Could use a buddy

Hi Gang! I got really sick on the weekend and stayed home from work today. We went to visit my parents for a very relaxing visit in Sunday afternoon and when I got home I was freezing. It's hot and humid out still, but I wanted to wear a jacket. I got the worst case of the chills to the point where I couldn't stop shaking, took my temperature and had a fever. (38.5 degrees C which I think could be around 100 F.) I started to get really hot after that, like my face was burning up. I didn't know if I had an infection from the whole procedure or if it was the start of OHSS. Oh and sorry for TMI, but I've also had the worst case of the runs for the past 3 days.

So my doctor is on vacation, but I had another doctor at the clinic paged in the middle of the night. My fever was getting worse and I felt awful. I was terrified that this meant game over for me and I wanted to seek help BEFORE it turned into something really serious. Anyway, the doctor was super annoyed that I had her paged so late not even being her patient. She said that it just sounded like the flu but didn't want me to come into the clinic in case I got "her" patients sick. She also told me to call during business hours for this kind of stuff in future. I was very apologetic for having woken her up, but then I was pretty angry when I hung up. We paid $15,000 for IVF, I have literally put my body through hell with weeks of injecting hormones and then a very painful retrieval process and a crap fertilization rate. We have no eggs that were frozen, so the second I feel sick, I am going to call and I don't care what time of night it is!

I've been feeling very pessimistic about this whole thing and getting sick certainly doesn't help. I stayed home from work today because I still feel pretty rotten and don't want to push myself.

OH and I have been trying to find the humor in all of this. We spent some time LOLing about how he fainted during the retrieval and had to lie in the corner on the floor. Also, I was completely out of it from the sedation and don't remember a lot of things after I got home. Right after the retrieval, I insisted that OH buy me a poutine (which is a classic Canadian dish that is hot fries, cheese and gravy). It's so random that I wanted this! When we got home, I couldn't even stand up so I ate the fries lying on my side and said to OH, "I feel like David." He was like "Who is David?" Well it took several attempts for me to explain coherently, but since I was drunk off sedation drugs, was lying on my side while eating junk food, I assumed that I must seem like David Hasselhof in that viral video of him eating a hamburger, lying on the floor, half naked and completely hammered. We had a good laugh about that! I don't know if it comes across as funny reiterating the story on here, but I don't even remember making the Hasselhof reference or really eating the poutine for that matter!

My niece starts her first day of junior kindergarten today and she is really excited. It's very rainy here and seems like total back-to-school weather. It's actually giving me some back-to-school anxiety even though I graduated years ago!

Lxb - thanks for your kind words. I actually lay awake most of the night feeling like there is no way this could have worked, it's so much to go through and I am terrified. I'm afraid to be optimistic because I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm also afraid to feel negative because I don't want a bad mind frame to influence my body. However, I have read lots of success stories where women were certain it wasn't going to work and then it did.

Man... this is SO hard!
Sash--- Holy crap what a couple of days! That other Dr. sounds like an ass... t should NOT matter if you are HER patient or not, you just went through IVF, she could at lest e supportive.. I am really mad for you!! Keep your chin up :hugs:... When are you going to test?
Sashimi - I just wish this could all be so much easier! That doctor sounds RUDE and I have half a mind to call and tell her so!! You should absolutely call whenever you feel concerned--that is what the on call doctors are for. I think it's completely natural to feel like it won't work and a lot of women don't think they are pg on the cycle they get pg. I am really holding out for you and have high hopes! It can be so hard to find the balance between optimism and skepticism, but I think you are doing a great job and it's wonderful that you and OH are trying to keep it light whenever you can. I LOLed at the Hasselhoff reference! I have actually never seen that video but now I have something to do instead of work... :) Anyway, you have put up with SO much and it would just be perfect for you to get that BFP now!! I hope that you feel better today and keep venting to us :hugs:--that way we can be here for you and pour tons of positive energy and love into that little bean!!

Pino - I definitely think that stabilizing temps are a good sign!! How are you feeling otherwise?? That is SO sweet that you are making your niece a blanket! :)

treasured - TTC can really put a damper on the romance factor in a relationship! I definitely think that it's normal for sex drives to dwindle a bit, especially during times like these. That said, it's not too pleasant :wacko:. I think that all of our OH's need a little reminder sometimes ;)

lxb - Did you mail your hair off? Do you mail it or does the hair dresser? I donatedmine a while ago but can't remember...Almost time for MIL to leave! :happydance:

Afm, Had my scan and it was great!! I am so happy and relieved! :cloud9:
I am feeling ok, IDK i'm just going with the flow at this point

So Every month I break out a bit, but this month it seems outrageous!!! It is driving me nuts!! I am 22, and I feel like a 15 y/o. On top of that I have a habit if picking them. I don't even notice until afterward so now I am going to have scars... I am so frustrated!!!

I have been sleeping better, but I seem tired more often.

Also TMI Alert!! The day before yesterday me and OH had sex and I was on top (This is rare as it hurts my knees). Well I started to get a pain in my right side While he was inside me, it was very uncomfortable. I didn't have sex yesterday as I was scared of this feeling.

So I am waiting very IMPATIENTLY for our lawyer to call for my OH's work visa.... It is very frustrating. She said it would come this week and it's only Tuesday, but still...

TTC wise I don't really have any symptoms except for the "love" bites", which I DON'T love :haha. Heart burn, and being tired. I don't feel very positive this month just cause temp is going up and down. It's still above my cover line. :shrug:

So i went over all of me and OH's financials cause we have not been saving any money like we are supposed to, well we can still pay off all of our debts and move in March if we really tighten down. So we are going to start giving the money to MIL to hold so we don't spend it. We have a savings, but that didn't work cause we kept transferring balances for stupid stuff so I think it is the best thing.
Lauren--- :dance: Yaaaayy for a good scan!!! :dance: Did you get any pics??
Yes! I don't know how to upload from my phone but will do when I get home tonight :)
sashimi- this doesnt get any easier for you does it :( although it could be your bodys way of telling you theres somthing happening inside!! keep your chin up and hope you feel better soon :) when can you test? x

pino- I have had those pains while having sex before pino, wouldnt worry to much unless it keeps happening! dont lose hope yet! I have no idea about temps mine are all over the place this month.. really weird, dropped below the coverline today :S
dont worry to much about the savings im sure you guys will work it all out and achieiving things that you really want always comes at a price :(. Me and OH are actually really wanting to buy our own place but he deposits are so much here cause he is still a student! Trying to convince our grandparents to invest the deposit and we can pay them back, but doesnt look promising :( I HATE renting though feels like just throwing away money :(. Houses here are soooo expensive, I watched a program about moving to USA and there you can get a 5 bedroom house with pool for £90,000. Here that would barely get you a one bedroom....

lauren- yayyy for scan pics :D:D

sooo, my temps are SO different to last month, I thought it was just because of the time I took them, but I took my temp again later on and it was still so much lower than last month.... im not sure if its maybe just colder this week? My temp dropped below the coverline today, does that mean Im probably out? so strange :s Anyone have any ideas?

Where is everyone else? xxxxx
treasured - Is it getting cooler where you live? I know it is here and I've woken up feeling chilly in the mornings despite my consistently high temp. Maybe your dip is an implantation dip?? You have only charted two cycles, right? I bet you will start to see a norm at some point and will know which chart was the 'off' chart--of course, hopefully not because hopefully soon you won't have to chart for a very long time!! And, wow! Let me know where to get that house... :) Where I live they are very, very expensive too. There are parts of the US that are cheaper and parts that are way more expensive. Average home price in my town is $650,000 for about 2 or 3 bedrooms. So I feel you--it's nearly impossible for a middle class person to own anything where I live. We will probably move a little out of down eventually. How are you feeling?

Pino - Since you are post-O right now your cervix might be a lot lower which could cause some pain. I used to get that, too, after O. I wouldn't worry too much unless it increases or continues and you feel it all throughout your pelvis. But probably it's a just your cervix getting bumped!

I posted a scan pic on my journal for those of you who wanted to see! :)

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday--my Tuesday back at work after that long weekend was the pits! Lol--so hard to come back after a break.
sashimi - it's good that you and oh are able to find some humor in this stressful process. fainting during the retrieval and lying in the corner~ :haha: also good to hear you get to munch on those yummy fries!! It's perfectly normal to be afraid to be optimistic. We're all here for you and sending positive thoughts your way!

lauren - my 16-inches of hair is STILL on my coffee table!! Been out and about over the weekend and barely spend any time at home! I've filled out the submission form for the donation and it's all ready to go! Just need to stop by the post office! Woohoo~~ 5-day 'til mil-less day!! :dance: and I'm LOVING my new hair! feel sooo much lighter! Oh yes.. it's soo hard to come back after a break! I remember I took a whole week off work.. and my computers are work feels so strange but so similar at the same time! :haha:

pino - oo.. nice and high temp today! so perhaps as I mentioned before... could it be the bean settling down? I'm being hopeful for you girly~!!

treasured - :haha: sure!! if you don't mind my hair texture! hehe.. i hv a mixture of thick and thin hair! Which makes it sometimes straight.. sometimes wavy! :dohh: Ohh.. and the hairstylist said that his arms are sore when he was half way through my hair! :rofl: oh.. as for the house.. it depends on the area/neighborhood too! I know a friend of mine got her 2bedroom and 2bathroom house for 90k (<£56)!
Treasured--- Could it be an implantation dip?? You are not out until you get the red flow!

Lauren--- I saw your pic n your journal! I was shocked on how little your little bean is :haha: IDK why :shrug:

OK so last night after me and OH ate I was having random sharp poke like pains that ran through the top of my stomach to the bottom, right in the center. It was really weird. I have been constipated the last couple days. The veins on my chest and arms, are really defined, it's kind of gross :shrug: And I had a HUGE spike in temp today. It went from 97.4 to 98. The temps in my house are the same, and I took it at the same time, so I am hoping something comes out of this. I am 8 DPO and I am not ready to take a test yet. Oh the horror of the TWW :haha:
lxb--- I would take your hair ANY day!! I have super curly hair and when it is humid it goes POOF :haha:
pino! we posted at the same time! :haha: ohhh..mine will be puffy too~~~~ well.. maybe wont be as puffy as yours since your hv curly hair~ :haha: but i find strands of hair sticks out randomly! :growlmad:

treasured - also meant to say.. maybe that's implantation dip???? and cooler weather definitely can affect your cycle temp~
Pino - Yes, the bean is teeny tiny at 6w--4mm! I was surprised, too, though the nurse said baby is 1 day ahead of schedule! The heart must still be poppy-seed sized.
Hello everyone, sorry I have been offline the last few days-BUSY.

Sashimi your Hoff scenario made me howl with laughter-have such a ridiculous vision of you lying on your side daintily eating your poutine (which by the way is delicious-I loved it when we skiied in Banff-we stopped for it all the time!) Sorry things are so tough for you (can't believe you got ill too, poor thing). I totally relate to the not feeling anything and thinking there's no way you're pregnant-but truth is, being pregnant affects people really differently. I think you're doing a really good job of staying sane but think it's important to do things during this period that you like, whether that's reading a magazine in the bath, cooking things you've fancied for ages or making the most of the weather outside before it gets cooler-look after yourself, try to stay distracted and not speculate and meanwhile we will continue to send lots of positive vibes and thoughts your way. If you could mentally will a baby along, you would be expecting twins!

Lauren, a whooping great yippee for your little scan picture! Exciting. And you must be so pleased MIL is offski very soon....

Pino-sorry to hear you've not been feeling great. Fab idea for saving though-as long as you trust your MIL that is!

Country-how are you doing? I hope all is well with you and the ever growing bump-it's countdown to finding out the gender! What do we all think ladies? I am going to go with girl I think!

Treasured-don't worry too much about OH. All relationships go through cycles and sounds like everyone on here can relate. I find that when we're getting on and making each other laugh we seem most close and attracted to each other and that in turn ends to nice BDing rather than feeling like a chore BDing...

As for me, I have been v busy-I found out on Fri afternoon I had a 2nd round interview on Mon morning but went to a wedding miles away up north all weekend so was only able to do some reading on Sunday night when I was so tired from dancing the night before. We've got a friend staying with us for 4 nights too who's lovely to have around but bit more work for sure. 2nd round interview was hard and didn't expect much. Then I got a phone call-I have been offered the job! I've negotiated and upped the pay and will be paid a fair whack more! I am delighted and hope to start after our hols in 1st week of October. I must admit it's made me question whether I should still be TTC as it's a great job, a fab opportunity but think I will just see what happens-I have not exactly been Miss Fertile so far! (Although am feeling heartened by scan when told me had 10 ripe follicles in each ovary earlier this month)...

So there you go. It's been manic! OH away this weekend and I'm looking forward to kicking back, babysitting my niece, planning our trip and catching up with family (before OH's arrive next week-it's like a bed and breakfast round here!)

Lots of love to all xxxx
And lxb, I love the sound of your hair! Lucky you. I also laughed at the car door thing-it was the detail! It is the small things though, right?

Sleepy, i missed you off. How are you doing? It's not long til your Dr's appointment either but a birthday first-how are you planning to celebrate!

Thanks, Haribo!! And CONGRATS!!!! So exciting!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

PS, it is lxb with the 'zany' MIL :haha:...mine is great!
:haha: I was wondering if lauren's MIL is going offski too?! :haha:

congratulations haribo!!! :dance: now you can relax 'til oct 1st~~ as for ttc or not ttc... do whatever you feel is right. all good things must come at once~ perhaps this is only the start! next up is bfp? :thumbup:

lauren - i'm thinking about what you said.. the poppy seed size heart. simply.. a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!!
lxb - I know! Seeing the term 'delicate condition' in a whole new light.

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