Could use a buddy

lxb - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I really hear your concern, girl. I am just holding the highest and best and knowing that little blueberry is making its home and working on growing into a bigger fruit! :) 112 sounds BAD. Lol. I have sensitive lips, too!! Though maybe in a different way. Mine have tiny freckles all over them and one bigger freckle. It's weird! I have to be really careful and always wear chapstick or lipgloss with SPF.

Thanks lauren :hugs: :hugs:
I'm really having trouble keeping up when I can't log in from work!!

Lxb - I would probably worry just as much. It can't be easy!! I am hoping and praying that your scan goes wonderful and you get to see that little blueberry living it up in your belly :hugs:

Lauren - Oooooh job drama! How perfect if other people's drama leads you on a salary somewhere. Not a bad deal!! Lol. I hate when BBT's are all over the place. Makes me feel like I can't analyze properly. Glad this progesterone isn't giving you crazy side effects. Is it a different brand or dosage? Have you scheduled your HSG? I can't remember if you said that or not!

Pino - I hope your migraines are better! Sounds awful, especially in that crazy Arizona heat. My sister used to live there and I just don't know how you do it. SO HOT!

Haribo - France!! How lovely :) I've never been and I've always wanted to go and fill up on wine and cheese lol!! I hope you didn't have to wait to long to have your test this morning. Sounds like everyone had the same thought as you!

Lika - When are you going to Brazil? Where does your fam live? I visited several years ago and loooved it. So beautiful and the people were so kind!

Nothing new here except that I forgot my thermometer at my parent's house so no temping for a few days til I get it back. Can't say it bothers me too much though. I know I've O'd because I had a significant rise in temp and my CM has totally dried up. Expecting sore boobies soon lol. Since I don't have the thermometer, I'm not stalking my FF app at work all day and analyzing it. It's weird - I feel like I have all this free time. Was I that obsessed?? Apparently :blush:
lika - :haha: @ diving into the water from melted snow! Yep.. that should definitely cool you down for a gooood while! Hmm.. I'm not so much of a pancake fan... I'm more for waffles~~~

My husband looooves waffles!!! Last time we went back home he went straight from the airport to the waffle house lol

lauren - Woo... I know all about dry heat!! High here is 112F~ This morning at ~8AM was 91F, and this afternoon when I went for lunch was 111F. :wacko: I'm excited for the scan. 9 more days just feels a bit too long! I'm feeling up and down throughout the days. One minute when I felt cramp... I felt better as I feel like there's a little bean in there creating its environment and make itself at home (And I would run to the bathroom to make sure I'm not bleeding! :dohh:). Other times when I feel completely normal, I'm worry that that was just gas! And the bean is just a bean and didn't "pop" into a popcorn! I've asked my family out for dinner (right after the scan). So hopefully we can share the good news with them. If we can't see anything... I guess it would just be a regular dinner and I'll have to try my hardest to act 'normal'. Just been emotionally stressed out... and then stress about being stress that it's not doing any good to my body! :dohh:

Holy Moly 112F?!?! I think I would've died! I'm here grumpy because we are in the 90's lol but then... Not having ac in the summer is brutal!!! I think after a few years living in Europe, when we finally go home it will be sooo weird having central ac lol ahhhh I'm looking forward to being back in American soil lol

I've tried the Olay facial moisturizer with SPF15 and I'm okay (I have sensitive lips too! long story!) Felt a little scare to try SPF90.... maybe I'll get the brand you've recommended and rub some on my cheek to see what happens :haha:

You guys no nothing of heat LOL. It is 104 F here in Arizona!! Although I do have to say, my AC is at 72F all year round. The plus of not paying utilities LOL

Lucky you don't have to pay utilities!!! We would have that option as well if we lived in government housing, but I would rather not, since there's sooooo much drama in the housing complex! Mostly because the toe houses are right. Ext to each other... So no privacy at all ugh! If it's any consolation, I live above a gelato(Italian ice cream) shop lol. Total diet bomb!

Lxb- sending :hug: your way :) I'm pretty sure your blueberry it's making it's home in your tummy and everything is okay :) let us know how the scan goes ;)

Sleepy- I have family all over Brazil lol Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia... Hubs got a whole month of from November-December sonar can visit my family ;) it's been a decade since I've seen my grandparents so I'm pretty excited :D hubs is worried he will stand out lol I'm pretty sure he will but brazilians tend to be pretty cool lol. Where in Brazil did you go? :)
Sleepy - I had my HSG! It was all clear on the tech's end but my doc wanted to see the video of it and make sure she didn't catch anything that they didn't see. I am waiting on that impatiently, lol. Yes! Job drama appears to be bringing me' my old job back. More later as I'll find out today :)
You guys, I need advice!! I have not gotten the high fertility on my monitor, but when you look at my chart, it looks like I might have O'd, what do you guys think??? I'm kinda freaking out over here. Thanks
You guys, I need advice!! I have not gotten the high fertility on my monitor, but when you look at my chart, it looks like I might have O'd, what do you guys think??? I'm kinda freaking out over here. Thanks

Hmm.... that high temp today perhaps mean you've Oed. Is your room temperature still the same? Are you feeling okay? BD tonight just in case and see what your temp is like tomorrow~ FX!
My room, temp is always 71 F, and I take it vaginally cause I sleep with my mouth open LOL. I feel ok, slight cramping earlier, but I think it's cause I started thinking about it LOL
:haha: Better get busy tonight & see what your temp is like tomorrow :thumbup:

Haribo Im here :) been a little busy over the last few days so not had any time to get on here haha! So much to catch up on!

How is everyone getting on and where are you all in your cycles?

Im 7dpo (roughly) and not really got any symptoms so I dont thin there is much hope for this month!
So my SIL had her 4th baby this morning, her 3rd is only 18 months and this one wasnt planned.. lucky!!! We went in this afternoon to the maternity ward to visit her and the LO, he is gorgeous but I didnt think it would affect me as much as it did being in that place. Every room was full of smiling new mums and family gazing at their amazing new baby and all I could do was smile too but secretly felt gutted. I held SILs new baby too and felt like I was about to cry! She doesnt know we are TTC so obviouslly couldnt say anything :(. OH wasnt that supportive either he just told me not to be depressed, He just doesnt seem to get how hard it is for me despite me telling him.

Hmmm it was a bit difficult but lovely to see my new wee nephew :) although I wish I was as fertile as SIL.

Oh well... Anyone got any chit chat to cheer me up? xxxx
Hey Ladies! I've had a bit of a break, I find the time goes by a little quicker when I don't stare at my tickers lol plus I had a bachelorette this past weekend and the wedding this coming weekend. I'm glad Sashimi is having such a great time in Hawaii! And it's sounding good for you Lauren with a job! Hope blueberry week is treating you well lxb :) Sleepy, I'm hoping you got it this month, you've put in a great effort! Pino, I know it's possible that your LH surge isn't strong enough to register as O but it could be for you. Keep BDing! treasured, haribo, lika, preg, and anyone else I've missed :hugs:
Pino - Looks like maybe you have O'd but you need one more high temp to seal the deal. Is that monitor you have ever off - like maybe you just missed peak fertility? I'm not sure how it works, but is that possible?

Lika - When I went we visited Salvador de Bahia, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Bahia was my favorite place. The people were sooo sweet there. Loved it - OH and I need to take a trip together there sometime.

Treasured - Sorry you had a hard time with the new baby. It's amazing holding them and seeing them for the first time, but definitely difficult. Hope you have your little one 9 months soon :X Lol!

Country - Glad you stopped back in!! I missed you with that bach. party you had this weekend. Too much time away from our crazy lady thread!!

Lauren - How's it going today??
Sleepy, I'm really not sure about the monitor. It is my first month using it so IDK.... I know the first month can be off just cause it is getting to know my body. I BD'd just in case though LOL. I think my biggest worry though is since I was trying to do SMEP we BD'd CD15 and skipped 16. I had that bad migraine on the 17th so we didn't BD. We did do it CD18 and 19, but I am worried by not doing it on CD 17 I missed my mark IDK.... Today is CD19 and me and OH spontaneously had sex, so I didn't use the preseed today, and when he was about to finish, I accidentally twitched and he pulled out so not all of it went in. I surprisingly didn't get mad, but I got really worried, and he got frustrated LOL. IDK I am starting to stress out a bit
Hey ladies! I couldn't log on all day. Basically my old job called and wanted me to come in and help since they finally fired my horrible former boss, and they're in crisis mode since I'm the only other person who knows how to do most of her job. It was weird and sort of disappointing to be back at work (doing whatever I want all day is SO much better! Lol--I forgot that work is WORK), but I do think that it will lead to a permanent position for me and the $ and title I should have had when I was there. And, most importantly, that awful boss is gone! Anyway, it was a really weird day filled with mixed feelings.

Pino - Don't be scared! It does sort of look like you O-ed but high fertility sounds pretty good to me for BD days! Did you drink at all last night? That spikes my temp. Either way, you BDed a couple of days before and that's been enough for plenty of people :)

Sleepy - Hi!!! I look at my FF chart throughout the day, too. I usually feel so proud of it until AF comes. Lol. Do your parents live close?

Country - Hi!! How did it go with not drinking at the party? Did you just use the DD excuse?

Treasured - Wow, that sounds tough! I'm sure it's amazing to be an aunt but I would have a hard time, too. I saw my SIL and her 3 kids on father's day and it was similar.

Speaking of, did I mention to you all that my SIL just told me (right after I told her I might have endo and was gearing up to be very, very patient in awaiting my baby) that they're going to try to get pg with #4 soon?? I was sort of excited but I felt SO envious. They announced they'd gotten pregnant about two months before we started TTC and now my nephew's here!! A few months old! I never thought I'd still be trying. Hoping that TTC doesn't last too much longer! The progesterone I'm on is BLOATING me so bad. My breasts aren't sore this month, really, so I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, lol. I did an hpt strip tonight but OH rushed me out the door before it could 'develop' (he didn't know I was doing it) and when I got home there was a bad evap-looking line. I seem to get those a lot, lol! So. If I can exercise some will power I won't test tomorrow morning. It will still only be 7dpo for goodness' sake.
lauren--- No I didn't drink at all, so IDK. I feel like your SIL is really rushing, I mean she hasn't even had time to fully enjoy your nephew. I understand that it can both be a good thing for you, and also very hard at the same time. I hope this is your BFP month. :hugs:
Lauren, I know what you mean! SILs 3rd child is only 18 months and they already have a new baby! that wasnt even planned... youd think by now they would know how to prevent it... I guess they are just lucky :(

still got tender boobs which ive had every day since last AF.. fed up of symptom spotting though cause every month I think I have preg symptoms and never do, so clearly my body is just weird! Think I will test on Friday, so should be 10dpo by then.
Hey everyone, so I guess I worried yesterday for nothing cause my temp went down again. I am frustrated, because I seem to O later than I thought. On the plus side. Our lawyer called yesterday, and I guess the papers are ready a lot earlier than they thought. They gave me an appointment for the 9th of July, because they said it take 2 weeks. Well since I gave them most of the paperwork a while ago, and just 2 last papers last week, they had most of what they needed. Anyways, me and OH go in today to sign all the papers, and then we just wait.
pino - Hmmm.... looking at your chart now. my temp usually drop before O. So looks like you might O soon~! So don't you twitch this time! :haha: Great news!! July 9th is coming up! :dance:

sleepy - Ahh.. I'm obsessed with charts!!! It bothers me that I don't get to see your temp update!! hehehe.. charting can be stressful too though so I'm glad that you're able to take a little break from it and relax for the little bean inside of you! (I still believe lucky #6!)

lauren - :hugs: some people can just pop out babies like a soda machine! I'm crossing everything for you & hope this is your BFP month girl~~

treasured - symptom spotting is the worst! Our body is tricky and we always get to know a little more about our body or noticed something "different" about our body each month and that raised flags! I think the only difference I felt last cycle was a needle type poking pain on my lower left belly (but that only happened once though). Who knows that might mean something .... or that might just be gas! :haha: did you start temping? Ooo... a tester!!!! FX for you!!! :hugs:

country - i need to learn from you! I stared at my ticker everyday! :haha: I have an app that show daily tips etc. glad your party went well~~~

lika - how r u feeling today? still feel like diving into freezing cold water?? :)

afm, SEVEN more days until scan!!!! Feeling anxious!! :dance:
lxb--- they actually bumped our appointment up. It is actually today!! so excited!!
Sleepy - I love this crazy lady thread! It's my fave by far!

Lauren - the not drinking went well! I had to use the antibiotics excuse as there was no driving needed lol but I might use that one this coming weekend! Great news about your potential job. It's hard to see people get pg so quickly and easily, when yours comes it will be that much more desired and you will have worked so hard for the final payoff :hugs: I'm with lxb crossing everything for you!

Pino - Congrats on getting the paperwork done sooner and having your appointment today! At least that's moving along! I don't know how those fertility monitors work but hoping you O soon and it shows you nice and clear!

treasured - keep us posted on the test!

lxb - your scan has come up super quickly! You should get some awesome pics this far along and the heartbeat should be good and strong :)
Hey ladies! There is so much to catch up on, I'm going to have to go back later today and read all of the posts I missed!

We are still having a great time Hawaii and now on our last few days of the trip and really sad to be going home this weekend. I think the main reason I dont want to go home is because I will know it means returning to the TTC nightmare. I was just think g about how much I don't want to do the lap surgery when an email came through from my doctor telling me to go on birth control until the surgery!! Well I'm several days DPO now so why didn't they tell me this when the surgery got booked!?!? The more I think about the lap the more it upsets me and puts me in a dark place emotionally. I haven't even notified my work that I'll need more time off and I'm really uncomfortable about that too. OH keeps saying lets take the summer off and then let's do the next steps in the fall like surgery etc.

What do you guys think? What would you do? My other TTC meltdown this trip occurred on Sunday night at the worlds cheesiest luau! It was held indoors because of the chance of rain so it was in the Hyatt's conference room. I felt line I was at a bad wedding and there were babies and pregnant women everywhere!!!!!! I wanted to get away from that more than my cheesy luau performances.

Well from what I've read so far on here everyone is having some excitement. Lauren your new job potential sounds great! Especially that the awful boss got the boot! Justice!!!! It is a weird feeling goin back, I know. But I adjusted and so will you!

Lxb good luck with the scan. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Pino good luck with the fertility monitor

Sleepy how are you!? Glad you aren't going to that baby shower

County looks like you had a good time at the bachelorette! Hope you are well.

Hello to everyone else that I've missed. I'm on my iPhone so I'll write more later!

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