Could use a buddy

Pino!!! Go to the doctor!! Oh my gosh! I hope you get some relief! Knee stuff is the worst! Yikes. That sounds very painful--can you go to a doc or chiro tomorrow?

I would except there is no one to take me. My OH has work at 3 AM. My car is standard. So I will wait and see if it's better tomorrow or wait for OH tomorrow night and go to the ER.

When I was in middle school, I was excersizing my hourse on one of our acres. We were galloping and instead of turning, she went into the pavement cause she wanted to go home. Well she was wearing shoes, and we slidd. She fell on top of my knee in the slid. I damaged it pretty bad, but didn't need surgery. I am really scared I damaged it badly. My insurance just expired, and we can't afford it. Anyways I'm hoping it's just bruised, except I heard it pop about 5 times, so I doubt it. About 4 years ago I diagnosed with access scar tissue under the knee cap, and they told me I would eventually need surgery
So today went ok until about 1PM I was cleaning and had to go into the kitchen. I went to climb over the baby gate that keeps the dog out, and I twisted my knee, then it hurt so bad I did a sort of jump to get the rest of the way over and landed flat footed which sent a jolt up my knee. It is really swollen and sore. I can't bend it w/ severe amount of pain. I have always had knee issues, but this is the worse. So now I am sitting here on the couch with my knee brace keeping my heating pad in place.

Pino!!! Go to the doctor!! Oh my gosh! I hope you get some relief! Knee stuff is the worst! Yikes. That sounds very painful--can you go to a doc or chiro tomorrow?

I would except there is no one to take me. My OH has work at 3 AM. My car is standard. So I will wait and see if it's better tomorrow or wait for OH tomorrow night and go to the ER.

When I was in middle school, I was excersizing my hourse on one of our acres. We were galloping and instead of turning, she went into the pavement cause she wanted to go home. Well she was wearing shoes, and we slidd. She fell on top of my knee in the slid. I damaged it pretty bad, but didn't need surgery. I am really scared I damaged it badly. My insurance just expired, and we can't afford it. Anyways I'm hoping it's just bruised, except I heard it pop about 5 times, so I doubt it. About 4 years ago I diagnosed with access scar tissue under the knee cap, and they told me I would eventually need surgery

Ouch. I know this only too well. (I´ve had 9 surgeries so far).
The pops sound like the "bag" in the knee ripped... I just hope in your case, those were tiny rips, that can heal on their own.
I can only advise you to take it easy, keep your leg elevated to drain fluids from the knee, and do slight (very slight - as in 5°max) knee bends every now and then.
It´s not good to keep the leg completely still for hours on end.
Ahhhh.. Pino!!

Agree with preg_pilot with slight elevation. Perhaps ice pack helps too?
Yikes, girl!!! That sounds so awful and painful! Before you go to the ER and spend thousands of $$, I suggest considering a chiropractor. I sprained my ankle BADLY a few years ago--I heard the pops and everything that you're talking about. It was the first time I was without insurance--my insurance ended at midnight on 10/31 (or 11:59...whatever!), so it was ineffective starting 11/1. Well, I was at a Halloween party and was trotting down some steps and couldn't see that there was another step practically in the middle of the room, and rolled my ankle over it. It was awful!! I realized after a few days that something very bad was happening in my ankle, lol, and I could not afford a doc out of pocket. I went to a chiropractor and he worked wonders on my ankle. It healed completely and I've never, ever had problems with it, amazingly. This was after he told me that it was the worst sprain he'd seen all year (and it was November!), and that I'd torn a ligament. Anyway, it was still a bit pricey (chiros out here cost a lot), but it was waaaaaaay cheaper than the ER would have been! Anyway, I support you either way--just get yourself taken care of!
I'm feeling better today as I've gotten an appointment with the fertility clinic tomorrow morning. I am HOPING that they'll just take my results from the labs I've already had and give me progesterone. I also think I'm going to ask them to do another blood tomorrow since it will, perfectly, be day 21. My OH asked me what my rush was, and I told him that even though I know women can get pregnant with low progesterone, I don't want to find out on our trip that I got pregnant and that I can't support the pregnancy! That may be a long shot, but I don't want to go through another mc, especially on vacation! I haven't called my OB today. I don't really know how/if she can help me. My plan was to just wait for her to call me and see if she wants to do anything. What do you ladies think? I feel like it might be confusing to be talking with two docs at once, in the same day. On the other hand, if she does want to give me a Rx, I want to take that opportunity! Sorry to ramble...I am feeling better, though. Also, my temps shot waaaay up today...and by waaaay I just mean higher than it's ever been, lol. I think it's too early for implantation to have occurred, but I'm wondering if maybe it's the progesterone finally kicking in.

Whew! I will stop with all that now. How is everyone else? lxb, did you TEST???!!!
So I woke up this morning and the pain is about 10 times worse in my knee. I woke up, and I had to pee. I totally forgot about the knee, and I went to stand up my knee collapsed cause it hurt so bad. I fell. Boy did I feel ******** LOL. So when OH get's home we will go to the Dr. I would go to a chiropracter, except we live in the middle of no where, and the closest (my regular) is about an hour and a half a way. So it looks like we are going to dip into our lawyer money.. I am so frustrated. I gained .2 lbs but I blame it on not being able to do anything cause of the knee.

Well 3DPO and I am dry down there, and really tired.

Lauren--- I would see the fertility specialist, and she what she says. When and if you do go back to your other dr you will have something to compare it too. And then you will know for sure if your doc actually knows what she is doing
Pino - I hope everything is alright!! Definitely get it checked out even if it means dipping into your lawyer money. Better that than being immobile and in serious pain for who knows how long. Hope it heals quickly!!

Lauren - Maybe give your OB a call after you talk to the fertility specialist? Sounds kind of confusing having to deal with both of them.

I'm 3DPO friends. Thinking the 30th might be a little too early to test - I'll only be 10DPO then. That's way too to test right?
Pino - I hope everything is alright!! Definitely get it checked out even if it means dipping into your lawyer money. Better that than being immobile and in serious pain for who knows how long. Hope it heals quickly!!

Lauren - Maybe give your OB a call after you talk to the fertility specialist? Sounds kind of confusing having to deal with both of them.

I'm 3DPO friends. Thinking the 30th might be a little too early to test - I'll only be 10DPO then. That's way too to test right?

Thanks... I am 3DPO as well, and I think the 30th is to soon. IDK though, I guess it depends on the test. Let me know when you find out though. I usually wait until the day before my period, but my period can be irregular
lauren - feel free to ramble~! we're all here to listen :) taking to two doctors in one day might be confusing and overwhelming. Agree with Pino & Sleepy, talk to fertility specialist first?

pino - sounded like you sound get it check out soon and get it taken care of asap! hope you have your speedy recovering. don't worry about those 0.2lbs! it's nothing! (it could be your before-pee-weight? :haha:)

sleepy - it's different for everyone. Even though usually.. it's recommended ~12DPO. But some got their bfp at 8DPO, some at 9DPO, etc. 10DPO is pretty standard.

As for me, I'm 9/10DPO. Temp was the same as yesterday... so I've decided to bust out my hpt & POAS!!! and it was a negative! :dohh: I was telling myself not to imagine any lines... and there was NOTHING I can imagine on. :haha:
So what do you girls think.... My OH wants to wait until tomorrow. If it is worse we go see a dr. Idon't really wan to wait, but he has a point. I mean if I just pulled something, what a waste of money, but if it's not, it could be worse. I'm not sure what to do either way, I think we would go to the local Urgent care. It's cheaper than ER and they can put us on a payment plan so we don't drain all of our money. IDK. I'm so frustrated. When I hold still, no pain, just uncomfortable. If I try to move it it is horrible. I had to pull my crutches out but I feel dumb cause It's my left knee and I can't walk very well, and it feels it hurts worse when I bend it and lift it to walk on them. I can put pressure on it if it is very straight
Ohh gosh pino! it sounds so painful! im in UK so I would be getting straight to the docs to get it checked out, cant imagine having to pay everytime you go :(. I would be in serious debt! Doesnt insurance cover these types of thing?

lauren- i know, to be honest if i was in a diffrent situation without my darling OH i would probably be just as shocked and scared as her! how are you doing? sorry to hear about the progesterone problems but now you know!! so you can get your BFP now :D sillly doctors for not realising!

sashimi- nope i didnt tell her i was TTC, dont think she would have wanted to know that haha, although i did say that if it was me i would have kept it, OF COURSE!!! yeah im trying to be supportive because I know she'll be for me when/if i get my bfp, we are just in two completely different situations...

sorry about your mum upsetting you :( although we know she was just tyring to be postiive! it muts be awful knowing youve spent so much time and effort though :( FX for you this month! I for SURE do not think your out!! im not too bad with the TWW im aparently on 8dpo right now and havnt thought about testing once... not got any symptoms though, apart from wee tummy pains but i always have that.

:dust: to yous all!

Treasured. My insurance expired last week. So I have to pay out of pocket
I'm writing a mini emergency post from work! Those friends who had the baby last week have invited us over for dinner on Saturday. OH asked if I wanted to go and after reminding him about our previous conversation I said that I just don't think I can handle it prior to our trip. I've explained to all of you how I feel about the impending test day of May 30, so I won't repeat myself.

So now the issue doesn't seem to be whether or not to go, it seems to be what to tell them exactly. OH wants to tell the truth... that I just can't face seeing their baby in my own self-pity. Well not in those words, but I am sure they will be able to read between the lines. I was like, Are you kidding me? NOW you want to tell the truth? Why don't you tell them we both fell and twisted our ankle!?

He just feels if we say no to Saturday they will suggest other dates, and how do we explain being busy for two weeks. I told him I wanted to reach out to you guys before he responds. So, what do you guys think? How would you handle this situation.

For me, it's a combination of seeing the baby and also the fact that the wife hasn't always been the biggest supporter of me. She has a way of saying offensive things and I don't have it in me to let it roll off my back. I actually had a nightmare the other night that we went over there and I turned into the Hulk and started pushing all their furniture over. So obviously this is affecting me so much that it is slipping into my subconscious!!

Any insight from anyone would be really appreciated. One idea that OH had was that he do the "responsible" thing and go by himself to visit and explain that I'm at an appointment or something. Thoughts?
I'm writing a mini emergency post from work! Those friends who had the baby last week have invited us over for dinner on Saturday. OH asked if I wanted to go and after reminding him about our previous conversation I said that I just don't think I can handle it prior to our trip. I've explained to all of you how I feel about the impending test day of May 30, so I won't repeat myself.

So now the issue doesn't seem to be whether or not to go, it seems to be what to tell them exactly. OH wants to tell the truth... that I just can't face seeing their baby in my own self-pity. Well not in those words, but I am sure they will be able to read between the lines. I was like, Are you kidding me? NOW you want to tell the truth? Why don't you tell them we both fell and twisted our ankle!?

He just feels if we say no to Saturday they will suggest other dates, and how do we explain being busy for two weeks. I told him I wanted to reach out to you guys before he responds. So, what do you guys think? How would you handle this situation.

For me, it's a combination of seeing the baby and also the fact that the wife hasn't always been the biggest supporter of me. She has a way of saying offensive things and I don't have it in me to let it roll off my back. I actually had a nightmare the other night that we went over there and I turned into the Hulk and started pushing all their furniture over. So obviously this is affecting me so much that it is slipping into my subconscious!!

Any insight from anyone would be really appreciated. One idea that OH had was that he do the "responsible" thing and go by himself to visit and explain that I'm at an appointment or something. Thoughts?

I think telling them you both sprained your ankle is a great idea, lol. No but seriously, I swear men never know when to say the right things, do they?! It doesn't seem like a bad idea for OH to go alone and say that you're busy with work or an appointment or your family. Or you could both not go and say that you have a family commitment - that's what I always do. Pawn it off on my parents or OH's family. Usually people don't pry beyond that. The real issue is that they are just going to keep asking and asking - persistent friends you have there. Could you say that between family, work and your upcoming trip that you two won't really have much free time until after your trip and buy yourself some time? Difficult situation Hulk, but I know you will figure something out!!
LOL on the Hulk dream! I would just tell them that you've got a trip coming up, have had many engagements and appointments lately, and that you just don't have the energy. You could also always say that you congratulate them but that you need a little time before you can be around a baby because it's an emotional time for you right now. I think you can be honest without coming off like a jerk. Besides, if she doesn't understand or is rude still/again, then SHE's the jerk! Sometimes jerks need honesty to snap them out of their self-centerdness about that stuff. Sorry if you're friend is actually a really nice person, lol. I feel protective and don't want you to be exposed to her baggage! If all else fails, just go to dinner and throw around all their furniture :)
since u've mentioned u have flu-like symptoms.. maybe just say u think u'r down with a flu. I bet they would want you to stay away? hehe also u have a trip coming up. and you want to rest up~~~ :thumbup:
Note to self: Self, don't take 5 days off from this thread EVER. AGAIN.

Sashimi - I would say you are busy Saturday and with the trip and appointments, you are busy for the next two weeks so would rather catch up once you get back from your trip, then you'll have lots to talk about? It's a toughie but you need to do what's right for you.

Pino - how awful about your knee, I don't know how it works in the US but your health is very important. If you think you should go today, you should probably go today!

lauren - glad they've found something, though it's not what you wanted to hear. Hope they are able to put everything right for your next go. Keep us posted (I'm sure you will lol)

Sleepy - test whenever you feel it's right! Do you have the cheapies?

lxb- atta girl for testing! lol I think it goes you, me, Sashimi & lauren & sleepy? Who else is testing coming up?

treasured - I can't imagine dealing with your pg friend! You must have VERY tough skin! Does she want you to go with her for everything?

Sorry if I've missed a few, there were 11 pages to read through! I went to see that 'What to Expect' movie last night and it surprisingly bothered me! I guess I thought I was tougher. I'm starting to feel better now but had a few tears last night as I felt like I might never get to experience the kicks in my belly and holding that fresh baby. I didn't want to tell DH I was upset cause I didn't want him to feel bad since he's convinced any trouble will be with him even though I've told him varying and 48 day cycles aren't normal. The movie was good but the sad bits really got to me, probably just where my hormones are at right now. So glad to have you ladies to chat with about all this!
So I have to make this really quick.

I am about to leave for the urgent care. Wish me luck. Hopefully it is not as bad as I think it is.

I'm feeling better today as I've gotten an appointment with the fertility clinic tomorrow morning. I am HOPING that they'll just take my results from the labs I've already had and give me progesterone. I also think I'm going to ask them to do another blood tomorrow since it will, perfectly, be day 21. My OH asked me what my rush was, and I told him that even though I know women can get pregnant with low progesterone, I don't want to find out on our trip that I got pregnant and that I can't support the pregnancy! That may be a long shot, but I don't want to go through another mc, especially on vacation! I haven't called my OB today. I don't really know how/if she can help me. My plan was to just wait for her to call me and see if she wants to do anything. What do you ladies think? I feel like it might be confusing to be talking with two docs at once, in the same day. On the other hand, if she does want to give me a Rx, I want to take that opportunity! Sorry to ramble...I am feeling better, though. Also, my temps shot waaaay up today...and by waaaay I just mean higher than it's ever been, lol. I think it's too early for implantation to have occurred, but I'm wondering if maybe it's the progesterone finally kicking in.

Whew! I will stop with all that now. How is everyone else? lxb, did you TEST???!!!

Good luck, I hope everything works out in your favor :hugs:

So I woke up this morning and the pain is about 10 times worse in my knee. I woke up, and I had to pee. I totally forgot about the knee, and I went to stand up my knee collapsed cause it hurt so bad. I fell. Boy did I feel ******** LOL. So when OH get's home we will go to the Dr. I would go to a chiropracter, except we live in the middle of no where, and the closest (my regular) is about an hour and a half a way. So it looks like we are going to dip into our lawyer money.. I am so frustrated. I gained .2 lbs but I blame it on not being able to do anything cause of the knee.

Well 3DPO and I am dry down there, and really tired.

Lauren--- I would see the fertility specialist, and she what she says. When and if you do go back to your other dr you will have something to compare it too. And then you will know for sure if your doc actually knows what she is doing

Treasured. My insurance expired last week. So I have to pay out of pocket

So I have to make this really quick.

I am about to leave for the urgent care. Wish me luck. Hopefully it is not as bad as I think it is.


Ouch, sucks about the insurance. :dohh:
Lucky where I live, I just pay minimum cost, and the government pays the rest. No insurance nonsense here.

I hope your leg will be fine soon.
Fingers crossed.
Apologies, this post ended up being a mammoth one!

Country - lol on the 5 days off, I took 2 off and have been wading through! How are we on 90 pages?! Sorry you felt rubbish watching the film, you're totally right, it's a hormone thing. I couldn't sleep for tears the other night. The reason? A debate with my OH over whether you could describe our lack of baby as unfair or unlucky! Ridiculous i know! (It was prompted by him telling him his pregnant sister isn't going to immunise her baby cos she is cynical of big pharmas. What?! It made me so cross!) Anyway, I bounced out of the bed the next day feeling fine. I wish I could tell myself when I'm really down 'you won't always feel this way, you'll feel a bit better about it soon'-but I never can of course.

Ah Sashimi, think there is some good advice on here about visiting the fr-enemy, definitely hold off and I sympathise with an honest OH-tricky when you are TTC and don't want the world to know about your injections, visits and CDing schedule! Your hulk furniture wrecking tendencies made me laugh but totally believe in the subconscious taking over. So did suggestions for Lauren's bike! We are an imaginative bunch in our tww!

Pino I hope your knee is feeling better my dear, how rubbish. But you are doing amazingly with your new lifestyle, so keep going!

I also laughed about a leg which is too cold?! Ha ha. I struggle too-does anyone else think, how can i subtly put a new spin on why we need to BD tonight, especially as i try to stick a pillow under me after and lie there for half an hour, not very romantic. These things are sent to test us.

Lauren I'm sorry about the progesterone too but these ladies are right-it's a step closer to your bfp and tears aside, you are doing something positive about it and you should feel positive. I felt similarly frustrated at waiting so long to go to the doctors generally. I am terrible for regretting things but there's no point in looking back i suppose, only forward. Not long til your hols, hurray! Did you like Downton? I loved it but series 2 is nowhere near as good as the 1st wouldn't you say?

Treasured, well done for being there for your friend, it's difficult for you right now but stay strong, you will get your bfp and you will treasure that little bean.

Welcome Scrumpy! Everyone is very nice, feel free to vent on here!

Not much new from me-but I did get some spotting today and yesterday-I think/hope this is spotting in a good way as I'm on CD25, don't normally get spotting before AF and reliably have a 28 day cycle. I hope this is implantation bleeding, but don't dare to hope too much-I have no other symptoms. Might test this Sat when AF due but OH will be away so prob try and string it out til Sunday night when he's's better than a negative test that's for sure but if i know me, i will have my AF by then. Boo!

I thought I'd recommend a book on here-not sure if I've mentioned it before. It's called The Baby-making Bible and if you can get over the cringey name, it's pretty useful. It's a mixture of western and chinese ideas about people being different types, i.e. we can work out whether we are more, according to Chinese medicine types, a heat, cold, damp, blood deficient type) and then how we should eat, exercise, meditate accordingly to our type and at different times of cycle. It's made me approach things in a new way but it's probably not for everyone as it's quite a holistic, alternative approach. It is also hugely annoying how she says when you don't get pregnant at least you have another month to improve your 'soil' and the lovely 'plant' you will one day nurture. Grrr!

Yay to holidays coming up soon! It's the Queen's Jubilee here in a week and a half and everyone has an extra day off, plus the sun has finally come out in the UK! We are basking in lovely sunshine and patriotism. OH and I have had the biggest bbq tonight-we got so carried away-right little piggies! Off to watch The Killing now-love the Danish version! Have good evenings all xx

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