Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

I know what you mean, I could easily slip away on a lovely holiday right now, although I dread to imagine what I'd look like in a bikini!!

Ha we booked our honeymoon one week before we went too! To be honest I tend to leave things til the last minute, which is maybe why I haven't bought anything for the baby yet. I'm determined to buy something soon though, even if it's just a bib. I can just see myself there one week before rushing out to buy cots and prams aghhhhhh!

How's your shopping coming along?
Hi Chicks,

Hope you are all well :) Am off work now till the 14th - whoop whoop (!) Leaving for North Wales tomorrow when OH has finished work. Am praying it stays dry as touring in the camper van will be just miserable if it's raining and we won't be able to do any walking or owt - mwahhh! Still, I wont' be at work so that's something!

Emma - Does it not say in your maternity notes where your placenta is lying? Am pretty sure it does in mine?

Meerkat - I've bought hardly anything either and after looking at those lists in the Mothercare catalogue have started thinking i'd better get my arse in gear! Even if we do just put something in the trolley each time we're in Asda now.

Jaydee - I know what you mean about there only being 3 months (ish) left! It still doesn't feel as though i'm going to have to go through childbirth to get the LO out! How was your 24w midwife appointment? I got my MATB1 form so have given that to work but she said I wouldn't get my Health in Pregnancy Grant form till my 28w appt.

This week we saw my belly move when the baby was kicking - it was quite surreal :)

Sleep isn't really getting any better though and i'm still suffering from backache when I wake each morning (no doubt cause i've ended up sleeping on my back half the night!)

Must look at the due date list and see whom out of our gang is due first!!!!

Piemistress - I didn't have a 24 week midwife appointment. I have a 25 week GP appointment on Monday, I'm hoping I'll get the paperwork then. I saw my belly jump yesterday as well - it's bizarre isn't it?

Meerkat - I keep going swimming at the gym in a bikini. I'm sure I look ridiculous, but who cares? Bit different on holiday I suppose (cameras about and all that) I might be opting for a cover up thing, can't remember the name of them, like a semi see thru baggy top....
My shopping is going quite well really, have actually got quite a few things relatively easily. Currently have:
Pushchair/travel system (although car seat and base getting delivered next month)
Changing bag
Johnson's toiletries box (which seems to double really well as a nappy box)
Bedding/curtains for the nursery (decided not to decorate as room is magnolia and stuff we've chosen is light blue and magnolia - bonus)
Nappy bin
Room thermometer
Some clothes

Luckily we were given quite a lot of stuff:
Crib (for which we have got a new mattress)
Lots of clothes
Crib bedding
Newborn size nappies

So I think the main thing we need to get now really is furniture for the nursery. Chosen the ones we like and just waiting for Ikea to get the cot back in stock so we can go get it all.

Also need stuff for feeding and a baby monitor. Going to get those nearer the time when I've decided if I can handle brest feeding or not. I would love to, as it does seem to be better for baby, and what your body is designed to do, but, I don't know, I have a feeling it might really hurt (am I a bad mother already??) - anyone else thought about this yet?
Pie - Enjoy your time off in Wales, its lovely just not to be at work. I'm already counting down the days til my maternity leave starts. I had the best nights sleep last night for ages, problem is a I went to sleep on my side but woke up on my back again. That's prob why I slept so well. Oh dear :dohh:

JayDee - I think I'd be ok lying still in a bikini on the beach but maybe wouldn't fancy strolling through the people down to the sea. :icecream: Although last year when I was on holiday there was a pregnant lady (and she was in full sail so to speak) on the beach and looked totally fab and all lovely and tanned and in her bikini. Funny I just don't see that though when I look in my mirror at home!! :rofl:

Thanks for posting your list, I've added some of those things to mine. I decided that making a list of things to buy is a good start to get me into the swing of it. And now I've done it, it's worrying how much stuff there actually is to get!

I'm also waiting for Ikea to re-stock. Although I'm thinking of ordering online and getting the stuff delivered.

Regarding breast feeding, I've decided I'll give it a go but if it doesn't work out then I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'll just see what happens and what suits me and the :baby:.
I wish I could order my Ikea stuff online. Stupidly the cot is available online but the wardrobe (which is going to be the biggest and most difficult to get into the car by a mile) and dresser thing aren't.

We've decided on the Leksvik range - what are you getting?
I think the Leksvik range is really nice. We've got their chest of drawers in our bedroom and shelving unit and tv storage unit downstairs.

Am really hoping I will be able to breastfeed too as I know it will be better for baby but I have heard it can be really painful. Am going to hold off what 'feeding' equipment I get till I have given it a proper go. Fingers crossed it all works out. Boots have got some half price breast pumps just now which I have been swithering over (as will use them anyway for OH to be able to give the baby a bottle).

Was in John Lewis today and they had quite a lot of baby clothes etc with 50% off so picked up a winter sleeping bag at half price :) Primark also have some lovely baby clothes, and all 100% cotton too.

Think we will get the crib for our room ordered when we get back from hols (quite like this one and it's on sale, and I prefer the 'gliding' motion to the 'rocking).

If I can't get all the nursery furniture before LO arrives I won't be too stressed seeing as he/she will be sleeping in our room for a few months anyway.

The bed in the camper van is little more than single bed width so there probably won't be enough room for me to roll over onto my back - might help!
Yes I was looking at that range too! Or Hensvik. I'm still deciding whether to go with wood or white. I think it depends on what the finish is like - I need to see them 'in the flesh' first before I buy online. Although I didn't realise everything wasn't available for delivery.

I may have get the cot from Ikea and maybe wardrobe and drawers from somewhere else as there's no way that will fit lot in my car or hubby's! And we live an hour and a half from Ikea.

I'm gearing up to buy something for the nursery this weekend, curtains, paint, furniture, bedding anything. I just NEED to buy something!! :hissy:
Boots have got some half price breast pumps just now which I have been swithering over (as will use them anyway for OH to be able to give the baby a bottle).

Think we will get the crib for our room ordered when we get back from hols (quite like this one and it's on sale, and I prefer the 'gliding' motion to the 'rocking).

My SIL uses her breast pump loads! Thanks for the heads up about the ones at Boots. I shall go and see what they have.

Wow I hadn't even thought about a cot that moves. There really is sooo much choice out there!

Hope you get some decent sleep this weekend :hugs:
Hi ladies,

My am i glad its friday and i have a few empty days in the weekend, i am pooped!!!

Pie - We dont get to keep our notes, theyre kept at the hospital, all we have is a lil pink book with updates in, but no specifics, kinda annoying really, im wondering if they'll forward it to the midwife at some point so it gets to stay in my file?!
However i did check on the scan report before i had to hand it into nurse and it did say that my placenta was anterior - which does explain lots! i'm feeling way more movement now which is so cool! and so much different to the feelings i was feeling before! still cant feel kicks from the outside, but i'm just so relieved that i can feel them now! the consultant at the hospital asked me if i was feeling things, i told her very little and she looked at everything and said "boys are lazy, try not to worry, every measurement is at perfect and every thing looks fine"

Pie - I though you could get the HIP grant from 25 wks, why are they saying 28? me no like! hope your back ache eases up some and you have a great time in wales!

JayDee, thats a nice little list you have going on there, i dont think i'm too far behind you! I got a great offer on the angelcare nappy disposal unit, think it was £6 from amazon! i may still have the code somewhere if anyone wants it?!

meerkat - delivery makes sense! i think i'm avoiding the nursery furniture for now, my mum made hints so i'm guessing shes getting the cot lol!

i'm still not decided on the breastfeeding, think i might do a bit of both! did get a tommy tippee steriliser thrown my way last time i visited my mum, so at least that parts sorted, it comes with lots of bottles too!

JayDee - i think thats the range i was looking at, and the stocking thing is really weird, i think mine was the same, half in store half online, strange!

Meerkat - our local ikea has an unadvertiser delivery service, not sure how it works, as i know its not ikea, but if you go in store to buy and cant fit it in the car, they deliver, might be worth checking out at your local one?

geez that was a lot of catching up! right okay.... me, lol....

Had my scan yesterday

bubs would still not roll onto his belly and she had me in all sorts of positions, he was wriggling and moving but would not completely roll over, so she got the two side shots of the spine but couldnt get the back one which she wanted, so im back again on the 14th sept! i'm just happy that i keep getting to see bubs, haha!

they have a sweepstake thingy going at the pub for the weight the baby is gonna be, i tell ya, theyre all evil, they were all like 12lb plus! and im not even that big! MEAN!
Pie - We dont get to keep our notes, theyre kept at the hospital, all we have is a lil pink book with updates in, but no specifics, kinda annoying really, im wondering if they'll forward it to the midwife at some point so it gets to stay in my file?!

Pie - I though you could get the HIP grant from 25 wks, why are they saying 28? me no like! hope your back ache eases up some and you have a great time in wales!

What a fab piccy Emma, you must be so chuffed!! x

The Midwife explained that you do get your HIP grant at 25w but because I had a 24w appt she wasn't able to give me the form until after 25w which would be my 28w appointment!

My midwife holds my notes on their computer but I also have a paper set of my own that, as it gets closer to my due date am supposed to carry around incase I go into labour and have to go to a different county hospital (if that makes sense!)

Heading as far as North Yorkshire tonight then across to Wales later in the week when the weather looks a bit better! x
Hello lovely ladies!

It's been a few weeks since i last posted, but i've been dropping in and reading all your posts!

Had to comment about the breast pumping.... although this is my first baby, i've been a nanny for over 10 years now and just wanted to add that expressing milk is a great idea but can be very difficult and stressful before a proper breastfeeding routine is established. So just don't put pressure on yourselves to express right from word go!!! I plan on doing both breastfeeding and expressing for hubby to give feeds too... i've purchased a medela swing and medela mini electric although they're expensive they're very efficient! I've also bought a second hand steriliser (was only £5 plus £3 delivery from ebay being sold by grandparents which ment it was hardly used... and it's a steriliser so i can't see how it can be dangerous/dirty for little one!!)

I've also bought:
Bedside crib - with drop side so baby can be right up against our bed for the first 4/5months
Musilin squares (loads... about 20!) they're great for putting on top of a cotsheet at baby head end incase of spit ups in bed then you just change the muslin not the whole bedding!
newborn/0-3months vests and baby grows (just plain white ones)
Sleepbags - x3
oi oi nappy change bag
a beautiful cream cashmere blanket
tinylove playmat/baby gym
baby bath
top and tail bowl
cotton balls/cotton pleat/cotton pads
newborn nappies

Need to buy:
Matress for crib
Bedding for crib
Car seat
bouncy activity chair
coming home first outfit for baby and me!
things for my hospital bag
pram suit &/or buggy snuggle

I'm sure there's a million other things that i need to buy. But that's all i could think of right now!

I'm planning on finishing work 2 weeks before my due date, and i will be taking 4 months off. Then when i return to work i have the advantage of being able to take my baby to work with me. (so no childcare costs as well as the decission to go back to work or become a stay at home mum!) The child i look after at work is 4 so will be at school in the mornings, so i'll have the mornings to myself before having the 2 of them (my work child and my own) in the afternoons/early evening. How long is everyone hoping to have off work??

I've also booked our antenatal classes. We've decided to go with the NCT classes (really wanted to do both nct and hypnobirthing but the cost was just too much!) NCT classes cost us £175 but money well spent i believe. I hope to meet some nice mums in my area to be able to keep intouch with while on maternity leave as well as gain some much needed confidence with the labour and birthing part! Hubby has been a great support and will be coming along to know all about it too!!! Anyone else planning/booked anything simular?
Happy friday everyone!

Emma - great pic!! Im glad your appt went well and am so jealous that you get yet another scan in just a few days! Here in the U.S. we dont get our notes either. If I would go into labor away from my hospital they have me give them the name and phone # of the hospital and they email my notes to that hospital. So I just carry the phone # in my purse.

PieMistress - I have also noticed that mornings that I wake on my back that my back hurts worse. On days Im on my side most of the night my back seems fine. Have a good trip & hope your back gets better!

JayDee - I am planning to breastfeed but am also worried about it hurting - though Ive heard that after a short time of it it doesnt hurt anymore. I am taking a breastfeeding class in oct. at the hospital and hope to get lots of good info there. (its a 3 hr class!)

TTC - I am taking prenatal classes starting in a few weeks. They are 3 hours each for 4 weeks. I get a tour of hospital during that time too. DH and I are excited to go!

Anyone else having a baby shower?? Sounds like Im having 2!

3 day weekend here - supposed to be awesome weather! Have a good weekend everyone!
Hi Everyone

TTC, thank you for the advice on breast pumping, since I was also thinking of breastfeeding and pumping.

I've also done some shopping. The thing I like most is my baby bath. It sits/hooks on top of your existing bath.So you just slide it under the taps to fill it and slid it away when it's filled. When you finished you pull the little plug.So no need to try and lift a heave tub full of water. There is even some room left if you want to get into the bath too...

I was wondering if anybody has been having pain/pressure on there sacrum?
Especially when you sit down? I was thinking it must be way to early to have pressure that low already?

:happydance: One more week till third trimester, who is with me??:thumbup:

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
I get my keys to the new house on friday and at some point hafta manage to move everything over the weekend, this doesnt sound fun when yer not supposedta carry stuff!

me and FOB had words a couple of days ago, seems he still is in complete... shock? no, its not shock, not sure what it is, but he wishes i didnt exist, so i told him to just leave me be, i want nothing to do with him... should be fun how that one turns out...

so not having a good friday, lol.......

i have completely popped, i went to a friends surprise birthday party tonight and i havent seen a few for a while, everyone just looked at me like "umm... when did you get pregnant" LOL was funny! they also started a sweepstake thing for me at work and people are predicting a 16lb baby!! *******S!!
anyone doing anything this weekend? just chilling out is me!

asda baby sale starts on the 15th, johnsons boxes @ £10 an some other stuff, someone remember cos i know i wont :D lol
Emma - so sorry to read your friday was a let down! But remember you have so much to look forward to and be positive about (new home= new start, and your little man!)

Cinamon - Those baby baths are great (i've got one too!!) as i've used them and the alternative i choose the one that suited me best! It's not too long before they're in a full bath anyway!

My NCT classes don't start until November!!! I was a little worried about the fact they're on for 5 weeks so we'll be into december before we're finished them and i'm due on the 25th! But the nct woman reassured me that was normal, so it'll be fresh in my mind and not have the information too long to worry about what was ahead. I hope this little one isn't born too early!

Had a boring weekend really. Didn't go out or plan anything. Starting to get things around the house organised for baby - clearing out old clutter, magazines and paperwork that has mounted up!!! Plan on starting on the office (soon to be nursery in the next few weeks!)
Hi my name is Vicky and i'm expecting my first baby on the 21st dec, i'm on cloud:cloud9: We also found out were having a lil baby girl. xx
Hey Vicky - welcome along.

Sounds like most of us are feeling similar about brest feeding, I'd also seen the half price pump on boots website and was considering getting it anyway (it's a tommee tippee one if anyone wants to have a look). I'd really love to give it a try, but I have been warned that hospitals (near us anyway) don't like you expressing whilst you're in there at least, and it can hurt when baby has it direct from the pump. Ah well, I guess childbirth probably isn't going to be that comfy either, but we're all going through that aren't we?

Emma - glad all was well at your scan and the lack of kicking has finally been explained. Also jealous that you get to see bubs again! We've got a 4D scan booked for 1 October, am hoping to get a good look at our little monkey (which seems to be his new nickname) then.
I also saw the advert for the Asda baby event, so I'll try and remind everyone next week. I've got one of those Johnson's boxes, I think it'll double as a great nappy storage box as well, and for £10 you can't go wrong really (I paid a bit more for mine, but I think mine had a few more toiletries in it).

Daisy - I keep forgetting to sign up for the antenatal classes. The NHS (free) ones near us are only one afternoon, I just keep forgetting to send off the form, maybe I'll do it today now I've said it.

TTC - I've forgotten that I've got some of the things on your list too, like baby bath and top and tail bath, how do I have so much stuff that I'm already forgetting what I have?
I'm not at work at the minute (was offered voluntary redundancy and a v healthly final pay packet just after I found out I was pregnant and didn't want to work in that job with a baby anyway) as I haven't found anything suitable in the meantime I'm hoping to find something to start again in April time. Getting a job in my profession takes a while anyway, as most people are on 3 months notice, so I'm just not going to stop looking and hope if I find the right thing they'll wait for me! If I had been at work, I was thinking of having about 4 months off as well.

One other thing, has anyone else lost the ability to eat proper amounts of food at once? I think baby has taken up half my stomach cos if I eat anywhere near a full meal's worth of food I feel sick! Ah well, little and often it is for me from now on.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, we went to see District 9 at the cinema, quite a good film, but I had to not look at certain bits, they were quite horrid! (what a lovely way to finish my post :) )
Emma - Glad your feeling more movement from Lo now. It's so re-assuring isn't it. Love the scan pic!

ttc - Hiya, thanks for the bf info you posted. I've also been trawling through your list for ideas. Which oioi bag did you go for? I ordered the catalogue and am waiting for it to arrive. Your childcare set up sounds perfect, perks of the job I guess! I'm hoping to have a year off but that's mainly because I only plan to have one child so I'm going to make the most of the time off I'm allowed before its back to work til I retire probably :rofl:

I've booked NCT classes too, and mine start at the end of November. Ages away!

Daisy - I'm not having a baby shower. I don't think they're as big here as the US so I hadn't even thought about it. Sounds fun though! How long before your due date would you usually have one?

Cinamon - A few weeks to go until 3rd tri for me but won't be far behind you :thumbup: Time seems to be flying now.

V1 - :hi: Hi Vicky. Welcome and congratulations!

JayDee - Whats your profession hon? I also eat too much and feel sick, but I'm sooo hungry all the time too.

I finally bought some things at the weekend. Hooray! Scrath mitts, a burp towel?, and a swaddling robe. Thats it now I've started so it will be flood gates wide open..

:coffee: I started a diary about a month ago, my sister suggested it - she said I'll forget so much of the pregnancy after its over and its nice to look back at. So I write a few words in it about once a week just with the latest happenings. It's amazing how much has changed already since I started writing in it. Thought it might be nice to show LO when he/she's older too. Anyone else keeping a diary?
Meerkat - I'm a chartered accountant. My last job was as an audit manager at a really big firm. Didn't want to stay there with baby because it's long hours and travel, both at short notice. I didn't really mind it so much when it was just me and DH (we just got used to it) but not ideal with a baby, you need to be able to plan a bit more in advance don't you?

Hoping to find a job as a finance manager/financial controller or similar instead. I know it'll still be hard work and long hours sometimes but at least I'll be able to know when (generally month end/budget setting time).

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