Could use a buddy

Sashimi - that is ridiculous you haven't heard back from the clinic. Further confirms that a slow down is a good idea! I'm also wondering if you got all of the souvenirs for your niece? Is there anyway the spotting could be implantation? It is true what your mom said but that doesn't make it easier to apply to your life.

Pino - I know I'm a bit late with my opinion but I'd go with the first (or adjusted) temp. I had a dip at what would have been 5 dpo but on my chart looked like 4 dpo... Yay for family! That will be a nice break for you and a great relief from the tww!

haribo - must be a relief to be getting somewhere! Those are some interesting rules lol

lxb - How'd the scan go?????

lauren - sorry the witch got you. Sounds like you either have a cycle buddy or this thread will have another BFP, both are good things! Hope the fires stay far away from you and they are able to contain them. The damage is unbelievable.

Sleepy - your temps look good! When are you planning to test?

I had some bloodwork this morning since I've been having a bit of spotting and my doctor called to give me an ultrasound appointment in July and appointment with my OB for October. I'm excited to hear about lxb's appointment and pregs is coming up soon too!
Boo to the arrival of unwelcome AFs on here...they weren't invited. And fx for those still in the game-I'm looking at you Sleepy and Pino (and Treasured I think?)

I'm off to France tomorrow. I plan not to do much except swim in the pool, read lots of books, eat copious amounts of baguettes and cheese and enjoy meals on the terrace outside. We're back in a week and a bit but I'm sure I'll check in with you all while I'm away to see how everyone is.

To be honest I'm a bit depressed to be turning 31. I feel like I have little to celebrate in the last year - no baby, promotion at work. All I'm celebrating is that I've kept going I suppose, seems a bit sad!

We are very lucky to have each other on here. I am still cranky despite getting AF on Mon-I feel a little out of control and pity my poor OH and family who I have been ranting to. Hopefully my holiday will help me forget it for a while-maybe there'll be less pregnant people in France?! There's definitely less people in the remote little village we're in than London, that's for sure! I've also ditched acupuncture for a few months to have a break-the guy sent me a sweet text saying it still works its magic after you've finished the 3 month course-here's hoping. Am wondering what approach to take this month...we tend to BD every day or other day from about day 9 to a day or so after I've ovulated but that hasn't been working so perhaps I should try a new tack, anyone have any thoughts?

The first appointment I can get for a fertility doc at the moment is Monday 24 September! Can you believe it?! I'm going to call again and see if anyone can sort me out with something sooner.

Sashimi-sorry about your rubbish clinic and AF, Pino-poor you with your mum's comment. She obviously didn't mean to upset you but know how that kind of remark hurts. But yay to nice family coming to stay, that's great news. Lauren-hope you aren't getting too hot inside with all those windows closed! Sorry also about your AF, and after such a nice chart month too.

Lxb-we want scan pics!
Pregpilot-keep popping those pills and hope the symptoms don't get too much.
Country-how are you feeling? And how ARE you going to break your news? Hope everything's ok with you lady.

Off to pack xx

ps-does anyone else fall off the wagon a bit food-wise when they get their AF?! Things like really strong coffees, alcohol at home, soft cheeses-basically all the stuff you were worrying that you maybe shouldn't eat in 2ww?! Or is just me?!
pino - Yay for family visit!!! :dance:

sashimi - I'm hoping the brown spotting is just IB! Did you end up finding inflatable shark??? :haha:

lauren - Eeekk about the fire!! Been looking at the news/pictures and it's definitely horrifying~

sleepy - can't wait to see your temp tmr!!

country - hope all goes well with bloodwork

afm, scan is in 2 hours~~~~ I'm feeling nervous and :sick:!! :wacko:
haribo - yay for france!!! :haha: u'r not alone! I always got a cup of coffee when AF showed up! And eat all the non-preggo safe food (like raw fish in sushi~~) :haha:
Haribo - I totally do the same thing! I spend a day or two indulging in sushi, alcohol, lots of coffee, every soft cheese I have in my possession, lol. With that said - have a blast in France!! Wine and cheese, yummmm!!!

Country - I'm planning on testing Saturday morning provided my temp stays up and I have no spotting tomorrow or Friday. Trying to stay positive and hoping for the best!!

Lxb - I feel like time is standing still!! Can it be time already for that scan???
Haribo, I ate half a bag of Starburst candy last night and my pee was fluorescent red this morning as a result!! I feel, especially now, because I am used to eating a lot while on vacation that I just want to snack all the time! I have every intention of doing a strict detox, but I will find it sooo hard. France will be amazing, it is the one place in the world I want to go that I haven't been!

Sleepy, I could live on soft cheeses alone!

Lxb Good luck! I think the scan is about an hour away. I had some brown blood mixed in with some EWCM about a week after I Oed on day 22 of my cycle. It went away and now I'm on day 28 and have had about 2 days of on and off brown/pink CM. This was always the start of AF for me before I started going to the fertility clinic. I really had high hopes that some sort of vacation miracle would happen, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Who knows if I even released an egg this month after doing two cycles of hardcore fertility drugs.

Country, I agree it is annoying they have not called me back. It is now 6:45 Toronto time and I first emailed them at 7:30 yesterday morning and then called today at 8 a.m. Even if they don't know when they can schedule me in to see my doctor for a non cycle monitoring visit, you would think they could at least acknowledge me! My mom said for the amount of money we are spending there they should be answering every question I have!

Haribo's Sept 24 fertility clinic appointment makes me feel lucky that I can drop in whenever I want for cycle monitoring and do IUIs with no wait list whatsoever... But why can't they answer me when I have questions about being knocked out and sliced open? Especially if I am going to go bankrupt for IVF one of these days! I think I remember there being a 2 month wait to have my initial visit with the doctor.

Lauren I saw those fires on the news last night. How terrifying!
Oh and I found a wind up shark for the bath!!! As close as I could get to the blow up shark!!!! Niece is getting necklace, bracelet and shells I had to purchase because only lava seems to wash up on Kauai beaches!!
AF got me first thing this morning. I've had two days of spotting to accept it at least...

I'm dying to hear from lxb!
Sash--- Sorry AF got you. lxb posted last night on her journal :hugs:
Sashimi - sorry that af got you! :gun: :growlmad:

Afm, the scan didn't go well at all. I am supposedly 8w4d, and the nurse measured me at 6 or 7 wks. And couldn't see anything. All I saw was a big black blob. :(. She said it might still be too early. She did the ultrasound on my belly. My sis told me they did vaginal u/s with her. So not sure if that was why we couldn't see anything? And not sure why I wasn't offer that either. Maybe she didn't detect any heartbeat and that's why she didn't offer? My mind just went blank when I didn't see anything and didn't even think of asking those questions.

The dr prepared me for the worst case scenario. It is common to have the egg implanted and not fertilized. And there is not much test she can do on me. The only thing I need to do now is to go for bloodwork today.. And once more after my trip next week. Then I will go in for another u/s. by then, they should be able to compare the blood level from 2 different drawings and see if they can see anything a week from today.

Dh and I were pretty deflated. I tried not to cry but it is hard not knowing. After a while, I figure I can't and shouldn't be sad right now because there will be plenty of time to do that next week if that turned out to be the worst case, right? :thumbup:
Fingers crossed for you lxb, I hope it´s just still too early. :hugs:

I went to the midwife today.
Nothing much happened, she asked a bunch of questions, and gave me some pamphlets.
She tried listening to the heartbeat, but we couldn´t hear anything.
She said it´s likely it´s still too early.
Then she sent me to a blood exam, and that was it for today.
Next appointment is at the hospital for a sonar on the 16th of july, and then on the 27th again with the midwife.
No news is good news?

I miss ya guys.
Working like crazy these days. (I have a vacation coming up from the 5th to the 16th of july),.
Ok you guys. I need some more advice :blush: TMI. You know when you are on your period and you go number 2? :blush: and when you push it kinda hurts the cervix, like it is almost sore? :blush: well the last 2 days I have been feeling like this when going to the restroom :blush:. Do you think there is something wrong with me? It has never happened before besides when I am on my period. I feel fine after I go, and before I go, but while I am going is the problem :blush:.
Oh, lxb!! I'm sorry the scan didn't go as planned, but like a lot of people are saying its still really early. Please don't worry and don't let it ruin your trip. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way, I'm staying confident that your little popcorn is growing strong and healthy.

After all we go through with ttc all scans should go flawlessly. Lxb, I hope you know how much we all love you in here. You've been such a huge source of inspiration and support for a lot of us, including me and I have faith everything is going to be just fine with that little one. My mom was told I was an ectopic pregnancy and they doctor insisted on aborting and she refused and later it turned out to be just a cyst. Positive throughts!

I don't know why, but I haven't checked out anyone's journals! I should start and I'm sure it will be my new obsession when this board is quiet!

Pino I think everything is sensitive during AF. But if you don't feel it's normal, maybe get it checked out. Personally I get mega upset stomach during AF and I recall a pushing feeling on my uterus. Just monitor and see if it gets worse.
Lxb - more love and positive thoughts your way :hugs: I did some googling last night and it seems to be common in a lot of pregnancies and the bean ends up being just fine and totally healthy. Praying this is the case for you and that you aren't consumed with worry! I hope you enjoy your trip and this time away from MIL. When do you leave?

Pino - I honestly have no idea where my cervix is or what it feels like. I think like Sashimi said, just sort of keep tabs on it and see what happens. Either it's a good sign and you're pregnant, or you can just make a note of it and know that it is something that your body does for future cycles!

Temp still high today so was definitely happy about that! I'm still expecting to see spotting everytime I go to the restroom. It just feels like AF is coming - like my V feels very warm and hot and I have a little bit of EWCM/watery CM when I wipe. Plus, since I didn't temp to confirm ovulation and just input it myself I'm thinking maybe I could be a day or two off. For all I know I could still only be 10DPO! Definitely not planning on testing until the earliest Sunday...possibly Monday. Plus I need to dig my HPTs out from the mountain of tampons it's under :dohh:
Thank you Sashimi! :hugs: I definitely feel all the love and support from all you ladies! :hugs: :hugs: and really appreciate it all~ Oh, what would I do without you guys~ :)

I'm trying not to worry as it won't contribute or help with anything at all. And like you said, just need to stay positive and have faith that everything will be okay.

pino - hmm... just remember to make a note of it. And definitely get it check out if you're feeling uncomfortable. Hopefully it's all a good sign? :)
Sleepy - Thank you sleepy~ I hope that's the case too. My sis said they couldn't see anything for her first two ultrasounds with my niece too. I leave today after work. Going to take off a little earlier from work (~4PM? so... in ~7hours).
Fingers crossed for you lxb, I hope it´s just still too early. :hugs:

I went to the midwife today.
Nothing much happened, she asked a bunch of questions, and gave me some pamphlets.
She tried listening to the heartbeat, but we couldn´t hear anything.
She said it´s likely it´s still too early.
Then she sent me to a blood exam, and that was it for today.
Next appointment is at the hospital for a sonar on the 16th of july, and then on the 27th again with the midwife.
No news is good news?

I miss ya guys.
Working like crazy these days. (I have a vacation coming up from the 5th to the 16th of july),.

Preg - Sounds like an uneventful visit, but you're right. No news is good news!! July 16th will be here before you know it. I hope you're still getting your rest in with your crazy work schedule. I bet you are looking forward to that much needed vacation!
haribo - Lots of people say birthdays get harder as you get older but the more you have, the longer you live! They're good for you! You may not feel like you have much to celebrate but you have come a long way in your quest for a BFP and I'm sure there are other things you just aren't thinking of. Enjoy your 31st birthday trip! You deserve it! And the baguettes and cheese sound delicious, please have some extra for me! :cake: I'm doing well and will probably just come straight out with the news since everyone will probably be shocked enough lol

Sleepy - Saturday morning can't come soon enough! I'll have to pop on to check for it!

Sashimi - lol @ starburst pee! I sure hope the clinic gets back to you soon. It seems like anything that they make money on they are super attentive and something like 'talking' is not a priority.

lxb - I wrote on your journal but I just want you to know that we are all here for you :hugs: I can't imagine what's going through your head since it's so uncertain but like Sleepy I'm feeling little bean is just a little behind. :hugs::hugs:

preg - sounds like a straight forward appointment, bet you are excited for the first scan! Your vacation sounds lovely, any plans?

Pino - can't say that happens to me but now when I go, I get a bit of brownish or light pink cm which is why I had the bloodwork. Is your cervix irritated maybe?

Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? We are going camping and staying with our inlaws (luckily they have a trailer and we'll be in a tent).
This weekend we are celebrating my birthday, OH's birthday, my nephews 2nd birthday, fathers day and Canada Day!!! I'm excited to give the kids their Hawaii gifts even I'd I didn't get the right genre of shark!!

Country, for the record still not a peep out of my clinic. OH chatted with his friend who is also going through fertility treatments and his clinic has not moved this fast. The friend said it sounds like our clinic is rushing us to the ivf route.

Personally I'm starting to feel that something must be very medically wrong with me.
Ok you guys. I need some more advice :blush: TMI. You know when you are on your period and you go number 2? :blush: and when you push it kinda hurts the cervix, like it is almost sore? :blush: well the last 2 days I have been feeling like this when going to the restroom :blush:. Do you think there is something wrong with me? It has never happened before besides when I am on my period. I feel fine after I go, and before I go, but while I am going is the problem :blush:.
I´ve experienced that. Sometimes when I´m having an extra heavy AF...

Fingers crossed for you lxb, I hope it´s just still too early. :hugs:

I went to the midwife today.
Nothing much happened, she asked a bunch of questions, and gave me some pamphlets.
She tried listening to the heartbeat, but we couldn´t hear anything.
She said it´s likely it´s still too early.
Then she sent me to a blood exam, and that was it for today.
Next appointment is at the hospital for a sonar on the 16th of july, and then on the 27th again with the midwife.
No news is good news?

I miss ya guys.
Working like crazy these days. (I have a vacation coming up from the 5th to the 16th of july),.

Preg - Sounds like an uneventful visit, but you're right. No news is good news!! July 16th will be here before you know it. I hope you're still getting your rest in with your crazy work schedule. I bet you are looking forward to that much needed vacation!
Yea. I´m getting my rest in. I slept until 8am this morning, went to sleep again at 3pm and slept until 7pm. I should be alright on my night shift later.
Little bean is stretching like crazy these days, but uncharacteristically I´m also queasy today. I´m going to eat broiled chicken later and hope it goes away :)
I´m letting my boss know tomorrow, but apparently this is no problem, as long as I feel fit and healthy, I can fly until 26 weeks. (middle of october).

haribo - Lots of people say birthdays get harder as you get older but the more you have, the longer you live! They're good for you! You may not feel like you have much to celebrate but you have come a long way in your quest for a BFP and I'm sure there are other things you just aren't thinking of. Enjoy your 31st birthday trip! You deserve it! And the baguettes and cheese sound delicious, please have some extra for me! :cake: I'm doing well and will probably just come straight out with the news since everyone will probably be shocked enough lol

Sleepy - Saturday morning can't come soon enough! I'll have to pop on to check for it!

Sashimi - lol @ starburst pee! I sure hope the clinic gets back to you soon. It seems like anything that they make money on they are super attentive and something like 'talking' is not a priority.

lxb - I wrote on your journal but I just want you to know that we are all here for you :hugs: I can't imagine what's going through your head since it's so uncertain but like Sleepy I'm feeling little bean is just a little behind. :hugs::hugs:

preg - sounds like a straight forward appointment, bet you are excited for the first scan! Your vacation sounds lovely, any plans?

Pino - can't say that happens to me but now when I go, I get a bit of brownish or light pink cm which is why I had the bloodwork. Is your cervix irritated maybe?

Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? We are going camping and staying with our inlaws (luckily they have a trailer and we'll be in a tent).

Vacation plans are: hang out with OH in denmark :) Basically he´ll be working, but we´ll have the evenings and weekends together.
This weekend we´re going to his parents summer house. We´re leaving tomorrow morning, right after my shift, and staying until saturday afternoon when I have to go home again to be ready on my standby shift.

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