Could use a buddy

Totally understandable!! Plus that terrible shooting - probably has your mind spinning. I hope you are able to get some rest this weekend, maybe some yoga, breathing exercises or meditation? Not sure what would work at putting your mind at ease, but I suppose anything is worth a try. Sometimes it's so hard to calm our minds when we are doing something to unfamiliar. I hope you're able to find some peace before your head into your lap. I'll definitely be praying for you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way. :hugs:
lauren- sooo crazy that your lap is moving so quickly!! but id take it as a really good thing :) you will finally hopefully know what is preventing your bfp and then they can fix it! Ive had two major bowel surgeries but each time I was really ill, it must be strange going to talk about an operation that you have to get without even being sick, but it will be worth it :). how long do you have to stay in hospital for or is it a day procedure? you will do just fine! how long has it been now since you began ttc? sorry for all the questions, just trying to work out how long I should wait before trying tests. although on the NHS here im pretty sure you have to be over 23 in order to qualify for some treatments such as IVF. :(.

sashimi- sorry about your news but its also great that you are no longer stuck in a rut about where to go from here... IVF is a big step! I dont know much about it tbh, have you always had a low reserve or is that somthing which can happen over time? do you think you will wait until september? its so unfair that it has come to this stage for you :( It angers me so much that some 16 year old idiots that dont deserve to be parents get it so easily where as people like you that want nothing more have to go through so much trouble to get there! and so much money too, its not cheap TTCing... Ive spent more money on OPKS and HPTS than I have on clothes recently haha!

pino- are you still using your fertility monitor? what is that saying about O? what day do you usually O?

lxb- im so glad the bleeding and cramps are easing off and you can begin to start fresh :) I think you and DH should totally spoil yourselves! did the doctor say you have to wait a few cycles or anything before restarting TTC? hope your okay :)

sleepy- i know its early! not getting too bothered about it anyway, its so annoying that HPTs dont work sooner :(, good to have family over you get to keep busy and take your mind off any TTC worries!

no news from me really, no AF yet and on 10dpo wooo! still sore boobs but thats it really, although i think ive caught my mums sore throat :( sucks being sick!!
Ok so time for me to properly catch up :hugs:

Counrtygirl--- Have LOADS of fun camping!! I am so jealous :haha:

Lxb--- I think everyone is a bit naïve about TTC at the beginning. Hell I expected to get it w/in the first couple of months :shrug:. I see It as even though we all have been trying so long, and have had losses, we will cherish our bundle of joy 1000 times more than everyone else… Have you decided if you want to cut your hair?? I have been trying to grow mine out. I vowed I would never go short again. Mostly because It was really short until I was a Sophmore in highschool. My dad made me keep it short cause instead of biting nails as a habit I would chew on my hair. :haha:

Sleepy—I laughed at your “I hope I get pregnant this month” The irony of it. Maybe if we go through a month saying we don’t want to get pregnant… Use reverse psychology on our bodies :haha:

Haribo--- When is you fertility apt??

Ladyf--- :hi: I wasn’t here with you at the beginning, but I hope everything works out :hugs: Keep us updated on the steps. :hugs:

SashimiMimi--- Don’t be worried about being a light weight when it comes to drinking. The people that aren’t is because they drink on a regular basis. I am a horrible light weight. I can’t do to sleep drunk. If it is not out of my system before I lay down, I will throw up cause of the spinning :haha: Also EVERYONE on my facebook seems to have kids. Most got prego right after high school. I know this one person who had a baby 3 years ago, and just gave birth to twins unassisted. She is the same age as me and already has 3 kids…WTF?? :shrug:… I’m really sorry you didn’t hear what you wanted form the Dr. At least you got answers, and you know your next step, even if you really didn’t think it would come to this. Sometimes knowing that people you see everyday go through the same struggles does help. You are not alone in your journey unless you choose to be. :hugs:

Treasured---I don’t tell anyone I am TTC either because I know I would get A LOT of grief over my age. Everyone I know either already has kids (by accident) Or at the clubs every night. We are just a bit mature compared, and want our family sooner and planned…. Dying my hair was a drastic change, but I love it!... Did you decide to do the play?? It sounds like fun, and distracting from our obsessive tendencies :haha:… You sound like me… A POAS addict :haha: How was the movie??

Sleepy--- I really liked the books. They are a bit repetitive, but they def. got me on the mood ALL the time. It turned OH on knowing I was reading it. It also brought a bit of spice into the bedroom :haha:

Lauren--- Sorry AF got you!! As for the pos. Do you think it was a chemical It is extremely rare to get a false positive, especially more than one. Your LAP is so soon!! I wouldn’t worry about the risk of dieing. It is a VERY rare risk. Think about it this way. There are A LOT of women that go through what we do, even if it doesn’t feel like it. The Dr’s probably do this surgery often, and they know what they are doing. That being said. You have to let us know right as you are going in, and then after you wake up. I know that I for one will worry, and have everything crossed at the same time :hugs:

I hope I got everyone!!

So my temp went down a bit again today, and I am ok with that. Last month I also had my temp go above the coverline CD15. Last month I ovulated CD20, so we will wait and see. I am still using the monitor, and it is low fertility. Seriously either I am broken, or that monitor was a complete waste of money. :shrug: I am feeling ok today. It rained yesterday, but of course in this AZ heat it dried up pretty quickly, so OH didn’t get the day off. :cry: Nephew has been driving me bonkers. MIL and SIL have a tendancy to send him over here in the afternoon…. So I guess the baby doesn’t sleep very well at night and SIL complains about it ALL the time!!! But it is HER fault. SIL sleeps ALL day. It doesn’t matter if the baby is awake or not, so she doesn’t sleep at night, and the baby wants to stay awake with her. She is one of the most LAZY people I know!! Sorry had to vent :haha:
Wow, a lot of our OHs sound like they can't catch a break!! What does yours do Pino?? I remember you saying doesn't get days off. The lap is at 2 on Tuesday! Thank you for saying you will think of me! I am scared and that helps. They expect it to e 2.5-3 hours log at least! They are doing lap, draining cysts, hysteroscopy, an maybe a D&C! Wowzer. Hope they give me good pain meds. Anyway, you're right, my doc does this every Tuesday and I don't think shes lost a patient yet!
Lauren-- My OH works on a ranch out here. Right now they are cutting hay, and planting cotton.... Of course I will be thinking of you!! Remember, the longer it takes the more thorough they are being.Tell them you don't mind them overdoing the drugs at first :haha:
ughhh I just wrote a longggg post and my computer screwed up and deleted it! no way im re writing it!

so AF got me :( so angry this month we did every thing right! im starting to really worry...

pino- i totally understand about the grief for being young thing, who is anyone to tell us what we should do with our lives? I decided not to take the play and Im kinda glad cause ive come down with really bad flu so I wouldnt have been up to it anyway, would have been a good expereince though!

i had a chat with OH about the fact that the NHS wont even consider people under 23 for certain procedures such as IVF, which means if we cant conceive naturrally it will be atleast another year and ahalf before we can even try. his response was 'oh well, we will just have to keep trying' ARGGGG! i hate his laid back approach while im dying every month!

I wanna just curl up into a ball today but my family are coming round for dinner and Im cooking so I wont be able to :( I want to just get away by myself for a while and scream where noone can hear me haha! god im so sorry for myself today! apologies :) :hugs:
i also bought a basal body thermometer so I will start temping, although probably best to wait till my flu goes away!
treasured - I really think that temping will help!! If nothing else, having a chart with symptoms and AF signs and spotting and all of that will show you your pattern over time so that if you do go in for testing and help you'll be able to tell the doc what you've already found. I'm sorry AF got you :( Also, I can't believe there's an age minimum for IVF!! Although I imagine that until you get further testing you won't need to consider it. You may not need it at all--you could have something very simple going on that can be corrected with a med or simple procedure. Take time for yourself before your dinner tonight!
Treasured--- I know what you mean. Just because we are more mature than most people our age should not mean that we shouldn't be able to reach our dreams. As for IVF I agree we should be able to do it if or when we are ready!! I turn 22 next month, so we are close in age!! Sorry AF and the flu got you, that it not good timing at all!! The temping should help you pin point ovulation better, it does for me. I always thought I ovulated a lot sooner than I actually do, and OPK's never gave me a full positive, probably cause I was using them waaayy to early. You are allowed to be sorry for yourself, we all know I have a full blown pity party every month for about half the month :haha:. Hopefully having dinner with your family will cheer you up a bit, unless they are my family of course :haha:

So my temp spiked high today, and late yesterday and today I am having pains in my right ovary, so hopefully I am timing this all right!! My OH has the entire day off today so we will be having as much :sex: as possible, as he would say, hopefully he does not break :haha: I got to love him!!

We are just staying in today and spending some quality time together

On a side note, does any one else not get EWCM?? I mean if I do I don't notice, as I don't want my finger up me all day :haha: But I do have watery cum. Is this normal??
Treasured--- I know what you mean. Just because we are more mature than most people our age should not mean that we shouldn't be able to reach our dreams. As for IVF I agree we should be able to do it if or when we are ready!! I turn 22 next month, so we are close in age!! Sorry AF and the flu got you, that it not good timing at all!! The temping should help you pin point ovulation better, it does for me. I always thought I ovulated a lot sooner than I actually do, and OPK's never gave me a full positive, probably cause I was using them waaayy to early. You are allowed to be sorry for yourself, we all know I have a full blown pity party every month for about half the month :haha:. Hopefully having dinner with your family will cheer you up a bit, unless they are my family of course :haha:

So my temp spiked high today, and late yesterday and today I am having pains in my right ovary, so hopefully I am timing this all right!! My OH has the entire day off today so we will be having as much :sex: as possible, as he would say, hopefully he does not break :haha: I got to love him!!

We are just staying in today and spending some quality time together

On a side note, does any one else not get EWCM?? I mean if I do I don't notice, as I don't want my finger up me all day :haha: But I do have watery cum. Is this normal??

I never noticed any EWCM in my case, but I only had 1 month of tracking it so...
treasured - So sorry af got you this month. Doing all that we can is all that we can do! I think your little bean is just playing a little hide and seek with ya~ August will be a beautiful month for bfp! And BBT definitely helps! It can keep you sane (kinda)... haha... it might at times make you obsess about your chart! :haha: I'm all for BBT as it helps me know my cycle :thumbup:

lauren - :hugs: hope you're able to find ways to calm your mind! DH & I went to watch the Batman last night... and by the end of it.. I kept thinking about the shooting!! :wacko: I hope that all goes well and I know it will. And all these will just be another step closer to your bfp :)

pino - :haha: chewing on your hair! I've had short hair for a few years (really short.. like a boy's hair!). The thing I don't like about that is I would have to wash my hair every morning as it will look all funny when I wake up :shy: and also the "process" of growing it long again where you have to trim every so often. I had the urge to cut it over the weekend but was too busy! Now I love my hair again :haha:

afm, I started to drink grapefruit juice again few days ago (as it helped with ewcm). The very first day I drank it... I didn't mind it at all and thought it tasted pretty good. BUT, I think it's because my body is still not back to normal yet as it made me shrivel every time I drank it before my bfp. When I drank it last night, it made me shrivel again (So that's a good sign).
lxb--- I can't stand grape fruit juice!! ewww :haha: I am a very picky eater and drinker, so I have trouble finding things that I like that help w/ EWCM :shrug:

On another note, I had a really good day yesterday with my OH :sex: galore :haha:. My chart is really confusing me, but my monitor is still high fertility. I am trying not to worry about it to much, but as always I worry I am not going to ovulate :blush:

So something that made my day yesterday-- Me and OH were at our MIL's and my niece wanted to go outside. Well OH picked her up and took her outside where she started to scream, so he gave her to me, and she quieted right down!! :haha: It made me feel so special, and technically she is HIS niece :haha: only mine by marriage. Ohhhh it made my day!!

So how is everyone else??
pino - I dont like grapefruit and certainly don't like grapefruit juice! But it helps with ewcm (i think)~ I just chuck down a glass a day before dinner time (all in one breath!) and do a little shrivel at the end. Then, continue on with my dinner~~ :shy:
Mmmmm I love grapefruits. I have never had grapefruit juice. But I could eat a whole grapefruit in one sitting! Nice work on BDing, Pino. I had a similar experience with my nieces being really excited to see me the other day and not at all concerned about where their uncle was. Lxb, so glad that you've got the shrivels back! LOL!!! Lame that you have to spot for so long, but I'm sure it's good and takes time. Makes me realize how quickly our bodies build a nest for the little egg! I think I had a chemical this month and my AF was heavier and will be longer I think and there were only probably 3 or 4 days after implantation for it to build up! Anyway, way to get back on the horse and drink some juice!!

Afm, feeling nervous still but mostly optimistic. I don't think I'll be free of nerves before the surgery happens, but in 24 hours time it will be over and I'll be drunk on pain meds! I guess that's the good part. Well, I don't know about the meds, not my fave, but the part about it being over soon is good. I talked to two anesthesiologists at the hospital and they were both buoyant, jolly-sounding ladies. The OR room is in the gynecological surgery dept which is really small and the ladies told me that everyone in that department is super nice and light hearted and jolly, lol. They said that everyone in the room treats you as if you're awake--being very, very gentle and respecting your privacy and modesty. And everyone says that you go under and it feels like seconds and you're awake! Still nervous but at least this will be done for good!
Pino - Yay for all that BDing!!

Lxb - Happy to hear your tastebuds are returning back to their normal state. I looove grapefruit juice. So tart and tasty!! I haven't tried using it for TTC purposes although I probably will start soon. It helps increase CM right?

Lauren - Good luck with the lap tomorrow. I hope Everything goes smoothly and that your mind will be at ease. I'll be thinking about you!!

AFM, the beach is great. Love how simple life is at the beach. I could live here forever! No sign of AF but I'm only 10dpo. Totally feel like she's coming though. I hope I'm wrong!!
Mmmmm I love grapefruits. I have never had grapefruit juice. But I could eat a whole grapefruit in one sitting! Nice work on BDing, Pino. I had a similar experience with my nieces being really excited to see me the other day and not at all concerned about where their uncle was. Lxb, so glad that you've got the shrivels back! LOL!!! Lame that you have to spot for so long, but I'm sure it's good and takes time. Makes me realize how quickly our bodies build a nest for the little egg! I think I had a chemical this month and my AF was heavier and will be longer I think and there were only probably 3 or 4 days after implantation for it to build up! Anyway, way to get back on the horse and drink some juice!!

Afm, feeling nervous still but mostly optimistic. I don't think I'll be free of nerves before the surgery happens, but in 24 hours time it will be over and I'll be drunk on pain meds! I guess that's the good part. Well, I don't know about the meds, not my fave, but the part about it being over soon is good. I talked to two anesthesiologists at the hospital and they were both buoyant, jolly-sounding ladies. The OR room is in the gynecological surgery dept which is really small and the ladies told me that everyone in that department is super nice and light hearted and jolly, lol. They said that everyone in the room treats you as if you're awake--being very, very gentle and respecting your privacy and modesty. And everyone says that you go under and it feels like seconds and you're awake! Still nervous but at least this will be done for good!

As one who has "gone under" over 10 times, I can vouch for that.
As soon as you fall asleep, you´re waking up again.
lauren - thinking of you today. :hugs:

sleepy - now I really need to push DH instead planning our beach trip~~ :shy: I hope you're wrong too! (How often do we say that in a non-ttc world :haha:) And yep, grapefruit/grapefruit juice helps ewcm.

preg - 10 times??

afm, STILL have spotting as of last night! been spotting for 6 days now?! Waiting to see if it will stop today :wacko: POAS last night and got +OPK. I guess it detected my hcg level and it's not back down yet because I don't think I can O while spotting :shrug:

u/s & dr. appt today... let's see how it goes!

how are you ladies?
lxb, I think that you can totally O while spotting!! Are you guys going to wait until next cycle to try?
Hi Everyone! I've missed you all!

Lauren - Wow, things have really gone quickly for you since I'd last been on. I agree that it's nice sometimes to have that quick decision to do something like this so you don't have time to fret and stress about it. I'm eagerly awaiting the word that you are awake and ok. It sounds like a great environment to have a procedure like this. Let us know how you are as soon as you can!

Sleepy - Isn't the beach awesome?! It's just so peaceful and serene. Your chart looks great recently, hoping this IS your month! Do you have a dog or were they someone else's?

lxb - I'm not a picky eater but grapefruit and brussel sprouts are where I draw the line! You continue to show us your strength, you will be a great mama for your kids! I'm glad to see your cycle is moving along, your sticky bean isn't far away now :hugs:

Pino - it's such a nice feeling to be wanted by our nieces and nephews isn't it?! You are special so you should enjoy it. Glad you've put that book to good use! Have you read the whole series? Quality time with your DH must have been lovely!

treasured - I'm so glad you are going to start charting! It's amazing how much power I felt I had by simply understanding my body better. I've also had that happen where I'd written a super long post and it just disappeared, I wanted to cry!

Haribo - what's new with you?

ladyf - welcome back! Hoping the process that brings you to your baby is short.

Sashimi - We are having this crazy heat wave thing too. It was nice last week while I was off but DH has to work outside in the heat and I feel terrible for the farmers. I'm glad you got answers at your appointment, sounds like they should have booked that before anything else anyway. Way to take things in your own hands! You must have felt a million times better after talking to the HR lady too. It's funny that we don't realize how many people are affected by infertility but when you start talking about it they seem to come out of the woodwork. When would you be able to start IVF? I've read about low ovarian reserve, it's not optimal but isn't the worst case either. IVF is scary but amazing really.

lol @ the door slamming! I only have a little cubicle type thing but I can slam car doors lol. My holiday was great and so relaxing, I should have taken an extra day off when I got home to get laundry done :dohh: We've told everyone we are going to tell face-to-face, just have to send out an email to my extended family announcing the news. Had the 12 week scan yesterday and all is well. They put me a little ahead of where I was. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow then nothing for a month I think. Hard to believe summer is almost half over!

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