Could use a buddy

Hey Gang!! I'm having a tough time keeping up with BnB... FIL doesn't have wireless, so I keep having to check the board on my phone. Right now, I'm in a Starbucks on my iPad taking advantage of the wireless.

I'm still in Vancouver and counting down the minutes until we leave for Hawaii on Monday. On the flight over, I had really weird cramps, like O cramps which I never really get naturally (had them both times I did the ovidrel shots). So after last month's failed Puregone injections I'm nervous about the state of my ovaries... So, I cheated and did an OPK this morning (negative) because I'm only on CD10. I'm hoping the cramps go away!!

I have found that I've been letting my scheduled lap surgery on July 10 creep into my mind from time to time. I have decided not to tell work that I need more time off until I get back. They have given me so much time off for this trip, I hate to rock the boat even more.

The lap surgery still seems so rushed and I can't believe it's even gotten to this point. But considering I've failed with 3 IUIs naturally, on femara and puregone I don't know what else to do...

How is everyone doing? Even though I'm still connected to you all the same old fashioned cyber way, I miss you ladies when I can't log on and check the board 5 times a day!! Xoxoxo
Hi All! I'm new here and could really use a buddy. I'm feeling pretty deflated after the arrival of AF this morning. I'm 30 years old, been TTC for #1 for 8 months. Anyone else in the same boat? OH is supportive but feels I'm "too focused" on this one thing. Would love to chat with other women who have been trying for a few months!

Hi :flower: sounds like your talking about me there hun. Been trying for just over 2yrs now, I'm 31 yrs old. It's only last month I've got anywhere with the help with my consultant. What about you ? xx:dust:

Hi lady!! Always great to find someone in the same boat. I'm turning 31 on Tuesday, and this will now be my 12th cycle. Since writing that original post in March, I've had 3 failed IUIs and am currently scheduled to have exploratory lap surgery next month. I had a really tough time dealing with the 3rd failed IUI but I feel I'm in great hands with my fertility doctor. All my other tests have come back clear, OH has super sperm according to the doc, so I'm terrified as to what the lap could reveal.

What about you? Did you recently start seeing a fertility specialist? OH and I are on vacation right now and taking a break from TTC. It's great to have a break from cycle monitoring appointments and fertility drugs, I actually feel like I can breathe for the first time in months!
lololol ladies ! lol at him being on top to sweat it off pino! made me giggle. ugh, my OH is just super down in the dumps and sory for himself too when hes ill! hes lovely to me when im ill though so i have to be supportive haha. but I am not willing to waste a month cause hes a bit sick!!

lauren- I came off implant at the end of october, but i woudnt really count november as my first cycle cause it was just adjusting to coming off the hormones so i'd say we my first cycle was probably december. I wasnt using OPKS or charting OV for the first few months tho, so id say I was probs NTNP till jan/feb and then TTC in feb/march then NTNP in april and then TTC in may. haha, ive been kind of off and on! I guess I just have been expecting it to happen a bit easier than it has but to be honest I probably havent been BDing on the right days every month :(.
omg gals, just played the great sperm race game, my god its a mission for those little guys! took me 4 attemps just to get to the cervix! really puts it into perspective of how hard it is for them !

have a look its really fun :)

Sash--- I think you are on the right path. I don't think you are rushing at all, you are doing everything in your own time frame. I hope you are having some fun, despite the nagging worries. When do you normally O around?? cause maybe you are getting ready to? If that makes any sense?? Have lots of fun!!! :hugs:
Naturally, I think I O day 15ish. Last cycle was day 10 because of the I injections. I'm still having some pretty moderate cramps and I almost wonder if I should call my doctor before we head to Hawaii on Monday.

Not one person has asked me about when OH and I are having kids. It's been pretty nice!
Welcome back treasured!!! :hugs:

Sashimi - just enjoy your vacation. :) and get some baby making time in Hawaii! Almost time! :hugs:

Will write more later~~~ miss all you ladies!
I need to log on more often - I can't deal with just once a day!!

Treasured - Isn't the Great Sperm Race so crazy?? I forced OH to watch that and then he got very into TTC after he realized what's really going on down there, lol!!

Sashimi - Maybe Pino is right - that your body is just gearing up to O? I usually get O pains a day or so before my positive OPK? Hopefully that's the case.

Lauren - Are you planning on having that surgery to determine if you have endo or not? Is there any other way to diagnose it?

Where's everyone in their cycle? I'm CD6 and already started having EWCM, which is REALLY weird since it's so early. Also, I feel like a reptilian freak because my face and legs are getting really dry and scaly. Plus I've developed a rash on my arm!! Very attractive I'm sure - OH gets to BD with an itchy alligator. I don't know if it's the weather or what! O
Hmm ... I also felt like I had ewcm too early last cycle too! I still believe 6 is your lucky number! :hugs: hehe... Itchy alligator :haha: sounds exotic! :winkwink:
Sashimi - it's like waiting for Christmas :) I am already enjoying birthday weekend--are your in-laws celebrating with you at all? I bet those thoughts about the lap are going to sneak in and out--I encourage you to let them come and go, ad just not give them too much weight. You are in great hands and everything will be ok! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Sleepy - I had EWCM early last cycle and it lasted for like 8 days! Fx that it helps keep as many of those swimmers in there as possible. I don't know et whether my doc will recommend the lap--we haven't talked yet after the HSG which was on Fri am. But yes, te lap is the only way to diagnose endo for sure. If they find it and have to remove it, it can be risky to other reproductive tissue so I hope they don't have to! Praying praying praying that this is just my month and I can forget about all of this!
Sleepy I'm cd10 and also already had some watery cm, sticky cm and EWCM all in one day. I looked at my hoo haa and was like who are you?!?

I also have a rash all over my back and I think it's from going to the gym. My entire back is red itchy splotchy and bumpy. If it doesn't go away by Monday I'll be wearing a turtleneck on the beach!!
Hey all. I need some advice. I don't know if it is the new vitamins or what.... Well My period started on the 4th and technically was supposed to end on the 8th which is a normal 5 day period. Well as you remember it started out very very light, and it got a bit heavier, but not by much. I was cramping like crazy though. well my and OH BD'd Friday night (we normally do this cause to him the idea of no sex for 5 days is like taboo LOL) which was the last evening of my cycle, by this time I usually am not bleeding, it turned out I was spotting though. and so I put on a tampon , and yesterday morning there was only a little on it. Well throughout the day yesterday I was spotting a little, only when I wipe. I still have this and it is the 10th cd 7. The thing is that when I checked my cervix It is the highest I have ever felt it it, closed, and very firm. I am not sure what is going on. I have never had this before. After my 5 days I usually don't spot bleed or anything until the next cycle. Advice please?
the great sperm race is amazing! im going to watch the whole thing tonight! I made OH play the game today and he was like "omg they have to go through so much, how does anyone ever get pregnant?"

i'm kinda pissed off today cause i woke up to a LOT of CM today, like EWCM more than ive ever seen before! so OH was at his parents but I called him and made him come down for a booty call lolololol! but he totally wasnt in to it and was saying he was still not feeling well and basically it failed. so im annoyed cause this would have been a perfect day, I dont know whether im ovulating early or not but I had really sore cramps on my left side earlier and obviously this CM. Im on CD 14 so would be good if I am but I hope not because that means weve missed our chance! I wish I could just save up OHs sperm in a tub and he wouldnt have to do anything. haha oh god that sounds horrid but would make life so much easier. I guess I shouldnt force it though, its somthing we should both want and if he isnt into it one day then oh well... just so agrivating that he doesnt seem as keen as he was before when we first started trying. Hes even started throwing jokes at me like why are you killing all my little guys, or its your body thats the army force blocking them.... not funny! woah, rant over hehe sorry.

how is everyone else? xxxx
pino- dont worry about that spotting! when I started taking b6 I spotted for like 5 days after my period ended, but it stoped the next month and went back to normal without any spoting! my AF just lasts 4 days with TINY spoting the night before so I know its coming, and then very light spotting on day 5... so you should go back to normal soon :). BUT if your cervix is high you could be ovulating super early!! its always a possiblity so you might as well get some BDing in hehe xx
Pino - You definitely could be Oing early...have you POAS yet? Also, I sometimes get 'remnants' of AF, especially if we BD that soon after it's done. I had a little more show up right after my HSG, too, which was on CD7. Your AF was normal though, right? It's just this spotting after? I don't know about you but OH and I don't usually BD until CD 8 or 9 so I don't notice that stuff as much, but like I said if we BD earlier I get some leftovers. Also, my cervix stays high after AF sometimes--at least it is right now! I was starting to wonder if I'm Oing early, too, as mine is pretty high and sort of open and I've had wet CM today on CD9. Of course, I thought that last month and was wrong. Anyway, seems like a lot of us are getting confusing O signs this month!

Sashimi - Ouch! That rash sounds uncomfortable. I have one on my arms after coming home from vacation--maybe it's something about plane seats? I hope it clears up for you! Also, I meant that waiting for HAWAII is like waiting for Christmas--not the lap!

treasured - I know what you mean....I think we all assumed it would be easier! I do think that BDing on the right days is important--at least it feels that way for me. I don't typically have much EWCM; last month was the first time I had it in abundance, so I feel like I've always had to time things exactly. I was really hopeful that I would get pg right away when I started charting because the charting book author says that any 'normal healthy' couple should get pg within 3 cycles when charting or else something may be wrong....I am now questioning that after seeing so many people get pg after months and months of charting with no BFP, and also having heard that statistic so many times that if everything is perfect there is still only a 20%-30% chance each month. Great Sperm Race and seeing my itsy bitsy tubes confirmed that for me! Still, the charting has helped me learn so much that I feel it's worth it. I hope your OH changes his mind! Those sound like some hard comments to hear from him! I bet he's just going through some insecurity about not you guys not getting pg yet. That said, ouch! I'm sorry you have to deal with that, and feel free to rant at will! Lol. We've allll done it (maybe not country?? :))
So I went and got an HPT, just in case. I expected the negative because I got my period, but I worry alot, so I took one anyways. It was negative as expected, but I didn't expect how I would feel. There really are know words for the disappointment I feel. My stomach hurts so bad cause I am so upset. IDK I feel like just giving up because it is hard to feel this way month after month. I told OH I was going to buy one, and now I wish I hadn't said anything cause eI know he will be disappointed yet again. I feel like this is my fault, that the only time I get pregnant, I lose it. I know I am being selfish, and I have no reason to be upset cause me period came, but IDK, I feel the way I feel.

I really really hope that this cycle is it. I know it is stupid cause we are trying to save for a move in March and getting pregnant would be a trial while moving, but I know we can do it.

I just got off the OH and he tried to be supportive, but I could hear the disappointment in his voice, although we both knew it was going to be negative. I hate TTC it's a rollercoaster of emotions!!
Lauren, I am using the Clearblue monitor, and I am still in low fertility, and it is too early for me to be Oing I think. But I will BD tonight just in case. I call it the pity sex LOL, cause that is my OH's to solving all the problems LOL
Pino! I'm so sorry. I know that feeling. I've done HPTs after AF, too, when my temp stayed high. Even when you're 99% sure it will be negative, it's still disappointing! I am with you--after everything that's already gone on this month I hope it's ours, too. I would love to get a BFP and just put the idea of a lap to rest. Anyway, I have felt like it's my fault, too, and even though OH's swimmers are super stars he insists that it's not 'all up to me'. I also want to say that there is no 'perfect time' to get pg, so don't worry about that! I have a friend here with two kids and both times they've moved in the past 3 years have been when she's 8.5 months was tough but they got help from friends and everything worked out great. So! Just to give you a little comfort, hopefully, there. WHEN you get your BFP you guys will figure it out! One last thing: I was briefly following a girl on here who was 20, had severe PCOS (which I know you DON'T have! :)) and who had been trying for over 2 years. Her docs basically told her to give up because she'd never get pregnant. Well, she essentially did and her and her husband BDed once during one of her 40/50 day cycles. Lo and behold, that month was her BFP month. It gave me a lot of hope for those of us who have been at it a while! I know it's hard to stay positive. We're here for you.
Thanks! It does help knowing that I am not the only one that is having issues. I hope you get you BFP before your lap. I really do believe it so so unfair for people who don't want, or can't handle children get pg and then those who try and try have so many issues. IDK it's just equally upsetting for me. I guess my emotions are all over the place especially w/ SIL's due date this month. I am going to OK for x-mas and I have a feeling that my mom will forgive my brother, and I just don't know if I can handle that unless I get my BFP before then. Selfish, yes, but they have so many issues that they haven't figured out and yet they got to have a baby their first month of trying. I mean, who lives in a 1 bedroom apartment they can't afford, and have a child. The only reason they can afford the medical bills is cause she is on her FBI daddy's insurance. IDK it's not fair, and it doesn't help that I feel he is rubbing it in my face knowing I have had 3 MC's.
Sorry, I guess I talk alot of crap about them on here, but it's really they only way I can vent about it. OH says that I just need to be supportive etc, as this is how I was toward his sister, and still am. I don't think he sees how difficult it is.

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