Could use a buddy

Hi Lauren26, TXGreen and Ladyf!! Welcome!!!!
While I'm sorry to hear that our BFPs are taking their time, it's nice in a way to know there are others going through the same thing. I also constantly worry that something is not right with me as well. I Doctor Google infertility problems to death and psych myself out!! I'm starting blood tests tomrrow and my doctor recommend I do an HSG as I don't want to wait until the 1 year mark to start investigating. My naturopath thinks I might have a progesterone deficiency, so tests will confirm.
Here is an inspiring story-- my sister-in-law tried for 3 years for #1 and did every test under the sun. Noting was wrong and it was an unexplained infertility. They were 1 step away from doing IVF when their 4th IUI attempt came back a BFP!! My niece is now an amazing 3 year old and SIL says if they had gotten pregnant right away it wouldn't have been their same little girl. They had to wait all that time to have that perfect baby girl... A year later they got pregnant with #2 on their first try! So what ever was wrong corrected itself... I just think of that story when I am really down. Maybe my baby just isn't ready to come just yet. But it's SO hard to be patient... Especially when everyone on Facebook etc is showing off their baby bumps, ultrasound photos, etc.
I'd love to keep in touch with all of you as we go through this TTC journey even if it's just to vent and get frustrations out.
Baby dust to all as they say!!

I could have written that story myself Sashimi! My sister had the EXACT same experience. Tried for 3 years, then finally got pregnant her 5th cycle of IUI - her last shot before IVF. My niece is 3 and is perfect - my sister always says that's exactly how it was supposed to happen and she wouldn't trade all that time in and had a kid earlier because she wouldn't have her baby. Definitely inspiring!
i would love to be your cycle buddy:hugs:.. hope together we make the bfp's..:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
my fertile period will be from 24- 31 march.. when is yours! mostly :sex:on 26thmarch i will ovulate. we will be sharing our experiences together..:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi country girl!! I guess you can relate to that awkward stage of TTC for 8 or 9 months... You haven't exactly started trying, but aren't past that 1 year mark where its considered long time TTC or having fertility problems.
I got impatient and went to a fertility clinic last week. I just want to do some testing to make sure everything is in working order, so we will see!
I kind of wish we hadnt told anyone that we were TTC because every time we see close friends that know they say "any luck? No??? Oh, it only took us 3 months to conceive you must be doing it wrong." ugh!!! OH and I have been married for 3 years so people naturally ask when we are going to have kids.
Agree that it's great to have another people to reach out to here who are going through the same things and that we are not alone!!

That's exactly where I feel I am! Stuck in the middle! My patience is keeping me going though. My husband had testicular cancer 9 years ago so we are already aware we may not be able to have kids the old fashioned way but he has an appointment with his doctor in June so if nothing by then he's planning to get tested. We haven't told anyone we're trying for that reason also, I wouldn't want to break his heart even more if we couldn't :( Thanks for the support!
Hi Lauren26, TXGreen and Ladyf!! Welcome!!!!
While I'm sorry to hear that our BFPs are taking their time, it's nice in a way to know there are others going through the same thing. I also constantly worry that something is not right with me as well. I Doctor Google infertility problems to death and psych myself out!! I'm starting blood tests tomrrow and my doctor recommend I do an HSG as I don't want to wait until the 1 year mark to start investigating. My naturopath thinks I might have a progesterone deficiency, so tests will confirm.
Here is an inspiring story-- my sister-in-law tried for 3 years for #1 and did every test under the sun. Noting was wrong and it was an unexplained infertility. They were 1 step away from doing IVF when their 4th IUI attempt came back a BFP!! My niece is now an amazing 3 year old and SIL says if they had gotten pregnant right away it wouldn't have been their same little girl. They had to wait all that time to have that perfect baby girl... A year later they got pregnant with #2 on their first try! So what ever was wrong corrected itself... I just think of that story when I am really down. Maybe my baby just isn't ready to come just yet. But it's SO hard to be patient... Especially when everyone on Facebook etc is showing off their baby bumps, ultrasound photos, etc.
I'd love to keep in touch with all of you as we go through this TTC journey even if it's just to vent and get frustrations out.
Baby dust to all as they say!!

Wow! That is inspiring. I know a couple like that, too. They tried and tried and weren't having luck (in their 30s) and adopted their first. They were determined to have another so they tried and tried again. They found out that she had a micro blod clotting issue (whatever on earth that is!) and that it would be 'impossible' for her to have an unassisted pregnancy. They did IVF and it worked, but he had to give her shots in her arm three times a day for the entire pregnancy. After that they were done. The shots, the procedures--all very stressful for them and they wanted a 2 child household, anyway. A couple of years later they were at a party and she told him she had a feeling she might be pregnant and rushed out of the party to get a test. He knew she was when she called and asked him to come home. After getting pregnant totally naturally with #3 he got a vasectomy--lol. Anyway, her docs told her it was impossible for her to get pregnant naturally, and by this point she was later in her 30s.

Anyway, I know what you mean about wanting to get tests done now! My OB has not wanted to do anything unless it seems absolutely necessary--which I appreciate, but getting BFNs over and over for a year while friends and family get pregnant and deliver beautiful babies all around me is pretty rough on the emotions! I left my job and have been in the process of getting new insurance, so the one procedure I wanted to have has been put on hold so that I can get approved for insurance quicker. Anyway, I'm thinking that as soon as I've got my new insurance I'm doing the works! I agree, no use waiting a year or more when you could know sooner if there's something that could be done.
Wow..DH just said to me, 'I thought you were going to relax about this stuff! There's been underlying stress in our house for a year because of this!'. So hurtful! I know he doesn't understand, but seriously--blaming your wife for feeling sad or frustrated at times about wanting to get pregnant isn't going to help our stress level...Anyone have tips on resources for men on how to support their TTC wives? Lol.
Hi Ladies! Hope you're all well today. Welcom ljbbabyplease! I know what you mean about people telling you about "the glow." I got that same comment too at someone's baby shower. It's probably because I've slacked at the gym lately and am putting on weight! ;) Irregular cycles are tough. I've been fairly regular since going off the pill a year ago, but I wish doctors told young women going on the pill what it would be like to go off of it 10+ years later. It's like I've totally had to get reacquainted with my body... Not to mention my skin was really bad for a couple months after I stopped the pill. Worse than when I was a teen!

SleepyOwl- That's amazing your sister had a similar experience to my SIL!! Well that gives me even more hope! Now if I can just learn the art of being patient.

Piya-Our fertile windows are very close. I THINK I O sometime between day 15-18, so March 25-28. I'll be trying before, during and after! *fingers crossed*

Countrygirl-Good luck to your husband with his doctor's appointment in June. I find the whole "not knowing" IF something is wrong the toughtest part, so once you get some answers from the doctor I'm sure that will put your mind at rest.

Lauren- I think husbands shrug off the whole TTC worrying thing to try and be the strong ones, but don't realize they come off as being as insensitive. I know my husband finds it hard when he can't "fix" something and he feels like he's letting me down. Sometimes I just want to hear reassuring words like "don't worry it will happen" whether he knows it or not. But if he was like me, going nuts once a day with a whole bunch of "what ifs" I would probably go even more nuts if two of us were panicking! Tell your OH that you just want someone to listen and not necessarily give their two cents about relaxing... And in the mean time, you have all of us here to vent with! ;)

Sorry for the long post. I'm really enjoying chatting with all of you and feel it's really helping me not feel so alone and isolated in this. I went to the fertility clinic today to start testing. There are so many tests and it's all so mind boggling, I have felt REALLY overhwhelmed all day. There were LOTS of women in the clinic today, so again another reminder that not EVERYONE is getting BFPs on their first or second try.
Next week I'll be going for an HSG test (the one where they run dye through your tubes to see if they are blocked.) My SIL had a very painful experience with this particular test, so I admit I'm kind of terrified! Although, I think I'm more scared of being blocked than feeling the pain. So I think I'll be feeling extremely anxious over the next few weeks until I get all the results back.
Hi ladies, im 26 and my OH and I have been trying 4 months this month, CD 9 today. He too feels I focus too much on becoming preggo rather than enjoying the ride. I find comfort in a + OPK and regular arrival of AF for the past three months. My concn is that AF is only lasting 3 days since i came off the pill in november . I'm trying hard to be positive and enjoy BDing so that it doesn't become a quota we must meet. : p I'm excited to share this journey with women who can understand and appreciate the rollercoaster that is baby making for the first time!
Hi Babyseed! My AF also lasts 3 days since coming off the pill, but my doctor doesn't seem to think its a concern. I had worse cramps on the pill and AF used to last 4 or 5 days. :)
Hi Sashimi, my cycle averages 25 days but Dr. Says if AF and OPK are +, then all is ok. I'm opposite, I miss my pill, I am an emotional crampy mess since I came off of it lol! :wacko: I'll deal with it if it means being a step closer to baby bump :thumbup: I'm excited to have found you guys, I think this will truly make the experience all the more positive knowing we can support each other. Bedtime for me now , sweet dreams and baby dust! :dust: Will definitely be back tomorrow!!!
i would love to be your cycle buddy:hugs:.. hope together we make the bfp's..:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
my fertile period will be from 24- 31 march.. when is yours! mostly :sex:on 26thmarch i will ovulate. we will be sharing our experiences together..:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hey Piya - I will have almost the same window next month, 22-29, so maybe we can be budies!
@Sashimi - Thanks for that! I know, you're right. Husbands don't know how to deal with their lack of control or ours in this area! I do really appreciate being able to come on here, whether it makes OH think I'm obsessing or not, lol. Last cycle I was part of the March Testers thread and I'm thinking that was way too much--soooo many BFPs, it was hard for me not to feel discouraged with every single one instead of happy! I think on smaller threads like this it's been easier for me to feel excited for people because I have followed them from the beginning and know their story! Anyway, thanks for starting this :)

I'm really curious to hear about your tests--I want to get the dye test, too. My main fear is about progesterone, but I think it wouldn't hurt to check out the other stuff, too. Does your insurance cover the fertility clinic? I don't think that there's an independent clinic where I live--it's a very holistically-oriented town and when I Google 'fertility center' I get all of this acupuncture and herbalism. Couldn't hurt to try, I guess!

Very curious to know about the tests! Keep us posted.
Hey Lauren, I will keep you posted for sure. I live in Canada, so most of the tests are covered. I only had to play for one blood test so far that wasn't covered, but it wasn't overly expensive.
The fertility doctor that I'm seeing seems great, but I have a feeling he thinks I'm jumping the gun by doing all the testing now. As I said before, I don't see what difference it makes if I start testing now or 4 months from now when we hit the magical 1 year mark.
TTC is hard enough when you are trying to time everything perfectly, I'd rather know that both OH and I are healthy and functioning properly.
My good friend specializes in fertility acupuncture and I actually did acupuncture with her during my first 4 cycles of TTC. I figured I tried the holistic route, now it's time to see what western medicine has to say!!
P.S. I can imagine how overwhelming the march testers thread would have been!! I told my mom about this board and she asked why I wasn't chatting with people who had their BFPs right away for "positive encouragement" Lol!!! I was like no... I run into those people IRL every day. Finding people who are in the same boat as you IS a positive reminder that we all have our own TTC paths to follow.
SashimiMimi - where are you in Canada? I'm in Eastern Ontario between Toronto and Ottawa. What tests are you going through? DH thinks he'll be the 'issue' but I'm fully prepared to go through the steps too. I just joined a couple of days ago but am already finding a lot of support in all of you! It's quite a relief.
Hi Countrygirl!! I'm actually right in Toronto! As far as the tests go, we are doing the basic blood tests, I'm doing the HSG test next week, OH will do SA and then we will do a test to see how his S mixes with my EGCM... Can't remember the name of the test, but I guess we are checking all possible scenarios. In addition, I'm doing cycle monitoring so I will know exactly when I O. It's all mind boggling and I must have looked like a deer in headlights at the clinic yesterday!!
I haven't felt this overwhelmed or anxious since we started TTC! Any sort of medical test terrifies me!!
Considering that pregnancy has been happening since the beginning of time, who knew it could be so complicated!!! :)
Hey SashiMimi did you just start cycle monitoring? My doctor mentioned charting BBT at my pre-TTC check but it seemed to be more of a hassle to me. I'm afraid if we need to go for testing they'll expect I've been charting? Sounds like a lot of work! I've been known to pass out in hospitals so I know how you are feeling! The good news is you are at the point where you will only learn more and at least see where you stand!
Last cycle I was part of the March Testers thread and I'm thinking that was way too much--soooo many BFPs, it was hard for me not to feel discouraged with every single one instead of happy! I think on smaller threads like this it's been easier for me to feel excited for people because I have followed them from the beginning and know their story! Anyway, thanks for starting this :)

I feel the same way! Its exciting that a lot of us have the same cycle. I should O around the 25th!
Tx - woohoo! Maybe if we all put our minds to it together... :)
Hey how was the fertility acupuncture. I was thinking that I would try it myself but am a little worried. I have had acupuncture before for my back but am hesitant to do it where I can see the needles lol. I heard it can help to regularize your cycles. Did you notice any differences?
Hey how was the fertility acupuncture. I was thinking that I would try it myself but am a little worried. I have had acupuncture before for my back but am hesitant to do it where I can see the needles lol. I heard it can help to regularize your cycles. Did you notice any differences?

Ooo I'm curious too--I have an appointment tomorrow AM with a fertility-specializing acupuncture lady and have never had it done before. She told me I'd probably have to do herbs, too, which sort of freaks me. But I am curious to know how it worked for others.
Hi ladies - just checking in and by that I mean stalking! It seems like we're all on a similar cycle. I'm O'ing either the 24th or 25th. I'm praying its earlier or later this month since OH and I are in different states the 23rd-25th :( Such bad timing, but what can you do, right?

Sashimi, I hope all your tests go well! And I hope we all get BFP's this cycle!!!!!


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