Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

How did it go JayDee?!

Here are a couple of pics from our scan last week. Although we didn't find out what Team we are on I think it looks like a boy!

I will put some pics up of how our nursery currently looks to make some of you feel better (there is wallpaper we have stripped off all over the floor, holes in the walls where the plastering hasn't been done etc etc - shambles!!)

After my MW appt on Mon 5th they then move to fortnightly rather than monthly - EEKS!!!!
After my MW appt on Mon 5th they then move to fortnightly rather than monthly - EEKS!!!!

Wow Pie that's fantastic - I see what you mean could be a boy, but you just never know... :shrug:

Oooh why are you moving to fortnightly appointments? I had an appt yesterday at 27+2 and she said she'd see me again in a month. Prob down to resources I bet!
Oooh pie, i think it looks like a boy too!

my next scheduled appt is not til 31 weeks, had my last at 25 weeks, they have asked me to go for bloods at 28 weeks but they cant do them so to go to some drop in clinic, thinking i probably wont do that.
Great pictures pie!!

Jaydee, nursery looks great. I love the monkeys! Can't wait to see your 4d photos too.

Meerkat, hope you feel better soon.

Emma, I'd stick with the 28th since you're other scans have put you there--but then again, I'm partial to that date. :thumbup: I've measured anywhere from the 26th-29th so I'm guessing somewhere between Christmas and New Years.

Daisy-Glad to hear the glucose test isn't too scary. I have a mw appointment on Monday and then she'll give me the referral for mine. Eeek.

How's everyone feeling now that we're all in third tri? I have developed heartburn for the first time in my life over the last couple of evenings! I'm also growing hair at an incredible rate and starting to feel like a yeti. I spent a good 30 minutes plucking hair this morning (including stomach!!)--it's insane. I thought you're supposed to grow more hair with boys but my girl is making me into a hairy wildabeast!
Baby wouldn't play :(

Well, that's not completely true, we did get to see him for a minute, after 10 minutes of trying to get him to wake up and roll over (he was facing backwards when we arrived) but, once he did face us he was so close to me that they couldn't get a very clear pic of his face. Got to see him open and close his eyes and yawn but then he went back to sleep again.

The woman was really nice, and suggested that I went for a walk and a drink to see if that woke him up. I tried having a mocha (thought coffee and chocolate would be enough caffine) and flapjack as well as jumping (made the grandmas to be who had both come with us, laugh) but it didn't work so she's made us another appointment in a couple of weeks (15 Oct), when she thinks she'll be able to get better pics, so we get to see him again - yey.
Weirdly, she said it's because I'm thin (I've only ever heard on here of scans being difficult when people are bigger) and, although I've got the right amount of fluid, there isn't that much space near baby's head, cos it's right down. In a couple of weeks he should have more room near his head - not quite sure how but she seemed confident.

All your pics look great, I guess I'll have to wait 2 weeks to share mine...

I had an appointment at 28 weeks, and the next one is at 31 weeks. I'm assuming after that they will be fortnightly. 31 weeks sounds really close to B-day, although it's only a couple of weeks away.

Emma - I agree with AK, go with 28 Dec if that's what the scans are showing you, or certainly expect him to turn up any time around then.

Pie - I think your pics look like a boy as well, but then I'm not sure if features continue to develop, maybe they all facially look like boys at the minute....? Maybe pregnancy intuition though, it's worked for me a couple of times....

Meerkat - if you were thinking of getting a scan, I can assure you, they can avoid the area completely if you want to stay on team yellow. The lady yesterday asked before she started whether we knew/wanted to know. So she confirmed he was a boy (didn't want to show his face, but his bits was a different matter!) but I guess they would just stay near the head if you didn't want to know. I don't think they can fit the full baby on the screen at once anymore anyway, you just wouldn't get to see his legs I guess.

AK - The only thing I've noticed different in 3rd tri is my legs feel tired quicker. I think I need to get walking a bit more because I don't want to allow myself to get really out of shape. No heartburn (yet - thankfully) but I am still feeling randomly full, although I'm getting used to it.

I guess we are now meant to be eating our extra 200 calories a day, personally I'm just eating what I'm eating and, to be honest, half the time not really feeling that hungry. Oh well, I'm sure baby will be ok. I could probably manage a chocolate bar a day but think that'd be worse than not bothering!

So, anyone got any good plans for the weekend? DH is having to work Saturday morning, and he's having to help his dad move fish tanks (they are huge!) so they can lay new floor in their living room. Not sure what else we'll be doing.... Enjoy everyone whatever you're doing x
Great scan pics Pie! I think that its hard to tell boy or girl with the ultrasounds, but can see why you think maybe boy. My dh's cousin thought she was having a boy just based on her 2d ultrasound from the jawline, etc. And she had a baby girl last month! Kindof fun that its still a surprise for you - although dont know how you can wait so long!!

JayDee - sorry baby wouldnt come out and play for you - hopefully you can get even better pics in 2 weeks. My baby liked to cuddle her face into me quite a bit - so sometimes we were only seeing 1/2 her face. It made me glad that we paid for 30 min. session. Im sure you're disapointed that you didnt get to see him after the anticipation of it all!

I get seen by dr. once every 2 weeks instead of monthly (is that what fortnightly means?) They were supposed to be monthly til right now - but with my bp - I have been going every 2 weeks the past few times. Everyone where I live sees dr. every 2 weeks during this month and next - and then the last month we get seen every week. Frankly - Im kindof sick of going to the dr!

Amerikiwi - hope your heartburn doesnt stick around! Uck! Ive had it every once in a while through the whole pregnancy - and seems like it isnt based off of my food intake. A few times it seemed like it was from drinking water - lol - is that possible?!?

3rd tri for me = starting to feel huge! Also Im feeling the baby ALL the time lately - she has been so active and every little thing she does I seem to feel. Its great fun when I want to lay down on the couch and watch her play - but its so hard to get to sleep at night cause she thinks its party time right when dh & I would like to get to sleep!

Have a good weekend everyone! We are going to a big sale tomorrow- like a garage sale but in a big building put on my a group that everyone is mothers of multiples. (MOM's group) its called. They had one last spring - but it was harder to shop when we were in first tri and didnt know anything then! Im hoping its a fun time with some good deals!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Jaydee, so sorry your little man wouldn't play. At least it gives you a good excuse to see him again in two weeks! :happydance:

Daisy, how was the big garage sale? I bet mum's of multiples have heaps of baby gear! I'm also now into fortnightly (every two weeks) midwife appointments until the last month.

I had my midwife appointment today and went for my glucose tolerance test. I had to drink the glucose drink and then wait one hour to have my blood drawn. I figured the drink would be pretty sweet, but it was even worse than expected. I had to finish the drink within 2 minutes and was almost out of time so ended up sculling most of it just before the buzzer! :bodyb: My little girl was going crazy from the sugar rush and bopping all around by the time they took the bloods. Hopefully this one is clear, otherwise I have to do another one with a sweeter drink and more time between bloods.

As for the heartburn, I found out mine is actually acid reflux. Like Daisy, mine was not triggered by food eaten. Instead I got it when I hadn't eaten and drinking water as well. Midwife suggested lots of snacks and small meals throughout the day to keep the stomach with food in it. I also got some pregnancy approved over the counter acid reflux pills which have been a great help. :thumbup:
Hi girls

Yeah - that's how I'm looking at the scan thing, just another excuse to see him again. I also revisited the website of the company at the weekend and some of the pictures on there are about as good as she'd managed to get of ours, just he was clearly asleep and wasn't going to do anything interesting for the video. I'm quite happy that we get to see him again.

Oh, and he's learnt kicking HARD at the weekend, I'm sure that feet and hands are now trying to get out thru my skin, and that he's decided my kidney is a football! It's nice to know he's ok but it keeps making me jump, and DH worry because of my reaction!
Oh, and I think baby is pushing up on my diaphragm because I keep feeling really short of breath even just sat down, which is also making DH ask if I'm ok, I don't even notice that I'm doing it. The joys of pregnancy I suppose...

AK - your glucose test sounds weird, I'm not sure they do those here, no-one has mentioned it.

AK and Daisy - hope your acid reflux gets better soon. I have a feeling I might get something similar soon, I still keep feeling really full and drinks almost get stuck in my throat sometimes, I'm sure they don't but that's what it feels like.
Well the big "garage" sale was a total bust! DH & I were very bummed out - there was hardly anything decent there at all. There was only 1 breast pump, 2 toddler racecar beds, 3 cribs, 1 exersaucer, NO highchairs! The toys & clothes seemed very used - like maybe they had been purchased at a garage sale before - and 1/2 of them seemed very overpriced - they would want $7 for 1 very used sleeper, $4 for 2 onesies. I can get a better deal than that for new things in the store! Oh well!

JayDee - isnt it a weird feeling when bubs makes you basically jump?!? I get startled and cant even control my reaction - which makes people look at me weird when Im in public! LOL
Amerikiwi - that is good to know about the acid reflux! I never thought about trying to eat MORE food or more often LOL. When I get that feeling I usually continue to not eat thinking eating would make it worse! HAHA Shows what I know!
Daisy- your garage sale does sound a bit rubbish but at least you know you didn't miss out on a bargain. Hope you manage to find some stuff in the shops instead.

It is weird when bubs makes you jump isn't it? I guess we'll have to get used to it though. DH also saw him punch out from my belly last night, first time he's really seen it, and he was a bit freaked out I think (in a nice way). I've noticed him do it quite a lot over the past few weeks but by the time DH looks baby stops.

I'm still getting some people (who don't know me) looking at me questioning when I say I'm almost 7 months pregnant, 2 people did it yesterday, maybe I'm just dressing it well! I don't mind, hopefully the neater the bump stays the sooner I'll fit back into my normal clothes again.

I got some raspberry leaf tea tablets yesterday, is anyone else going to use them? We've got a few weeks before we need to worry about them yet but I had to go to a health food store to get them and I remembered yesterday, it's not somewhere I think I've ever been before in my life!
ooooh tablet form, never thought of that, ive seen the teabags around but never the tablets, i'll be sure to get some, i'm workin on getting this baby out a couple of weeks early lol

People are the opposite with me JayDee, they think i should be ready to drop by the size of me, or that theres more hiding in there, i personally dont think im that big!

Anyone got names sorted yet?!
Holland and Barrett was the only place I found the tablets Emma, but I didn't look that hard, only boots, superdrug, tesco and asda.

We're still undecided on names, we crossed out everything on our original list so I had to write a new one. There is one on there that is our fave at the minute, well it's DH's fave and I need it to grow on me a bit more. Maybe once we've got a decent pic from the 3d scan next week I might be able to see if he suits it or not, it doesn't feel like he does at the minute....

How about you? Are you having to consult FOB or is it really up to you?

Hope you've settled into your new home ok x
He's requested that he choose the middle name of Andrew, because thats his middle name, my shortlist so far is Shay, Finley, Leo, Corey & Kian, i have found they've all changed from the original list too, FOB vetoed them all as they were already members of his near family called that, we had another name on this list that we both liked, and for the life of me i cant remember what it is, typical eh? damn baby brain!

I'm getting there with the settling in, still a few strange noises to get used to and think i'm gonna hafta get used to being able to hear everything that goes on in next doors master bedroom ifkwim lol
Hi everyone, hope you're all ok. Just posted this in Older Mums thread. I had a bit of an embarrassing adventure last night after a worrying day of hardly feeling LO move...

I got home from work and was still worried about lack of movements from LO. So I laid on the bed on my side, then my back, then the other side and still hardly a movement. DH could tell I was worried and insisted that I call NHS Direct to put my mind at rest. So I did and they told me to call the Labour Ward for advice. And as soon as the lovely MW starting speaking to me I burst into tears and couldn't stop. I was mortified!! Anyway, she told me to come in straight away and pack an overnight bag just in case!

So DH and I headed off to the maternity ward. When I got there they were so lovely and the MW I spoke to on the phone came over and I started crying again! :cry:

Anyway to cut a long story short she wired me up to a monitor which checked the amount of movement and another one which listened to the heartbeat. Typically, and to my relief, LO started kicking like mad more or less as soon as I was hooked up to the machine! I was so happy but also really embarrassed to be there. I hate the thought of wasting their time or them thinking I'm neurotic or paranoid.

Then a doc came to check me and the baby and reassured me that everything was fine. Me and DH were there for over an hour altogether. DH was starving bless him They were very reassuring and the lovely MW said if she was me she would have done the same and I was right to go and check if I was worried.

So I've been in a labour ward! I haven't told a soul (apart from all of you!), and have sworn DH to secrecy as I'm still pretty embarrassed by the whole episode but I feel so relaxed today and is having a lovely kicky day too!

One funny thing, I had packed my overnight bag in a haze of tears and when I came to unpack realised I had put in a pair of clean knickers, pyjama bottoms (no top), my toothbrush and my hair straighteners. Think I need to rethink this choice when I go in for the real thing!!
ohhhh sorry you were so worried but couldnt help an laugh at your overnight bag! think we need to work on this dont we! lol... when should we have it packed by? whats everyone using as their overnight bag? i havent even thought about it... been so excited that my friend has bought me the Radley baby bag that i forgot all about my over night bag!
Ha thanks Emma x

Not sure when it should be packed by. My SIL just used a normal little suitacase as hers. I'll prob do that too, but you're right I need to work on the contents... :awww:
Ha ha at the bag packing, although I think given how stressed you were you did well to get that much stuff in.
Glad all is ok, I worry when he doesn't kick me within half an hour of waking up (he usually does so I've just got used to it, like to think it's him saying "I'm still here mum") so dread to think what I'd be like if I didn't feel anything all day.

I was reading some pregnancy magazine the other night (think it was the free one I picked up from boots) and it had things to do in each trimester and third was pack a hospital bag, as well as book yourself in for a session at the hairdressers while you still have time and buy some nursing bras. DH read it over my shoulder and asked if I'd packed mine yet! Did point out it was slightly early, but then decided the next day that I'd put some baby stuff in the change bag just in case! No clothes in there yet cos I need to wash it all first but nappies, wipes etc are in there now, just in case.
I'm just going to use my normal overnight bag/small suitcase for my stuff, which I think I could get together within a minute or 2 if I needed to so not worried about that.

Emma - I think new houses always have strange noises, after a few months you won't even hear them. When we moved into our first house (we're on 2nd now) a few years ago we had to buy a burglar alarm because we kept thinking next door's front door was ours and there was someone in our house when we were in bed!
Jaydee, and there was me the other day asking you if it was too early to pack a bag yet! Looks like its never too early eh?

Spooky about the front door, I'd hate that. I sometimes think that our neighbours garage door is ours when they open it. DH keeps all his surf and windsurf boards in our garage and would cry a thousand tears if they were nicked! But I've been thinking about getting an alarm fitted for some time.

Do you feel happier now that you have one?
Yeah, i'm waiting for my brother to come fix the alarm system, i hear noises from next door lots too! though recently its just been rough sex, lol.... oh and the dogs!

I guess i should pack a bag too, geez, it seems so early, but i do get the feeling that this babies gonna come early anyways, i'm due last in here, watch me be the first to pop!

anyone got a list of what needs to be in it, i'll need to be buying some stuff me thinks!
I guess i should pack a bag too,

anyone got a list of what needs to be in it, i'll need to be buying some stuff me thinks!

:amartass: Hair straighteners! Always handy...

Seriously, I think there's a list on third tri somewhere. Think I might print a copy for myself actually..

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