Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies


I'm due 12th of December. All the girls in my family tho end up going over there due dates, i can see mine coming just before xmas.

I'm due the 12th too... But everybody is having there say on when I should give birth:dohh::shrug::dohh:
The 6th - my birthday
The 12th - my brothers birthday
The 14th - the godmother's birthday
The 25th -....
The 31th - for a big party every year.

:wacko: as if....


I thought it was so funny...
I bumped my bump!!!!:haha:
When I first read of this in the beginning I thought: " you can't be serious...really....?????"
But it's true...yesterday I bumped my bump...twice...not hard just a little "got-in-the way-bump":blush:
It's amazing how fast she is growing now... where is the days of looking in the mirror, hoping to see just a little bulge, thinking: I don't look pregnant, will I ever look pregnant...I want to look pregnant now!!! :haha::winkwink:

I'm loving it...:cloud9:
I can't believe I braved IKEA on a Saturday! I must need looking at! But, we did actually buy a couple of things to add to the baby wipes :) A baby hooded towel, sleeping bag & blanket! There was also a Mamas & Papas store nearby with a half price sale on so got another sleeping bag and towel. Oh the high life for a Saturday :)

Had a brief look at cots but it was utter chaos by the time we got to that bit and the OH was seriously losing the will. Ended up telling him to sit down and play his Nintendo and I'd come and get him when I was done!

Planning on heading into the Cairngorms tomorrow for a nice walk to try and burn off the Chinese i've just scoffed (OH said it's doing the baby good to experience different foods so young - ha ha!)

Hope everybody is having good weekends!

PS - :hi: and welcome soozys1902! x
Pie - Your trip to Ikea with OH sounds like mine usually is. He hates shopping at the best of times and let's face it Ikea is the worst place. They should give us golf trolley's to ride round on as its the size of a theme park!

Emma - Don't worry if you don't feel any kicks some days. My MW said that at this stage there could well be days when LO seems very quiet and that it's perfectly normal. :thumbup:
Cinamon - my OH went to Grenville High School in Rustenburg from 84-86 (might very well be before your time though)

<sorry for hijack peeps!>
Hi girls!

It feels weird to be writing - its been so long it seems! We had a good trip but kindof glad to be home. Its not quite the same with me being pregnant (traveling that is)- I tired out faster, different foods affected my tummy quite a bit, and I even broke out crying in front of tons of people one day for basically no reason at all! Very not like me - had to be the hormones!! You should have seen how embarrassed my dh got! I felt so bad! We first flew to Las Vegas and spent 3 days gambling and being pretty low key for vegas - I didnt feel like being outside in the heat in the day - and was so protective of my bump that it made it hard to be anywhere really busy. When we got home we packed up the car and drove to yellowstone. We realized next pregnancy we will be going to a beach - more relaxing I think!

I read through what Ive missed in the past few weeks but have already forgotten (LOL) so will just talk about me and we'll go from there....

I had a dr appt and my blood pressure was on the high side so I have to go back again in 2 weeks. I have just given everyone at daycare (my job) my notice of closing in 4 weeks which was very hard to do & stressed me out (some of these kids have been here for over 4 years!) - so Im hoping that was part of my blood pressure problem. The dr. said that with my history of borderline high blood pressure before pregnancy that there is a high chance that I will be on bedrest at some point during this pregnancy (which sucks!!) I was told that it is a good thing that I am taking time off and that I need to try to rest more - lay on my left side - and hopefully it will stay down.

We picked up our crib and dresser this weekend - my brothers bought us the crib and inlaws bought the dresser which is awesome that we dont have that expense! Our mattress came free with the crib (special sale going on) and it seems to be a pretty good one.

Hopefully thursday will come fast emma! Will be thinking about u!
Welcome back Daisy! I imagine Vegas isn't the best destination for a pregnant lady. That must've been hard to officially tell your clients of the closing and have a set date for it. I imagine now that it's done, it's a bit of a weight of your shoulders as well? Hope your BP falls back and you don't end up on bed rest.

Pie, congrats on braving Ikea! When I lived in USA and had an Ikea, my DH and I would make a full day out of it. We'd pick up the catalog and head to the cafe for breakfast. Then we'd wander for a few hours circling things that we may be interested in. Lunch would be at the cafe again and we'd look at what we had circled and make final decisions on what we were actually going to buy. I do miss not having an Ikea here--think our closest is in Syndey?

Emma, I bet you're excited about your scan on Thursday.

I have my first midwife appointment on Friday!!
seems weird that its your first midwife appt amerikiwi! i'm sure everything willl go well, prepare for giving lots of blood lol.......

welcome back daisy, hope you manage to get that blood pressure down!

yeah im lookin forward to my scan and seeing bubs, but not lookin forward to FOB comin with me, hes really testing me lately, hes lucky hes not had a few smacks round the head!
Hi all - have just tried to catch up from over the weekend but, like Daisy said, I'm sure I'll forget something so here goes....

Night out went well thanks, I lasted until about 2am I think. No dancing from me, just baby jumping around to the beat of the music (you know the ones that are really low that you can feel thru the floor?)
Oh, and one of my friends fessed up that she was 12 weeks pregnant, so I'm going to have a real life bump buddy :) Poor thing, she's been feeling really sick with it (ran to the loo about 5 times whilst we were out), I feel quite bad cos it was only a couple of weeks ago I said to her (without knowing obviously): "I don't know what people complain about this pregnancy lark for, I think I've had it really easy"... I apologised to her on Friday and thanked her for having all my sickness - ha ha.
Oh, and when I say fit into my normal clothes, I mean the really baggy ones. I'll post a pic so you can see. Wasn't the exact outfit, I had skinny jeans rather than the skirt, and had done my hair and make up better. (I was also stood on tip toes to get the bump in the pic where I had balanced the camera, I'm not THAT tall compared to the door!)

Daisy - I think you're right, relaxing holidays are the way to go with bubs on the way. Glad you made a decision about your daycare work, hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit now. I don't know how you've managed up till now, we had our niece here yesterday (with her parents but me and DH take over and only give her back when she needs to sleep, it's a novelty to us still) and I was tired by the time they left a few hours later. Hoping it'll be easier when it's our own...

Emma - good luck for your scan on Thursday, give bubs a poke so he shows you he's ok in there.

Amerikiwi - hope all goes well with the midwife on Friday.

I've got my next doctors appointment (not midwife for some reason) next Monday. Assuming he will give me the forms I need to apply for my maternity allowance and health in pregnancy grant (Uk things sorry international girls) - if not, I don't see the midwife until 28 weeks and that's a bit late I think.

Pie - you were brave going to Ikea on a Saturday, although saying that we went a couple of Sundays ago to look at baby stuff. DH hates Ikea but is ok now we only need to look at certain things, not the whole shop like we did when we first moved in together. He's also a big kid so loves that we were looking at childrens' stuff.

Hi Soozy :)

Oh my word, how much have I written? Think I've still missed some things out - sorry....


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Daisy - Nice to see you back, I know what you mean about being protective about your bump. I bashed mine getting into the car yesterday - I can't believe I forgot it was there!! And it bloody hurt too.
Amerikiwi - Good luck for Friday hon. Will you get to hear the heartbeat do you think?

Emma - You never know it may be nice to have FOB with you at the scan, make it more real for him and maybe he'll buck his ideas up a bit! :shrug:

JayDee - You look really great in your pic, and what a neat little bump! :hugs:

:hi: Hi Soozy and welcome!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I'm trying to convince DH to book a holiday for September time next year when the weather isn't too hot. It'll be our first holiday abroad with the little one. I hope we can afford to as I'll still be on maternity leave..
ahhh look at you all lookin lovely! thats definitely a bump now! Thats great you have a real life bump buddy! she must be due around the same time as my real life bump buddy hehe, i keep trying to get her to join BnB but she just looks at me like i'm crazy!
You look like you're getting the ol' pregnancy glow! have you had that all the way thru? i stil look so rough, i went to work last night and someone asked me how i and bump was feeling and i snapped saying "i'm fking tired, fking aching & had e-fking-nough of being fking pregnant" lmao :shrug:

JayDee, i poke him and he still doesnt move, i'm wondering where my placenta is lay as i'm sure i should be feeling more by now?

Meerkat - as nice as that would be i just dont see it, he doesnt get why i'm upset with him, but its just constant lie after lie and its really pissing me off, saturdays was a simple lie, he gives his ex £45 a week for his daughter Bethany, so he says to me "i'll give you £20 a week but we wont go thru the csa" so i said "and why does this child get less than Bethany" so he says "you know how i feel about Beth" i just looked at him... an as it was obvious i was not in a likeable conversation a friend came over and said "you ok?" i'm like "yeah he's just being a prick" and he explains to this person that he gives Beth £30 a week but only offered me £20 and i'm pissed off with it - blatant lie, i already know he gives her 45! i dont even expect 45 but what is the point in lying?! its like he just doesnt know how to tell the truth anymore and i dont even wanna speak to him so god help us on thursday cos it was hard enough last night when i was working.

going now, i've wound myself up again.
Sorry hon I didn't mean to make you think about it all again. Some things are just so complicated aren't they.

How are you getting on at work these days? Are you still doing long shifts or is it better now?
Nah its okay, its just annoying, not about the money just... if hes lying already what chance do we have when babys here?

works not going too bad, i decided to give one girl all my shifts when i finish on the agreement that i can have them back whenever i want them, as i want to do 16 hours when baby is about 3 months as that is how i would be best off. At the minute if i have a long shift i get her to come in and cover the last 3 hours, which she is happy with as she only lives a two minute walk away.
Thanks girls for the welcome back! I do feel much better now that I've given my notice and gotten through yesterday. Jaydee - vacation really made me realize how tired I have been with work the past few months and will be really glad when Oct. is here. Hopefully once Im done with work I'll still be doing well and can be up and and fixing up my house! Its hard to keep as organized as I'd like with the daycare taking over half of the house! I keep it clean - but with baby coming I'd like to have everything finished up and where I want it. And want to get the current toyroom stored in totes and make that into our nursery- which includes new paint, curtains, etc.

Emma- I would be pissed at fob too! Hopefully he will stop being so hard to deal with for you! Did they not tell you where your placenta is?? Cause if it is in the front that would explain your lack of feeling kicks. I would make sure to ask on thurs.

Amerikiwi - Good luck at the midwife friday!

Hopefully you get your paperwork next week JayDee - if they dont offer maybe you should ask them about it? :shrug: Not that I would know... being in the u.s. :winkwink: Thats amazing that your friend is such a trooper! I didnt feel like going anywhere when I was in that puking all the time part! Give her props from me!!

I cant believe its already been 24 weeks! The summer is gone - school is just starting back up and pretty soon the leaves will be falling and then before you know it - all of our babies will be here! I cant wait for all holidays with my baby - I saw that you guys were talking about a xmas tree - well Im excited about trick-or-treating, and being the easter bunny, and making awesome bday cakes like my mom used to do! I dont even care anymore that labor is going to be a *itch - Im just excited to be a mom!
Emma - Pregnancy glow? Maybe - I think it's more likely that I just haven't suffered any of the ill effects of pregnancy (yet). I think my friend's due 14 March, is that about the same as your friend?
Sounds like FOB is being a pain again, sorry to hear that. Forgive me for asking in case it gets you thinking about stuff that you rather wouldn't again but how does he get on with Bethany's mum? Will he "settle" with you once baby is here?

Daisy - I agree, I wouldn't want to leave the house if I was feeling crap. I also can't believe that I'm 24 and a bit weeks, that's almost 6 months, that sounds really far along. 6 months pregnant means 3 months to go and that's not very long at all.... I'm excited but also worried, I guess that's normal though, if I thought I could do this parenting thing with my eyes closed I'd have done it years ago right?

Meerkat - good luck with the holiday shopping, I'm sure September shouldn't be too pricey or hot. Did you have anywhere in mind?
Daisy - No, theyve never mentioned where my placenta is and i guess i just figured i was "normal" because they hadnt said anything, i will be sure to check on thursday as it will explain a lot for me!!

Jaydee - shes due on the 24th March i think, so not far away! she has her scan on friday and is super excited as she has already miscarried twice.

FOB says that he gets on with Beths mum fine now, better than when they were together, he left her when Beth was 6 months old, he told her from the start he didnt want kids and she came off the pill and admittedly trapped him, but he forgave her and says he loves Beth very much... thing is, i'm so easy going and he knows that, i think he *thinks* he will get away with everything once babs is here and i have a feeling he will completely take advantage of my nature, ive never asked him for anything even maintenance, i only talk about things when he is ready and wants to, so i can imagine now that he wont turn up each week to pay maintenance like he does to Beths mum, but maybe i should give him a bit more benefit of the doubt eh?
Emma - well good luck to your friend for Friday then, hope it her scan goes well.
Sounds like FOB can be reasonable when he knows what you expect of him. You maybe need to get a bit harsher, and say "I've been easy going so far BUT this baby, OUR baby, has to be the most important thing....." and everything you ask for (e.g. him turning up regularly rather than when he feels like it) spin to how it will affect bubs and not you. You never know, hormones might kick in soon and you'll say these things to him without even thinking about it!
Jaydee - Thanks, I'm thinking of September 2010. No idea where though, depends what we can afford. Somewhere not to far and not too hot I think. But I still need to convince DH as I won't be working then!!
Sounds good Meerkat. If you don't have somewhere particular in mind you can usually find something suitable at relatively short notice (funds permitting). We've never booked any holidays more than a couple of months in advance (other than our wedding one, but even then I think it was only Feb/Mar to get married in June) - booked our honeymoon the weekend before we went because we couldn't decide where we wanted to go!

By September most places have cooled off a bit. If you want a short flight maybe Spain, France or Italy? I'm not going to think about it too much, I'll want to go now!

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