Could use a buddy

haribo it's no wonder you are feeling awful! On top of LTTTC your family's advice is more criticism than anything :hugs: My SIL has gotten pg on the first try or on accident with all three and this last time when they announced their pregnancy I said, 'Oh, I didn't even know you were trying!' She very snappily responded, 'We didn't try, we succeeded.' I found this totally arrogant since we tried and tried and tried. Any time I discussed our fertility problems with her she got uncomfortable and gave similar 'advice' to what you're describing, or jumped immediately to the conclusion that we couldn't ever have kids, which was hurtful and scary. People who haven't been through any difficulty just don't get it!! I absolutely think that you WILL get pregnant, and it might take some alternative methods but you can get there. In the mean time, I think it's wise and will be helpful not to talk with family members about what you're going through. I'm so glad you have a supportive husband, and from what you've said before about your new job it sounds like it will be lovely :hugs:. We are here when you need us! Be sweet to yourself.
Temp plummeted this morning right below coverline, and Im spotting! Wahey I'm out again. This is getting monotonous. A year ago tomorrow I booked my appointment to get my BC removed and was planning on how to tell people a month later, haha how wrong. I just don't know what to do differently anymore naturally, there must be something wrong. I'm not actually even that upset anymore, its become so routine :S Sorry for the negativity :( x
haribo - :hugs: :hugs:

treasured - we started ttc oct 2011 and also was naive to think it will happen right off the back and we'll have a 2012 baby~! my temp also took a bit hit this morning! Saw some red cm just now. Ergh... why does AF has to be late?! Just wished she would've shown yesterday already so I'll be on CD4 for my camping trip! If AF has full flow today... I'll only be CD3 (which is pretty heavy on my normal cycle). :dohh: but judging from the rate it's going now... it might only be full flow tomorrow? :shrug:

I guess I really have a bad stomach~ Threw up a little again after lunch today. Just hope I'm not physically ill.

**hugssss** ladies~~
treasured it's so frustrating to go month after month getting AF :( Are you able to start seeing a specialist at this point? Is there still an issue for them with your age? I know that I started feeling some relief as my docs got more and more clues into what was going on with me.

lxb I wrote this on your journal but :hugs: and I just know that your BFP is around the corner. I wish there wasn't an AF in between here and there, though!! You have been so strong--remember it's ok to have moments like you had today with OH. He sounds so wonderful and supportive, and you have us to lean on, too.
Haribo, I so feel for you. My family tried to be so supportive the entire time I TTCed and went through all those fertility treatments. They would always say "It will happen!" And I would say "How the heck do YOU know!" I think we have to trust that it will happen, but it is certainly okay to allow yourself moments to be discouraged along the way.

My biggest thing was when people would tell me to just adopt! Well, I didn't want to adopt and people would look at me in disgust and say "Why, those kids need love too!" Well do you think there are just tons of newborn babies sitting around waiting to find homes? It's a very expensive, long and invasive procedure and there is no guarantee that you end up with a baby. People just don't understand the need to experience pregnancy and at least try everything possible to have biological children.

There is also a lot of misconception about IVF. First, I have found it seems to be a controversial topic. Some people think it is evil, while others think it is the cure all for all infertility. Yes, it worked for me, but there are usually tons of steps that could result in a BFP before doing something so drastic.

So never apologize for sounding negative, that is what this board is for -- venting our emotions whether they are good or bad. I think also if you can find a IRL support group, like a fertility yoga group or something like that, it really helps to meet people in the same boat.

I think it is totally understandable that you find your sister's pregnancy difficult. Even though my SIL and brother struggled with their first pregnancy, I was worried they would have a third baby while I was still TTC for my first. It was reassuring to know that their second came pretty easily though. But OH and I did have a few disagreements over the summer where I didn't want to visit a friend who had a baby in May. She TTCed and had a baby in less than a year, meanwhile I was having failed IUI after failed IUI.

I wish there was something I could say to make it all magically okay, but just know that you can vent here and it is okay to feel the things you are feeling. :)

How is everyone else doing? It sure gets quiet in here and I am going to try and make an effort to log on more. It's impossible for me to write on here at work because I work in an open space and there are always people who come up behind me. (I'm home sick today, so I'm BnBing my heart out.)

Lately, in the evenings I have been so tired I just want to go to bed as soon as I get home! Miss you all!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA for the past little while! We had camping and Thanksgiving this weekend then my boss is off this week so I'm just now getting a chance to catch up on some BnB.

haribo - very jealous of your trip with OH to Sicily! It must be hard struggling for your own BFP and to see your sister pg with #2. There doesn't seem to be any logic to who gets a BFP and when which I know is no consolation, it's just how it is. You are on the way to your BFP and trying acupuncture and herbs can only help. I'm with Sashimi, this board is exactly the place for you to vent and get it all of your chest. That's what we're here for and you'll feel better for it. We didn't tell anyone we were TTC which was good in some ways but I wished I had people to talk to about it (my mom) during the tough bits, that's where you all came in! Your family are all trying to 'solve the problem' but they just need to be there for you. If they won't give you the support you need, don't talk to them about it. You'll do whatever procedures whenever you are ready and want them! For now you've got a new job to look forward to!

lxb - your sister sounds much like my SIL, she has no idea about TTC! They got pg the first month they tried and 'can't believe' I took my temperature every morning. I feel better for the knowledge I gained by having irregular cycles and learning more about my body through our 'struggles'.

lauren - I think I might have b* slapped your SIL for saying that! Some people are so insensitive you have to feel bad for them, otherwise you'll blow up! How are you feeling girl?

treasured - so sorry hun :hugs: What kind of BC were you on? I'm sure we all went into this thinking we'd be pg the first month or so since in high school they scare you. We took exactly a year to get pg and as far as we know there's nothing wrong I guess. Have you thought of taking a break? It's not for everyone but some people find a renewed sense of calm after (and some get BFPs during!).

lxb - your poor stomach! Hope whatever it is is gone by now, you don't need to be dealing with AF and puking. :hugs: Hope you are looking forward to your camping trip and you have great weather!

Sashimi - how are you doing these days? Morning sickness/nausea? Any cramping? Have your boobs had a growth spurt yet? lol Mine have had a second growth spurt so I'm going for new bras again tonight. When are you telling people?

Sleepy - I'm looking forward to you getting back home full time with DH! Then you can focus on growing that lovely little bean inside of you. Are you finding it challenging hiding it being away from home?

hi to Pino and Jaynie!
Country - I was feeling MUCH better until yesterday--I threw up twice and came close two other times. I am not sure why. I've been doing Unisom for sleep this week which is recommended by my docs as a safe sleep aid that helps with nausea the next day. I haven't felt nauseous all week until yesterday. I think it's just lingering MS (praying that I am not sick for the THIRD time, lol). Other than that, pretty much OK. I see my OB on Tuesday for the 12w scan and am a little nervous but I'm sure it will go fine and I'll be relieved when it's over that I don't have another for two months!
Country I haven't felt anything in a couple of days! It makes me feel so nervous. I'm contemplatin going a day early for my 9w scan just so I know all is okay!
Thanks for everyone's sweet messages. I am feeling a lot better today. I think sometimes you need to get a bit of perspective in life and enjoy what you do have-it's so much more than you realise and in the grand scheme of things I am very lucky indeed.

I was grumpy all weekend as my period showed on Saturday just as I was getting ready for the wedding. Anyway I am over it now and just desperate for my new job to start! I have been spending some time here and there with my new team and really think I am going to enjoy it. I also feel a bit bad as I was sulky around my family and my OH is right-we all need to communicate a bit better so that they can deal with it in a more supportive way and I won't feel frustrated so that's something I am going to work on. In the long term I'm sure it will make our relationships even stronger-I just think they don't know how to help me at the moment so I need to let them know.

How is everyone? Lauren, I hope you're feeling better? Sashimi, I hope you're feeling reassured and happy with how everything is progressing. Lxb, treasured, pino, Jaynie how are you all doing? Country I hope all's well with you too.

haribo - so glad to hear you're feeling better. it's great to hear you're enjoying your new team and your new job. hope this positivity will flow through, next up should be a bfp~ :) communication is definitely important between you and your family and certainly with your OH as well. glad to hear the sign of relieve of some of your frustration that you felt days ago~ :thumbup: sometime they just need to know it's okay to not be able to help. simply listen is a huge support and help itself~

feels like time is flying by.. week by week. It's almost end of 2012 already! VERY much looking forward to Nov (mil-less days) :haha: along with all those holidays coming up!!

treasured, pino, jaynie~ how are you ladies?

sleepy should be back from business trip right?

lauren - i went shopping with sis the other day. saw some yoga pants... I am SO tempted to get some as they look soooooooo comfy~ and i thought about you~~ very much looking forward to see the next scan update~!!

sashimi - did you manage to find some sour plums? :)

country - my stomach is definitely up for something no good! Felt funny when i went camping as well~! perhaps being up in 9000ft elevation contribute to it as well? :shrug:
Hey guys.
I just wanted to let you know I´m partially back.
I really miss just reading about your daily lives, and chatting with you through BnB.
I´m going to allow myself this one thread (and possibly one expecting thread).


A tiny update:
I´m finally really feeling the fatigue of being pregnant, my bump exploded the other day, and I look like I´m about to pop.
I spent 4 days with a stomach bug, and wound up in the hospital to get an IV on Monday. Feeling better now, but really really tired.
Work tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, deadheading on Sunday and then Denmark on Monday. Everything is clicking together these days. (last day of work is on Saturday.
Wow this thread has been quiet!

Glad you are feeling better Haribo. What an awful time to get AF but hopefully you had a great time at the wedding in spite of her! I'm glad your new job sounds so promising! When does it start?

lxb - is your stomach still acting up? I'm thinking you should maybe get it checked out! No point living with an irritable stomach if you don't have to.

:howdy: preg! You were missed! Glad you are back, and feeling better! Sounds like a nasty bug if you needed to be on IV! How's the LO doing? Getting all ready for your move?

Things are definitely moving along for me; crib is in, baby shower is being planned, felt hiccups today! Even though I'm not on here a lot I think of you ladies throughout my daily life, so thankful we met on here and are able to be there for each other!:hugs:
Wow this thread has been quiet!

Glad you are feeling better Haribo. What an awful time to get AF but hopefully you had a great time at the wedding in spite of her! I'm glad your new job sounds so promising! When does it start?

lxb - is your stomach still acting up? I'm thinking you should maybe get it checked out! No point living with an irritable stomach if you don't have to.

:howdy: preg! You were missed! Glad you are back, and feeling better! Sounds like a nasty bug if you needed to be on IV! How's the LO doing? Getting all ready for your move?

Things are definitely moving along for me; crib is in, baby shower is being planned, felt hiccups today! Even though I'm not on here a lot I think of you ladies throughout my daily life, so thankful we met on here and are able to be there for each other!:hugs:

Hey, thanks :) I missed you guys too. :hugs:
LO is doing fine, kicking away. Strong as ever, and my belly is exploding these days. No hiding the fact I´m pregnant anymore. I´m glad this is my second to last shift at work today. (my coccyx is killing me these days, hurts to sit for any length of time. Yay for a sitting job, eh?)
It was apparently just a standard stomach bug, but it lasted a little bit too long, so I entered a vicious cycle, where my body actually got too dry to be able to handle any liquids... I get better as soon as I started on the first bag of IV fluid.
Lxb - Yes I'm back! Should be easier to keep up now that I'm not using my phone!!

Country - Yes, it was very difficult to hide being pregnant on this trip since my co-workers and I (3 of them) had every meal together and everyone drank at dinner, except me of course. Finally at the end of the second week, they caught on. Didn't help that I was constantly running to the bathroom to dry heave the past two weeks. No one actually said anything, but they would order me fries and ginger ale if I was in the bathroom too long (2 of them have young children of their own) so it was actually sort of nice.

Haribo - Sorry about AF showing and that you've been having a rough go at things. I'm glad you're feeling better though :hugs:

I feel like I've missed so much so I'm going to do my best to keep up from here on out! I'm still catching up on the last couple of pages. My first OB appointment is Oct 29 and I'm NERVOUS! Praying everything is okay in there and that baby is growing; trying not to think about it and just be patient. Missed this crazy lady thread!
preg - eekk! stomach bug! glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm loving all your bump pics~ looks like you're progressing very nicely~ keep up with those fluid~ :thumbup:

country - i know~! such quiet crazy lady thread! I also thought about you ladies everyday and sending positive thoughts to every single one of you~ I'm also grateful that I met you ladies here and hopefully we will all able to meet one day! I'm not too sure what's up with my stomach. Perhaps it's from stress? Or maybe I should control my appetite a little and not pig out~! hehe... felt like my stomach is swollen yesterday though.. perhaps it's gearing up for O? Let's see how it goes this cycle as I'm 'trying' to relax....

sleepy - good to see you back~ what a busy past few weeks had been for you~ glad to hear you're back home~! Oct 29th is coming up soon~ Can't wait to see the little sticky bean you've been growing~
preg - great to hear you are done work soon! I'm sure you'll keep busy though with the move and getting ready for LO!

Sleepy - that is really nice of them to order you some food and a ginger ale (my fave). Do you get the sickness at all times of the day?

lxb - your chart looks like you are getting ready to O very soon! Time for some :ninja: lol Is DH still working those crazy night shifts?

Not sure where everyone else is but I'll go find your journals! Can't just make it easy and post on here lol
Hi everyone!

Sorry for my lack of attention to B&B recently, I havent had much motivation to come on.
I have just got a new job and am now working two jobs so have been busy! And I am trying to keep up with my fitness regime as well so I dont have much time!

I haven't been keeping track much at all this month in fact I think I have probably even missed O because me and OH are both to tired to bother :( I feel the first half of last year TTC became an obsession for me and I put so much hope into it, then that began to die out as the year mark approach and now I feel like TTC is taking a back seat in my life and it is like an unsolved mystery that I can no longer bare to try to solve.

Anyway enough of my ramblings, I hope everyone is doing well and feeling happy!
I am just popping in to say hi. Like Treasured, I have not been tracking at all the last 2 months. Hope is gone. I am just trying to keep myself busy. Tomorrow I am supposed to be getting a new kitten and Friday is me and OH's immigration interview, so preparing for that. Along with trying to get my business off the ground, and have been swamped. Oh has been working 15 hours days everyday, so I am trying to be supportive of his crankiness. Hope everyone is doing well.
Country - I do get it at all times of the day. Mostly when I'm hungry or have to use the bathroom (gross I know, but whatever!). I found that grapes really help - strange right?

Pino - Don't lose hope! I know it feels like that sometimes. I'm glad you have some major stuff going on to distract you. Good luck at OH's interview - make sure you update us. Yay for the kitten!! Post a pic once you get him/her!! Love little animals :)

Treasured - How's the fitness routine going? Good for you for keeping up with that! I know what you mean about approaching that one year mark - you sort of just feel over it. Here's hoping TTC taking a backseat does the trick for you :hugs:

How's everyone else doing? I've been super tired and crying all the time like a fool. I'm sure OH is sick of putting up with it, but it's not like he has a choice lol. Anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend? How's everyone else doing??
Pino and treasured, I am glad that you both have things going on in your life to help distract you from TTC. I have no doubt that it will happen for both of you, but until then it will help to focus on other things and be distracted like sleepy said. We are here if and when you need us! :hugs:

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