Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Jaydee, I also can't eat match, but I'm still starving hungry :shrug:

also I'm so happy hubby finally felt baby kicking!!!!!:cloud9:

Have a great week everyone
JayDee - Good luck with the job hunting. It’s difficult to know how things will be when LO arrives isn't it, let alone looking for a brand new job. Hope something suitable comes up for you. I'm not sure what's happening with my job after my maternity leave - we're so understaffed now that I can't see them allowing me back part time. Well I may be lucky and get away with 4 days a week but not sure how I'll feel about that when LO comes along.

Cinamon - Awww isn't it fab when hubby feels the baby! My DH felt it recently and he was sooo chuffed. Since then the :baby: has been performing regularly and now we can see it as well. If I'm at home I can't help myself I have to stop to watch my belly moving, I find it fascinating and I want to burn it into my memory! :blush:
I have been keeping a pregnancy journal since I found out I was pregnant. Early on I would write in it every day or 2 - and these days I remember to pull it out about once every couple of weeks! Oops!

We have a 4d scan set up for sept 26th - we are excited!! We are getting a package that includes 30 minute dvd and a cd with lots of still pics - and prints of 8-10 of our favorite pics on the cd.

Sounds like my prenatal classes are way before everyone elses!?! I asked about when I should go and they told me this class - otherwise the next class started in november and ended sometime in dec. Must be how they do it at my hospital. Im paying like $50 I think for the class.

The people that are hosting my baby showers are thinking mid oct. for the one and the other maybe late oct or early nov. Usually they are a month or 2 before the duedate - but with the holiday season and unpredictable weather (and my blood pressure worries!) we are thinking the sooner the better. One shower is going to be girls and guys and the other is only girls(more traditional). So I have been putting final touches on my registry so people have ideas if they want to bring a gift (typical). Usually you eat really good food and cake, play silly games (not sure we are going to do that) and sit around and talk and then the mom (&dad) opens the presents. Its pretty fun! Im looking forward to it - its a good chance to see everyone before the hectic time of baby arrives. It also helps me with not having as much to buy for baby items. Everyone I know here has baby showers and wedding showers - people think your weird if you DONT have one. Sometimes people wait til after the baby is born to have a shower - and then its a time everyone passes around the baby to go gaga over! LOL
Cinamon - glad your hubby can feel the baby moving. Mine still can sometimes, but weirdly DH putting his hand on the bump seems to calm the baby and he stops moving! I think its because his hands are warmer than mine, he did get to feel lots of kicks the other day though so he's not completely missing out....

I haven't written any sort of diary, in a way I wish I had because I'm now thinking "when did I first feel baby move" etc and I'm having to guess, but never mind....

Daisy - I don't think we really have baby showers in this country. I love the idea, esp if people will buy gifts from a list that you write like weddings. That way you get to choose but don't have to pay - bonus.

Meerkat - Thanks. I completely agree, I've got no idea how I'll feel about going back to work when the baby is here but I've always known that I would have to, so I think I've spent years conditioning myself for it. We have 2 grandmas who live close who will babysit for a day or 2 a week, and DH thinks he can go to 4 days a week so it should be ok. Hopefully by the time you go back from maternity leave you won't be so understaffed and you can do part time as you'd like to.

I went and got lots more baby things yesterday, the house is filling up! Found lots of stuff in tesco that was half price so go sterlizer, bottles and bottle warmer. I also ordered a brest pump which was also half price from boots. That's it, I've got to have a go at breast feeding now otherwise I'll have wasted my money.... Somehow a machine that you control seems less scary than a baby.

Hope everyone is well x
Everyone I know here has baby showers and wedding showers - people think your weird if you DONT have one. Sometimes people wait til after the baby is born to have a shower - and then its a time everyone passes around the baby to go gaga over! LOL

Daisy - It seems to be the other way round here. People wait til the baby is born and then send lots of gifts to celebrate the safe arrival.
Your 4D scan sounds fab! :happydance: Not too long to wait, will you post some of your pics for us?

Somehow a machine that you control seems less scary than a baby.
JayDee - Ha yes I know just where you're coming from!! :rofl:
it actually would make more sense to have baby showers, save you getting duplicates of everything eh? backwards english people....

not been around much, busy trying to get packed up, man this is the worst job ever!

I have more baby clothes than days that baby will be in them, i really needta stop buying clothes!
Good luck with the move Emma. And I'm sure you'll use all the clothes, babies dribble and throw up and all sorts, you'll probably have to put him in 2 or 3 outfits a day!
You probably should stop buying them though as, like you say, people will buy you stuff once he's born and it'll more than likely be clothes. I've spent loads of money on everything but clothes, although I'll probably start on those once I've got everything else on the list!

Looks like Ikea should be restocking at the weekend so we're hopefully going to get the nursery furniture at the weekend. Not looking forward to Ikea on a Saturday, but if it means we get the furniture we want then it'll be worth it.

Really couldn't sleep last night, I woke up at 2am and got back to sleep again at about 5.30am - joy!
Good luck with the move Emma. I havent bought one outfit yet. But my Mum is visiting from the Midlands this weekend so we're going shopping together on Friday afternoon. Might be nice to buy something while I'm with her and make her feel more involved. I'm looking forward to it. :happydance:

JayDee - Hope the trip to Ikea goes well on Saturday, you poor thing! I've seen a cot in John Lewis almost identical and am wondering whether to get that now as Ikea is so far for me to go. :nope: I really need to make some decisions. I have the money saved up and waiting to spend but haven't made my mind up where to buy my furniture. it's so frustrating. Hubby is urging me to make a decision!
Emma - good luck moving! I havent moved in 8 years and I still remember how big of a job it was!

Have fun getting your furniture Sat. JayDee! We have our new dresser in our office right now until daycare is done with. Its kindof weird to see such a big item like that sitting around. We have other small things including some clothes that my mom and dh's mom have been getting (mostly for next summer) as those were onsale right after our scan! LOL Our crib is still in the box - we are going to wait another month to put it together.

I have an appt on Monday to recheck my blood pressure. I have been taking it at home every few days - and seems to be ok - so hopefully it stays that way! I was supposed to have my gestational diabetes test on the 21st but rescheduled it for the 28th. The receptionist acted like it was a big deal that I was trying to change it. She said there is a 2 week window in which to get it done. So does this mean everyone else has theres coming up? Or is this a u.s. thing?

I have been feeling a lot more uncomfortable in my lower belly the past week. I dont even know how to describe it. Last night I was sitting on the couch and it started bothering me again - and I pushed on my lower belly with my hands (upward) and it seemed to make it go away. I dont know if its just how the baby is laying at certain times? Anyone else know what Im talking about at all??? Thinking about bringing it up to the dr I see on monday - its a new dr though - hopefully she is helpful! This is a new feeling to me - didnt notice it at all til maybe a week ago. I dont think its braxton hicks - I think I had a few of those on vacation - felt like a tightening feeling in my upper part of my bump (baby part) and I wanted to rub it. It wasnt pleasant - but didnt hurt. Wondering if maybe I should get one of those support belts and see if that helps?

Have fun shopping with your mom "mum" Meerkat!
Hello Christmas mums!!

Emma, good luck with the move this weekend! I don't envy you with the moving process but it's always so excited when you get all set up in the place. :thumbup:

Daisy, hope your appointment goes well on Monday. I was a bit worried about my blood pressure after my midwife appointment. I was on the borderline of still being OK--120/80, but my blood pressure before pregnancy and during first tri was never over 100/70 so from my baseline, it seems quite high for me.

Meerkat, have fun shopping with your mum!

Jaydee, my house is filling with baby gear as well. It's wonderful isn't it!! Hope the perfect job post-baby for you comes along.

My most recent baby-good research obsession has been trying to decide between a manual and electric breast pump. Electric sounds like it would be quicker, but the manual gives you more control over the suction levels and speed!

Has anyone thought about going to a Le Leche League or breastfeeding class whilst still pregnant before baby is born? I really want bf to work for me and little one and figure if I can get some tips/tricks/advise beforehand, it may speed my learning curve.

Any big plans for the weekend? We're expecting rain all weekend, so I think DH and I will be hiring videos and hibernating at home this weekend. :)
Daisy - I can't believe you've had BH already, seems far too soon. Glad to know they don't hurt though. If your belly discomfort is anything like the thing that I've had occassionally I think it is baby laying in a funny place, because mine is usually preceeded by feeling him roll over/wriggle. Can't hurt to mention it to your doc though. Hope she's nice and helpful and your blood pressure stays ok. Mine keeps going down every time it's get checked, started at 123/56 at 12 weeks and is now 106/60. No-one seems concerned so that's good enough for me.

Amerikiwi - We have NHS (free health service) breast feeding classes which I am thinking of going to but I really think that the way I'm going to make it work is expressing, which I have a feeling they don't like you to do straight away so I might just come away getting annoyed. My electric breast pump is coming today, anything that makes it easier/quicker is good for me.

Weekend, I think we're going to brave Ikea on Saturday if the cot comes back into stock (thank goodness for the internet stock checking service) then we're going to friends for dinner. Looking forward to that because she's a proper foodie (wouldn't tell to look at her, she's 5ft 8 and can't weigh more than 110lb/50kg!) so wondering what she's got in store for us.
Weirdly, the nice weather seems to have come back to the UK (Yorkshire at least), don't think it'll last much longer though so hopefully we'll think of something to enjoy it while we can.
its the second number that theyre bothered about JayDee, so yours has slightly gone up, but nothing more than normal my first reading was 100/70, then went down to around 80/55 and stayed there until my last reading of 105/70 which although its high compared to the last few, is nothing to worry about as its classed as my "normal" I did ask the consultant last time i had a scan and she said it was only the second number that they ever looked at and mine was fine.

I'm really not to keen on having a baby munch on my boob, lol... so i've been thinking about expressing too, an if they give me any crap at the hospital i'm just gonna say that i'm gonna FF, i'm really not good at being told what to do n stuff....

We've got some of that nice weather too JayDee, sure it wont last but hey, i'm happy while it laughs....

I get my keys today, dum dum dummmmm. not sure what time so its just a waiting game, hope its sooner rather than later, i have stuff to do! then we move in the morning, exciting but dreading it all, i hate packing, and i've so much to do.
Emma - hope the move went ok. I hate packing and stuff too, although unpacking it at the other end is a lot more fun....

We didn't go to Ikea, because the stock kept changing, should be in today so we might go after work today or tomorrow. Gotta be less stressful than going on a weekend.

Instead, we went to the beach and went for a walk. I love only living 10 minutes drive from the beach, and I was actually surprised how many people were camped there for the day with the kids. We were walking along saying it would be us soon... digging holes, making sand castles.... decided next summer might be too early but the summer after would be about right :)

Then we went out to our friends' for the night. DH drank far too much and fell asleep in the car on the way home (taking advantage of having a driver I think) have a feeling the bloke of the couple we went to see would have done the same! Was a good night though, and meant we had a lazy Sunday whilst he had a hangover (haha).

Hope everyone else had a good weekend...
Sounds like a nice weekend JayDee - I would love living so close to a beach!

I had my dr appt yesterday and met a new dr (she is 1 out of 6 drs that could deliver my baby depending on what day I go into labor) She was very nice and full of great information. I found out more about the gestational diabetes test I have coming up that everyone at our hospital is required to take. The dr. is having me do a 24 hour urine test which is something not everyone has to do - I have to put all my pee in a jug for 24 hours and then bring it to the hospital. She wants a baseline to go off of - incase my protein, etc. increases in the next few months - then they will know where it started at. They say it is a more accurate measurement then just peeing in a cup one time. My blood pressure was ok - not great - but its been worse. I showed them the #'s when Ive taken it at home - and she isnt concerned yet - but since blood pressure usually goes up during 3rd tri - they are assuming its going to get bad. So I go back in 2 weeks - oh joy! Next appt is with a nurse pract. so not someone who would deliver my baby. Im hoping to get in to see the other 2 drs who could deliver my baby sometime in the next month or 2 - so I feel more comfortable when in labor.
Hi Christmas Chicks!

Hope you are all well :) We had a fab time on our travels with the camper van visiting friends and getting out and about in the hills. Couldn't believe how good the weather was - blue skies all week apart from one day of rain :) Spent time in Yorkshire, North Wales and then the Lake District and now back at work - mwahhhh!!

Have actually started buying a few bits and pieces (but none of the major purchases like pram, car set or crib yet - eeks!) only stuff that's been reduced in Asda like toiletries and sleepsuits! Next week I will have to get on the case :) Scary though isn't it how much money you can spend, we are not going to keep a running tally though as am sure it will only horrify us!

Those that are getting breast pumps what kind are you getting?

Can't believe i'm finishing work in less than 12 weeks (!!) Childbirth still feels like a long time away though and i'm not in the 'bricking it' lounge just yet but am sure that will come when the ante-natal classes start (a bit late on 27th Oct and don't finish till 8th Dec?)

Is anybody going for a 3D Scan? We are swithering over it at the moment. I would love to see LO again and also for some reassurance with measurements etc. Is it just me though or do the pictures look a bit 'spooky' or would it be different with your own? We also don't want to know the sex and might see ... oooo dilemmas dilemmas (!)

Sleep is still an issue for me and i'm often finding myself having to sleep sitting up in the early hours as my back is so sore - look a bit like a zombie! Guess it's getting me in practise though.

Happy Wednesday everybody! x
Daisy, that's interesting about the 24 hour pee test. I hope they give you a big jug to collect it all in. I drink so much water and pee throughout the day that I think I'd need a keg to store it in. :rofl: Here they just do the glucose tolerance blood test. Don't know if it's standard but since my sister has diabetes, they want to do the GT test for me. Good luck. let us know how it goes.

Pie, glad to hear the trip went well. Hope you're able to get some better nights sleep before LO comes. My little girl was kicking up a storm at 4:00 am and I couldn't get back to sleep.

Jaydee, a nice walk on the beach sounds lovely. We also live right by a beach and have also talked about how nice it'll be to spend family afternoons at the beach once the little one is here. :cloud9:

Emma, hope the move went well and you are settling into the new place.
Daisy - you're lucky that you get to meet any of the people who might be delivering your baby, the first time I'll meet them is when I go into labour. I also think we get a midwife rather than a doctor until anything gets complicated. I don't really mind, that's just how it is here. I have to go to the midwife at 28 weeks for blood and urine tests, and I have a feeling we have to go pretty frequently after that, so I guess I'd better get used to peeing in pots and getting stabbed with needles....

Pie - glad you had a nice holiday, the weather here on Saturday was fab, and had been good for most of the week, hope you managed to catch some of it, sounds like you did.
In answer to your questions, we've booked a 4D scan for 1 Oct (28+4) - the pics on their website look fab, can't wait...
Also, I ordered a tommee tippee electric breast pump, it was half price on boots website so thought why not, seems a lot easier than the manual ones and I'm a lot more likely to use it if it's easier!

Amerikiwi - they do gestational diabietes tests here on everyone, not sure if it's the blood test or the urine test that checks for it, I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I'm going to asda later to try and get some baby bargains (asda is a UK supermarket chain which was bought by walmart a few years ago) - the list of things we need is getting a lot shorter. Still having a pain with Ikea, the cot came back in stock but the wardrobe is out now - aarrrgghh!! ha ha
Can't believe i'm finishing work in less than 12 weeks (!!) Childbirth still feels like a long time away though and i'm not in the 'bricking it' lounge just yet but am sure that will come when the ante-natal classes start (a bit late on 27th Oct and don't finish till 8th Dec?)

Happy Wednesday everybody! x

Happy Wednesday to you too Pie! :hugs: I finish work on 20 November and my first antenatal class is on 22 Nov (finishing on 5th Dec) and LO is due on 28 Dec. I've been told I won't go over my EDD due to my age (40). Seems they don't want an old scaggy plancenta doing the job longer than necessary. :shrug:

Hi lovely ladies, hope you're all well and looking forward to reaching the next tri if you're not already there. I can't believe it!!

PS JayDee - I'm getting anxious about the Ikea stock situation and may end up getting one from somewhere else after all that!
So glad you had a good vacation Pie!

I havent thought about a breast pump yet - thinking I might wait til after my breastfeeding class in Oct - maybe they will have some good ideas on brands over here, etc.

Well - I have started my 24 hour pee test - its so weird! Ive never had to collect my pee at home. I think its kindof weird that they wouldnt just start off with a regular pee in a cup thing at the clinic. I havent had to pee in a cup for them since my first appt when they did all my blood work for everything at the same time. The 24 pee test I am doing isnt for gest. diabetes - it is for pre-eclamsia (protein in urine). The gest. diabetes test in 1 1/2 weeks is blood test. So they gave me a jug - but Im only a little ways through the day and already wondering if one jug is enough!?!? LOL I have been forcing myself to drink lots of water everyday and thus am going pee all the time! Maybe I should not drink as much today? :shrug:

I am down to 2 kids for daycare already - so weird to say goodbye to the others! Everyone wants me to let them know when I am going to be starting back up so they can come back to my daycare. Im very flattered - but seems like such a long way away its hard to even think about! Thinking I will take at least 12 weeks if not longer after the baby is born. They all left me with baby gifts -they were so fun to open! I got cute girly clothes (sleepers, and a dress) and hooded towels and washcloths, and a couple of cute rattles. Makes me even more excited about my baby showers!

My prenatal classes start next mon (the 21st) I cant believe it!
My 3d/4d scan is sept 26 - so I will be 27 + 3 - we are really excited!!
Firstly - Meerkat, don't trust the Ikea online stock checker. I got annoyed with it after it kept saying that each day the wardrobe I want would be in tomorrow. Rang the shop and the automated checker said in stock, also spoke to someone who get them to go and check in the warehouse that it actually was. 8 of them vs 0 on the website.
Think that means we're going tonight as they only have 3 of the cot in the warehouse (vs 5 on the website)....

Daisy - I don't think I'd remember to pee in a jug everytime. I guess it's not too bad if you only have one toilet in your house but we don't, and I tend to use whichever I'm closer to, I'd have to have 2 jugs and combine them at the end of the day I think.....

I'm going to be 3rd tri on Sunday - can't believe it! I suppose I do (finally) have a reasonable size bump now. Saw someone I'd not seen for years yesterday and she knew I was pregnant at a glance, better than people thinking I'm fat I reckon, I'm just very slowly running out of clothes that I can wear. Maternity ones still look a bit too big (not that I have many of these) and only the loose belly ones are ok of my normal ones.
It's getting a bit cold so I'm going to start stealing DH's sweaters soon - he's got quite a few zip up type ones, I'm sure he won't begrudge his pregnant wife the loan of one or 2.
What's everyone else wearing? Full on maternity stuff or something inbetween?

Well, wish me luck at Ikea, catch you all later :)

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