Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Really pleased to hear your scan went well Daisy xx It would be nice if Drs were more like your best friend wouldn't it!

I haven't seen the film Marley & Me but I did cry when reading the book! I had actually put the name 'Marley' aside after reading the book (and from 'I Am Legend' - bad film!) for a girl but now they've gone and made a darn film i've shelved it!

Part of me feels like I should tell my friends as I know they will always be there for me but I don't want to tell work yet and with facebook nowadays it's quite hard to keep secrets like this!

Hope all the girlies here are doing dandy x
Yay Daisy, fantastic news!!! and no sickness too! maybe it was all the worrying?!

Most of my friends know now, but not my family (except mum!) and i've so far managed to keep it off facebook, everyone got warned! i know i'll need my friends if anything bad happens so there was no reason for me not to tell them!
Yeah - my friends that know have been sworn to secrecy facebook wise as well. I think as long as you are clear to people that it is *really* early to be telling people, if they are people you trust, they will probably understand as well.

If you don't want to tell until 12 weeks (and the first scan) look at it this way, you've probably known for around 4 weeks, so at 8 weeks, you're half way to being able to tell the world (if you want to) x
Hello lovely ladies! I'm sorry i've been a terrible buddy and only posted a couple of times! But i vow to get more active now!!!

I've been feeling really terrible. All day morning sickness, retching at everything and anything and it tends to get worse as the day goes on. etc My estimated due date is Dec 25th !!!

I've been getting some brown discharge only on wiping (not enough for a pantyliner etc) but had the shock of my life yesterday when i wiped i had a very large brown clot. Rang my midwife who suggested to call my doctor to get a scan. So i did, and have a scan booked for friday. I've posted in the main forum also but have any of you experienced this? There's no red blood, no cramping.... but i'm sooo worried it's a bad sign.

Positive thoughts please ladies for friday
From what everyone on first tri says it sounds like brown bleeding is quite common. Im glad you have a scan though for your peace of mind. Hopefully the bleeding stops soon! :hugs:

Bad news the no vomiting was a fluke - at least it was the day of my scan of feeling good!! Im back to being :sick: Last night DH picked up food for me on his way home and then made bratwurst for himself & he had his food by me for like 2 seconds before bringing it outside to eat at the patio. It was enough to make me sick. This morning too was back to retching and vomiting bile.

We've decided we were ready to tell everyone after our scan and not waiting til 12 weeks - so been telling grandparents, friends, etc. I told the parents that come to my daycare also. (I am self employed at home) I figured with me throwing up during the day - once was like 30 seconds before one of them showed up at the door - that they should know. They all kind of guessed it anyway with how much Ive been using a substitute for my drs. appt's! DH's grandma was the greatest - I have never seen such excitement in a person in my life! Maybe she will rub off on dh's mom who is still not acting like we thought she would but she's been going through a lot lately so we are trying to overlook her lack of enthusiasum. She is still upset that my due date is dec 23 because it is my sil's ex's bday. This ex cheated on sil 2 days before their wedding in feb. & they broke it off & it has been tough on sil. Still - I dont think it should matter that our baby is due on this person's bday. SIL doesnt understand why mil is obsessed about this either. After we told DH's grandma that we were pregnant she called DH's mom to say congrats grandma kindof thing. Instead of being excited even with her mom about it she said "the baby is due on so&so's bday" in a not excited voice. DH's grandma said - well it will be a good replacement then wont it! :rofl: What a great response - so hopefully it will start rubbing off on mil cause Im tired of her reaction. Especially when we thought she would be the one already picking out baby clothes & figuring out the nursery without our input. She went from our expectation of being over the top & crazy with excitement and overdoing and overbuying - to not being excited & only worrying about the due date. Sorry - just realized I was venting more than I meant to. I'll stop now!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hello ladies!

ttcbaby1, I've read of heaps of people that have brown spotting with no problems. The general consensus seems to be that it's normal unless it's red and/or accompanied by severe cramping. Good to get a scan for reassurance though.

Daisybee, so sorry the ms has returned. I feel your pain. Good on your DH's grandma for putting his mom in place with the whole sil ex birthday thing. Sounds like the rest of the family is taking it well.

So, after being convinced that the scan place wasn't going to see me since I'm no where near the 11-13 weeks that you're supposed to be for the nuchal, they scanned me anyways!!!!! My lil bean's heart was beating at 169bpm and is measuring exactly at 8+2 just as my Ov date predicted. They couldn't do the nuchal measurements so I get to go back in 4 weeks for another scan!! I"m still so pumped on adrenaline and on :cloud9:!! The scan technician kept repeating that everything was perfect!
Amerikiwi - that's great, glad all is ok. You must be really happy that you got a surprise viewing of bubs (and that you get another one in 4 weeks).

ttcbabyno1 - Reading on the main forum brown discharge = old and pretty normal, bright red is more cause for worry, but even then can be fine in some cases. Hope you get some answers tomorrow and all is well.

Daisybee - I'm sure your mil will come round in the end.

My mil didn't react the way I expected either. She was excited when we told her but since then hasn't really been that fussed, even suggested the other day that my mum could have this one as she's already got one grandchild now (my sil has a 3 month old). I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it the way it sounded but it annoyed me. Haven't told hubby (he wasn't there at the time) cos I don't want to seem like I'm over reacting. They were incredibly fussy when sil was pregnant and in a way I'm glad they aren't like that cos it would be a bit much, it's just I can see the comparison and makes me feel.... oh I don't know, second best almost. SIL, whose reaction I thought was the most likely to be dodgy has been great, they came round the other day and just gave me the baby "right she needs her clothes and nappy changing then she needs a bottle making - you'll have to learn!" and stayed with me while I did it all. I have previously said if she wanted me to babysit I'd need full written instructions so I thought that was quite sweet really.

Anyway, I've probably gone on a bit now too, hope all are well (sickness aside, 2nd tri is in sight in a few weeks girls - it's meant to go away then) x
Oh, and Daisy, you should tell your MIL that very few babies are actually born on their due date if that's what she's bothered about, I would have lied and told her it was a day one way or the other if she was that fussed about it!

And, I'm a bit concerned, the forum appears to have deleted by baby ticker - is it trying to tell me something (I really hope not!)
Oh, no-one seems to have one at the minute, that's alright then!!! x
Thanks ladies for your support. I'm very anxious about having the scan done as we were there in march and recieved the bad news that i'd miscarried at 6weeks. We got pregnant again right away and we're so so so chuffed .... i just pray that this little one is ok and that the brown blood and clotting is something not affecting little one.

will let you know how i get on tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow ttcbabyno.1! FX that everything is going well with your bean. :hugs:

:wohoo: amerikiwi!! Im so excited for you that you had a scan and everything was perfect! Isnt it such a good feeling?!

JayDee - I suppose we cant help how people are going to react - even our mils! It upsets me to see her doing this to my dh. He has been telling me that it bothers him how she has been acting and what she's said. So I think its much worse for him - cause thats his mom. If my mom would have said anything like that I would have probably yelled at her by now! Doesnt help that I have all these hormones right now too huh?!? I actually debated on telling her a different day after our scan - but dh was against it. We did tell her too that only 5% of babies are born on the due date but she's only hearing what she wants to hear right now.

DH's grandma is already talking about throwing me a baby shower - but she wants to have it on xmas! :rofl: I said I probably wont be here at xmas - if the baby is born yet or not! I will either be ready to pop - at the hospital - or just home with a new baby! Im going to try to talk her into earlier, like even maybe october. Seems so weird to talk about a baby shower for me. Ive been to tons for other people - but now that its for me and my baby - seems sureal!

Hopefully the tickers come back soon - I love my ticker!!
Good luck on your scan TTCbaby#1. Let us know how it goes.

Jaydee, I think you're next on the scan list. Bet you can't wait to see your LO.

Anyone else have scans booked?

I do hope babygaga tickers comes back soon. Speaking of tickers, I like the January garnets picture. Maybe we should make a Christmas Cake image for our group?! Anyone good at that sort of thing? It's Friday in NZ now so I may have a go at an image this weekend.
Tickers are back - yey!

Think I am next on the list, can't believe I'm due first and have the last scan, and my scan is quite early for the UK as well.

I'll have a look and see if I can find a Christmas cake picture, I think it's a really nice idea. We'll compare notes on Tuesday (Monday is bank holiday in the UK and we're out most of the weekend), there is no way that I'm claiming to be any good at that sort of thing.

Hope you all have a great weekend x
I havent even seen my midwife for the first appt yet, let alone get a scan date! not in with the mw til the 8th June, argh! i'll be at 11 weeks then!

I felt pregnant last night, that was good, its been a few weeks since i felt anything and it was annoying me, but the twinges and flutters were back last night for sure, prolly tryin to kick its daddys head in for being a twerp! hehe

Sorry your MIL is being funky about your dates, they'll prolly change your date at the scan anyways!

Good luck everyone with scans this week, cant wait to see piccies!
I haven't seen a midwife yet either Emma - it my region you get a scan first which is a week today - yey!

I had a quick go at a picture, it's not great as I only had the basic program on my phone to edit it with (hubby has a complex picture editing program but I'm not going to try and work that!) I've attached the unedited picture as well in case anyone else is better with the software than me but didn't have a pic to start from.

Edit: yeah, that text doesn't come out too well on the computer rather than the phone does it? Back to the drawing board I think!!!


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10 weeks today :happydance: A noticeable bump is also starting to appear which I need to hide at work :rofl:
Ladies i'm back from my scan and i'm very pleased to announce all is well!!! We saw our little one with a strong heartbeat too! My husband who's usually a blokes bloke (doesn't show any emotion) was smiling from ear to ear and calling little one his sea horse! So we now have a proper nickname for little one -'sea horse'!!

Dates were spot on.... i'm 9 weeks today with an EDD of 25th December!! Have 12 week scan booked on 12 June (dating and nuchal scan) and should be seeing the midwife in the next 2 weeks for booking in.

I'm finally allowing myself to be excited!!! Thanks so much for all your positive thoughts
:happydance: Im so glad that all is well!! Isnt it the best thing - when you have the scan and see your lo and know that the heartbeat is great?! Are you still spotting - did they say anything about it?

How is the ms kristen? Is it any better? I think you have been the sickest out of the whole group! Mine is no fun but so thankful it isnt all day everyday thing & able to keep some food down each day.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend!
ttcbabyno.1 - my nuchal/dating scan is 12th June too! Whoop, can't wait. Am sure the next 3 weeks are going to drag by!

Am off to a wedding today, still haven't got a clue what i'm going to wear (nothing like leaving it till the last minute) and my OH will be getting v.drunk as he will have to be drinking my drinks too :)

Happy Bank Holiday weekend (except we don't get national bank holidays but random 'local' holidays instead!)
Morning ladies! Hope you are enjoying your bank holiday weekend: ours is next Monday in NZ!

Yay! Ttcbaby1 I'm so glad to hear that your scan went well!! :happydance:

Emma, hope you get your appointment soon.

PieMistress, hope you enjoyed the wedding. My DH has been joking that he's been drinking for 2 as well!

I had a bit of a play around and came up with a possible Christmas cake image for our group. What does everyone think? I like Jaydee's cake too, so could go either way.

Edit: I'm not sure how to make the thumbnail larger, but if you click on the image, you can see it better.


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