Could use a buddy

Lauren... No, we are moving 9 months from now, we have to be able to save up for the move, and wait for all the legal paperwork to get done.

No I don't have PCOS, I would prefer that because at least it would have an answer, my Dr.'s diagnosed me with "unexplained infertility". In another words they have no idea what is wrong. I guess according to my aunt, it runs in my birth-mom's side of the family, they all had trouble getting pregnant, but there wasn't any rhyme or reason to it
How weird! I am the opposite--every single woman on both sides of my family got pregnant really easily. My dad has 5 brothers and sisters. I think his mom hated the fact that she got pg so easily. If only we could trade! Anyway, that's frustrating that you have unexplained IF. Have they run all of the tests and all that? I wonder what's going on with the long cycles. I'm sure you've been through all of this and every question! I wonder if it's just that you're young and your cycles are evening out. Mine changed a lot between 18 and 25.
Lauren--- well what happened is my birth mom got pg easy, but the rest of her family had issues, my dad's family on the other hand pop them out without thinking. I have had all the tests done plus some. My Dr's wanted me to got straight to IUI, but I am determined, and it is really expensive
I see. Well, don't give up!! :) I am with you. My docs were talking about the possibility of IUI but I just don't really see the point if I'm not having any issues with sperm and egg meeting, and it doesn't seem like I should have any.

So i arrived back to the horrid weather of the UK this morning :( I didnt want to leave my holiday it was so much fun. Gotta get back to routine now though I suppose! Got a few other little trips planned though so wont be too bored of life!

As I posted before, I was like 3-4 days late this cycle and was having cramps for a week so was really hopeful and excited at the start of my holiday. But I took 2 hpts and both were BFN. Then I got really faint spotting at 13dpo so knew it was starting. SO upsetting. I was really angry that AF came late and got me all excited, but I guess 13dpo is a good luteal length so thats one good thing. I was ok the first day of AF but the next day really hit me hard, me and OH went to a market in a nearby town and there were literally babies EVERYWHERE. Turkish people have sooo many children :(. And one little boy was staring at me and smiling and laughing and I just about broke down. I had to put on my sun glasses inside to hide my eyes as they welled up. I didnt show how upset I was to OH cause I didnt want to ruin his holiday but I think he knew how down I was. I kind of got it out my system that day though and the rest of the time was really good. I got really drunk the following night and adopted a kind of i dont care anymore attitude, but really, of course I care, I just needed to let myself go a bit that night.

We met so many lovely people while we were over there, although their culture kind of assumes that couples get married and have children much earlier than they do here so we had a lot of questions about if we were married or if we had kids. which kind of made me a bit upset as well..... But I had such an amazing time and its only like 4 days till i think I will O this cycle so it has definatelly kept my mind of things! I even got another tattoo while i was there which is like an anklet made of japanese pink flowers and leaves, very pretty :).

So I'm Sooooooo far behind on everything here! So far I have MASSSSSSSIVE congrats for country and lxb! tell me everyything girls, im so happy for you both, how are you both???

Also preg- how are you getting on!! :)

lauren- what is this HCU thing you are getting for? sorry... is that a silly question? I dont know about all these things but I would love info :) hope you are keeping ok and sorry AF got you too :( at least you know about the progesterone now so you can keep that under checks !

sash- sooo sorry reading your previous posts but glad you are feeling a bit better now :) :hugs: i cant think what it must be like for you to gegt BFNs after putting so much time and effort in. I honestly believe you are MEANT to be a mummy and it will happen, just remember, it doesnt matter how we get there, as long as we do in the end :)

pino- my cycles have been totally all over the place too! i thought they had regluated a couple of months ago but the last two months ive had 28/29 day cycles! weird! also some of my cycles are really heavy and some light. glad to hear about your OH and getting everythign settled :). how are you keeping? is it OPKS for you this month?

how is everyone else??? sleepy (liking your attiditude about just getting on with it! ive had enough moping for sure! haribo how are youu? ?

Where is everyone in their cycles then? anyone nearly Oing? xxxxxx
Welcome back Treasured!! I missed you LOL :hugs: Sorry AF got you, I know how you feel, but on to this month LOL. Today is my last day of AF, so tomorrow I get to pee on my stick LOL!!!

Doing alright.
Morning sickness seems to have caught up with me 2 days ago. Feeling kinda lame these days. Trouble sleeping, but still loving it.

I'll most likely be going to the midwife between the 23rd and the 30th of this month. That's when My OH gets here. It would be wonderful to do this with him,
Lauren - Yay!!! Just had to get on and see how it went. So so glad that your tubes are clear. What a huge relief for you!!

Treasured - Welcome back! I hope you had an amazing time on your vacation. Glad you're back to obsess with us :)

Sashimi - Enjoy your vacation!! I'm sure seeing your FIL will be wonderful and that Hawaii will be amazing. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

I'll have to write everyone else later when my niece isn't around! I missed all of you today - don't think I'll be able to stay away all weekend - it's too hard to catch up around here, lol!
Treasured - Welcome back!! Sorry about the late AF, but longer luteal phase is good! The HSG is the test where they run dye through your uterus and fallopian tubes to see if anything is obstructed or abnormal.
missed you too pino!! :) and everyone else! wooo for last AF day, are you POAS for O? or somthing else? im so behind haha! also keep up with your weight loss you will get there :D! Im getting back to the gym on monday get rid of my holiday belly haha! I should probably get some OPKS this month but I dont know if I can actually be bothered. Eveery month ive OPKd ive been CD16 so hopefully it will be the same. Although OH has been ill for the last 2 days so hopefully he will get better by tomorow so we can start BDing in time for O.

lauren- ahh i understand now! so everything came back normally? thats great! but also kind of annoying that you dont have an exact answer... did you mention that you had been tested for endo? how did that go? sorry I havent read everything in full!
Treasured - Thanks!! It is annoying, though, not to have a real answer. I have not been tested for endo--my doc saw some cysts on my ovaries when I had an ultrasound, and they looked suspiciously like endo cysts. However, the only way to confirm for sure that it's endo is to have laparascopy (exploratory surgery). I imagine that my doc will want to hold off on that for a bit since it is surgery, but I am still going in to my GYN this month to talk to her about the proces since she performs her own surgeries.

Anyway, originally I was mostly concerned about low progesterone. My doc said (I now have a new doc who is a specialist) that the progesterone wasn't as much of a concern as the spotting and 12 day LP--those combined, she said, made her think I wasn't Oing strongly enough and she was going to do Clomid. Now I don't know what she'll say. My bloodwork came back good, so it could be that the cysts are affecting O. Anyhoo, I am hoping that she will put me on Femara and progesterone and just try for a couple of months.

Now you're caught up! Lol. That might have been way more info than you wanted, but there you go :)
Well,with my weight loss I started at 237.2. I weighed myself this morning and am at 231.0. I am so excited LOL. I have lost a total of 6.2 lbs. I haven't been excersizing quite as much as I like, and when I do I can't finish the video mostly because of the knee. It is much better, but I have to wrap it up tightly when I work out. I am using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor so my first test stick was this morning. I didn't POAS all last month except for once, so I satisfied my urge LOL. I really do hope that this is my month. I talked to OH last night and we both want this to be our month, but it also means we would have to move in January because March would be around the due date, and that is to close for comfort. We are both stressed but excited about this move. We have always lived close to his parents, and that was our security blanket. Now that we are moving close to my parents it is very different. Different culture, and different values. They believe the way I do, that we are independent. his parent, especially mom does not know how to mind their own business. I still love them though, and they have been there with us through a lot. Sorry, I am rambling LOL!
lauren- wooohoo i am up to date now! it is crazy all the different things that it could be huh?it is good that there are lots of options but at the same time how much better would it be if there was just one pill you could take and it could sort everthing out! Good luck with the specialist though, hopefully she can get the right combo for your BFP :D im dreading the day i have to go to the doctors to ask for all these things :( i guess there is no real rush, although I would like to know if there was anything wrong sooner rather than later. how long were you TTC before first speaking to the docs? I've been thinking about it and because I dont chart or use OPKS every month does that mean Ive been more NTNP than TTC? im confused by that whole thing....

pino- WELL DONE :) that is a good amount and just a start for you!!! i know you can do it hehe. every little helps! ohhh i see you are starting the monitor woohoo. that is exactely does it work? does it keep averages of your cycles and stuff? WOW i really know nothing hehe... i still dont totaly understand OPKS haha. that will be good for you guys to have more independance, although it is nice to have a supportive family. its hard cause noone knows im TTC not even my mum who i tell most things too so I cant even discuss it with her. She really wants me to have a baby though, even asked if I was pregnant after my holiday haah! she lost 2 babies after having me, one at full term (my lil sis Leena) so I think she wishes for a grandchild more than anything and Im the only child so I feel its resting on my shoulders to give her that! woahh, didnt mean to bring the mood down their!

Well aparently im 3 days away from O so this month will probably just be luck of the draw cause im not buying opks and hopefully OH will be well enough to BD or this month will be wasted :(

love to alll xxxxx
lauren- wooohoo i am up to date now! it is crazy all the different things that it could be huh?it is good that there are lots of options but at the same time how much better would it be if there was just one pill you could take and it could sort everthing out! Good luck with the specialist though, hopefully she can get the right combo for your BFP :D im dreading the day i have to go to the doctors to ask for all these things :( i guess there is no real rush, although I would like to know if there was anything wrong sooner rather than later. how long were you TTC before first speaking to the docs? I've been thinking about it and because I dont chart or use OPKS every month does that mean Ive been more NTNP than TTC? im confused by that whole thing....

pino- WELL DONE :) that is a good amount and just a start for you!!! i know you can do it hehe. every little helps! ohhh i see you are starting the monitor woohoo. that is exactely does it work? does it keep averages of your cycles and stuff? WOW i really know nothing hehe... i still dont totaly understand OPKS haha. that will be good for you guys to have more independance, although it is nice to have a supportive family. its hard cause noone knows im TTC not even my mum who i tell most things too so I cant even discuss it with her. She really wants me to have a baby though, even asked if I was pregnant after my holiday haah! she lost 2 babies after having me, one at full term (my lil sis Leena) so I think she wishes for a grandchild more than anything and Im the only child so I feel its resting on my shoulders to give her that! woahh, didnt mean to bring the mood down their!

Well aparently im 3 days away from O so this month will probably just be luck of the draw cause im not buying opks and hopefully OH will be well enough to BD or this month will be wasted :(

love to alll xxxxx
Hi All! I'm new here and could really use a buddy. I'm feeling pretty deflated after the arrival of AF this morning. I'm 30 years old, been TTC for #1 for 8 months. Anyone else in the same boat? OH is supportive but feels I'm "too focused" on this one thing. Would love to chat with other women who have been trying for a few months!

Hi :flower: sounds like your talking about me there hun. Been trying for just over 2yrs now, I'm 31 yrs old. It's only last month I've got anywhere with the help with my consultant. What about you ? xx:dust:
Pino - That's so great that you've lost 6 lbs!! Way to go! It's hard with an injury but good for you for sticking with it. Plus, as long as you're taking the right precautions, it's good for healing to get some exercise--get the blood moving etc.

Treasured - Yes! It's crazy. I mean, my doc is narrowing things down but it's still such a big mystery. I do think that progesterone has been an issue, but aside from that it may simply be that I haven't been 'trying hard' for long enough--started charting in January and really pinpointing O during that time. Anyway. It's not that bad to get tests done--the waiting is the hardest part for me! Like waiting for results after getting blood drawn etc. This month is cycle #12 for us, and I just started seeing a specialist last month. I was referred to an OB by my general practitioner back in November because I was complaining about spotting before my period for 7 or so days. She really didn't do anything despite my insistence for 6 months that she do blood work or look into the progesterone. She literally just sat on her hands. It was the month before I went to the specialist that I finally INSISTED that she just do day 3 and 21 blood work (which she did improperly!). Anyway, not everyone needs an HSG, but since my blood work was OK and my doctor thought she saw 'fluid around the tubes' on my ultrasound she wanted to make sure the tubes were all clear. I wanted to avoid the test because it's expensive, but she basically told me that without that info the only treatment she'd perform was IVF. How long have you been trying? Hopefully you can avoid all of these things! I have been lucky in that I demanded tests and have gotten a ton of information just in the past month.

Afm, day 8 so nothing exciting! I am on a brief but intense antibiotic for the HSG and it's giving me some nausea and diarrhea (yuck), so that's sort of lame.
Treasured--- The monitor is supposed to give you more fertile days compared to OPK's and it tells you when your about to O and when you have O'd it's expensive though which sucks, but who said TTC was cheap LOL. So excited!! Hopefully OH feels better, or just sucks it up LOL I have made OH do that before LOL. OH tells me that when he doesn't feel goood, his little buddies are probably sick too LOL. He makes me laugh. I told him to stop trying to get out of it LOL
Hahaaaaa my OH just uses being sick as an excuse to 'relax' during BD....I'm like, I'm already doing all of this work with POAS and temping!! Now I have to be the one pulling most of the weight during BD, too?? Lol. It's not bad--makes for a nice change. :) He is sooo helpless and needy when he's sick. He asks for 'sexual healing', lol. I'm like, I'm sure all that's going to accomplish healing-wise is to put you straight into a nap after...Lol.
Lauren--- My OH is the same way. He is a big baby when he is sick LOL. Of course he says the same thing about BDing LOL. I just say it's better for him to be on top and sweat it off LOL. Of course that's not what he wanted to hear LOL

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