Could use a buddy

By the way I would just like to go on record and say I am so tired of these long ass cycles!!! I am on CD28 and I barely O'd 4 days ago. This is BS. Most normal people would be starting a new cycle by now. I feel like over half of my cycle is just a waste of time.

Sorry I had to get that out!!
Ahhh, I'll marry you lxb! Pleased things are going well for you and the countdown until 1 Sept can begin. It is already August after all-how did that happen by the way? What a process though, you really are a legend for coping so admirably. Hope the spotting eases up.

Well done Treasured on the jobs-you've got yourself into a great position, so fingers crossed you can snap one of them up! I am thinking about applying for a new job this weekend so know how painful those application forms can be...Ha ha your Paris coffee shop dream made me giggle. I've been thinking about it and i would tell your dr that you're ttc, patient confidentiality is pretty strict here and i doubt someone would break it. Plus although this kind of thing seems like a big deal to us, I'm sure not much can surprise doctors and nurses so she'll probably bat it away as if it's nothing.

Welcome RAF, I've not used softcups but heard lots of good things. As for herbal supplements, I've recently put my OH on the zinc-will let you know if we get our BFP this month...13 has always been lucky for me.

Pino I'm not surprised you're sore! Hope OH is on the mend. Did you break him?!

Lauren, well you've got the green light! And I hope this is the start of a baby production line for you-very exciting! Sorry work is so manic-when it rains it pours right?

Sashimi - how are you doing? Have you finished taking the pills or do you have to take them each day?

Hey Sleepy, how are you doing? You are quiet my dear.

Preg, great scan pics and funny you had to wait to see them. Sounds like you have an exciting globetrotter month planned.

Country I really can't wait to see your scan pics-when are you going in?

Update for me is I was asked by fertility specialist team to come in to do blood tests and scans AGAIN and OH a 2nd sperm test-pretty much the same ones we've already done. So i queried it and my local dr rang to check whether they really need to be done again and they do (boring story). So I need to wait until AF starts and go in again for day 1-3 tests and another scan to check follicles (while with AF yuck!). Got some slightly worrying news though-that my FSH was upper limit of normal-they think this might be because I did it on day 5 rather than day 1-3-am hoping so or we will definitely struggle to have our 4 desired kids! Appt has been changed too, so no more visit on my bday-hurrah. Then I'll go and see our chinese medicine woman in sept, hopefully fully armed with all my test results.

That's it really, I am perfectly happy. I'm meant to O this Sunday but have a feeling it'll be a bit later again, temps all over the place this month... xxxx
Haribo--- I might have broke him :haha: but he was under a work truck and He sttod up to quickly and the corner or the bed caught him. It hit his bone, and left a really big bruise. He is feeling a bit better today, but we will see. Glad they are at least putting a move on your testing, but you will be able to enjoy your b-day. Hopefully you will get your BFP before tests while on AF. I know how gross that can be :shrug: but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Many people would be surprised by the lengths us woman would go to get our children!!
I'm having a terrible time getting over this cold. I stayed home from work the past two days, forced myself to go today as I am majorly falling behind. I had a completely overwhelming day at work and as a result of all of this, my super optimistic gung-ho IVF mood has completely dissipated.

I guess I was totally set on having a super healthy month before IVF and now it's off to a terrible start. I can't eat properly because it feels like shards of glass are going down my neck when I swallow anything. I'm still on the pill until Aug 9 and I'm pretty much nauseated 24/7. TMI, but I also throw up a bit every time I brush my teeth! So terrible cold, strep throat and BC pill are not helping me.

Sorry for the long vent ladies, but I'm stressed beyond belief at work and am now questioning my IVF timing. I called my clinic today to see if they could ballpark exactly WHEN we would do the retrieval and transfer and no one called me back. I guess I'm just stressing because I just took 2 days off work and now I have to figure out how I'll explain I need to be off two separate times for the retrieval and transfer... I think I might say I have a pre-op appointment and then I go back a few days later for the actual medical procedure. I just can't give them an exact date which is frustrating, as only my HR person knows the real reason I will be off. Sigh!

I have a massive migraine and keep clenching my teeth! So now all my teeth feel like they are going to fall out! Okay, end of vent!!! I needed to pull the "poor me" act on someone and this board is the only place that will tolerate my antics!! ;)

Haribo, good luck with the next round of fertility appointments. Better to recheck and get proper answers!
pino - longer cycles are frustrating! perhaps there will be a no-show for AF this cycle and you'll get your 50shades baby!! I'm rooting for that bd-streak bean!

haribo - are you SURE you want to marry me?? You can't take back your words!! :haha: :happydance: it's true.. it IS august already! Do you chart your temp? Do you have a link to your temp?? I know for a fact we have some chart stalkers here! Drives me crazy that you temp and I dont get to see it! :haha: perhaps there's a chance you get your BFP this cycle??

sashimi - dear~~ :hugs: sucks to be stuck with a cold at a time like this. could it be a side effect from the medication? vent away~ we're always here to listen!

i've been looking at campfire food! and it's making me hungry! Looking forward to camping this weekend!

Lxb, I will be doing the campfire banana split on my BBQ. Now THAT kind of dessert can cure anything!

I heard back from the clinic and they said they would work around OH being away on Aug 22, either doing it before or after... Ughh!!! I only did this because I thought it would be last week of August!! Oh well, just got to go with the flow and if I respond too well to the meds and the whole thing gets done earlier than I thought, then it was meant to be!
Hey y'all!

lxb - It's a deal--I will BD for you and country will do some crazy BDing for me!! LOL. I have made foil dinners camping and they are delish! I also made french toast once in a pan over a fire--it was amazing!

Sashimi - I wrote you this already but I'm so sorry you feel like garbage!! I am right there with you today and feeling rotten during a crazy time at work can just make a girl feel like the world is unkind! I also started getting a migraine at work and think it's from clenching--even when I realize I'm doing it I can't seem to relax my jaw! Can you stay home tomorrow??

country - I LOLed at what you said--and if this plan works that will be my birthing schedule!!! LOL. The Letrazole will help me ovulate more eggs--2 or 3 instead of 1--and also suppresses estrogen, which is good for me because estrogen feeds endo. Doctor said that there is a very small risk of multiples and that the Letrazole tends to work really well. AND I'm glad you're not leaving us!!! You are so wonderful and I hope our little thread stays together until you're TTCing #2!

Pino - Those long cycles sound like the pits!!! I am glad that you'll see a new doc and hopefully they can offer some insight and possibly get your cycles down to a more reasonable length!

haribo - I am sorry you have to do all the tests again but I'm glad you'll have your birthday free for proper birthday stuff!! We want 4 kids, too!! I don't know if we'll get them, but we want them :)

There was so much more I wanted to respond to but I'm really lacking brain space right now and I forgot. My day at work was absolutely miserable and I can't remember a time when I felt so overworked and maxed out--it's just awful timing!! I feel like I can't take the proper amount of time off of work right now but I think my body is going to force me to if I'm not careful. I may just make it a half day tomorrow. My PIL asked OH and I up to their new cabin this weekend (we missed last weekend's family trip there due to the surgery) and I'm dying to go but I feel like I need to lay flat on the couch for another entire weekend.
PS Even though I have the bombs away to BD I haven't been charting this month and don't know when/if I'll even ovulate....I am def. not expecting an August BFP!
countrygirl - yep, I managed to convince OH that it was better to know than not. He wanted to wait until the moment of birth to know.
I told him, as I´m travelling to USA this summer, and baby clothes are so much cheaper there than here, I would like to use the chance to splurge a bit there.
He saw the sense in that :happydance:

Sash - I hear ya on the cold, I hope you get better soon. :hugs:
Hey ladies! I've been out of commission the past two days since those muscle relaxants have really knocked me out. They definitely are working and my neck feels significantly better - mainly just a bit sore and stiff now. Now we're just sitting in sweltering heat because our AC is broken! The buffoons that came to fix it today didn't fix it and I'm sitting in the dark trying to watch the Olympics and stay cool.

Lauren - I am SO excited for you to start trying and to be popping babies out left and right! I feel like there's a sense of renewed hope after your surgery.

Sashimi - :hugs: So sorry you're feeling so terrible. It's hard to feel positive about things when you are feeling so sick! Don't be too hard on yourself about the diet. I'm sure once you get over this cold you will be right on track.

Pino - Darn those long cycles! We wait enough don't we??

Lxb - Glad to hear the D&C is over. I can't wait for you to start TTC'ing again girl!! Umm and that food looks good! Making me hungry over here lol.

Preg - Loving those bean pictures!!!

Treasured - I hope you get that job. It sounds so rewarding and like you would be really happy in it. Yay for all of us getting new jobs lol.

Haribo - I'm totally obsessed with the Olympics! So jealous you were able to go to some events. Did you have fun??

Okay I'm exhausted - I hope I didn't forget anyone!! I'll try to check back in tomorrow.
Haribo -- how long has your DH been taking zinc? Mine has taken it for almost 2.5 months but we haven't been to a doc since then to have another SA done. Mind you, I don't want to put him through another one of those :|

Country -- On this site, people use the Soft Cups for dtd while ttc, but the box says it's supposed to be for use during periods...I honestly wouldn't use it for that because that seems like a whole lot of mess and trouble when you can just use a pad LOL, but that's just me. I'll just use 'em for holding back the sperm :)

Congrats on your lemon, preg pilot! What amazing u/s photos <3

Thanks for the info on the sperm count remedies. I'll check out that website!
SashimiMimi--- Sorry you have not been feeling well :hugs: Make sure you get some rest, and don&#8217;t overdue it. :hugs:
Lxb--- mmmm that food looks good!! I am jealous!! Where are you going camping?? My family goes to Show Low every summer, and I love it!!

Lauren--- You also need to take it easy! You don&#8217;t want to scare the BFP&#8217;s away. As for not charting, maybe it will all surprise you and you will get the BFP w/out all the nity grity.

Preg_Pilot--- I wouldn&#8217;t be able to wait until the birth either!! To much shopping. Besides I think yellow is an ugly color :haha:

SleepyOwl--- It sucks about the AC. I feel your pain. Ours went out last week, and they just fixed it 3 days ago. Makes you wonder what people did before AC :shrug:

So there is nothing really to report here. Things are just about the same, except we ran out of propane. It seems like we are spending money left and right. It&#8217;s on stuff we need, but still. TTC wise I have an issue taking my BBT. I keep dozing off with the thermometer up my hoohaa. :haha: But I guess I am at least temping LOL. So later I guess I am taking my MIL to the store. It really makes me mad cause she expects me to jump up and do what she needs. It&#8217;s BS. I am so ready to move!!
Ok so random question for all of you. BFP's or not. Me and OH have talked about after our "mythical" baby is here. I want to breastfeed no matter what. OH thought it was a bit weird, but that's cause none of his family has done it. Thinking back, my mom didn't either she partially expressed at first, and then switched to formula. So I was thinking that they might react badly as the are VERY conservative. His family I don't see having much an issue with, but I do see it coming up with mine. I know I will express a bottle a day, just so OH can bond as well, and be able to feed it. IDK I know I totally over think all of this, especially cause I have not gotten my BFP yet :blush:

Anyways. What are your thoughts?
sleepy - glad you're feeling so much better. rest well :)

lauren & sashimi - how are you both feeling today?

pino - i'm all for breastfeeding as well. it's good for the baby and it's good for you too. regardless of what your family thinks... do what's best for you and your baby. and certainly express a bottle for oh for bonding. another bonus... baby's poop doesn't stink with breastmilk! :haha:
Feeling much better, lxb, after getting 11 hours of sleep!! I think I need to do absolutely nothing again this weekend (except BD....), but I am feeling less stressed so far today. :)

Pino, It's so funny that the people around you are so conservative with breastfeeding because where I live it's totally unheard of to NOT breastfeed, and almost every woman I know who's had a baby in the past 10 years has had a completely natural birth--a lot of home births, too! I will absolutely breast feed, though I'm also 98% sure I'll get an epidural and have a hospital birth! I think you just need to do what feels right for YOU. Lxb is right, though--breastfeeding is supposed to be really great for baby and also helps your uterus shrink back up, helps you lose the extra weight from pregnancy, and also provides a whole host of other benefits for you and your baby. On that note, I know that there are all kinds of arguments for natural birth vs. epidural, but in the end I feel like putting myself through the stress and pain would outweigh the benefits of natural. OK! You probably didn't want or need to know all of that, lol. Hope you have a great Friday.
lauren - I think i'll be doing hospital birth too! Still not sure if I'll be having epidural or not (I guess we shall see!)

I think a friend of mine is preggo. I had a feeling that she is preggo when I saw her last week. But I didn't ask her (because I would hate for someone to ask me if i'm not or am not ready to tell). Lately, she has been posting things like.. "woken up by hunger"... or "". And her friends commented that she shouldn't drink coffee etc. And that she couldn't afford to be hungry. I guess we weren't as close as I thought~ Didn't feel so good knowing.. but not knowing. /end of vent
pino- im deffinately all for breast feeding! although I have tiny boobs so dunno if they would make much lmao! but yeah I think theres no better bond between your baby I dont care if it leaves them a little droopy! that is strange that they would have a problem with it! my family have all breastfed so I guess its just normal...

lxb- i totally know what you mean about preggo friends! i had no idea either of my friends were but when they told me my heart sunk every single time. not just because neither of them planned or wanted it but because it is supposed to be my time... being bitter and jealous is just natural for me now... haha. was she trying/in a stable relationship?

sooo I am really excited today cause I got my first proper bfp on my opks :D and its only CD13!! so glad im Oing early, hopefully I will see a temp rise soon to show I have O'd. we have BD today and two days ago when I had EWCM and plan to for the next few days just incase :) O has seemed to come round really quick this month for some reason! hopefully this will have incresaed my LP too woohoo. heres a pic of my OPK so you can clarify that it is positive for me :) ignore the '12' im actually CD13 got a bit mixed up... :happydance:


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treasured - yeah.. she's in a stable relationship and is trying. I'm very happy for her~ I think I'm just feeling a little upset as her other friends know and she didn't tell me. And I thought we have a pretty close friendship. O well~ I will be okay with it~ :thumbup:

yay for +OPK! Time to jump on your OH! :wohoo:
I'm a fan of breastfeeding too. The thought of it still weirds me out, especially the latching part (I've heard it hurts like hell) but I'd still do it anyway. I've already looked at breast pumps and storage containers lol. I would want my DH to feed our baby too, 'cause bonding is very important, especially if he's going to be helping out. I've had two friends who both had babies close together; one was breastfed and the other formula fed. The breast fed one got sick once in about 14 months, while the formula fed one was sick regularly. I know it's just two babies, but that was enough to convince me ;) But it'll all depend on the baby in the end, because one lady i know was all set to breast feed, but her baby didn't latch at all, and then she got mastitis that sent her to the hospital for minor surgery! Yikes!
Ok so random question for all of you. BFP's or not. Me and OH have talked about after our "mythical" baby is here. I want to breastfeed no matter what. OH thought it was a bit weird, but that's cause none of his family has done it. Thinking back, my mom didn't either she partially expressed at first, and then switched to formula. So I was thinking that they might react badly as the are VERY conservative. His family I don't see having much an issue with, but I do see it coming up with mine. I know I will express a bottle a day, just so OH can bond as well, and be able to feed it. IDK I know I totally over think all of this, especially cause I have not gotten my BFP yet :blush:

Anyways. What are your thoughts?

I´ll definitely be breastfeeding. At least for the first 3 months, then I´m going back to work, and will probably need to express for OH feed after that (breastfeeding when I´m at home).
For the first 6 months, breastmilk is very beneficial for the baby. (got all the vitamins, fat and nutrients it needs).

pino- im deffinately all for breast feeding! although I have tiny boobs so dunno if they would make much lmao! but yeah I think theres no better bond between your baby I dont care if it leaves them a little droopy! that is strange that they would have a problem with it! my family have all breastfed so I guess its just normal...

lxb- i totally know what you mean about preggo friends! i had no idea either of my friends were but when they told me my heart sunk every single time. not just because neither of them planned or wanted it but because it is supposed to be my time... being bitter and jealous is just natural for me now... haha. was she trying/in a stable relationship?

sooo I am really excited today cause I got my first proper bfp on my opks :D and its only CD13!! so glad im Oing early, hopefully I will see a temp rise soon to show I have O'd. we have BD today and two days ago when I had EWCM and plan to for the next few days just incase :) O has seemed to come round really quick this month for some reason! hopefully this will have incresaed my LP too woohoo. heres a pic of my OPK so you can clarify that it is positive for me :) ignore the '12' im actually CD13 got a bit mixed up... :happydance:

I don´t think you need to worry about tiny boobs :)
My mom was a cup size A before pregnancy, but by the end she was up to DD´s... they shrunk back down to size B afterwards.

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