Could use a buddy

Holy S!! Lauren way to go on getting the HSG over and done with. You will be fine! I went alone and everyone else had their husbands with them. I'm actually glad I was solo because I would have freaked out more in OH's presence. It really wasn't as bad as it seems!

Well we made it to Vancouver. My iPhone died last night and I had to scramble to get a replacement before our flight! I'm exhausted and jet lagged but saw Lauren's note. I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow.

PS. My lap surgery is booked for July 10! Eek!!
Hello ladies!!!:flower:

Hope everyone is doing good :) and for those not doing so good, a big ole :hug:!!!
Well my worst fear was confirmed, I have pcos and wa put on metforminXR. I'm kind of glad I FINALLY have some answers, not the one I was hoping for but now I can make changes to my diet to make the pcos symptoms better :)
Day 2 of metformin and so far so good :) no nasty side effects!!! Doc said that I have to be back in 6 months if I don't get pregger, and they will put me on clomid. I feel like I'm on the right track now :)

Big :hug: and loads of :dust: your way ladies :)
I'm loading up the car and cleaning the house today, because tomorrow is ROAD TRIP day!!! I will try to be on, but if not be back on Sunday!!! :D
Can't tell anyone I'm preg-
forgot a load a pills since starting back at work
Have an 8month old baby
I'm about 4-5 weeks preg
Too scared 2 tell anyone
Even my bf doesn't kno
I have 3 children already- 8mnth son, 6yr old daughter and 9yr old son
WOuldnt terminate... Jus to clarify!!
I feel so stupid and ashamed 2 get myself in this situation!!
Takin pre natal vits in secret. Dont kno what I'm gona do
Obv I gota tell ppl but jus dnt kno how.
Everyone is gona think I'm a total idiot-
My bf was sayin yesterday how everythin is perfect ATM wiv me being back working and the money coming in more steady now- now can I say " well I'm preg, not guna be Able 2 work and we have another mouth 2 feed!!
Well Kimberly Im sorry you are in this predictment. But congrats on the pregnancy :) I'm sure y'all will find a way to make it work. Just don't stress so much, eat properly and take care of you and the baby you carry :)

Good luck! ❤
Worst thing is I'm a full time chIldminder- I look after another 8 month old and a 2 yr old- When should I stop this job- it entails a lot of lifting-stress- non stop on my feet etc-
This baby may not have been planned but it will b loved- jus tough finding way 2 tell ppl without makin them disappointed wiv me.
Will abstain from alcohol etc- c the midwife at 8weeks as I should- and stay healthy 4 the baby- cos regardless of how I feel- it's arrival will come!!
Lauren - GOOD LUCK! I'm thinking of you, not sure what time that is here but you are on my mind :) Good for you for doing it now.

haribo - sounds like a lovely holiday! You should feel very refreshed! Hoping your O comes soon and BFP shortly after :hugs:

Sleepy - I take a break almost every weekend (unless someone's testing!) so don't feel bad! I'm totally obsessed too, spend most of my workday on here. Enjoy your new furniture!

Sashimi - Hope you are having a good start to your holiday (minus the phone mess)! I'm sure FIL is ecstatic to see you guys. Woohoo July 10th! Just over a month away. Only a few days till Hawaii!

Lika - glad you have some answers and are full steam ahead! Best of luck with the metformin.

Kimberley - Congratulations! You tell people when you are ready, not sooner!
I know how you feel I have been TTC #1 since August of 2011. I completely understand the depressing anxiety and almost depression that comes with it.
Sounds a lot like me, been trying since August 2011. I am just recently turned 28 and no baby yet. My husband and I were just told last weekend by our best friends that they are pregnant. It has been very hard this past week.

I am in the same boat as you. I was put on Metformin and will be put on Clomid in 4 months if I am not pregnant. I did not get any of the nasty side effects either. I will pray for the both of us.
Thanx- not ready 2 tell anyone yet- may aswell let the oh enjoy a few stress free months before I drop the bombshell "we havin a baby"
Surely ther won't b any harm in him not knowing yet right-
He wants another baby anyway- but our intention was 2 have another when theo is around 3- so really he shouldn't b too botherd right??
Can u help me think of excuses 4 not drinking If any one asks!?
Kimberley - congratulations on your miracle. And definitely only tell when you're ready. Are you breastfeeding your 8-month old?

lauren - how was your appointment???

sleepy - yep! I'm definitely a BnB addict too!! Good thing this addiction is only doing goods to ttc and not anything harmful to our body! :haha:

haribo - glad to hear lovely updates from you. and hope things are well with you~
Whew!! All done and, MUCH to my surprise, all clear, both tubes :happydance::happydance::happydance:. The procedure was definitely very uncomfortable and downright painful at some points. I took about 6 ibuprofen beforehand (which is what I take for day 2 AF cramps), and still felt it, so I'd advise anyone else to take that precaution! I don't think it would have been so painful except that the way I was sitting or laying or something made it so that my cervix took a sharp turn and the tech had to take his time winding the catheter around in there--ouch! Since I'm so squeamish and knew I'd be really nervous I called ahead and asked for a light local anesthetic for my cervix and I'm glad now that I did. Anyway, I was shocked to see how small the uterus is and how fine those tubes are! No wonder it can take a while!

So from here I imagine my doc will want to just wait and monitor the cysts. With any luck all of this will be a false alarm and they'll go away. The only 'test' left for me to do at this point is a lap. That would show if I have endo and enough scar tissue to prevent implantation or something, but for now I'm just focusing on the fact that the HSG went so well! I asked the tech beforehand how common it is to see both tubes blocked and he said in 2.5 years he's never see it. He said rarely is one tube blocked. That really surprised me.

Thanks for all the support, ladies!! I felt the love today and was able to get through the stickiest patches knowing you were here :hugs:.

Sleepy - Yayyy for new furniture!! Love that. I think it's wise to take a break when you notice the all-consuming-ness of BnB and TTC. I'm behind you!

haribo - Thank you! That makes me feel great :) And after so many of you ladies recommending that I continue the acupuncture I think I will!! Can't hurt, that's for sure. I'm so glad that you got away and are still getting away! Day 3 bloods being normal is really great. I think that they are more indicative of 'problems' than day 21 but not 100% on that. If it is low progesterone it's an easy fix, probably. Fx that the day 21 goes well!

Sashimi - Thanks for hopping on and saying that! Glad you guys made it and bummer on the phone but man I do love a new phone! I thought it would be really uncomfortable to have DH in the room, and that would have made 5 people total in there, lol. There was a student doing her rotation, which was OK with me. Though since the procedure took waaaaay longer than normal because of the cervix turn, DH was panicking in the waiting room, poor guy! You do not have to do the lap if you don't want, and if you decide do go forward with it I am SURE it will be totally fine. It's become so routine that I know it will be safe for you. I am behind you either way :)

Lika - I'm sorry you got the news you were't hoping for, though I am glad that they can help you, that you've caught it now, and that you got on meds right away. Fx that it will lead to your BFP! PCOS diagnosis isn't the end of the line :hugs:. Road trip sounds great!!

Kimberly - Congrats on being pg! Like country said, take your time and tell people when you're ready.

country - Thank you!! That's really sweet and like I said I felt the love today :hugs:.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to pop in quickly with some news as I freaking out. I talked to my mom yesterday about my OH's paperwork, and she said since he will have everything by early December, she would let Ryan know. Ryan is the guy that wants to hire OH as manager of his landscaping business cause he is bilingual and every year he goes to Mexico and brings people on work visas, and he wants someone that can head them, and translate. Well she said he starts their hiring middle April, so our best bet is to move in late March to Oklahoma. Well I was telling OH about it yesterday, and he agreed with my mom. Financially it will be tough to save it all up, but we can do it. Well then we started talking about TTC and alll the money we are spending on it and how hard it would be if I got pregnant, and we moved. Well we decided to TTC this month, using the monitor, pillls, and BBT. This will be my last chance for a while to try cause we won't be able to afford all of the supplies and the move. The catch though is that if I get my BFP this month we would have to move earlier cause my due date is in March. I'm not as worried about the cost of pregnancy because I know my in-laws will pay for a majority of it, as they have already told us. I guess what I am trying to say is that is I don't get what I want this month, I have to wait another year before we can start trying again. Yesterday OH made the big mistake of saying since I am still young I still have 25 good years of TTC. I bit his head of LOL cause there is no way I want children when I am 46 y/o. Anyways, I am kinda freaking out, cause I agreed with his way of thinking, and it makes the most sense, but I am scared that if I don't get it, and then we don't try, I will miss my mark, and never get to have a child. I know it sounds really dumb, but now I have a timeline, l am really scared. IDK you guys, I am really worried over here, and OH takes everything like it is no big deal, he never really worries.
Lauren! we posted at the same time!! Soooo glad your HSG went so well! When will the lap take place?

Sashimi - hope you're enjoying your vacation! Are you going to sneak in some :ninja: bd? :haha:

Lika - Have fun on your road trip! Enjoy yourself~~ :hugs:

I am in the same boat as you. I was put on Metformin and will be put on Clomid in 4 months if I am not pregnant. I did not get any of the nasty side effects either. I will pray for the both of us.

Thank you hun ❤
Hopefully this diagnosis is one step closer to that :bfp: :D
Yay for no side effects!!!

To all the other girls :) thank you for the kind words!!! ❤❤❤
And I am a bnb addict too :D lol
lxb - Thanks!!!! I don't know if they will want to do the lap for sure or not...They are going to monitor the cysts next month and go from there. With any luck they will go away! Though I know that's not the likeliest of outcomes, lol. At least I know, or think, that a lap could help, and she didn't seem to believe that cysts on the ovaries would prevent pregnancy. Obv something is making it difficult, but it isn't necessarily that...Maybe fate will smile upon me this month and I'll get a BFP so that I don't have to think about surgery at all!

Pino - It's OK!!! This may not be your last chance. Even if you can't afford all of the gadgets and tests while you're gone sex will be free! And in the end, you've been making changes to improve your health and diet--you've got the best chances yet, in my opinion. If you get pg in the next year then really you'll just need to get on prenatals, and hopefully that will be part of what your inlaws cover, since a good prenatal can be expensive. But don't fret!! This is NOT your last chance this year or next. You can still BD and try just without the OPKs etc. I really hear that you are freaking, and I'm sorry you are going through all of this stress! That said, I know that it will be OK and that what seems clear now may change over the course of a few months, weeks, or days even. There is always possibility and situations can adapt and change--that's what life is all about! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hopefully I can tell oh b4 my water breaks hey!!! Lol
Thanx ladies
. I kno it prob sounds really silly but it nice 2 b able 2 share wiv someone!!! :) ahhh feel a massive relief been lifted!!
Thank you 4 reading

Hope you all get your lil miracles soon too!!
I remember ttc wiv my son- it was only 7mnths but it was extremely stressful getting bfps !!
Only occasionally breastfeeding as 8mnth old has mainly solid food now. X
Do u kno I'd I need 2 stop that!?
Haribo--- Nothing really different about AF it got a bit heavier day 2 but not by much, just no sore brests which is weird. Today is my last day of AF. Your vacation sounds like so much fun!! Like I told my mom yesterday, I am not sure what a vacation is LOL. I am happy so far all of your tests are clear!! That’s a great start!! At least if you do have low progesterone, they will be able to fix it, cause I know for a fact having “unexplained” infertility sucks, cause you get no closure, and no answers which is horrible in itself. I know when they first told me I blamed them for not figuring it out, and just giving up. Now it comes down to blaming me which is almost worse. Anyways, hopefully you will get conclusive answers. Good luck!! :hugs:

SleepyOwl--- I know how you feel aout being obsessed LOL, it has actually come to the [oint that I silently stock more than comment LOL. My OH says I am a creeper LOL. I am the same way, I start going through all of the dif threads and diagnosing myself in a way. I don’t think of it as a bad thing though, we are just trying to find answers, and it’s better than nothing. Congrats on new furniture!! Me and OH were talking yesterday about when we move a lot of our furniture is not even worth moving, so we will be getting new stuff, which is perfect for our fresh start!!

SashimiMimi--- I can’t believe your vacation is already here, it feels like just yesterday when you planned it all LOL, how time flies. July 10th is right around the corner, I am so nervous for you, just cause it has the word surgery in it, and needles itself make me really nervous. I just really hope that you will finally get your very deserved BFP! :hugs:

Lika---Sorry about the PCOS, at least they will be able to control it, and many people do get their BFP’s after their PCOS is controlled. I have hope for you!!! :hugs:

Kimberleywats--- Sorry about your situation, but congrats on your BFP.

Lauren—I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Clear tubes is great!!! It made me smile knowing that you are one step closer, and hopefully I was right, and they just go away on their own!! I think you are right, and this is not the end of the world, I think I will keep BBTing at least it’s something, but I really do hope this is our month. We will be able to get the good prenatals, and in-laws will probably pay most of the apt. and buy a lot of the baby stuff, that is the plus of OH being the youngest. I also know my parents will pitch in, especially my mom since my brother has cut them out of their first grandchild’s life. I know that all sounds bad, and selfish, but I have to do what I have to do.

Thank you everyone for your support!!! :hugs: to all!!!! Love you guys!!!
Yes, Pino, you def have a shot!! And you know what they say--new house, new baby! So you guys are moving after this month? I got a little confused about the timeline.

I know I have asked you a MILLION times, but do you have PCOS? I thought you did for some reason, maybe bc of the long cycles.

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