Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Sorry hun, i feel fine too, just tired! hope you feel better soon x
I am sick too - I have the worst cold ever. To top it off my ms really kicked in yesterday and I was vomiting. You would think with a stuffy nose that smells would be better - but they arent! I gag when I am in the kitchen or smell anything! So with all the coughing, sore throat, and vomiting - I can barely talk. Which is horrible for me - I take care of little kids which is hard to do with no voice. I am so run down and tired from being sick and last night my left boob hurt so bad I felt like someone had kicked it.

Ive had another bad week with stupid drs - my first ob appt was with a new dr because my other dr from last month wanted me to come in early to see what my blood pressure was doing - well couldnt get in to see my dr so they made me see some other one. This other dr was horrible. He couldnt undertstand why I got blood work done so early (I had spotting and cramping right before af) and laughed at my first hcg # (86) Then he said "oh well it did double" when he finally searched for my 2nd # (249) The dr from last month said everything looked good & #'s were fine. But this dr said no- numbers werent fine and I probably have a blighted ovum. So he didnt do my first ob appt which was where my dh was supposed to be there and we answered all the questions for 2 hrs. Instead he told me he doesnt think the pregnancy will be viable and it is so early so I woulnt be bleeding yet even with a blighted ovum. Well he didnt call me back with the new hcg levels so I worried all night long - the next day I called and talked to a nurse and asked if I could get my #'s. She asked why the dr was taking new #'s because even my first numbers looked good for early pregnancy. Told her what the dr said and she was surprised and couldnt understand why he would say that if I wasnt bleeding. She said my new # is over 60,000. Stupid dr huh?!? Well he had set up an ultrasound for May 18 just because he thinks its a blighted ovum and rescheduled my first ob appt for june. Well I set up the first ob appt with the better dr I had from last month (the one with the nurse who told me I wasnt pregnant and said that my cramping is my body's way of getting rid of it)

I dont know what it is with me and these negative medical people??? The dr. monday had no reason or proof to even think let alone say outloud that the pregnancy isnt viable. My dh was ready to punch him!
So at least I know everything is ok - I wont go back to this dr. So between worry and sickness and feeling like crap - I am ready for this week to be over!
Ew sorry daisy, doctors can stink sometimes... I went to my friends first midwife appt with her today just to see how it all went and she was perfectly lovely... im still waiting on my appt! blah!
Thanks everyone for all the get well soon wishes much appreciated. I think when I am recovered a little more I'm going to go to the health shop and find out what supplements to boost the immune system are safe to take in pregnancy cos I think my immune system is broken lol.So far I think zinc and vitamin c are the best things to take and safe during pregnancy. Will ask my doctor before I take anything though just want to be well lol, have been ill for four weeks now with one thing or another. Daisybee sorry to hear about the doc you saw... I can't say in such polite company what I think of him but :hugs: hugs to you hun. You should make a formal complaint. *hugs* I hope you have better luck with the doctors you see further on in your pregnancy sweetie, best of luck with everything xxxx :hug:
Thank you pinknpurple. :hugs: Hope you are feeling better. I have heard that when pregnant you shouldnt take megadoses of zinc and vit c. - I had thought about it too when starting to feel so rundown. I agree that you should ask your dr. about amounts that will be safe.

I had wanted to complain but wondering if I should wait until after the baby is born? All the dr's rotate for delivery's so I have about a 10% chance of having this dr deliver my baby! My concern is that if I complain now that he will know it was me and then what if he is the dr. in dec? That would be worse I think! So thinking if I avoid him now at all costs & then make a complaint after the baby is born. What do you girls think? I dont want other women to have to put up with this kind of stuff but also dont want to make my situation worse than it already has been.
That's a really tough situation Daisy. I'd be tempted to complain early to prevent others having to go through the same treatment that you were given, but I understand your desire to wait.

Hope you feel better soon pinkpurple.

Like DaisyBee my morning sickness has just kicked in full force the last 2 days. Not even in my worst hangover did I believe it possible to throw up so much without eating much. The afternoons are OK so trying to make the most of that time of day, but the evenings are awful! Woke up at 4:00am because the blankets shifted over my bbs and caused great pain-waking up then caused the ms to kickin. Despite this griping that I"m typing, I've been quite happy to have the ms as it helps me feel that the pregnancy is real. Ask me again when I'm puking tonight and i may change my mind about being happy with ms...
Thanks Amerikiwi :) I am getting better slowly...but now my little boy Charlie is very poorly :(. I'm taking him to the doctors this afternoon. Poor little man. It's a tough situation you're in Daisybee and only you can make such an important decision about your care. Personally I would make the complaint because I think after you have had the baby you probably won't care so much, or feel so strongly about how he treated you when you've brought your beautiful little one home lol....Well I know we soon forget how painful and unglamorous labour is once baby is in our arms!! Lol. You should be able to make a complaint anonymously and even if he was to find out you had made a complaint this should not affect his conduct should you have to see him again. For yours and little ones sakes though I really hope you don't have to deal with this doctor again. xxx
Thanks for what you said girls - It has given me a lot to think about. Glad you are starting to feel better pinknpurple - I too am slowly recovering. Finally getting my voice back! I had such a good night last night - was starting to feel better and had a great talk with my dh about the baby. I was realizing how happy I am and havent really been letting myself feel it. With not feeling well and with all these dr problems and being worried about making it to second tri. So decided to stop worrying about losing the baby which has been kindof on my mind a lot with everything these people at the clinic have been saying and everyone's worries gets voiced on b&b a lot too I realized. Everything is going fine and I have no reason to think anything will happen. So I am going to start breathing and enjoying this experience. :hug:
Aw Daisy, you're really not having any luck with the doctors are you honey? I hope you manage to get a half decent one soon.
I wouldn't want to say whether you should complain or not, I would certainly feel like it, but if you are going to have to continue to deal with the same people then I can understand why you don't want to.

Sorry to hear about your morning sickness Amerikiwi, mine is still staying away for now (fingers crossed) - hope you feel better soon.

Pinknpurple, glad you feel a bit better, sorry to hear that your son is sick, hope he feels better soon. Can't be easy with a poorly child at the best of times, let alone when you don't feel 100% yourself.

Hugs to all x
Hi Ladies! How was everyone's weekend?

We decided to tell the family over the weekend since it was Mother's Day here and everyone was very excited!! For both my mum and OH's mum, we said that we ordered their mother's day gift over a month ago but they wouldn't be able to pick it up until Christmas. Eventually they made the 9 month connection:happydance:. OH told his Dad when they came to visit on Saturday and his Dad then announced to the rest of the family that I had something to announce. OH's stepmum came running across the room and gave me a huge hug yelling congratulations before I even told them that I was pregnant!
Aaw!! Congrats Amerikiwi this is just exactly how the wonderful news should be received it's so exciting!! Can't wait til 12 weeks scan so we can shout it from the rooftops lol...Look at me all overexcited hehe Charlie and I are much better now, still not 100% but well enough to play in the garden lol and we got daddy to inflate the bouncy castle which Charlie got for his birthday 2 weeks ago but we hadnt been able to put up due to rain. All in all a good day xxx
What a great way to spread the news!
Ive told a couple of friends and my mum and sworn them to secrecy, the rest wont be told until i have scan pics to show off, so exciting!!

I dont even feel pregnant at the minute, dont know if thats a good or a bad thing, no symptoms, no sickness, no nothing - well, a bloated stomach if that counts!
Lol Emma I am only a few days ahead of you and apart from as you say, a bloated tummy and some days where I feel really nauseous I don't really feel properly pregnant yet either!! I try to look on the positive side when I'm having a symptomless day because all too soon we're going to be 30 weeks pregnant, the size of a house, uncomfortable no matter how we sit, stand or lie and we'll all be wondering why we weren't happy when we had no symptoms lol!! xxx
My ms is starting to become no fun! Its gotten worse throughout last week but now I am vomiting multiple times a day! Last week was more when I would smell something that would make me feel sick - now its just like something comes over me and theres nothing going to stop it! Feeling nauseous almost all the time now - not just hours at a time. It still has times when it is worse or a little better - but went to bed last night feeling so :sick: and woke up with it this morning. I had actually secretly wanted some morning sickness feeling (without the vomiting) but shouldnt have jinxed myself like that! This is no fun!! My mom & mil had nauseau but never vomiting so assumed I would be the same... well guess not!

That is a great story amerikiwi! Glad your weekend was so wonderful!!! :hug: I bet you were so excited to tell your family!
Daisybee and other buddies suffering morning sickness: I can greatly recommend seabands. It doesn't make it all go away, but I have found them very helpful.

It's funny how at one time or the other, we have all complained about not having symptoms and it'll probably come back to bite us all!

Has anyone booked scans yet? Any early scans? Originally I thought I wanted an early private scan, but after reading so many posts of early scans needlessly causing huge stress and worry, I'm leaning against it. Maybe 9 weeks.
Sounds like a great way to tell people Amerikiwi - sounds like you've got some excited grandparents to be on your hands!

In the UK, the NHS book scans for you, rather than you booking them. I got mine through last weekend, booked for 29 May, when I'll be 10w3d. Personally I think that's a bit early but I guess they know what they're doing, and at least I get to see all is well (hopefully) sooner rather than later.

Sorry to hear about your ms Daisybee - although I'm feeling a mildly naueous on and off I'm not doing too bad. Have got my fingers crossed that this means I'm going to avoid the worst of it. If not, I'll definately be giving the sick bands a try.

Glad you and your son are feeling better pinknpurple. I've still not got that many symptoms either EXCEPT I just don't seem to be able to get enough sleep. Think I have spent more time in the past 48 hours asleep than awake - good job I'm not at work at the minute!!
Had my first midwife appointment today!! It went really well too. Mw is really nice, friendly etc. I was able to complete the entire booking appointment today so no home visit for me :) and just have to wait for my scan app to come through now soooo exciting lol. I have also used the anti - sickness bands to help with my nausea and found them to be very helpful so would recommend them to some of the ladies who are really suffering, have to be worth a go? Though my nausea hasn't been too severe so...I'm not sure how effective they might be on more severe cases. Good luck to all the mummies to be and *hugs* :hugs: to those who are suffering a bit right now, I hope you all feel better soon, by 2nd tri at least xxx
P.S Thanks to everyone who wished my son and I well, a few kinds words can really help to put a smile back on your face, even when you don't feel like smiling. xxxxx
Where do I find the bands?? The pharmacy? Thanks for the idea - I'll try anything!

I have my scan on May 18th. I'll be 8+5. Makes me nervous that it is too early but excited that I'll get to see the baby. This is only booked because that obgyn that says I probably dont have a viable pregnancy based off of my hcg from 12dpo. I agree that it seems like sometimes early scans are just too worrisome so hopefully wont be the same for me. FX
Where do I find the bands?? The pharmacy? Thanks for the idea - I'll try anything!

I have my scan on May 18th. I'll be 8+5. Makes me nervous that it is too early but excited that I'll get to see the baby. This is only booked because that obgyn that says I probably dont have a viable pregnancy based off of my hcg from 12dpo. I agree that it seems like sometimes early scans are just too worrisome so hopefully wont be the same for me. FX

The sick bands are sold at the pharmacy--for me, they don't take it all away, but they do provide some help.

Pinknpurple, so glad to hear that you're feeling better and that you have a good connection with your midwife! I think that's so important, and fear getting stuck with one that I can't stand.

I can't wait to start seeing scan pictures ladies!! I meet with my GP on Friday and have to decide if I want a nuchal scan referral. If so, I get that between 10-14 weeks, otherwise I have to wait until 20 weeks for a scan. Jaydee is your scan a nuchal scan, or just the 12 week scan early? After all that your doc has put you through Daisybee, it will provide immense relief when you see your bub's heart beating away!
Hi all

Glad to hear you're getting some relief from the sickness.

Amerikiwi - in the UK we get 2 scans, one at 10-14 weeks, which they badge as a dating scan, basically just to check that all is well with the little one and give you a more accurate due date (as some have mentioned, going from LMP and ov gives different dates, this is meant to clear it up). The second is at about 20 weeks, which I think is to check the development of the baby and, unless the hospital has a policy of not doing, they can also tell you the sex of the baby, if you want to know and it's laying the right way around.

I know they do a blood test (optional) for downs if you want it. Reading the booklet, they will also use the scan as a nuchal test, although it does say it needs to be done at 11-13 weeks, and my scan has been scheduled (by them, knowing my dates) for 10w 3d so I guess we'll see whether they even can do it or not.

Daisy - hope your scan goes well on Friday, will be thinking of you x

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