Could use a buddy

So I was flipping channels and I found a show called Life before birth. It's about the developement of children in the womb. Well I was waiting for it to start and I caught the end of I didn't know I was pregnant. I cryed. How can these women, not even trying, and on birth-control get what I have been trying so hard to get for 2 years! How is that fair. I am really emotional right now
Did you know sperm only move a tenth of an inch a minute?? 99% of the sperm are usually killed instantly. 1 in 5 survive. It usually takes them 2 hours just to reach the cervix. Out of the 2 1/2 million survivers the mucous in the cervix kills most. Only tens of thousands survive. 95% of the sperm going through the cervix survive which leaves only about 3000. It takes 12 hours to reach the uterous where "lucosites" surround the slowest sperm. Killing them. survival of the fittest. Now there are only about a dozen. At the entrance of the falopian tube only the ones that swim in the correct pattern survive. They wait there. When the egg comes into the tube they race to it, and when one inserts it, the egg releases an electric shock killing off the rest. It takes 24 hours for all of that.

That was the first 10 minutes of the show. Seriously?? That gives me lots of hope...NOT. I know it's all educational and stuff, but if that didn't crush my hopes I am scared to know what will. I mean, I know you only need one, but knowing only 1 is left after all of that is horrible!!
Quick update: I love my new doc!!! I have been srsly back to back today--I will read all the pages I've missed and write you all later :)
Lauren--- I am SOOOO glad you like your dr!! It's about time you get someone compitent
So on the topic of OH farts, I felt the need to share the tale of 'The 1600 Square Foot Fart' with all of you.

It happened a couple summers ago, I was minding my own business upstairs when all of a sudden it seemed like noxious gases were slowly seeping into the entire top floor of our home. Acting quick, I managed to grab a hand towel out of the linen cupboard to cover my face and ran downstairs to warn OH who was in the kitchen doing dishes. When I removed the towel from my nose and opened my mouth to speak, the noxious gas filled the back of my throat and I started coughing and choking while my eyes welled up with tears. After several moments of blurred vision, I looked up at OH to see a very sheepish look on his face. I was standing right in the hub of the source of the toxic gas... OH had let one rip in the kitchen big time and it was filling the ENTIRE HOUSE!!!

I ran into the basement, only to find that the lower half of the house hadn't been spared either. I asked how the hell one fart filled the entire house!?? We had to open all the windows, turn on the kitchen oven fan and get the Febreeze out.

OH explained that he had an upset stomach all day and had been farting in his office on several occasions. He immediately texted a co-worker to see if it had been as bad as what I had just experienced, as his office at the time was a small, enclosed space and he had people coming in and out of there for meetings.

That fart still haunts me to this day. It was one of the worst sewage smells I have ever experienced!

Back to TTC speak, I haven't full decided what to do about Saturday. I'm feeling less like a wreck this evening, so it's easier for me to think about it with a clear mind. As most of you might experience during the TWW, emotions can be pretty unpredictable.

I'm not going to POAS right now because the ovulation trigger shot I received right before the IUI can give a false positive if I test too early. I need to wait until it is completely out of my system. I'll probably do a HPT on the morning of my blood test just so I can expect what the answer will be.
SashimiMimi---I love your story!!! you made me laugh, and my OH is looking at me like I'm ********!!!

We will support you no matter what you decide to do on Sat.

When is your appt??
Haha Pino! Glad the story made you smile. It cracks me up when I think about it, but at the time I wanted to call the doctor because I was convinced he must be have been sick. I asked him this evening if he would mind of I told the "1600 story" on my board and he was like go ahead! LOL

I'm going to test Wednesday of next week May 30. I'm dreading getting the call from the nurse while I'm at work. Part of me wants to turn my cell phone off, have them leave a message and check it when I get home. I don't think I will have the will power to do something like that.

How is your knee? Are you resting?
I am resting, but I am very stir crazy!!

I give you props for holding off until the 30th, I don't have the will power LOL. O would take a test, just for the false positive, that way when the real BFP comes I could compare LOL.
OMG this day is still going!! Soooo tiiiiired....I WILL write tonight and catch up with everyone! Promise :)
We will be waiting Lauren!!!

Pino, I've never been one to test early. I only had my IUI done a week ago today, so I feel like it would be too early to get an accurate result. Although, it would be interesting to test a trigger shot BFP and compare it to a real BFP.

I feel like a BFN at this point would be too upsetting, as well a BFP that may or may not be false would also be upsetting. I can't say I really have my hopes up this month, but we'll see.
Lauren - So glad you like your new doctor! Can't wait to hear all about it - share your new wealth of knowledge with us lol!!

Sashimi - Sounds like a rough day. Hopefully your evening was a bit better. I'm with you - this TWW is much more emotional for whatever reason. Everything is getting to me as well! Umm I just scrolled back up and read your OH noxious gas story - HAHAHAHAHAHA!! My OH keeps asking me what I'm reading and I can barely respond. That is hilarious.

Pino - After all that info from your show, I am certain I am not pregnant!! It seems darn near impossible!!!! Those poor sperm up against every possible obstacle. No wonder I haven't seen a BFP yet. How's your knee feeling?

OH is getting on my dang nerves!! We got in a huge argument about the house not being clean and I basically shouted at him and told him to leave me alone. Then I cried in my closet like a loser. Usually I have a bit more self control, but for whatever reason I am seriously irritated. Probably because of the 3 hour trip to Home Depot, followed by the 2 hour grass seed spreading I was forced to take part in immediately after in the humidity. Ughh. Annoying!
Whew!! Now I too know the overwhelm of not getting on for a day and a half! Lol.

Pino - That's not good news about your knee BUT at least you won't have to have surgery immediately! That show I Didn't Know I was Pregnant is insane. Unbelievable. Of course, my friend with two kids who was over recently called her CM 'discharge'....I was like, you don't have an infection. I don't know why it bugged me but I was like, how do you not know what's happening in your body and what it's called? I saw one of those episodes where the woman went in to the ER with suspected apendicitis and immediately gave birth to premie twins...Anyway, maybe since you're immobile for now you can focus on the diet part of your weight loss plan? Or do some Sit and Be Fit exercises? Lol. I'm always jealous of the old ladies at the Y doing that--it looks relaxing! Take good care of yourself though and don't push it! Don't want you to get more hurt :) THANKS for the excitement about my doc!

Sashimi - LOLLLLLLLLLLL on the super fart. That sounds HORRIBLE! I admit that I was guilty of a few dorm-room filling farts my first year of college when I decided to become vegetarian. Not the diet for me, apparently! I am sorry that your OH is being difficult about the dinner. It's so hard when you feel like you're not top priority to your OH. I feel that way about my OH and his mother sometimes--he is a serious mama's boy. He cleans her kitchen, does dishes, and helps with the grilling when we're at her house--and offers to paint rooms and clean her garage!! Yet he can't manage to find the 'time' to put his used dishes in the sink at our house...Sorry for the OH vent, just had a little tiff, lol. Anyway, like Pino said, we will support you no matter what. Just do what feels good to YOU and take care of yourself. That day sounds so miserable! And that's sad that people throw themselves in front of trains often. I hope tomorrow is an easier day and easier commute for you!

Sleepy!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: My OH and I just had a fight about cleaning, too. And I am f***ing pissed!! I told him to leave me alone, too. Ugh, MEN!! Sometimes they are the worst! I love my OH, don't get me wrong, but srsly... I hope your symptoms are the real deal! It's so hard not to try and see everything as a symptom, I feel you.

lxb - Oooooo I'm so excited for you to test again!! That chart's looking mighty fine ;) And I just realized you had a thing with your OH, too! What's with our OH's not coming through this week??? Lame Lame Lame!!!!!!! With capital 'L's! I hope you get to go crayfishing, that sounds fun!

country - Girrrrrl it's SO hard to relax when TTC! Especially in the TWW! But it is great that you'll be getting some answers and information soon. I can't wait to hear how it goes! So are you going to test at all? I know that you are totally convinced you're out for the month, but I'm not!!

I feel like I'm missing some stuff, y'all, sorry if I am! Even 3 pages is a lot of juicy info and tidbits to wade through!

Well, I have so much info about the doc that I don't know that I can say it all here! The hour FLEW by. And it was amazing that for a $30 copay I got an entire hour with this amazing specialist. Her office was beautiful, she was so nice and had the most calm and steady energy, she had awards for patient care and helpfulness on her walls and so many degrees. I felt safe and at home! She said that my progesterone did look low but that the thing that concerned her more was that my luteal phase is only 12 days AND I have spotting and haven't gotten pg in 11 months. She said that the lut phase in itself wouldn't necessarily be a problem but with the spotting it was. She thinks that I am not ovulating strongly enough or something and is doing a bunch of blood work that should give more reliable info than the bloods my other doc did. She is doing the progesterone on the correct cycle day, lol, and doing something called AFM (I think?) and prolactin. She will do an ultrasound while I'm on my period (gross!!!) and the other first week tests. She wanted to do an HSG and something else that wasn't covered by my insurance and without me mentioning anything was like, 'You're deductible is SO high--let's just hold off on these!' That made me feel good because the 'normal' panel and cycle this clinic usually requires for new patients is probably over $5000 all added up. She's getting as much info as she can without doing any of those. Which works for me right now. Anyway, the one thing that concerned me (though she said it so calmly that it didn't freak me out in the moment) was that she wants to check to make sure my eggs and ovaries aren't 'acting as if they're ten years older than they are'. Which could be why my ovulation isn't strong. That sounds worst case scenario to me and I don't think it's a real possibility. Anyway, she assumes that we will do a low dose of Clomid or the L med plus progesterone. She didn't want to do prog. alone because it could mask the real underlying problem, though she did give me some samples for this cycle--enough to take on vaca and see if it affects spotting and in case I am pregnant. I'm so excited! I LOVE HER!! She's amazing and was sympathetic about my other doc and basically confirmed that I shouldn't go to her again. Lol. I don't know what else there is to tell....lots and lots more info but this is getting epic in length and I'm tirrrred.

Thanks for being here, ladies! I honestly don't know what I'd do without you all to share with and support and get supported by. :hugs::hugs::hugs: BFPs all around!! Lol. I feel like we deserve them soooo much just because we're awesome friends to each other!
Oh one more thing I liked about this magical new doc: she said 'If you are pg this month stay on the progesterone'. I've had a lot of 'If you are pg this month' from other docs, acupuncturist, etc etc etc (everyone I know) and for the FIRST time ever my mind didn't immediately go to the thought 'Yeah, IF--like I'll ever be pg!' and totally spiral into negativity. I feel like she has this finesse in discussing this stuff. I guess she has to have it since she's a fertility specialist!
SashimiMimi—I understand wanting to wait. With IUI it is especially difficult to test early. My fingers are crossed for you though, Make this you last obstacle!

Sleepy--- I agree! I told my OH about it today, and he said it made him feel like he had to be superman, cause are bodies are killing all his buddies. It made me giggle the way he put it, I now understand how much more difficult w/ men w. a lower count. On the whole clean house thing, I understand that. With me it’s more cause my OH throws his stuff wherever. I snapped for absolutely no reason today as well. My OH wanted to play video games, so we were playing football. I lost and started yelling and crying. I was kinda embarrassing. I’m a sore loser as it is, but this was a new low for me. We are emotional, and OH’s need to get over it, I mean look at us in the 2WW…Can you imagine 9 months of hormones??

Lauren--- All I can really say, is you make me want to go up to CO just to see your Dr. LOL
I am excited for you, at least now you know she will help you through no matter what, and she isn’t skipping a step. Most Dr. don’t care about deductibles, it says something that she actually looked. I am so happy for you!!

So knee is feeling a bit better I guess, but I am a bit bored. You guys all need to post more often to keep me busy LOL. I know, I know you all have LIFES LOL. Well I was in such a mood when OH got home, I am snappy tonight. I despise the 2ww!!
countrygirl86 - No, no new symptoms. But the feeling of actually being pregnant is increasing. I woke up 2 hours before I intended to, because my belly just felt so weird, and I´m actually still tired.

I took a digi this morning, sorry it´s in danish. Gravid=Pregnant, when Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

Here is the pic :)

Clearblue Pos 25.5.2012 resize.jpg

Pino6161 - that´s a small blessing then. I lasted for a while with a partial tear just had to be careful not to twist my knee.
About the nuts - if you don´t like those, baby carrots are always good to munch at when you´re feeling peckish :)

lauren26 - it´s wonderful hearing about your new doctor, I hope things finally start going your way :hugs:
Pino - See what I mean about emotions?!?! I'm much better today :) That show sounds a lot like the Great Sperm Race! So informative!

Lauren - So happy for you! Your doctor sounds fantastic! Sucks about that test while you have AF but it must be necessary and they'll be used to it. Glad you are feeling a little more optimistic about yourself too! I might test in the morning... I'll let you all know that it's a BFN of course lol

Sashimi - your fart story had me laughing out loud! I don't know about your DH but mine would be proud of something like that! We'll be waiting to hear the word Wednesday!

Sleepy - Sounds like all of our OHs are getting themselves into trouble this week! Hope they all show up with roses tomorrow for us :flower: especially yours!

preg_pilot - Thanks for showing the pic! So cool that you feel pregnant :hugs:

I might test in the morning, just to satisfy the urge! Watched the Great Sperm Race last night, made me realize how difficult it is! With two totally healthy people! Hope everyone has a nice weekend, especially all of you with a long weekend!
Sashimi - :haha: :haha: @ the fart story!! I think all our OHs have that in common~~???? I remember I was woken up by DH's fart one night.... both the sound & the smell!!! I had to get up and spray some perfume near his butt area and sleep with a pillow on my face!! urgh.. sooooo horrible! DH lovesss shrimp/crab. Years ago we were in Las Vegas and had their buffet. Afterward, he can't stop farting!!! It's like every 5 steps! :dohh: We all asked him to walk behind us as it was just too much to take in when we were just strolling along the strips... :haha:

Lauren - soooo glad you are happy with you new doctor!! Maybe this will be the first of many positive things to come!! :dance: Ah... it's hard to feel OH is putting his mother before you sometimes. I felt the exact same way when we just moved in together. He would talk to him mom about his day... about certain things but never really do that with me. :growlmad: He has gotten a lot better now though. O.M.G... sometimes last year, he was not watching tv (like he always does) when I got home from work. The whole house was really quiet. And I heard some chatters going on upstairs. As I was walking up... I overheard DH was "discussing" with him mom about my sister... me... my family. That is just a huggeee slap in the face! I know it's normal to talk to you family about your OH and sometime to complain about them. But c'mon... can't you close the door?!?! Right when I overheard what they were talking about, I immediate when back to the kitchen and start prepping dinner. I was pissed and upset. 30min later, DH came down and said.. "oh.. didn't know u were home~". He immediately spotted I was acting weird.. and asked "are you okay?". I then started to tear up! And told him what I overheard. The first thing he said was "u know this is normal right? for me and my mom to talk about these things". Ohh.. that just got me even more :growlmad: ... then he apologize that he understands that this is not something I need after a long day of work.

Sleepy - Ah... we had those fight too! DH complained about things laying around. And I looked at him and said.. "well... clean it up!" and I went on and say something like how he shouldnt' assume this is my responsibility and we both work. Oh.. boy I'm so glad I have a job, I would go CRAZY if i had to stay home with his mom all day long. :dohh:

Pino - glad your knee is feeling better. :hugs: 2ww is a few days too long! y can't we just know right after we BD?! :haha: won't that be an ideal world~ (kinda)

Preg_pilot - love the pic!!!! :happydance: isn't it such a lovely word??

country - gluck testing~~~~ !!!! FX!! :dust:

We're all so emotional~~ :haha: I had a talk with DH the other day about these whole "emotional" thing. And said I might be even more emotional when I'm pregnant and told him about "mood swing". And he said "I guess I can take that" ... :haha: well... he better!!!

As for me, temp is still up today so I POAS and got a BFN~ And I begin to wonder if my thermometer is broken :shrug: :haha:

Still trying to figure out what to do for the long weekend. The couple that we asked to go crawfishing with is busy over the weekend... so I guess we shall see what comes up. :shrug:
Country--- From what I hear, the show is a lot quite like the Sperm Race, except my computer is dumb cause I use my hotspot as internet, and trying to watch it is a pain in the ass. So I settled for this show. FX for your BFP in the morning!!

Lxb--- Sorry about the neg, but since AF was supposed to show, and didn’t, I still have hope for you!!

Lauren, and lxb--- I think it is normal for OH’s to be like that with mothers. When we first moved out, he would call her every day! It drove me nuts! I finally put my foot down saying that if he wanted to talk about his day, I am right here!!

Well I woke up at 8am this morning, cause I slept decently for once!! I think I am going to clean the house a bit even though Dr said not doing anything. I told my OH screw that my house is starting to look bad, and I was going to clean it! My OH was so sweet and said that when he gets home, he will do dishes. He has never volunteered EVER LOL!!! Although it is sweet to me now, last night it made me mad. It really does bother me when other people clean my house. It’s never done right unless I do it. Another OCD thing, it’s also the reason OH never volunteers…
Pino - Oh honey! I have been such a b**** with my husband, too! I don't know what's come over me. Something in the stars is telling us to not get along with our OH's! That's so rough being stuck and immobile. When I had my ankle thing I couldn't stand for more than 10 min or walk more than a block for 3 months. It was awful! Even with my boot, which was way dorky. Yes, like preg said, carrots are good with hummus maybe. I hope your video game rage is a good sign! :)

preg - Woohoo! I looked at the pic before I read the Danish part and I was so confused, lol.

country - Still not counting you out yet! :) That's soooo funny that your OH would be proud of his super fart. Mine probably would too! He takes pride in his manhood in such interesting ways, lol. That Great Sperm Race really discouraged me! But I just kept reminding myself and OH the whole time that, yes, it's incredibly amazing that anyone gets pregnant at all with only 2 sperm making it to the finish, but sperm were MADE to do just that! I have to remind myself of that or I'll just cry, lol.

lxb - Lollllllll that is soo funny! My OH is the same way. Give him one wrong snack and it's over for the next 3 days! I keep a spritzer bottle of lavender water in our living room for just those occasions. That would PISS me if my OH was caught doing that! He's pretty diplomatic about my family's issues and quirks. I am probably worse about it than him, actually, but I am never mean or sneaky about it. Yuck! I'm sorry--that probably especially stung given how horrible your MIL is! I hope he stopped doing it! Plus, it's normal in some ways but it's more normal for him to share with you first! That would have really revved my engine! Or maybe I'm just CRAZY irritable right now, lol. And girl, your chart is looking super good! you normally have a 12 day LP, right? And your temps aren't down at all!! That's awesome :) :) :) Sometimes it takes a few days after to get a +. My SIL said she didn't get a + until the day she missed her period and that it was super faint even then. GL! Can't wait to see a BFP from you.

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