Could use a buddy

Thanks, everyone!! I really appreciate the feedback. I have to be quick, too as I am still at work.

I think OH is just worried about making up two-weeks worth of excuses as to why we cannot visit. There were times in the beginning of our relationship, where I felt OH chose this friend over me. Now I feel like he is doing it again by visiting without me. These friends have struggled with fertility in a different way--one premature baby (who is totally fine now, one MC and now this new baby is a real triumph for them. I should be supportive, and I would be if this was my first or second IUI... But I know how uncomfortable I got telling them about our first IUI, I just can't stand to talk about the injections, the possible lap surgery and our uncertain future when it comes to starting a family.

Haribo: That was ME with the cold legs!! HAHAHA! It happens more often than you think.

Pino: Feel better!

Lauren, Country, Lxb: It's true, I do have a cold (although its getting better, is that a bad sign???), and I have the trip coming up, offered to do some extra work at my job with the trip coming up, I honestly don't have time to see them. I just don't think OH will think it's a good enough excuse because you apparently "make time" for friends. Yet, his falling and twisting his ankle was fine to miss out on the tennis match when we were doing IUI! LOL!
Country - LOL on the 5 days off!! And I guess I do get a bit share-y:blush:. I feel sad that your OH blames everything on himself! Not that I'd want him to blame you, lol, but that men in general feel soooo much pressure to perform and make the pregnancy happen. On the other hand, it's nice that he's involved!

Pino - GL!! I hope they fix you right up. I'm glad you went today.

All of you non-USers, you are so so lucky that your government helps so much with cost! I have hesitated to go to the fertility specialist because I don't know if my insurance will cover it and it's a pretty penny out of pocket.

Preg - How are you feeling? Have you had an appt. yet?

haribo - I loved Season 2!! They both were a bit depressing, too, though. I don't know which one I liked better...I watched them pretty close together to it's all sort of one blob of good drama in my mind. I hope your spotting is IB!! It's a good sign if you don't usually get it before AF. And you're right--I am glad that I have the info now! Sounds like an amazing time to be in the UK--bbq, sunshine, patriotism! Sounds incredible :)

Sashimi - I do not think that it's a bad sign that the cold is getting better. I know about two schools of thought on the cold (and there may be more): one says that you get a cold because the pregnancy lowers your immune system since the body switches it focus to your uterus and the new life in it. The other is that it's easier to get pregnant when you have a cold because your immune system is low and your body has less chance to fight off sperm and/or reject the fertilized egg (which apparently some womens' bodies do!). Either way, I think it's good! I also don't think any of our bodies are fighting off the egg...but I know that a cold around this time is meant to be a good thing, and it seems OK that it's going away.

Afm, I saw my acupuncturist today and she is a dear! She was very supportive about the progesterone and said that the docs tomorrow will prob prescribe it, and if they don't then she'll get me the sublingual variety from her naturopath herself! How sweet! She gave me her cell number and everything and said she'd go pick it up. Made me feel very taken care of. It's a relief, too, to know that either way I will get something to use and 'test' this month because I just went to the RR and, like last month, got some pink/red CM already at 5dpo. Boo! I suppose I should be glad that I am fixing the problem now!
So my knee has a severe strain, and a torn ligament.... I will be on later
Lauren it says we are both online viewing this thread, I bet we will post at the same time any minute!
Pino - how r u feeling?

Sashimi - our body is tricky. I remember my sis was down with a 'flu' the week before she told me about her bfp then she was all better. I hv my fingers crossed for you!! :)
Treasured --- The US healthcare is soooo screwed up!! You are very lucky! I spent $200 dollars on x-rays it’s BS. Keep being strong w/ no testing. Maybe no symptoms are a good thing?? :hugs: Just try to keep your friend out of your mind. I mean no one needs more stress on top of TTC!!

SashimiMimi—I would just avoid the situation. I mean I understand completely about not wanting to see them. After all of your effort you deserve a reward for even hearing about it. Your OH should understand that your happiness, sanity, and his is more important than being polite to you friends. You have a lot on your plate as it is, no need to overflow it!

Sleepy--- I have done more research and the earliest I can find positives is 9DPO.

Lxb---Sorry about the BFN, but my fingers are still crossed. I still have hope for you :hugs:

Country--- Missed you LOL. That’s what you get for leaving us for so long LOL You are stron to see that movie. I want to, but I don’t want to work myself up too much, so I try to avoid movies like that. I mean I got upset over the “switch” Just try to stay strong, and avoid triggers :hugs:

Haribo--- How many DPO are you? Spotting is a good sign as long as it is not the witch!! I am going to have to look into all the books everyone keeps requesting. For me, I love to read, but I’m scared to read them, do what it says just to gets my hopes up then crushed!!

Lauren---Your acupuncturist sounds so great!!! At least now you know that either way it will be fixed!!

Thank you all for being so supportive!! :hugs:
I went into the Urgent Care and the Dr. was way to energetic than I was comfortable with LOL. Way to much caffeine for her.:haha: Anyways I got a few x-rays and she said I have a severe strain, and a ligament tear. She gave me a cortisone shot for the swelling, and prescribed me Vicodin. I talked to my mom, and she suggested I go and see my orthopedic specialist that I saw in high school. I didn’t want to tell her I really can’t afford it:shrug:. Well I decided I am not going to take the Vicadin because first of all, it is a narcotic, and second, I have a very addictive personality, so I avoid medicine as much as I can.:nope: The pain is not horrible when I’m not moving LOL. Well On another note, I am 3 DPO and no symptoms except a lot of creamy cum, I just feel really wet, and horney:blush:… I really wanted to BD but OH turned me down cause he was scared of hurting my knee:blush:. He had good intentions, but it kind of hurt my ego, and feelings. I am a bit touchy after ovulation:cry:. On another note I weighed myself, and I am up a bit cause I haven’t been able to do anything. It’s really bumming me out.:wacko: I hate sitting around and not doing anything, and I have no balance, so I suck on the crutches LOL:haha:. I am craving caffeine, and sugar. I really want a coffee and chocolate bar:coffee:

Well until tomorrow. Good night all!!!
:hugs: to all!!
Sashimi, looking at this on my phone and watching a movie in the computer lol. It's a rare night when I can't post because it takes so long on my phone. :) but I would have! Lol.
Oh pino, your poor knee! I'm sure with a little rest you'll be as good as new. Take it easy!

I read an article in the paper today that said the U.K. is trying to get IVF covered by public health insurance for women under 40 and a group of activists are trying to do the same in Canada. It's really unfair that there are women who try for years and would likely get a BFP with IVF but can't because of money. Reading that made me feel like there is awareness around the fact that many women struggle with starting their families.

No resolution was made regarding the friends. OH insisted that he go an explain I can't be around babies. He just doesn't get it. First of all that's not how it is, I'm in a complex situation and how I feel so no one else's business, especially not theirs. I just don't see whats wrong with saying we are tied up for the next two weeks and would love to see them when we return at the end of June. Normally we book things months in advance anyway, but OH thinks that we will sound suspicious if we say that. He's actually gone to bed mad at me over this and now I can't sleep because I'm so upset. It's a small thing but I can't believe I am even being put in this situation.
Oh sweety i am so sorry !!!! Men don't understand all that ttc takes out of us and how vulnerable we are. especially in your case as you have been through so much and trying so hard.. please try not to stress!!! your oh needs to try to understand. you understand his position but don't agree with it, but he is not trying to understand at all. i think the only thing really to do is let him go but say you have the flu and don't want the baby to get sick. there is no reason he should tell them about your ttc issues. compromise. i mean as new parents they don't want the kid to get sick and you don't have to go. i mean you are not necessarily lying just expanding the truth a bit. Your oh can go but let him know that you don't think it is right him choosing his friends over his wife. he should be there supporting you not worrying about what others think!! I hope you get some rest and know we are all here for you!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Preg - How are you feeling? Have you had an appt. yet?

Nope, not yet. I´ll be out of country until I´m 7 weeks... so, I´m calling then (next wednesday), I don´t know how long I´ll have to wait for an appointment, probably less than a week.

So my knee has a severe strain, and a torn ligament.... I will be on later

Thank you all for being so supportive!! :hugs:
I went into the Urgent Care and the Dr. was way to energetic than I was comfortable with LOL. Way to much caffeine for her.:haha: Anyways I got a few x-rays and she said I have a severe strain, and a ligament tear. She gave me a cortisone shot for the swelling, and prescribed me Vicodin. I talked to my mom, and she suggested I go and see my orthopedic specialist that I saw in high school. I didn’t want to tell her I really can’t afford it:shrug:. Well I decided I am not going to take the Vicadin because first of all, it is a narcotic, and second, I have a very addictive personality, so I avoid medicine as much as I can.:nope: The pain is not horrible when I’m not moving LOL. Well On another note, I am 3 DPO and no symptoms except a lot of creamy cum, I just feel really wet, and horney:blush:… I really wanted to BD but OH turned me down cause he was scared of hurting my knee:blush:. He had good intentions, but it kind of hurt my ego, and feelings. I am a bit touchy after ovulation:cry:. On another note I weighed myself, and I am up a bit cause I haven’t been able to do anything. It’s really bumming me out.:wacko: I hate sitting around and not doing anything, and I have no balance, so I suck on the crutches LOL:haha:. I am craving caffeine, and sugar. I really want a coffee and chocolate bar:coffee:

Well until tomorrow. Good night all!!!
:hugs: to all!!

Ouch, was it completely torn, or partially? Cause partially is good, then you can do non-strenuous stuff, but if it´s completely torn, you need surgery (and those can be hell).

Whenever I crave chocolate, I munch on 12 fresh almonds instead, and then drink a bunch of water after (since almonds tend to be a bit dry).
Feel full for 2-3 hours afterwards, and all cravings gone :)
Girls!! I'm going on holiday today!! Omg two week's without you all I dont know what I'll do! I will have soooo much to catch up on when Im back, hoping for some bfp's to return to, fingers crossed for everyone! I will also know for sure Im in or out this month, although I'd I get a bfp's I will nit be able to resist coming on here to tell you all! I'm roughly 9dpo and have had no symptoms, dont know whether it's good or bad but f ddoesn't feel like af I'd coming quite yet. Will do a more detailed post on my return! Love and hope for you all!!! Xxxx
treasured - gluck!! FX for that BFP! Enjoy your vacation~

pino - take it easy and don't worry too much about that weight right now. focus on recovering~ how are you feeling today?

sashimi - agree with pino. if he really wants to go.. then let him go and let him tell the friends that you have a flu and won't want to be around newborn baby. (That's.. semi-true! :)) He needs to stop focusing on what other people might think and need to focus on your feelings. I dont think it's unreasonable (or maybe because I'm a female too? :haha:) :hugs: deep breath... don't let other people affect the two of you~

country - how r u feeling??? any symptoms?
Pino - I'm so glad you had your knee looked at! Is it supposed to heal on its own now? The Switch was a little emotional too haha or maybe it's just me? It was more their relationship that got me, not the actual baby.

preg_pilot - any other symptoms? When are you due? Almonds are a great idea, I used to eat some but the skins got stuck in my throat and I would have an awful coughing fit lol but they're so good for you, what are the fresh ones like?

haribo - I agree, 90 pages is incredible! I wouldn't want to see what I'd be like without all of you lol some sort of TTC monster like Sashimi being the Hulk! Glad you feel better after a night's rest. That book sounds interesting! Depending on how our doctor visits go I might pick that up. How lovely to have an extra day off to celebrate the Queen, we are a commonwealth country, we should get it too! :shrug:

Sashimi - I'm sorry to hear DH is being unresponsive. I'm hoping he comes around and understands not only that you don't want to go but also your reasoning (and not wanting to tell them everything at this point). Could you let him on here to see our views? I've read something about the UK and Canada too, I found a website where they're trying to get the gov't to do more about IVF because women are pushing for more embryos resulting in more multiples which costs the healthcare system more than if the gov't was helping pay. It would be so nice to have this included but it's doubtful.

lauren - that's what we're all here for! The first thing I do after my doctor's appointment will be come on here and tell you all about it! It's true, I should be happy he's come this far, a year ago he had a much harder time talking about it at all and look how far we've come. He IS male after all and they generally aren't good at talking about feelings :wacko:

lxb - let's all hope for flu like symptoms lol I've heard that too! I'm feeling good, I could try to find symptoms (boobs seem bigger, random smells drive me crazy) but I have no faith in this cycle lol I'm just looking forward to the next, I want my pre-O libido back! How are you? Any symptoms?

treasured - I sure hope to see you pop on to say you've got it! Have a blast for us!

I'm feeling better today, just needed to get all that nonsense off my chest I guess. DH pointed out that in the next two weeks we are making progress so I just need to relax lol cause you all know how easy that is when TTC!
Pino - Eek, that sounds painful!! Like the others said, don't worry about the weight and just focus on healing so you can get back into the swing of things when you are totally better. I can identify with you on the chocolate craving - I had half a King size bag of peanut M&M's last night. Felt so gross afterwards but I couldn't stop myself.

Country - Glad you are feeling better. You and OH are definitely making lots of progress! I hope when you go to your doctor's appt you're asking for a beta test :haha:

Sashimi - How frustrating about OH. I think the others had some good advice - remind him that he needs to put your feelings above his concerns of what others think of you two. This is such a delicate time and you both are going through so much, the last thing you need is to not be on the same page. It is so hard for our hubbies to understand sometime.

Treasured - Have a great time on holiday! I hope there's lots of good news to share when you return :)

Lxb - Your temps still look good. How are you feeling? Planning on testing again?

I have such a busy day ahead. OH and I are both off until Monday and his friends come into town on tomorrow night. I have tons of cleaning to do and just lots of house stuff and organizing. Hopefully it's productive and will keep my mind off my nonexistent symptoms :blush:
Thanks, Country! I did try and read OH some of the responses from you guys last night, but he still feels we are being rude. I think another reason this is getting under my skin is that this whole situation is very reminiscent of the beginning of our relationship. I always felt OH put the said friend above me and now he is doing it again. We didn't get off to a much better start this morning either, he still seemed angry and I don't think this should have been blown up into a big issue. But when it comes to these friends, it's like we have to stop everything we are doing and roll out the red carpet for them. I don't get it at all.

I don't know if it is the progesterone supplements or what, but I'm an emotional basket case today. Before I left, my dry cleaner called and said they couldn't clean a new dress I dropped off there because they felt it would damage the fabric. It says dry clean only, so I'm more nervous to wash it myself! On any other day, it wouldn't have bothered me but I felt like crying on the phone with the dry cleaner.

After that I got on the subway and the entire train shut down. They said they had a track level injury at another station, which usually means someone jumped in front of the train. So they kicked everyone off and I had to get out and it just happened to be right outside where I USED to work... The place where I had that horrible work experience. Cue the flashbacks! So again, I start feeling choked up because of my dry cleaning and now because the subway shutdown in the worst location possible. So I had to take a cab to work. I called OH before I went into the office for a pep talk, but he was busy and I still don't feel I'm getting the emotional support I need.

Just now I went for lunch with someone. I was telling this co-worker about spending time with my niece and nephew on the weekend and he suddenly asked if I have any babies on the way. I literally stopped dead in my tracks and went silent. It got awkward and he was like Ummm... I was just asking because so many people are on mat-leave right now and it seems to be a trend. So I just muttered, no not that I know of... (Now that I think of it, this guy is the IT person so I wonder if he can see me going on BnB at work!! LOL!!)

So anyway, I called OH again and said Fine... I'll go to dinner. It's causing too many problems between us. He said I don't have to and he will just go on his own.

Anyone else here feel like this is the longest TWW ever?

Treasured enjoy your trip! and good luck!

Pino how do you feel today?

lxb thanks for your kind words. I really do need to take a deep breath today!

Is anyone else feeling overly emotional this tww? My cold is clearing up, just a slightly stuffy nose. I do feel sensitive to smell somewhat, normally I can't smell OH's cologne because I'm so used to it after 8 years, but the past two days I find it too overwhelming to be around. Other than that, I'm a basket case but that does seem to be a trend while on progesterone. Sore boobs, but could also be from progesterone, so it's tough to read in to anything!
Ahh Sleepy! We posted at the same time. Thanks, I totally agree. Good luck with the busy weekend coming up. I guess you have a long weekend in the States, where we had it last weekend... Honestly it wasn't long enough!!!
Sashimi - sorry to hear about your day today. and good luck on the dinner~ Agree with Sleepy that the last thing you need is for you two to be on different page. I hope your OH will be able to understand what you're feeling and be more supportive. Feeling that he's putting his friends over you is certainly not helping .. especially during ttc. Maybe he just feels bad that he kept putting them off?

Hmm... sensitivity to smell is a good sign. I've always been sensitive to smell... so that can't be one of my symptoms! DH's farts could not escape my nose! Whenever I smell something bad, I would turned to him "did you fart? :growlmad:" :haha: :haha: and he would be like ":growlmad: noooo" (but it usually is a yes/:blush: 98% of the time) :haha:

I've been feeling emotional lately as well. Yesterday, DH said that a friend of his asked him to go play golf on Saturday (Early tee-time, 6:30am. And should be done at around noon). And instantly, I was mad and said... I thought we're going to go crawfishing? (Even though we have not asked this other couple yet) Then he tried to explain to me that he won't go if the couple agree to go crawfishing and that he's trying to communicate. :dohh: I guess I jumped the gun.... :gun:

Planning to test if my temp stays up tomorrow~~ :) So excited for the POAS we will be doing~ :haha:
Sleepy - I had to google what a beta test was :dohh: Um it's the whole reason I'm in this mess lol If I don't have AF by then it would be perfect timing really! Enjoy your long weekend! Hopefully the company will keep your mind off the tww.

Sashimi - Have you decided to go for sure then? On the plus side, she may be so consumed talking about herself and new baby to not pester you (hoping). The last few days have felt really long to me! This cycle has been very full and stressful for you so now that things have calmed a little it probably feels extra long. Are you thinking of sneaking in a test soon? I have definitely been more emotional but your symptoms sound like something else to me... :yellow:

lxb - lol @ DH's farts! Mine has awful gas very often lol WOO our first tester in a while! Come on BFP!
Preg--- It was a partial tear, so I was lucky, but they said that at this point I will need surgery within the next couple of years. I don’t like nuts very much at all!! When I was a kid we ate so much of them, I can’t stand them anymore!!

Treasured--- Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! You not allowed to go!!! LOL. If you do get your BFP, or AF, please let us know, or we will be wondering for 2 weeks!! Have fun, and relax for the both of us LOL!! :hugs: XxxOooo

Country—I agree w/ your OH! Take a chill piill LOL:kiss:

Sleepy--- Since I am not allowed to do anything you can come clean my house to!! It’s not bad, just little things, but my OCD self is going nuts looking at it!! LOL Keep yourself busy, and next thing you know,:bfp:!!

SashimiMimi--- I know what you mean, my OH was the same way! His friends always came first, and that probably didn’t change until about a year ago whe we got into a HUGE fight about it. I am sorry about your day being an emotional one! I really do hope it gets better. When people ask it’s like a slap in the face… Don’t they know it is rude? I mean seriously!! My OH’s family does that every time we see them, and they don’t even know we r TTC. It’s like, when I do I will tell you damn. I really don’t think you should have given in about the friends. Especially with how emotionally vulnerable you are but I support you either way. Stay strong Mi Amor! :hugs:

Lxb--- you made me LOL. Your OH sounds just like mine:haha: LOL!! Ooohh if they knew all we said on here LOL! Your symptoms all sound great!! So excited for you to :test:!!

Well, I woke up this morning in pain but luckily OH was there to help me get up. The pain has subsided a bit so that is good. Well my weight loss is going better than I thought. I weigh myself every morning after I use the restroom, and at night right before bed. So far here are my numbers::
It is going down, just slowly if you scrap day 5. So I am not as upset about it this morning. I know that I should not worry about it cause of the knee, but I really want to get my weight down!! All of my weight, like my dad goes straight through the stomach, so people always ask if I am pregnant. SO frustrating!!!

I am 4DPO and nothing really to report except for gas:blush:, but I think it’s all the vitamins LOL, cause OH has it too. Which totally makes my initial thoughts of this NOT being my month so much more bold:shrug:. Oh well, just ready for AF to come so I can start using my monitor:happydance::happydance:!! LOL

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