Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hopefully they DO have your cot JayDee and you'll be all set with it! Good luck!

Well I am so glad I am done with a day of peeing in a jug! It was very tough to remember to do it - I forgot once during the day and then once in the middle of the night - but what can you do?!? They gave me a "hat" to pee in that fit under the toilet seat and then I had to get the jug from my fridge each time and dump it in there and wash out the hat and then return the jug to the fridge. What a pain! Also totally disgusting that I had a plastic jug of urine sitting in my fridge all day and all night! It totally grossed dh out too! LOL So carried that into the hospital this morning - goodbye jug!

Woohoo for third tri!!! Also a little scary - anyone else think so too? I'll be there in a week - hard to believe! I have only bought a few maternity things - everything seems expensive for only wearing it for a few months so i keep putting it off. So if Im at home I have comfy pants - (like sweatpants with a drawstring and no elastic on the bottom) and still wearing my same shirts that were baggier in the middle that I had from before I was pregnant. I have a few outfits and a dress that are maternity that I wear when going out. I bought new bras earlier in pregnancy but thinking I might need new ones again in another month maybe? Also thinking I might need to find some panties that go very low down vs my ones I wear now go maybe 2" below my belly button and are getting uncomfortable.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Thanks Daisy. I am pleased to report that cot, wardrobe and changing table thing were all in stock so DH has the wonderful task at the weekend of putting them all together!

Also impressed that we managed to fit a full size wardrobe (185cm just over 6ft tall) into our Honda Civic! It did have to go between the front seats a little bit so I couldn't see DH the whole way home, was talking to him but couldn't see his face, it was weird! It's a good job DH is strong as it was really heavy and he wouldn't let me help lift it.

I don't really want to buy too many maternity things either, I still have about 10 tops that are baggy enough to fit, although another couple of weeks and it might drop down again. Thinking of just getting a huge cardigan and living in it when it gets cold until xmas, maybe another pair of maternity jeans/trousers (I have 1 and some leggings already) and a couple more tshirts when I get down to the 3 maternity ones that I have. I guess it's lucky I'm not at work so I don't have to buy smart stuff too.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, I think mine is going to be nursery making, I'll take pics to show you next week x
So exciting that you are putting together your nursery this weekend!! DH & I are waiting til the end of the month when daycare will be officially done - but then are going to paint and get carpeting put in. Right now it has hardwood with a big rug but we are thinking we would like carpet in that room - at least for a while. So our crib is still in a huge box in our bedroom and the dresser combo unit is in our office.

My hips are starting to hurt in the mornings. Im sick of not laying on my back at all when I sleep! Also been having such weird dreams and sometimes not good ones - which had kindof gone away -but I guess are back!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Woo hoo--it's the weekend! Tomorrow makes 99 days until my EDD :happydance:. Just saw that you've made the move over to 3rd tri Jaydee! We'll all be following you soon.

Is that the last pregnancy milestone until birth? In first tri we had the BFP, 12 week scan, hearing heartbeat, and possible first kicks. In second tri we had definite first movements, anomoly scans, gender (for those who wanted to find out early), DH feeling movement, 99 day countdown. So what's ahead for third tri? I suppose starting maternity leave is a milestone. Maybe when we can no longer tie our shoes because of big bumps :rofl:
Woo hoo--it's the weekend! Tomorrow makes 99 days until my EDD :happydance:. Just saw that you've made the move over to 3rd tri Jaydee! We'll all be following you soon.

Is that the last pregnancy milestone until birth? In first tri we had the BFP, 12 week scan, hearing heartbeat, and possible first kicks. In second tri we had definite first movements, anomoly scans, gender (for those who wanted to find out early), DH feeling movement, 99 day countdown. So what's ahead for third tri? I suppose starting maternity leave is a milestone. Maybe when we can no longer tie our shoes because of big bumps :rofl:

Me too hon. 99 days today! :happydance::happydance:

Re milestones in 3rd tri - What about braxton hicks and leaking boobs? Woohoo!! :winkwink: Ok just being silly, what about starting our antenatal classes, that's got to be a biggy for next tri.

I'm feeling quite large at the moment, is anyone else?
Well, nursery furniture is put together and in place, well, minus one of the drawers which was faulty in the box, so we're having to wait for them to send us a new one in the post.
DH did all that on Friday night (he said he wanted to get it done), Saturday we went baby shopping again, wanted to get a rocker/bouncer chair for baby but couldn't decide on one (we're awful!)
Sunday we went to a BBQ at his sister's. Think it's getting a bit cold for bbqs now, it was nice when we got there mid afternoon but I was really cold when we left at 7pm.
Just gives me a good excuse to go shopping for some nice warm winter maternity clothes, think I might do that later!

Also booked a girlie spa weekend in Cambridge for a few weeks time. It's a belated birthday thing for one of them. Hope the weather holds off for that weekend as we're having a day doing tourist things and a day at the spa.

And yes, today is my first official day in 3rd tri. Piemistress is there with me too. Keeps making me think that I should pack a hospital bag and things. I'm sure it won't be long before I actually do this, but I'm going to wait at least until after our 4D scan a week on Thursday - yey!
:rofl: Amerikiwi.... its hard to believe that we are coming up to that cant tie your own shoe stage! My classes start tonight - so cant really count that as a 3rd tri milestone for myself, Ive already had a few braxton hicks, and my 4d ultrasound is saturday only a few days after I start 3rd tri - so Im going to have nothing left!!!! I will have to think of something to break up the last tri - maybe my baby showers? First one is Oct 18 and 2nd one is Nov. 7.

Congrats girls on double digits!! Things are really counting down now! Seems like we were in first tri not that long ago!!

I wish it was cooling down here JayDee - its been warmer this month than it was all summer! And none of my shorts fit anymore - only pants -so I cant wait til it cools off a little! Its been a weird summer for weather here. And we havent had any rain - zilch - in an entire month! Everything is so dry and has been average of at least 15 degrees above normal for sept.
Hi ladies! Well you all seem to be very busy indeed... holidays/ikea/shopping/wee tests!!! LOL It was great to catch up on all your news.

I had my 25th week appointment with my GP on friday (albeit a week late! You can never get an appointment when it suits!) She measured my bump (fundal height) and says that i'm measuring 3weeks ahead, but she wrote down 2 so it didn't look so bad!?! I also asked her to do a urine test as i was a little concerned i may be getting an infection, but think it could also be baby thinking my bladder is a squeeze toy but wasn't 100% sure. So she dipped tested my wee - and said i didn't have an infection but there was a raised sugar marker. So she's ordered a blood test for this friday to test the glucose levels in my blood.... if that comes back inconclusive they'll do the proper glucose test where i'll have to drink a horrid sugary drink then test my blood at different moments afterwards to see if my body is coping with sugar!

I was a quite concerned as i already know our baby is a big one but this has come up in all our ultrasounds 9wks, 12wks, 20wks - so i'm thinking it can't just be gestational diabities as this wouldn't have increased babys size that early or consistantly! But we'll have to wait and see i suppose. I really hope it's not! And i've been ultra conscience of what i'm eating and drinking each day just to be sure!!!

My bump is very large indeed!! That hardly any of my normal tops or jumpers cover the bottom of my bump anymore so i've had to invest in some more maternity clothes. I've found newlook and mothercare are quite cheap for some tops that you'll only wear for the following 4/5months then i won't feel so bad not wearing them again! I've also bought some lovely dress/jumper type tops to wear over leggings and tall boots that look fab for weekends and dressing the bump up a bit! And very very comfy too!!
Jaydee how exciting getting the nursery together!! Do you have pictures we can see?!

I love the suggestions for third tri milestones. Leaky boobs, antenatal classes, braxton hicks and baby showers are def. added to problematic shoe tying in my milestone list!!

I finally got booked into my antenatal classes! DH and I had problems with work schedules not co-ordinating with antenatal schedules. The group that we were really interested in has added a weekend intensive option held over two Saturdays so we'll go on 31 October and then again on 7 November. I'm so excited. How was your first class Daisybee?

I wish our weather would warm up. Being on the Southern Hemisphere I bought lots of spring and summer maternity wear. We've had a number of cold days and I'm just too big for most of my old winter clothes. I'll send over some cold wind to you Daisybee and you can send some of your extra heat to Jaydee and me!

TTC hope your glucose test goes well. My glucose tolerance test (complete with gunky sugar drink) is in the next couple of weeks (get the exact date at next mw appt). Maybe baby measuring big means you'll get to meet your little one early!
Oh yes, that would be nice, send some of the sunshine this way Daisy. I was in America this time last year, just near Philadephia, and it was lovely and sunny, a lot better than in was here now anyway.

Amerikiwi - I will take pics for you to see, but it's not finished yet. Whilst we have furniture that's it in a blank room. We need some pictures for the walls, and the last drawer for the dresser first. Hopefully both of these will be sorted this week.

TTC - hope your blood test results are ok. Are you having any other symptoms which could indicate you had gestational diabietes? Not sure what they are; feeling faint when you don't eat enough maybe? I guess watching what you eat and drink can't be a bad thing when you're pregnant anyway.

I forgot to mention, I do now have antenatal classes booked too but, get this for how good our local midwife office is (the admin people at least) the letter came through saying they were to take place on 2, 9 and 16 December when I'm due on 20 Dec! I called to suggest perhaps that was cutting it fine, and it turns out I'm booked in for November, not December, she wrote the wrong thing on the letter, if I hadn't called I would have missed them altogether! Ah well, no harm done I guess....
LOL - Yes I would think that would have cut it a little close JayDee for your classes!! I suppose you would definitely remembered everything they taught you however! HA! Glad you got it sorted out.

I think its a great idea to post our pics of nurseries and anything else too - once we all get a bit more organized! I'll for sure be posting pics of my shower presents, etc as well as nursery pics in a month or so (hopefully!)

Good luck on your test ttc. Maybe your baby is just ahead of the game? :shrug: I have my diabetes test monday and not looking forward to it either!

My class last night was good - 8 couples including us... and we did introductions (one couple is due in a month & one isnt due til the end of march!) but the others were all due in nov. & dec. The "teacher" liked to ask us questions instead of just explaining what we should expect. She would say things like " what is something that would clue you in that you should call the hospital before 37 weeks?" and answers were things like more than 4 contractions an hour, backache that comes and goes in a pattern, leaking fluid, etc. Well instead of just telling us the answers - she would wait til someone in the group had an answer. So sometimes I felt like we were just sitting there! So it seemed to go very slowly. I did learn some things though - like that at the hospital I am assigned 1 nurse who will only be my nurse - so if they have 5 women in labor then there will be 5 nurses- one for each woman. Also that we are allowed to eat things like granola bars, yogurt, etc., and be drinking water during labor. I had always heard that you dont eat or drink during labor? So dont know if this is new or just my hospital?? She said if you have epidural then you cant eat - so will learn more about that next week. We saw a video of childbirth - and showed each stage of labor with real women going through it. My dh said on the way home that he is realizing childbirth is going to take everything out of me and is going to be really no fun. (You could see the women being in pain during the contractions - even earlier on) They showed a little of women pushing (one on all 4's, one with a squatting bar, and one on her back) and then showed one baby being actually born. I have honestly seen more of that part on "the birth story" or something like that on TLC. We did some stretches but no breathing things yet. We got a list of things that we should bring to the hospital which is very helpful! We got a big book Im going to look through sometime - the only part I saw while flipping through last night was the cervix dialating part going from 0-10.... 10 made my jaw drop! LOL I think I might forget about that part on purpose!

Today we had some rain!!!! And it is cooler here than it has been all month - so hopefully that warmer weather went your way JayDee and Amerikiwi!
Thanks for the warm weather Daisy, it was actually quite nice here yesterday, although I did go out and buy 2 cosy winter cardigans just in case. They both only button at the top and then hang loose, so it won't matter how big my bump gets, and I can wear them for the rest of the winter (usually warms up in March/April time) if I'm not sick of them by then!

Your classes sound useful, even if the waiting for the answer is annoying, she's maybe just trying to gague how much you all know so she's not telling you stuff you already know?
The eating thing, I think the advice here is in early labour you should eat plain, high energy things like granola bars to build up your energy for the next part. Once you get further on you shouldn't have anything.

Right, well, best finish tidying up before the health visitor comes tomorrow, my house isn't that bad (never was) I just hate tidying so only manage an hour at a time!
(You could see the women being in pain during the contractions - even earlier on)
Eeeek nooooo stop!! I am being an ostrich with my head buried firmly in the sand for now... Its too scarey to contemplate! :cry:

JayDee - Congrats on reaching the third tri! And thanks for the info re online Ikea stock check. How rubbish is that?? I'm going a week on Fri so will see what's what then. You mentioned the health visitor visiting you at home. Did your MW arrange this for you? I wonder if I will get a visit too?

Also, you said about packing your hosp bag. Crikey! Were you just joking or is it really something we should be doing already? :shrug:

TTC - Hope your test goes well. My bump seems big too but I can't stop eating so I think thats probably why.

Amerikiwi - Your antenatal classes will all be over before I even start mine. You can share all the gorey details with us!! :haha:
Meerkat, the health visitor just rang me on Friday to ask when would be ok for her to come. I sorted a thread in 3rd tri about it and seems like it's another random one, some places you don't see then till after baby is born.↲And no, i'm not really going to pack my hospital bag yet, but i'm going away for a couple of nights next month so it'll be a good way to check i have all the toiletries i need!
Hi ladiesssssss, i finally have internet connected at the new place!

Dont have many updates for you, just had a midwife appt today to get my HIP grant forms, she pissed me off that i have to go to a walk in clinic for my 28wk appt as they cant fit me in, so i'm still in a strop about that!

glad to see you are all doin well!
Hi Everybody,

It's nearly the weekend :) :) :)

Hope you are all well! Looks like our ante-natal classes are all at different times, mine don't start until the 27th Oct for 8 x evenings.

I still haven't made any of the major purchases (cot, car seat, pram etc!) but I have stocked up on wipes, cotton wool, maternity pads and a few sleepsuits! I actually started a spreadsheet today of things i've got to get done and buy before the baby is born (my job is a Planner so you'd think i'd be more organised than this! nearly 28w and I feel way behind in the shopping stakes!). Although we have cleared the spare room ready for plastering and painting and getting discounted cavity wall insulation put in next week - figured now was the time seeing as I'll be at home over the winter.

I don't think we get a health visitor visit here before the baby comes?

Forecast looks quite nice on the East Coast so we might try and head down to Northumberland in the camper van, keen to make the most of our free weekends together before the weather turns bad and I get too blobby to do anything!

Felt some tightning in my tummy earlier (whilst having horrible hot type sweaty flushes in town cause I was far too hot) which am guessing might have been Braxton Hicks but they weren't exactly painless and quite uncomfortable!

Anyhooo hope my Christmas Chickadees are all well and happy! Have fab weekends!
Hi Meerkat, all is great thanks, getting settled in, have a friend staying at the mo' as i'm a bit funky about staying here alone lol
Hi Christmas mums!!

Jaydee, how'd your home visit go? I won't have anyone come to the house until after bubs is born. I think you grabbed all the warm weather from Daisy before it could get to NZ. We've had a big spring snowstorm!

Emma, good to see you back. Glad you're back online and all moved into the new place.

Pie, I had a hot flash the other day too! Woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and kicking all the blankets off of me. It was only 4 degrees Celsius that night so don't think it was due to weather changes.

Daisy, your class sounds interesting and scary!! It'll be interested to see how everyone's classes compared. I'm a bit worrried about having everything thrown at us over only two days. Both days are intensive 8 hour days.

Meerkat, I too have taken the head in the sand approach to labour preparation. Although reading about first December baby coming early has made me realize that the time has come to give serious thoughts to that little detail of parenthood (giving birth that is!)

It's Friday afternoon here--almost the weekend. DH and I have been on a massive spring clean/house organize mission so that's what we have planned for the weekend. I suppose you could say we're "nesting"... :happydance:

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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