gone in sets of two. We had two pinks and then two blues so I reckon it's coming back to pinks. Any mother's intuition as to what you think it is?

My girl's kicks have been much stronger and regular this week so I hope DH can feel them soon!!
I and everyone i know said it would be a boy and it is! has a huge peepee too, *shakes head* lol

Ive officially changed my ticker, tho i may change it back yet, today she said im about 21+5 but they will still stick to the 12 week date, which i dont agree with but eh, theyre the bosss right? lol

my scan pic was shit again, URGH! im sure its cos im so fat, but she says its not :( everything they could measure was fine, but baby refused to turn over, she had me in all sorts of positions but there was no moving him! so i have to go back in 2 weeks for another scan so she can get a look at the spine and kidneys... she said she promises to try for better pics next time but this time he was positioned right behind my belly button and that always made a bad picture!

I had so many names for girls, now im just stuck! :(
Huge congratulations Emma :blue: :happydance::happydance: That's fab news! And you get to see him again in 2 weeks! Glad everything went well :hugs: Are you feeling all chilled out now?
Yey Emma - I didn't guess yesterday, but I would have said blue I think, only because you that's what you thought when I posted my team if I remember correctly.
I don't think my scan pics were very good either, you seem to be able to see baby much better on the screen than you can on the pictures. I don't think it's anything to do with being fat or otherwise (personally from your pics I'd say there are a lot bigger girls out there who seem to get decent pics) - hopefully you'll get a better pic next time.

I've been able to feel movement for a few weeks now, probably since about 18 weeks I'm not completely sure (stupid me for not writing these things down!) but they have definately got stronger this week, hence DH being able to feel them from outside (which he did again last night - yey). Weirdly, baby seems to be answering to his new nickname "Wrigglebum" - lol.

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