Sorry i've been so crap and not written here for AGES!! The days are flying by and the next thing I know i've not posted for a couple of weeks and there is heaps to catch up on!
So :hi

Hope you are all well and happy

Had my 24w appt today

Bought my first purchase afterwards - a saver sized box of baby wipes!! Will probably be a couple more weeks yet till I feel more confident buying stuff. Our spare room/nursery is in total chaos so my mum said we can store anything we buy at her place for the time being (big box of baby wipes!!!).
I'm currently swithering over pram and sleeping arrangement choices. Am liking the Mothercare MyChoice pram so far. It ticks all my boxes and isn't stupidly expensive but have yet to get the credit card out! Think we will either go for a crib or a travel cot for in our room upstairs (the Graco travel cot looks ideal and can also be used for going away) and the baba can sleep in the pram carrycot downstairs during the day OR a crib for upstairs and the travelcot for downstairs sleeps. What are other peeps doing?
Our nearest Ikea is 2hrs away so will probably make one trip later on in the Autumn and end up buying a lot more than we need!
Anybody else having sleeping problems? I can't remember the last time I slept right the way through the night without waking up due to backache

Even a pregnancy pillow doesn't seem to be helping.
Cinamon -

and welcome

My OH is from South Africa (Rustenburg, near J'Burg). We went for a visit a few years ago and I loved it. The food, wine and scenery are AMAZING! I love Billtong so much that my OH got some from a local butcher for me but i'm not sure if it's a pregnancy food to avoid or not?
JayDee - do we still have the same due date of 20th December?? You are a lot more organised that I am - mwahhhh!! You would never guess I did planning for a living
Amerikiwi, Meerkat, Emma1980 - hope all is fab and frolicsome

I won't leave it so long next time otherwise I end up with a marathon to write!!!!
It's Friday tomorrow - whoop whoop! One more week at work then we are off to Wales in our campervan
Baby Bozies to all xxx
OH has felt the baby kick a few times but because my placenta is at the front he doesn't feel it as strongly as I do. When I was at the Midwifes today I recorded the heartbeat on my mobile phone so he couold hear it (and so I could listen to it all the time too)