Hi all - have just tried to catch up from over the weekend but, like Daisy said, I'm sure I'll forget something so here goes....
Night out went well thanks, I lasted until about 2am I think. No dancing from me, just baby jumping around to the beat of the music (you know the ones that are really low that you can feel thru the floor?)
Oh, and one of my friends fessed up that she was 12 weeks pregnant, so I'm going to have a real life bump buddy

Poor thing, she's been feeling really sick with it (ran to the loo about 5 times whilst we were out), I feel quite bad cos it was only a couple of weeks ago I said to her (without knowing obviously): "I don't know what people complain about this pregnancy lark for, I think I've had it really easy"... I apologised to her on Friday and thanked her for having all my sickness - ha ha.
Oh, and when I say fit into my normal clothes, I mean the really baggy ones. I'll post a pic so you can see. Wasn't the exact outfit, I had skinny jeans rather than the skirt, and had done my hair and make up better. (I was also stood on tip toes to get the bump in the pic where I had balanced the camera, I'm not THAT tall compared to the door!)
Daisy - I think you're right, relaxing holidays are the way to go with bubs on the way. Glad you made a decision about your daycare work, hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit now. I don't know how you've managed up till now, we had our niece here yesterday (with her parents but me and DH take over and only give her back when she needs to sleep, it's a novelty to us still) and I was tired by the time they left a few hours later. Hoping it'll be easier when it's our own...
Emma - good luck for your scan on Thursday, give bubs a poke so he shows you he's ok in there.
Amerikiwi - hope all goes well with the midwife on Friday.
I've got my next doctors appointment (not midwife for some reason) next Monday. Assuming he will give me the forms I need to apply for my maternity allowance and health in pregnancy grant (Uk things sorry international girls) - if not, I don't see the midwife until 28 weeks and that's a bit late I think.
Pie - you were brave going to Ikea on a Saturday, although saying that we went a couple of Sundays ago to look at baby stuff. DH hates Ikea but is ok now we only need to look at certain things, not the whole shop like we did when we first moved in together. He's also a big kid so loves that we were looking at childrens' stuff.
Hi Soozy
Oh my word, how much have I written? Think I've still missed some things out - sorry....