Wow - it really was a cake filled weekend for most of us wasn't it - how odd! My cake was good, there is still about half of it left. Coffee cake with chocolate filling. I was also feeling arty so made a monkey face out of icing (DH likes monkeys, it's not just completely random) and used chocolate buttons to decorate. He seemed to like it anyway.....
Emma - I like both your names, but won't be stealing because my cousin already has a boy called Finlay, and neither that or Shey sound right with our surname. We didn't really think about names until we knew he was a boy, but I do think girls names would be easier to choose, I keep hearing loads I like, why is that?
Pie - we got the cot, wardrobe and changing table/chest of drawers thing. I think it looks really nice and a lot more expensive than it was

Names-wise, can you agree on a boy's name that DH likes the long version of and you like the short one? Once baby is old enough he/she will decide whether they use the long/short version anyway, and you can still call them what you like. I had a friend at school who's mum always called her Victoria, but she choose to be Vicky for example.
Daisy - hope you had a great baby shower and a massive cake, I can't believe your friends were even considering not having a cake, it's not a party without one in my opinion (but then I like making cakes so am happy to provide it!)
Meerkat - I don't know what a porter cake is? Is it a regional specialty or do I know it by a different name? Don't want there to be part of the cake world I am missing out on

Hope you had a good weekend with the in-laws.
DH and I are going away for a few days this week. Baby got him (ha ha) a tour of the Lotus Cars factory for his birthday. It's near Norwich which is miles away (we live in East Yorkshire - if you want a landmark think the Humber Bridge) so I got us a couple of nights in a nice hotel nearby. He seemed pretty pleased with this, but did say he'll want one of the cars after he's been (they are 2 seater go karts and I've already said no)!
Guess that will officially be our last trip before bubs comes along. 9 weeks still seems a long way off, but I think we are about ready for him now that his car seat and base turned up the other day (isofix is SOOO simple to use, I love it). I just need to wash and put away all of the clothes/bedding we have and we're there - yey!