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Cupid, make my valentine a BFP! February Testers Unite! 56 and counting!

Oh no Dowd :dohh: the only way I could stop myself from testing last month was to only buy 2 tests, used the first on 11dpo and didnt want to waste the other one so I waited for AF to show. If I had more tests I would have tested every day :haha:
HAHAHA!!!! Sirens calling lol That is so funny!

And I have a drawer full of cheapies that basically came with my ovulation tests.

I had another super sharp stabbing pain on the left side this evening just like I had at 4 dpo. And now it's back to dull achey/twingy/pinchy feelings again.

My bestie said her implantation cramping lasted 5-7 days with her first... I thought it was weird that mine has been going on for 4 straight days.

Oh and I swear my boobs are fuller. I am spilling out of my bra, today.

I don't want to breathe or cough or move. I am so scared I'm going to do something wrong if there really is a baby trying to burrow in.
HAHAHA!!!! Sirens calling lol That is so funny!

And I have a drawer full of cheapies that basically came with my ovulation tests.

I had another super sharp stabbing pain on the left side this evening just like I had at 4 dpo. And now it's back to dull achey/twingy/pinchy feelings again.

My bestie said her implantation cramping lasted 5-7 days with her first... I thought it was weird that mine has been going on for 4 straight days.

Oh and I swear my boobs are fuller. I am spilling out of my bra, today.

I don't want to breathe or cough or move. I am so scared I'm going to do something wrong if there really is a baby trying to burrow in.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who trys not to cough etc when thinking there may be a baby! All your signs sound very promising, good luck! Xx
I also have a drawer full of cheapies...7 dpo today and really really really want to resist testing until Feb! BFNs are just soul destroying for me.
Aww Dowd - 7dpo is too early, but I understand how you feel. Waiting for 2 weeks feels like an eternity! I only got one test yesterday since I already bought some online, now I'm waiting for them to come home tomorrow and will be testing every day leading up to a darker line or af.

I no longer have the aching in my ovary, but I have back pain at times and mild menstrual cramping every other day.
Well I'm still waiting to ovulate but I'm getting the usual pains and aches plus has more cm today --- wouldn't egg white as it seemed thicker than that?? But it was a bit stretchy so what would that be called?? I'm rubbish at this cm monitoring thing!!
Baby d- I really think CM varies a lot. I notice my EWCM is thicker when I don't drink enough water. Definitely BD anytime you see something that even resembles fertile CM!!!

Wishnandhopin- <3 I used to feel like that, too. Now I just expect them. I think I would literally faint if I actually saw a positive.

teacup- thx!
Is it slick feeling and stretches atleast a half an inch between fingers? If so it is ew no matter if clear or white. Otherwise if it is just forming little peaks that stay on the fingers that is creamy. If a mix, go with the more fertile in the mix.

3dpo here and putting out some more creamy myself- norm for me. Still sleepy and snacking on a few brazil nuts and my slice of pineapple a day. My timing was fab, and I used preseed before every insemination so got a pretty positive feeling.
I am torn whether to keep temping or not. Lower temps will stress me, higher temps will make me more excited so I dunno.

As for coughing or sneezing or whatnot. There is not much of anything your body normally does that can prevent implantation. We all stress about every little thing when we want the baby so bad but stress hurts everything. So best not to stress.
Thanks CP! In my brain I know you're correct. But logic ceases to exist where TTC is concerned lol

So glad your timing was good!!!! I know charting really is a mixed bag. On the one hand when the temps go up it relieves stress, but when they go down it makes it worse.... I guess you have to decide if not temping will drive you more crazy than temping. Will you be wondering what your temps are doing?
It will prolly depend on tonight's temp. If it is in the 99's then I will prolly chart on, but it is only in the 98's I will prolly not. I don't need the extra stress. Last cycle I hated my 2ww temps with a passion. My first couple days were great but after that they were all over.
Great temp today Cp! And you got your crosshairs! My temp was .5 lower today, may ovulation? Im so confused with that positive opk. I usually get 2 days of positives and ovulate the third. I hope i o today cause we bd last night! Im getting ewcm today, but it could be left over from bd. My opk is about the same as yesterday morning. Dark but not a positive. So if o isn't today, i think it will be soon.
sounds good Curly. Hope you see that rise tomorrow!
Oh wow! Things got busy in here! Haha go February!

I'm on CD5 and day two of Clomid, 150mg. And not eating low carb at all hahah but oh well!!!
8dpo and my whole family except hubby have a sickness and diarrhea bug. It is so difficult being ill and trying clean up after all the kids when they're ill. At least it takes away from early symptom spotting.
28329- That's horrible! I hope you all feel better, soon!

jessthemess- Yay! I hope you get a nice strong O!!! Low carb is the worst! I always lose weight, but feel like a zombie when I try it.

CP- your temp looks great, today! Yay for crosshairs! :)
alrighty poohbear. I'll get you updated as soon as I can :)
Your temps look great Cppeace. Fx you get a sticky bean.

Afm, I'm feeling frustrated as my cm has turned creamy and no positive opk. Feeling like this cycle isn't going to pan out.
Oh no, Krissie :( I hope this cycle turns around for you!

This is the longest TWW, ever! I am 8dpo, today. Still somewhat twingy/crampy on the left side, but less than yesterday, although it's starting to pick up, now. I'm also still having very very sensitive nipples. Just the tips. My puppy keeps walking on my boobs when I'm laying down and it hurts!!!!

I'm not sure when to test. I was hoping to wait til February 1st, but I just don't see that happening lol

What do y'all think?
Sorry your body isn't cooperating Krissie. Hope it gets with the program soon.

Dowd, I'd try to hold out till 10 dpo if at all possible.

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