Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hi all :wave:

Emma - glad to hear the move went ok. Thought you'd been quiet for a while, I was gettin a bit worried about you! Forgot that it took us about a month to get broadband hooked up when we moved here.

Piemistress - I had a bit of a hot flash, which was accompanied by feeling really sick, when we were on the way to Ikea the other night. I just assumed I was getting travel sick from DH's driving! Taking my jacket off and having a drink of water seemed to stop it.
Your spreadsheet comment made me laugh, but more at myself. I would normally use a spreadsheet for such things, but actually went for the traditional paper and pen this time. The first hen weekend me and my friends went on a few years ago I wrote a packing list for them in word I think, but they were so impressed that I now have to do one everytime we go anywhere for more than a night!

Amerikiwi - the health visitor visit was fine thanks. After tidying up expecting a full inspection she didn't look at anything. Basically just came to give me the baby health record book (not sure if you have them, they are basically a weight and immunisation record) and to say hello so I knew who she was. Apparently they didn't used to come until baby was about 2 weeks old, but new gov't guidelines say they should come earlier now. She only stayed 15 mins, asked me some basic health questions (how tall are you/your husband? do you smoke?) and whether I was going to breast feed or not. That was it, done. At least I have a very tidy house now!

Can't believe you've had snow! I know it's not at all, but I always think of NZ being a similar climate to Australia and not getting such weather. It's def colder with you than it is here, it's still about 16C I think.

Weekend - yey! We may or may not be going out with some friends tonight. DH has got quite a bad cold, so we'll see how he feels later. He would have been better to stay in bed, but has gone to work. Luckily I don't seem to have had more than a little bit of a sore throat and a bit of a sniffle, I guess my immune system is holding up ok, cos that's what normally happens, he gets ill and I avoid it.

Hope you all have good weekends, a few more will be officially 3rd tri next week as well....:)
Good to hear from everyone!!

Emma - glad you are getting settled and the move went well!

Pie - have a fun weekend! Sounds like a good time!

JayDee - what is a health visitor exactly? I dont think we have that over here :shrug: Hope your dh gets better - maybe a relaxing weekend will help his recovery!

Amerikiwi & Meerkat - I dont think the class was very scary - sorry if it came across as such! I think it was informative and realistic. I think the more I learn about what is possibly supposed to happen the less scared I will be when the time comes. I like to be prepared! My thinking is that at least the pain is only temporary - and it is for a really good purpose - that each contraction is one step closer to my baby being here! Im going to make dh remind me of that theory when Im ready to kill someone Im sure! LOL

My last day of working was today - you should have seen me cry!! The last kids to leave are moving 4 hours away next week (perfect timing huh?!?) and I have worked with their family for 4 1/2 years. So I was an emotional wreck when they all (dad included) hugged me goodbye. Hopefully by next week I'll be over it - and be happy to be on maternity leave. Dont think its hit me yet!

Our 4d scan is tomorrow!!! So excited!! I'll try to get some pics posted later this weekend or early next week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Pie - Interesting what you said about the braxton hicks. I haven't had that yet that I'm aware of but I have had some very uncomfortable feelings in my pelvis when getting up from sitting in the same position for too long. Eek! And still so far to go!

Amerikiwi - Did you get your springcleaning done? I had a quick trip to the shops on Saturday to look at nursery furniture but other than that the weather was so lovely I didn't want to stay in and nest! Oh well there's always next week...

JayDee - Hope your DH is feeling better. Like you, I've had a sore throat for a few days too and a cough :cry: I'm usually good at dodging the bugs when they do the rounds. But this time I don't know anyone with a cold so that's a bit odd, not sure where it came from. :shrug:

DaisyBee - Aww I like your thinking on the contractions, that each one is one step closer to the baby finally being here. :thumbup: Hope you're feeling ok about your maternity leave now. And enjoy tomorrow's 4D scan, I can't wait to see the pics!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend x
Hey everyone! Trying to get pics up from yesterday - it was such a fun experience! We saw her suck her thumb, try to stick most of her hand in her mouth, try to put her foot in her mouth, yawn, open her mouth wide with her tongue in full view, open her eyes, stretch, etc! She was being shy and liked to cross her legs at her ankles which didnt let us see her girl parts at the angle she was at - but the last ultrasound wasnt a maybe on the fact that shes a girl - so we are still thinking that she is a girl! She liked to kick at the wand - dont think she liked to be bothered - she looked pretty cozy in there - and liked to cuddle her face towards my body. We also splurged and got a teddybear that plays her heartbeat when you squeeze it. We had so much fun trying to decide who she looks like - the woman even was pointing out a dimple on her cheek! How cute is that! LOL DH was pretty quiet and emotional through the whole thing - he was trying hard not to get all choked up - awww it was all worth the drive and the $ just to see his reaction. :kiss: So we got 93 pics on cd, 12 wallet size pics (we thought they were going to be bigger pics), and a 34 min. dvd of the whole thing. So we will have to get some bigger prints done soon to show them off to our friends and family. Well - I'll get pics done tomorrow - they have my name and phone # on all of them which I dont really want floating around the internet for any random person to see!

Meerkat - I get very uncomfortable in lots of places midbody - when I sit too long, when Im laying in bed and then try to get up - ouch! Having pain in the front of my pelvis - which we learned at childbirth class is cartilage in the front of your pelvis - can move 1 1/2 cm! My thoughts exactly - we have a long way to go!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Hi all - yes, DH does seem to be feeling better now, thanks. He did manage to sleep for about 12 hours on Friday night, and then have a nap on Saturday afternoon before we went to our friends and out for a meal. I had a lovely steak, yes, I know it's naughty to have it cooked medium but tough, it was so worth it. I think the main risk is food posioning, and I feel fine so all is good.

Daisy - a health visitor is kind of like a midwife but for once baby is here. Her way of describing it was they are trained nurses who specialise in child health. From what I can tell they basically check on baby every few weeks in the early months, make sure they are growing ok, and are there to answer any questions you have.
Your 4D scan sounds amazing, I can't wait for mine on Thursday now. We're taking both mums with us as well, so it could be interesting - they get on fine but could do our heads in - so we'll see what happens....

Meerkat - My pelvis is ok for now but I've started to have to put a cushion behind my lower back when I sit down for too long otherwise that is starting to hurt, and our sofa is quite low and my legs are quite long so I keep getting almost stuck on it when I'm trying to get up!

I have my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow morning, just hoping she doesn't keep me waiting too long as I have to go to the job centre (for the last time before I can have maternity allowance hopefully) 45 mins after my appointment time. It's only 10 minutes away so it should be ok, but I bet my blood pressure will be higher if I don't get to see her until 9.50 (I'll need to leave at 10)....
Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had fab weekends!

Jaydee - Glad your health visitor visit went well. Will you be seeing the same one once bubs is born?

Daisybee - Your scan sounds lovely !!

We went for an 'unplanned' 3D/4D scan yesterday. We weren't sure if we were going to go or not but seeing as we were driving back to Aberdeen through Edinburgh yesterday decided to see if we could get a cancellation and we did!! It wasn't at all spooky (like I thought it might be) and I am now more sure we are having a boy than a girl! They totally avoided that area as we didn't want to know but facially I think Eggnog looks like Chris (his nose and mouth!) but of course, I could be totally wrong! It was so relaxed and they spent a long time scanning me as Eggnog kept moving and they wanted to wait to get a good look at the face. They have estimatated 'his' current weight at 2lbs 13oz at my 28w gestation (tummy is still big!!). Although it was £120 we could have done with not spending it was well worth it and we got hard copy piccys, a nice frame and a CD with all of the pics and moving images on it :)

Have been suffering with some strange backache the past couple of days in that it has been sore across my upper back and shoulder blades (almost like an indigestion type feeling), the sonographer said it could be because he/she is currently in breech position (but thankfully still plenty of fluid so is still moving around lots - last week at MW appt he/she was head down).

Not sure how much longer I will be able to sleep in the camper van though! I had to get Chris to move everytime I wanted to change positions (which was often!). Was great to be back in our own bed last night :) :) :)

Holiday Monday here today so the office is super quiet, am working the day so I can use it towards some time off nearer my Maternity Leave!

Daisy/Pie - Your scans sound amazing. I'd love to do it but am just scared I'll see what sex :baby: is and after waiting all this time I don't want to find out by accident now! But I bet the pics and video's will be something you'll cherish forever.

Jaydee - Do you sleep ok at night? Or do you suffer with backache then too?

It sounds like we're all starting to suffer a bit with various aches and pains now. I guess that will only get worse as we get bigger and the baby nest gets more cramped!

Woe is me....My sore throat and cough are getting worse so I'm off work today. :sleep: I slept til nearly 11am but still feel like I've ran a marathon. I hope LO is ok in there and doesn't catch any of my nasty bugs. Anyone know if I should be doing something particular? I'm just resting at the moment and hoping that will get me better!
Jaydee, yeah it takes forever, first a fault on the phone line so had to delay the order, etc etc, did my nut in! Interesting about your HV visit! i struggle enough getting in to see the midwife so doubt they'll start that one round here!
28wk appt is just bloods right? you should be fine!!

cant wait to see pics Daisy! your scan sounds fantastic!

Meerkat, i take it its hitting you that its really not that far away?! 13 weeks for you, argh! and is it just me or is time flying so fast!?
Take paracetamol to keep your temperature down and drink lots of water! try to avoid anything else! hope you feel better soon!

Pie - your scan sounds great too! not sure i could be as strong as you and not find out the sex still, i begged to find out the second i walked into my 20w scan lol.... Hope your backache eases soon!

I seem to of avoided all the bugs that are flying around at the moment, i dont know how as a couple of friends are staying with me at the moment and they both have had various things, but my immune system is doing a cracking job...

Had a 25wk appt with the midwife on thurs, that went well, except she couldnt fit me in for my 28wk bloods appt so asked me to go to a walk in hall thing, so pissed off about that and doubt i'll go, though trying to convince myself, i just keep thinking it can wait til i have my 31 wk appt...
Heard bubs heartbeat, which always makes me smile, and i love that it gets stronger and stronger every time...

i'm sure i missed this on you lot when i was moving home but i saw feet popping thru my skin yesterday! was so amazing, i'm sure its happened before that, but yesterday he was going wild and there were feet and hands sticking out everywhere and it could not be mistaken, i think i just finally realised i'm pregnant! i was quite surprised as i'm a big girl and didnt expect to see this stuff!
Hello lovely ladies!

Had my bloods taken last friday for my glucose test (should get the results tomorrow) and they did another urine dip test - which came back clear. So i'm thinking it'll be ok but will find out for definate tomorrow. I managed to persuade the nurse to give me some of the urine dip tests to take home with me so i can keep an eye on my levels myself.

My 28week midwife appointment is on wednesday, so i think i get my bloods done again and as i'm rh- the anti d too! eeekk

Will keep you all informed!

i'm sure i missed this on you lot when i was moving home but i saw feet popping thru my skin yesterday! was so amazing, i'm sure its happened before that, but yesterday he was going wild and there were feet and hands sticking out everywhere and it could not be mistaken, i think i just finally realised i'm pregnant! i was quite surprised as i'm a big girl and didnt expect to see this stuff!

Wow that's fantastic hon! Can you really see the difference between hands and feet? That's amazing :happydance: And a few weeks ago you were worrying that he wasn't moving about much. I guess he's making up for it now for you!!

TTC - Good luck on Weds. I'm seeing my MW on Weds too and I was told she was taking blood but I'll only be 27+2. Am now wondering if that's right as everyone else seems to be having theirs at 28 weeks. Hmmm I hope I dont have to go twice. I'm not a fan of giving blood and my MW is rubbish at it!!
Hi all

Emma - that's great that you can see bubs moving, esp as you were worried about him being lazy a couple of weeks ago. DH had his hand on the bump the other day and said he definately felt bone, like it was a foot or something, but I haven't seen anything defined yet. When he kicks hard my skin jumps but that's it.
Oh, and your internet thing sounds like mine, think it took us a month to get it sorted. Glad you're back online now though, nice to have you back.

Meerkat - I don't get backache when I try to sleep, but I do get dead leg in whichever side I'm laying on, which wakes me up to roll over. Think I do this about 4/5 times a night.

Hope your cold gets better soon. DH's has gone now, didn't last too long, hopefully yours will be the same. Orange juice, paracetamol and lots of sleep. If you've got a thermometer keep an eye on your temperature, it's mainly bad for bubs when you get a high temperature.

Pie - Your scan sounds great, only 2 days until mine now -yey!
I sympathize with the camper van thing as well, we have a king size bed at home and stayed at our friends' on Saturday night in a double bed, felt awfully small, I had to keep kicking DH out of the way because I was waking up right on the edge of the bed!

The right spare bit finally came from Ikea yesterday so I'll take some pics of the nursery so far for you to see. It doesn't look much yet, and there are still a couple of things we need to get (rug and pics for the wall) but maybe you can give me some ideas for pics...

Right, need to go to midwife soon so best go find some shoes and stuff, catch you later ladies x
Midwife was fine - different one AGAIN, that's 3 different people at 3 appointments but never mind. She took bloods for iron levels and full blood count (I think), urine test for whatever that does (glucose and protein I think). Blood pressure is the same as it was last time, fundal height is 28cm, spot on where it should be. Baby is laid head down already, was quite surprised by that, but I guess it's normal or she would have mentioned it. His heartbeat is getting stronger every time I hear it, it's weird. Overall, all good and I was actually seen slightly before my appointment time, so no waiting around either.

Got round to taking some pics of the nursery as promised as well. It does look a bit plain I know. Realised it's quite hard to take one pic of such a small room so I took 2, one of the monkey collection that bubs will inherit from us and one of the pile of stuff we already have, which doesn't include travel system and most of the feeding stuff (breast pump, bottles, sterlizer etc). We have the matching bedding to the curtains as well - I'm thinking pale blue rug for the floor and some pics for the wall - what do you ladies think?


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JayDee, Glad it all went ok today. I'm seeing the MW tomorrow, I haven't seen the same one for the last 3 times either. Mine's off sick apparently. Blood and wee tomorrow, nice.

The nursery furniture looks great hon, it makes me want to dash out and buy my furniture right now!! Still can't make my mind up what to get though. I've always been indecisive but since I've been pregnant it's been much worse.:dohh:

Went to the docs today about my cough. Turns out I have a bronchial infection and he's given me some co-codomol. I asked if LO would be ok as I was worried he/she might catch some bugs off me. Also that all the coughing had made my tummy sore and the baby was kicking like mad every time I coughed. And the doctor was his usual dismissive self telling me that babies survive far worse than than a coughing mother. How does he always manage to make me feel about 2 inches tall? :growlmad:
Meerkat - Doctors deal with pregnancy all the time and forget that we don't know as much as they do. The midwife even did it to me yesterday - "Is baby moving alright?", "Well, he moves, but you tell me, what's normal?"
I'm sure I've heard of other people on the forum taking co-codomol so I'm sure you and LO will be ok. Hope you feel better soon x
i take co-codamol for my arthritis and got it taken off me when i was pregnant, so now i'm sulking! though i must say, i did some research on it and the net seems to say that it shouldnt be taken in 3rd tri as the codeine can be addictive for the baby...
Doctors really piss me off sometimes, i wish they would stick to one rule for everyone.

So my due date has been in discussion, i was originally given the 28th december and that changed at my 12 week scan to 3rd Jan, now ive had 4 scans since then and they all say that i'm measuring 28th Dec, what would you go off? i've left is as 3rd of Jan because its what doctors will go off!

Your nursery looks great JayDee, i feel so behind now, my nursery is just full of unpacked boxes and crap that i really should just throw out, i've not even decorated yet! i think i've become baffled by how far on i am because my BF is pregnant yet only at 14 weeks and shes not stressing at all which in turn means i dont think about it! argh!
Thanks Jaydee. My doctor is rubbish. When I moved surgeries I was given him (well not literally) and the first time I met him I was gutted that he was my doctor. So I asked reception if I could swap him and they said no but I could see any doc I wanted and didnt have to see him. Sadly I had a cancellation appt and he was the only one available so I got him again. Typical! Hope I don't get him again!

Emma - Don't worry I havent started my nursery either so you're not alone! As for the ever changing due date, it's a difficult one isn't it, maybe go with Jan and then if he's early it's a bunus!

Saw MW today she had a good feel around and said the :baby: is breech at the mo. I think I may have coughed it upside down!!

Oh and some woman at work has been confirmed as having swine flu. Great. What do you do in that situation? :shrug:
Emma - that is so cool you saw a foot! My little girl moves around so much right now - but cant say that I know what anything is from.. even kicking feeling - I wonder if its from an actual foot or a fist or knee,etc! So glad that your feeling such awesome movement!

JayDee - your nursery looks so good! It makes me want to get my butt moving too! I like that you did more simple approach - its what I am planning on too. The health visitor info - do you guys take your LO to the dr for checkups during the first few months - or is the visitor in place of that? Cause we have to bundle up the LO and go to the clinic for their first checkups - none of it is ever inhome.

Pie - I can see where you would have trouble with a doublebed - my dh complains that between me and all my pillows - that he is hugging the wall everynight- and we have a queen! LOL Poor guy! Your 3d ultrasound sounds so great! Glad you decided to do one!

I had my dr appt on monday - did my glucose test which tasted like fruit punch hi-c... wasnt bad at all ( I was so worried it would be terrible!) They drew blood and I gave urine for the first time since 1st tri (besides my 24 hr thing). The result of my 24 hr test was normal which I assumed since they never called me about it. My blood pressure was a little high cause I was worried about the glucose test and worried about my bp - lol how ironic! But they liked the readings that Ive been taking at home - so they arent worried - thank god! I was measuring 29 weeks for fundal height and lost 3 lbs in the past 2 weeks which I thought was weird - cause I havent been trying. My hospital is telling me I should get the seasonal and h1n1 flu shot. The flu (not sure what kind) is going around my dh's work - so it makes me question whether I should really get the shots? I was thinking I wasnt going to get them - but now - I dont know.

Class on Monday went well - we learned about C-sections and about different techniques for pushing and about breathing for relaxing during each contraction (before pushing). Only 2 more classes to go!

Meerkat - :hugs: Dont let the dr. get to you.... I think they all forget that they are the dr instead of us for a reason! Thats why they get paid for it - To all of us this is so new and different and we question everything. You'd think they would be used to these kindof questions by now! Hope you start feeling better soon!
Also - for the 3d scan - at least for us - the baby is so big right now that she had to purposefully look in that area as far as boy or girl. So if you tell them you dont want to know - I wouldnt think it would be an issue. Ours concentrated so much on facial shots - you could tell them thats all you want! Or if you decide not to do one - you should be seeing your LO in about 3 months - coming up quick!


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Wow DaisyBee amazing pics! They look so clear, you can see everything can't you. Is that a yawn I see in the first one?

How fab, you must be on :cloud9:
Pics are fab Daisy, just 2 hours till mine - yey! I'll reply properly and post some pics tomorrow :)

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