Could use a buddy

Sashimi - Have fun this weekend~~

Sleepy - Hoping your temp will stay up!!! C'mon BFP!!!

Preg - Anytime with OH is nice~ Have fun~~ Happy Lime week! :dance:

Pino - FX for you~~~

country - Have fun camping!!!

lauren - boo af! :gun: and that fire!!

haribo - have fun in france!

treasured - where have you been??

1 more hour 'til leaving work~~ I'll check BnB if I have wireless access~ hehe.. else I'll catch up with you gals later~~ I miss you all already!! :hugs:
This weekend we are celebrating my birthday, OH's birthday, my nephews 2nd birthday, fathers day and Canada Day!!! I'm excited to give the kids their Hawaii gifts even I'd I didn't get the right genre of shark!!

Country, for the record still not a peep out of my clinic. OH chatted with his friend who is also going through fertility treatments and his clinic has not moved this fast. The friend said it sounds like our clinic is rushing us to the ivf route.

Personally I'm starting to feel that something must be very medically wrong with me.

What a fun weekend you have planned!!! I hope the shark goes over well even if it is the wrong type, lol!

That's really terrible if the clinic is just trying to rush you into IVF. Such an invasive procedure (as well as the lap surgery) without giving you the time you need to ask questions and process everything. Are there other clinics that you could go to instead of this one or because you've done everything through them so far, you should stick with them? It really does seem good that you are taking some time off. Definitely not something to rush! I hope they call you soon so you can get some of your questions answered.
Hellllloooo ladies!

Sorry I've been away. I feel really overwhelmed with my return to work and my new role. Lots of mixed emotions on top of my company undergoing huge structural and leadership changes... Plus my BF works with me and I am grieving our work-free friendship (we met as co-workers and are co-workers again but I looooved the time we had away from work).

lxb - I know I said this on your journal, but we are here for you and I'm holding a vision of a happy, healthy, beautiful popcorn that you'll be able to see next time!! Have an amazing time on your trip and know that we are here. Take good care of yourself and keep thinking positive!

haribo - I know what you mean about birthdays!! I thought I would have a baby before 27. I never wanted to be the age my mom was when she had me (27)--not sure why! Hang in there. Your BFP awaits!

Sleepy - Those temps are looking mighty fine!! I will be stalking your chart intensely, urging the temps to stay sky high!

Pino - I don't get the sore cervix when I have AF....I used to get kind of a pulling feeling in my uterus and vagina during and before AF--like a heaviness or something. A real downward energy. That has totally changed since I did acupuncture. If you're concerned, take it to your doc, but a lot of those weird sensations down there are normal.

preg - Sounds like the scan wasn't crazy exciting but no news is good news for sure! I thought it took a while to hear the heartbeat, too.

Sashimi - That weekend sounds amazing!! I'm getting really annoyed with your clinic!! I hate the feeling of being rushed into something. You could always go to another doctor for a second opinion after you speak with your regular doc at the clinic. When I saw my gyno last week for a second opinion on the endo I left feeling really relieved.

Country - Another camping weekend! Yeehaw! :) Sounds fun. We have no plans--I need to SLEEP and relax! And probably clean the apartment... My top priority this weekend will be rest and relaxation.
PS I have to go in at 7:30 am tomorrow for another u/s and I am NOT looking forward to it! My work day today was super duper emotional and the last thing I want is to have a rod stuck up there while I have AF! Lol. I am really looking forward to this week ending.
Lauren - :hugs: Sorry you had such a rough day and that you have to have that scan tomorrow especially when you have AF!!! I hope your Friday is better/smoother. I hope you treat yourself this weekend and relax and recover from the week. You have been dealing with alot since you started back at work and all so quickly!
Thank you Sleepy!! I am at the clinic right now and the couple across from me have a beautiful baby. Sounds like they did FET or IVF or something.

Ok update it looks like I have more cysts now, on the other side :( the tech jut told me that my ovaries are swollen with cysts and that they're swollen enough that they are touching :( :( :(. I have a feeling a lap is going to be my only option! I dont think I can opt for that now, since just starting back at work.
Sashimi - sounds like a killer weekend you have planned! Hope you have a blast and your shark gift works out lol Your clinic is totally ridiculous and it definitely sounds like they want to rush you to ivf. It makes me wonder if maybe you have a better chance of getting pg on your own and they just wanted to rush the process with ivf? Regardless, you'll have a great summer and can maybe look for a different clinic or finally get answers from this one.

preg - enjoy your vacation, sounds lovely :)

lxb - we'll miss you! Check in when you can and I know I'll be thinking of you bump buddy :hugs:

lauren - glad your job has come but hoping it calms down soon. Yay for sleep! I'm definitely planning an early night tonight :) That's crazy cysts! Can they cause other problems? I wish you guys had healthcare like we do here. Would that mean they are blocking eggs from getting down? Sorry you have all this Lauren, it must be hard especially on AF and with the nonsense at your job. Can someone give this girl a break?!?! :hugs::hugs:

Sleepy - you are sweet :) Can you just test already though, 13dpo and your temp is still up! :test:
Thank you Sleepy!! I am at the clinic right now and the couple across from me have a beautiful baby. Sounds like they did FET or IVF or something.

Ok update it looks like I have more cysts now, on the other side :( the tech jut told me that my ovaries are swollen with cysts and that they're swollen enough that they are touching :( :( :(. I have a feeling a lap is going to be my only option! I dont think I can opt for that now, since just starting back at work.

Not what we were trying to hear :( You really have been dealing with so much - I hope like Country said that you can just catch a break. At least you have more information now about what is going on and you can begin making moves in the right direction. We're here for you if you need to vent/talk/etc. I hope you treat yourself this weekend - you deserve it!
Lauren hope you are okay. I'm sure it's not what you wanted to hear, but just remember all this stuff can be treated and fixed! Hope they give you more info soon!

My clinic emailed me back after I left another message and sent another email. I'm booked for a chat with my doctor in a couple of weeks and they confirmed that I can do the lap possibly in mid September.

I feel like fertility visits are like an addiction so I also emailed te nurse and asked if I should hold off on further IUIs until the lap or go for a 4th try. I think of my SIL and Sleepy's SIL who all got BFPs on their 4th try. But then there is the other part of me who just isn't ready for another heartbreak. I still think a ttc break is best for my sanity.
Country-- No plans this weekend, except grocery shopping :haha: Have fun camping!! I am jealous :haha:

SashimiMimi—Lot’s of birthdays to celebrate!! Let’s hope gifts don’t get mixed up :haha: you might end up getting hot wheels :rofl: I think everyone starts to feel like there is something wrong at one time or another. I hope it is nothing :hugs: About time the clinic got back to you!! At least now you will find out what road to take, and why. Don’t let them push you without giving you answers.

Preg_Pilot--- Make sure you get lots of rest! Have lots of fun on your vacation!! :hugs:

Lxb--- Have a whole bunches of fun for me LOL :hugs: :dance: Try to et away from this horrible heat!!

Lauren--- Sorry work has been so overwhelming! I hope you make time to get a breath in :hugs: It’s normal to get emotional, especially after just getting AF. We are all here for you :hugs: Did the Dr’s say why they think you are getting more cysts? Or the cause of it? I hope they go away, and you get your much needed BFP without the lap, but if push comes to shove, what do you feel about they entire situation? What I mean is don’t try to force yourself to be ok with something you aren’t take time to scope things out. :hugs:

Sleepy--- I hope your temps stay high, and no more even slight drops!! :dance:

Haribo--- I hope you are having lots of fun in France

Treasured—I hope you are doing ok. :hugs:

So I have been in a really cranky mood since I woke up. I am tired, and irritated. My stomach is upset, and I am cramping. I am afraid AF seems to be on her way already. It’s really confusing me. My temp went up today. OH seems to be really into this whole TTC thing all of a sudden. I think it is great, but very overwhelming. He is sure this is my month. It is a lot of pressure on my uterus.
Hi everyone,

Sorry ive not been on in a while I was down south for the last few days.

Sash & Lauren- so sorry about AF, I know how you both are feeling right now, Im resenting AF this month so much more than ever before... ill explain below. hope youre both holding out!

lxb- sooo sorry that your scan wasnt very conclusive, but thats not neccessarily a bad thing! it will just be too small at the moment, FX for you sooo much!

pino- how are you doing, great to hear about your family coming to visit that will deffinately take your mind off all this, although some of the things like your temps sound positive! never had the number 2 think, sorry :(.

so.... basically my trip was a complete disaster. AF showed on the first day so I was pretty down about that but I was with my friend who doesnt know Im TTC so couldnt even say anything or show I was upset. Then I just got over the fact it had arrived and was quite enjoying myself when I had a really heavy bleed which made me run to the toilet and as I was in such a rush my brand new £500 phone fell out my pocket and into the toilet. :cry: why does AF ruin EVERYTHING? so this put me in a bad mood the whole time and I just didnt see any point in being there...

then to make it worse there was crazy weather so all our trains were canceld, resulting in me having to stay another night away from home and travel all day and night. I just wished I was back in bed with OH and just needed a cuddle so much. Ive held all my emotions in for so long and I just need to cry I think. :nope: Sorry, I'm feeling really sorry for myself and I know you all have so many things on your minds too but I just needed to blurt all this out to you guys cause I know you will cheer me up :)

I guess this month I should start temping and stuff but I actually just feel like im loosing hope and feel like I cant be bothered anymore... but I suppose if I dont do everything I can I cant be disapointed when AF shows. :shrug:

once again sorry for my depression post and I hope everyone elses spirits are up :) :hugs: xxxx
I'm just back from a 4 course meal, wow, i definitely have a food baby if nothing else! France is great, we've taken some friends out too so is great to spend time with them properly. Lots of chilling by the food and lazy days.

Ah Treasured, sorry you're having a tough time of it, we all know how galling it is when AF wrecks the party so please don't apologise. I hope since you're back you're starting to feel a bit better. I suggest giving temping a go and seeing how you find it for a month-for me it has taken some of the agony out of getting AF as i know it's coming when temp drops so don't get my hopes up like i used to only to get nasty BFNs...

Lxb, sorry about your news, but i too have every faith that it's just too soon. In the UK they don't do any scan until 12 weeks so it is very early days. You are such a positive lady, that attitude is brilliant and you will be rewarded for it, you also do a great job of lifting all our spirits too so thank you. We are always here for you if you need us.

Lauren, sad news. You poor thing, do you know what next steps are? Hope you cN still have a relaxing weekend.

Pino hope you're feeling a bit better.

Sleepy i am really keeping everything crossed for you and hoping this is your month.

Country i hope you enjoy camping! Let us know how your news goes down! So exciting.

Pregpilot enjoy your time in denmark with your OH.

Sashimi, whatever you choose to do treatment wise is best for you both, if you feel like it go for it but if you want a break, i'm sure that is a good thing too-you know best. Sometimes when we're least trying things work out bett than we could have imagined. Hope the pressies are a big success!

I don't have much news except that found out my fertility specialist appointment has been rescheduled for my birthday! Seems weirdly appropriate! Still, 6 weeks earlier than i previously thought which is good.

Hey ladies,

Quick check in for now as I'm still at work and totally exhausted. THANK YOU so much for your love and support. It means the world to me. I don't think I have more cysts after all--she said they are stable. But the ovary thing is new. I need to make an appointment with the doctor to talk about the 'next steps'...I know you're all right, and that there are options and that this can likely be fixed. I am just T.I.R.E.D. right now and not wanting to deal with all of this!! Overall, I am willing and ready to do the lap, it just feels like crazy timing because I'm back at this job really needing to stake my claim and mark out my territory so to speak (wow sounds so aggressive!). Anyway, I may just push it a month or two if a lap is suggested. If IVF is the only option my doc recommends then I think I'll just forget about TTC for now and stop spending $$ on tests and OPKs and visits and just do what Sashimi is doing--enjoy the summer! Trying to stay positive but right now it's tough. Since I'm so exhausted I feel I can't really bring my best self. I am sure it will get better. Just wanting to rest and wanting it all to go away...

Thank you again and I will check in more this weekend :hugs:.
Treasured--- Sorry your small vacation didn’t go so well!! :hugs: Don’t lose hop though, your time will come :hugs:

Haribo--- Glad you are having a nice time in Paris. Take some pictures for us! :hugs:

Lauren—I am glad you don’t have more cysts! Hopefully they will be able to get everything figured out, even if it does mean a lap. Staking your claim doesn’t sound aggressive at all! A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do! Kick their butts LOL :hugs:

So I woke up at 3:00AM with a stomach ache and heartburn. I thought it was later so I took my temp and it broke my heart seeing 97.73. :cry: So I go back to bed, and I wake up my OH and told him how it went lower. He laughed at me and I got so mad!! Until he told me that it was only 3 LOL. So I use the bbt adjuster and it came out to 98.38. I went back to bed,and when I woke up at my normal time at 6, guess what, my temp was 98.38 :dance: So the adjuster does work!! Today is my shopping day, so I probably won't be able to check in until later.

You girls have a great day!! :hugs:
Pino - Yayyy to the high temp!!! I have found that, overall, the adjuster works too! And heartburn is a good sign :)

treasured - I'm so sorry AF rained on your parade!! Haribo is right--we have all been there and are usually there monthly, so don't apologize! :) That's rotten about your phone. I hope that being home now is giving you some relief.

haribo - Well, I have to meet with my doc to discuss next steps. I'm 99.9% sure that she wil just say that she wants to do IVF, which I can't do right now. My HOPE is that she either says that it's great the cysts are stable so we can try a few meds or something for a couple of cycles, or that she wants to do a lap and feels confident that it will help. My greatest fear is that she'll say that there's nothing she can do for me, that a lap would be too risky, and that I have no options. I will keep you all posted! Knowing my clinic, it'll be ages until I actually get to sit down with her.

AFM, woke up with a crazy high temp. I think it's a fluke since my temps are usually at their lowest at this point, but I hope it doesn't mean that I'm coming down with something. I really pushed my energy this week and last and I just can't afford to be sick!
Lauren, that temp is nuts!! I hope your not getting sick!!! :hugs:
Thank you, Pino! I just CAN'T get sick right now, lol. That's all I need!! Yours are looking really nice! Can't wait to keep stalking them... :)
LOL thanks!! Every morning I see my temp, and I wish I could go back to sleep until the next day so time goes faster LOL. This waiting thing is killing me!!!
Yes the wait is awful! Does look like you Oed though at some point, so Fx for you!
Well when I look at my chart FF says I ovulated on Day 20, but I wonder if I Od on day 17... I'm not sure, but wither way happy I od LOL

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