Well, after a semi successful shopping trip - they only had the car seat I wanted in mothercare, the stroller which was on offer at the weekend had gone up by £100 - and a bit of internet shopping I did manage to get everything I wanted.
Stroller/pushchair: https://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wc...arch-_-search_suggestion-_-product_suggestion
Car seat (which will fix onto pushchair case instead of the red seating unit): https://www.mothercare.com/Maxi-Cos...ing=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=44454031&mcb=core
Also got the isofix base to go with it for the car. I like the idea of the base telling me that baby is clicked in properly.
You can also get a carrycot to go with it, it does come in red as well but my SIL had donated the cream one that she got for her daughter, figured we might as well use that as spend £150 on a red one: https://images.google.co.uk/imgres?...e&hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_en-GBGB327GB327&sa=N&um=1
(pic isn't too great, but that was the only one I could find because they don't do that colour any more)
Oh, I also got the matching changing bag (I like things that match

) https://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wc...arch-_-search_suggestion-_-product_suggestion
The other ones we were looking at were quinny buzz and mothercare my3/my4. Decided on this one for a combination of price (given we already had carrycot) and practicality - it folds up small and easily and has clips for changing bag on handles as well as a decent shopping basket underneath.
Emma - I'm glad you felt him kick, I know what you mean about it making you feel better. Mine is doing it regularly now, and I think I would panic if he stopped.
Me and DH were looking at names again the other day and managed to cross quite a few off our original list. I'm the same as you, I don't want anything too common, but nothing too out there either. I quite like your names, Kyran would probably be on our list but my cousin has a child called Kiron already. We don't have Luca, but do have something quite similar (that's not telling, that's just hinting!). I've gone off any names with a D sound at the end, as our last name starts with a D, it's quite difficult to say...
Cinamon - Sorry to hear about your mum. We're all here for you to discuss things with anyway but do you speak to your MIL much? I know it's not the same as your own mum, but, if you get on, I bet she'd love if you asked her baby questions, mums seem to.
Amerikiwi - I can't believe you haven't heard your little girl's heartbeat yet! You'll love it. I have no idea how often I'll have to see a midwife here either. I have to go to GP at 25 weeks and midwife at 28 weeks, I have no idea after that other than it gets quite regular in the last few weeks, maybe I'll find out more in a few weeks.