Could use a buddy

Well ladies I believe my OH and I have had the first major bump in the road to baby making, my unspoken stress and his frustration on my obvious though unspoken stress about TTC has led to a meltdown on my end. I'm feeling defeated by the process right now, even though my OPK is officially positive today, I'm struggling to find the heart to BD knowing we a both emotionally not ok today! On the treadmill trying to ask Gods help for resolution and help just letting go. I would love advice if anyone has been here and done this. Till then thank you guys :cry::cry::cry:
Well ladies I believe my OH and I have had the first major bump in the road to baby making, my unspoken stress and his frustration on my obvious though unspoken stress about TTC has led to a meltdown on my end. I'm feeling defeated by the process right now, even though my OPK is officially positive today, I'm struggling to find the heart to BD knowing we a both emotionally not ok today! On the treadmill trying to ask Gods help for resolution and help just letting go. I would love advice if anyone has been here and done this. Till then thank you guys :cry::cry::cry:

Babyseed - I'm so sorry, it can be really, really hard and emotional!! It's one of those things that's not easy to talk about with friends and family, or even our OH's, like you're saying. And I know what you mean about it feeling like it HAS to be done, even when you're feeling like crap and BD is the last thing on your mind. My OH and I have been there these past couple of months. It's a total emotional rollercoaster! On the one hand, you want to stay up and positive because it's such and exciting prospect, and on the other it's just wearing and we, as women TTC, become super aware of our moods, bodies, hormones, etc. What you're going through is normal but very hard.

I think asking for God's help is a great place to start! This process is particularly frustrating for me because I'm someone who loves to control and there's just no way to control when pregnancy will happen. So I FEEL you--and I think that surrendering the entire thing to a higher power can be really helpful. I have a therapist and I've brought some of my feelings about TTC into my sessions, which has actually really helped--just to have someone who doesn't know me (like my partner or family or friends do) to listen is a relief--there's no judgement. I would suggest this--my OH and I also used to go to couples counseling just for basic maintenance and it was amazing. We haven't gone together since TTC, but we both really loved the chance to process together in a safe space and be mirrored by an uninvested party. Maybe you guys could look into that!

TTC is a process that only a niche group of people understand, an usually that group is not the people around us in everyday life. We are here for you on BnB!! :hugs:

Be gentle with yourself--that's the most important thing.
hi friends,
how is everything going on..
destressed myself and hubby by good music in candle night at home tonight..felt rejuvenated.. like our first meet..
sending lots of baby dust to everyone...
Hey all,

I started a new thread for this in TTC but got no response so wondered if any of you have insight. Here's the copy/paste--it is long...

So I'm pretty positive I had a chemical and early mc about five days ago...I can't confirm for sure because I'm right in between insurance (dang!), but I got a very faint positive on hpt the morning before the alleged mc...And it was a very intense bleed that came on quick, four days early (very unusual for me), complete with very, very bad cramping, clots and vomiting.

My question relates to this: my BBT dropped below the coverline for two days a few days prior to the mc, and have stayed above it ever since, with the exception of yesterday, which could be thrown out as my room was freezing and I woke up with my mouth wide open. Also, I got my crazy 40 pack of OPK strips in the mail just now and decided, for fun, to do one even though I'm only on CD 5 according to FF. It's pretty close to being positive--not all the way there yet.

So the questions:

1. Why is my BBT still high after this mc/chemical/whatever it was? My temps last month plummeted the morning I got AF, and she came right on time at dpo 14.

2. Why is my OPK already almost positive?? Could the chemical cause me to ovulate early?

I feel afraid that there is something crazy going on with my body that should concern me....Has anyone else had an experience like this? I have done more hpts since starting to bleed, just in case, and always bfn, so I don't think it's that (that's what I would suspect with this many high temps).

There is a link to my chart on here. If anyone has insight that would be really helpful! Thought I'd know about my insurance on Thurs and it's been delayed--right when I need to talk to a doc the most :)

Here is the OPK
Hey all,

I started a new thread for this in TTC but got no response so wondered if any of you have insight. Here's the copy/paste--it is long...

So I'm pretty positive I had a chemical and early mc about five days ago...I can't confirm for sure because I'm right in between insurance (dang!), but I got a very faint positive on hpt the morning before the alleged mc...And it was a very intense bleed that came on quick, four days early (very unusual for me), complete with very, very bad cramping, clots and vomiting.

My question relates to this: my BBT dropped below the coverline for two days a few days prior to the mc, and have stayed above it ever since, with the exception of yesterday, which could be thrown out as my room was freezing and I woke up with my mouth wide open. Also, I got my crazy 40 pack of OPK strips in the mail just now and decided, for fun, to do one even though I'm only on CD 5 according to FF. It's pretty close to being positive--not all the way there yet.

So the questions:

1. Why is my BBT still high after this mc/chemical/whatever it was? My temps last month plummeted the morning I got AF, and she came right on time at dpo 14.

2. Why is my OPK already almost positive?? Could the chemical cause me to ovulate early?

I feel afraid that there is something crazy going on with my body that should concern me....Has anyone else had an experience like this? I have done more hpts since starting to bleed, just in case, and always bfn, so I don't think it's that (that's what I would suspect with this many high temps).

There is a link to my chart on here. If anyone has insight that would be really helpful! Thought I'd know about my insurance on Thurs and it's been delayed--right when I need to talk to a doc the most :)

Here is the OPK

Sorry to hear that Lauren :(

Because I'm obsessive, I just googled for like 30 minutes. So per Google, seems like a lot of women's BBTs stay high after a chemical, but eventually go back to normal. As for the positive OPK, I have no idea. I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything. Could the OPK be going off leftover preg hormones? Seems super early to ovulate - or maybe you are and you're super fertile??
Thanks, sleepy!! I tried to google and was having a hard time getting answers. I'm glad to know it's normal...hopefully my temps will drop soon and I'll just O on time! I'm an obsessive and a googler, too :). I'll see what the bbt reads tomorrow am. Thanks for helping! I feel relieved.
How's everyone doing?

Lauren - did your BBT ever go down?

All is well on my end. Waiting to O. I started temping this cycle and my temps are ALL over and super high the past two days, but I know I haven't O'd yet. No EWCM or ovulation pains. Regardless, been BD'ing juuuust to be safe. Not trying to risk missing it. I bought some OPK's and have no clue what I'm doing. I took a test yesterday and today and they were both negative. I'm kind of nervous because my hubby is going out of town on Wednesday night and won't be back til Sunday. We're going to BD Weds before he leaves, and as soon as we get back home on Sunday, but I'm really really scared that I'm going to O on like Saturday and totally miss my chance this month. I guess there's nothing I can really do; it's just been in the back of my mind for the past week or so. Fingers crossed this is my month!!
How's everyone doing?

Lauren - did your BBT ever go down?

All is well on my end. Waiting to O. I started temping this cycle and my temps are ALL over and super high the past two days, but I know I haven't O'd yet. No EWCM or ovulation pains. Regardless, been BD'ing juuuust to be safe. Not trying to risk missing it. I bought some OPK's and have no clue what I'm doing. I took a test yesterday and today and they were both negative. I'm kind of nervous because my hubby is going out of town on Wednesday night and won't be back til Sunday. We're going to BD Weds before he leaves, and as soon as we get back home on Sunday, but I'm really really scared that I'm going to O on like Saturday and totally miss my chance this month. I guess there's nothing I can really do; it's just been in the back of my mind for the past week or so. Fingers crossed this is my month!!

Hey Sleepy - My BBT did go down yesterday, finally. My period was kind of long, and my BBT went down after the first few heavy days.

When you say the OPKs were both negative do you mean two tests, or that neither line showed up? It may have been a bad test. What dpo are you at? You could totally BD on Weds and ovulate on Saturday and still get pregnant...I see charts on FF all the time where the woman ovulated 5 days after BD. Have you tried PreSeed?
Hi Ladies! Hope you're all well today. Welcom ljbbabyplease! I know what you mean about people telling you about "the glow." I got that same comment too at someone's baby shower. It's probably because I've slacked at the gym lately and am putting on weight! ;) Irregular cycles are tough. I've been fairly regular since going off the pill a year ago, but I wish doctors told young women going on the pill what it would be like to go off of it 10+ years later. It's like I've totally had to get reacquainted with my body... Not to mention my skin was really bad for a couple months after I stopped the pill. Worse than when I was a teen!


Hi Ladies! Hope you guys don't mind if I join in! It's nice to see a thread with some women closer in age. I'm 32 and DH is 39. I felt like most of the women on BnB are sooo much younger than us! It will be the 2nd/3rd cycle for us TTC. It's a bit off since last month I got the flu really bad during O week.

SashimiMimi - I know what you mean about the pill and coming off it. I was on for almost 12 years too. I also experienced horrible breakouts after coming off the pill. I finally got a IPL laser treatment which has helped control the horribly painful outbursts.

P.S. I can imagine how overwhelming the march testers thread would have been!! I told my mom about this board and she asked why I wasn't chatting with people who had their BFPs right away for "positive encouragement" Lol!!! I was like no... I run into those people IRL every day. Finding people who are in the same boat as you IS a positive reminder that we all have our own TTC paths to follow.

Yeah - my mom has been bugging me to get pregnant for as long as I've been married now. After the first month TTC and getting a negative, I had to tell her to get her off my back. And I was explaining to her "the window period" of fertility. She just gave me a "hmph! who said so? in our day you just do it and get pregnant!" Well, okay. That's great. :/

Nice to "meet" all you ladies here! Baby dust all around!:dust:
How's everyone doing?

Lauren - did your BBT ever go down?

All is well on my end. Waiting to O. I started temping this cycle and my temps are ALL over and super high the past two days, but I know I haven't O'd yet. No EWCM or ovulation pains. Regardless, been BD'ing juuuust to be safe. Not trying to risk missing it. I bought some OPK's and have no clue what I'm doing. I took a test yesterday and today and they were both negative. I'm kind of nervous because my hubby is going out of town on Wednesday night and won't be back til Sunday. We're going to BD Weds before he leaves, and as soon as we get back home on Sunday, but I'm really really scared that I'm going to O on like Saturday and totally miss my chance this month. I guess there's nothing I can really do; it's just been in the back of my mind for the past week or so. Fingers crossed this is my month!!

Hey Sleepy - My BBT did go down yesterday, finally. My period was kind of long, and my BBT went down after the first few heavy days.

When you say the OPKs were both negative do you mean two tests, or that neither line showed up? It may have been a bad test. What dpo are you at? You could totally BD on Weds and ovulate on Saturday and still get pregnant...I see charts on FF all the time where the woman ovulated 5 days after BD. Have you tried PreSeed?

Welcome Sweetie!! The more the merrier - its totally great having people around the same age on here. Great support system!

Lauren, glad your BBT's went down finally! Hopefully you can reset and get your BFP this month. As for the OPK's, I took two (one on Sunday and Monday) and only one line showed up (which I'm pretty sure is the control line, right?). So of course I'm like sitting in the bathroom with a pee cup and a stick, reading the directions and I'm pretty sure that means negative. I'm still trying to figure it out. The weird thing is yesterday I started getting ovulation pains, and I was only CD 8! I usually get EWCM and then have ovulation pains around CD 11-12. So I'm not sure what's going on, but it freaked me out so I BD'd last night. Weird thought, but I've been eating alot of soy because I gave up red meat for lent and my husband gave up meat altogether, so its easier to just cook one vegetarian meal. Do you all think that might cause me to O earlier? I was googling it yesterday and it seems like its a possibility. Not sure what to think!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't replied in a few days, I was away over the weekend and it looks like I've missed a lot on this thread!
I'm going for my HSG test later this afternoon and I'm a nervous wreck! I'll be happy when it's over and I'm praying that the results turn out okay and I'm healthy. It looks like I might be having a job interview this week as well, so now I'm even more overwhelmed! When it rains, it pours.
Regarding the question earlier about my experience with acupuncture, I thought it was great. A good friend of mine is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. I have seen her when I was having trouble with frequent UTIs and she really helped a lot. I did fertility acupuncture with her during my first 4 cycles of TTC and then she went on mat-leave, so we didn't continue into the 5th or 6th cycles. Obviously, I didn't get a BFP during that time, but my SIL who TTCed for 3 years ended up getting her BFP after about six months of fertility acupuncture.
Babyseed, I HOPE you are feeling better. I can relate to the stress you went through. There have been times where both OH and I were too emotionally exhausted to try during my window and that always resulted in me getting angry with lots of tears. I think what has helped is the two of us really communicating at the beginning of the cycle. I'll say okay, this is probably going to be the week I ovulate so we need to BD more during that time. When it's around the time I'm going to O, I try to stay as relaxed as possible in the presence of OH. I find if I stay calm, he stays calm and doesn't feel the pressure. It's so tough, especially when you are trying to time everything perfectly. I've said this before, but I will say it again... how on earth does ANYONE get pregnant by accident!?!
I will write more later, after the HSG! Wish me luck!!!
Hi Ladies! Hope you're all well today. Welcom ljbbabyplease! I know what you mean about people telling you about "the glow." I got that same comment too at someone's baby shower. It's probably because I've slacked at the gym lately and am putting on weight! ;) Irregular cycles are tough. I've been fairly regular since going off the pill a year ago, but I wish doctors told young women going on the pill what it would be like to go off of it 10+ years later. It's like I've totally had to get reacquainted with my body... Not to mention my skin was really bad for a couple months after I stopped the pill. Worse than when I was a teen!


Hi Ladies! Hope you guys don't mind if I join in! It's nice to see a thread with some women closer in age. I'm 32 and DH is 39. I felt like most of the women on BnB are sooo much younger than us! It will be the 2nd/3rd cycle for us TTC. It's a bit off since last month I got the flu really bad during O week.

SashimiMimi - I know what you mean about the pill and coming off it. I was on for almost 12 years too. I also experienced horrible breakouts after coming off the pill. I finally got a IPL laser treatment which has helped control the horribly painful outbursts.

P.S. I can imagine how overwhelming the march testers thread would have been!! I told my mom about this board and she asked why I wasn't chatting with people who had their BFPs right away for "positive encouragement" Lol!!! I was like no... I run into those people IRL every day. Finding people who are in the same boat as you IS a positive reminder that we all have our own TTC paths to follow.

Yeah - my mom has been bugging me to get pregnant for as long as I've been married now. After the first month TTC and getting a negative, I had to tell her to get her off my back. And I was explaining to her "the window period" of fertility. She just gave me a "hmph! who said so? in our day you just do it and get pregnant!" Well, okay. That's great. :/

Nice to "meet" all you ladies here! Baby dust all around!:dust:

Haha, that's what my mother said the other day, as well. She's like, 'Just relax! That's how it happens! You just have fun and get pregnant.' My mom got pregnant in 3 cycles, so she doesn't understand.
Sleepy - Hmmmmm, I know that soy can affect your hormones, so it's totally possible! What time of day are you using the OPK? You may want to do two per day since the ovulation window can be small--I've had days where I get a half-positive at 2pm (like that pic I posted) and then a strong positive at 8pm...I think BD-ing to be safe is a good idea ;) We're on the every-day-this-cycle regime--great for OH, that's for sure! Anyway, it's also possible to get a negative OPK but still be ovulating, if the tests aren't a good brand or if your pee is diluted etc etc. I just saw someone's chart this morning on FF that showed 8 negative OPKs during her supposed ovulation window/week, and she ended up pregnant. When in doubt, BD!

I'm glad my bbt went down, too. I guess it could have been high from residual hormones after mc (still pretty much just assuming that's what happened), and the residual hormones could also be why I got such a strong second line on my OPK...I did another the day after and then yesterday and they were progressively fainter. Fingers crossed that this is the month! I researched fertility diets and vitamins and have so many vits to take now--it's ridiculous. But worth a try! I'm also going to try acupuncture this month.

Other rad update: I got approved for my new insurance today!! Such a huge relief :)
Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't replied in a few days, I was away over the weekend and it looks like I've missed a lot on this thread!
I'm going for my HSG test later this afternoon and I'm a nervous wreck! I'll be happy when it's over and I'm praying that the results turn out okay and I'm healthy. It looks like I might be having a job interview this week as well, so now I'm even more overwhelmed! When it rains, it pours.
Regarding the question earlier about my experience with acupuncture, I thought it was great. A good friend of mine is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. I have seen her when I was having trouble with frequent UTIs and she really helped a lot. I did fertility acupuncture with her during my first 4 cycles of TTC and then she went on mat-leave, so we didn't continue into the 5th or 6th cycles. Obviously, I didn't get a BFP during that time, but my SIL who TTCed for 3 years ended up getting her BFP after about six months of fertility acupuncture.
Babyseed, I HOPE you are feeling better. I can relate to the stress you went through. There have been times where both OH and I were too emotionally exhausted to try during my window and that always resulted in me getting angry with lots of tears. I think what has helped is the two of us really communicating at the beginning of the cycle. I'll say okay, this is probably going to be the week I ovulate so we need to BD more during that time. When it's around the time I'm going to O, I try to stay as relaxed as possible in the presence of OH. I find if I stay calm, he stays calm and doesn't feel the pressure. It's so tough, especially when you are trying to time everything perfectly. I've said this before, but I will say it again... how on earth does ANYONE get pregnant by accident!?!
I will write more later, after the HSG! Wish me luck!!!

I am SO with you on feeling flabbergasted that anyone has a whoopsie in this department!

I, too, have been on a bunch of job interviews lately. I left my old position to take 6-8 weeks off from work drama, but have been sending out resumes here and there. It is kind of overwhelming and disruptive, though I guess interviews are a good thing. I hope yours goes well!

I will be going to an acupuncture for fertility session tomorrow--feeling excited!

What is the hsg test? I am not well informed about all of this...Like I said, my OB is not into tests, so she hasn't really gone over too many with me. I live in Boulder, CO, and the docs here seem to err on the side of waiting and assuming all is well until proven otherwise. Pros and cons to that. Let us know how it goes!
Hey Lauren! The HSG test is where they run dye through your tubes and then xray them to see if you are blocked. I have heard it can be very painful, while others get mild cramping. I think I'm more terrified of the thought of being blocked as opposed to the pain. However, it's a standard test they do at fertility clinics.
I also quit my job about a year ago, so I can relate to you there as well. The actual job was great, but the environment was toxic. I was constantly getting sick, my anxiety was through the roof and I had major insomnia. It was either the job or my health and I chose my health!
I've been doing a lot of "what iffing" today. What if I find out something is wrong with me? How can I go to an interview with TTC stress in the back of my mind? So I'm trying really hard to relax and just take everything one step at a time.
I have to say again, I'm really enjoying connecting with everyone here. I would have been happy if one person had responded to this thread, but now we have a great group of ladies here who are all in similiar situations! It's so great to connect with all of you and read your posts!
More later!
Sleepy - Hmmmmm, I know that soy can affect your hormones, so it's totally possible! What time of day are you using the OPK? You may want to do two per day since the ovulation window can be small--I've had days where I get a half-positive at 2pm (like that pic I posted) and then a strong positive at 8pm...I think BD-ing to be safe is a good idea ;) We're on the every-day-this-cycle regime--great for OH, that's for sure! Anyway, it's also possible to get a negative OPK but still be ovulating, if the tests aren't a good brand or if your pee is diluted etc etc. I just saw someone's chart this morning on FF that showed 8 negative OPKs during her supposed ovulation window/week, and she ended up pregnant. When in doubt, BD!

I'm glad my bbt went down, too. I guess it could have been high from residual hormones after mc (still pretty much just assuming that's what happened), and the residual hormones could also be why I got such a strong second line on my OPK...I did another the day after and then yesterday and they were progressively fainter. Fingers crossed that this is the month! I researched fertility diets and vitamins and have so many vits to take now--it's ridiculous. But worth a try! I'm also going to try acupuncture this month.

Other rad update: I got approved for my new insurance today!! Such a huge relief :)

I've been testing around 4 or 5 pm. I'll pee something around lunch, then I'll try to not really drink anything and just hold it til at least 4, then I use the OPK. I heard too much water can dilute the results. I kind of hope I am ovulating early so that I can be at peace this weekend knowing that we at least tried at the right time.

Happy your got approved for your insurance! One less thing to stress about!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't replied in a few days, I was away over the weekend and it looks like I've missed a lot on this thread!
I'm going for my HSG test later this afternoon and I'm a nervous wreck! I'll be happy when it's over and I'm praying that the results turn out okay and I'm healthy. It looks like I might be having a job interview this week as well, so now I'm even more overwhelmed! When it rains, it pours.
Regarding the question earlier about my experience with acupuncture, I thought it was great. A good friend of mine is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. I have seen her when I was having trouble with frequent UTIs and she really helped a lot. I did fertility acupuncture with her during my first 4 cycles of TTC and then she went on mat-leave, so we didn't continue into the 5th or 6th cycles. Obviously, I didn't get a BFP during that time, but my SIL who TTCed for 3 years ended up getting her BFP after about six months of fertility acupuncture.
Babyseed, I HOPE you are feeling better. I can relate to the stress you went through. There have been times where both OH and I were too emotionally exhausted to try during my window and that always resulted in me getting angry with lots of tears. I think what has helped is the two of us really communicating at the beginning of the cycle. I'll say okay, this is probably going to be the week I ovulate so we need to BD more during that time. When it's around the time I'm going to O, I try to stay as relaxed as possible in the presence of OH. I find if I stay calm, he stays calm and doesn't feel the pressure. It's so tough, especially when you are trying to time everything perfectly. I've said this before, but I will say it again... how on earth does ANYONE get pregnant by accident!?!
I will write more later, after the HSG! Wish me luck!!!

Ahh, today's the day! I hope it's not too painful and that you get great results.
SleepyOwl, thank you for the positive thoughts. I survived the HSG (xray where they run dye through your tubes to see if they are blocked) and it wasn't so bad. It was definitely rather uncomfortable and there was a moment or two of sharp pain, but it was over very fast AND it looks like my tubes are clear. At least I can cross that off the list now. Phhheewww! So to those who may have this test coming up in the near future, don't believe the horror stories. It's fine!

On a side note, I have heard that the HSG test can "clear out" the tubes and slightly increase your chance of conceiving, so here's hoping.

@Lauren26: The first few months I was using OPKs I found it really confusing. I started using the CB OPKs and I would never ever get that damn happy face! I started using those cheap strips given to my by my fertility acupuncturist and I would start to have a faint line around day 10 or 12 and it would gradually get darker and darker as the days went on. It was so hard to tell which day was actually considered positive. My acupuncturist said not to test first thing in the morning because the LH surge builds during to day. She said it is better to test between 10 am and 8 pm. Meanwhile, the instructions with the CB kit says to do it first thing in the morning... Last cycle, I decided to try out the CB OPK just for fun. I did it around 4 pm on day 14 of my cycle and FINALLY got the happy face to show up on the digital display! I think if anything, it is better to listen to your own body. The OPKs have helped me understand how my body works after being on the pill for 11 years and they help me gage when it is best to BD, but they turned me into a bit of a nut during our first 3 or 4 months of TTC.
Good like with your acupuncture session tomorrow. I think you will enjoy it and I'm sure you will find your acupuncturist insightful and helpful. Please let us know how it goes!

@sweetie88: Hello and welcome! We are similiar in age... I'm turning 31 in a couple of months and DH is turning 38. Good luck with the TTC! BTW, isn't breaking out in your 30s annoying? I ended up going for microderm abrasion, as well as had an intervention from my dermatologist and that has really helped! I too have found there are a lot of young women posting on BnB, so it's nice to connect with those of us in our late 20s and early 30s!!
Good Luck with the HSG! Hopefully it's not too painful and I'm interested in how it goes! Best of luck!

I'm so glad to hear the test was relatively painless!! That's one that I'd been considering. And that's great news, too, that you're all clear! What else are you going to have done? The one test my OB thought I might want to do (because of spotting) was a pelvic ultrasound. I haven't done it (insurance lapse), but you have to drink 48 oz of water and hold it while they probe around--lol. It sounds very, very uncomfortable. But Maybe it's not as bad as it sounds.

Yes I've had mixed results with OPKs. My box said to do them between 2 and 10pm...I ended up getting the best results around noon. I think your advice is smart--the body knows what the mind does not!

I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed fertility acupuncture--are you still getting it?

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