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Cupid, make my valentine a BFP! February Testers Unite! 56 and counting!

Yay for the Positive OPK Nita, busy weekend ahead for you ;)

CD10 for me so a little early for Ovulation but the line is getting gradually darker!

Cppeace! HELP!..........again :) You're so good at all this stuff so hope you dont mind.
Im still eating the brazil nuts, when did you switch to the Pineapple? After Ovulation? Cheers.

Happy Friday Ladies!!
Cppeace that is a great chart! I once had a stark white BFN at 13 dpo followed by a BFP at 17 dpo, so I should know better by now than to test early. And yet here I am at 8 dpo getting the itch to test...

I always do my opks with fmu, mostly for convenience, but also because I drink a lot of water and my urine is too diluted to get a positive later in the day. Sometimes I get 2 days of positives but it seems to work fine.
No ovulation yet. I am now marking the opk from the other day as negative and Im going to wait for my true positive. Maybe today!
Good morning all :) Tb, that is definitely positive. If you usually test with fmu then accept it as positive. If not test again a a couple hours to be certain.

Kiwi, the brazil nuts are fine all cycle as long as you don't od on em lol. Pineapple should be started as soon as you are sure you ovulated and continued until 11dpo or you get a bfp.

4dpo and feeling good but that could be because I've not vacated the bed yet lol.
Cheers Cppeace!
I totally OD'd on CD1 I reckon I ate about 250grams of the blimmin things and I was thinking, how the hell do people eat that many nuts haha. Now i've settled for around 8 a day - much easier!
Will get the pineapple in the shopping trolley this weekend.

I sooooo hope there are alot of BFPs this month. Little Valentine beans!
Yeppers I agree, lots and lots of bfps!
6dpo today. The first day of possible implanting, woohoo!!

This cycle was completely natural, as I had been taking Clomid for the past 7 months. Super excited that I actually ovulated on my own with great BD timing!! Come on BFP so I don't have to IUI next cycle!!
Ahh Ii always do FMU because I can't test any other time before I get off of work (I teach so I barely get to go during the day as it is!) and I drink 120+ oz of water so at night it's so diluted I'm not sure if trust it anyway lol but my FMU has never given me this dark before.. the brand said to test any time. I'll still try tonight when I get home but I'm hoping that's my cue!
Teacherlynn I hope this is your BFP month!! Baby dust to you
28 your chart looks so great!!!

tb I use FMU too and I've also only had one that dark so I think that's your positive!!

london & curly hope you O soon!!

Teacher hope this is your bfp!!

afm 6dpo my temp dipped a little and while logically I know it's no big deal I'm a little bummed. Otherwise my back and whole body are aching today. Basically I keep feeling like AF is around the corner but she's not due til 2/6.
Babylights, oodles of women say it feels like AF is coming for a week and then get a BFP!

Teacher that is so awesome that you ovulated on your own! Fingers crossed for you!
TP that is an awesome positive!! Yay!

Teacher that must feel so good knowing that you ovulated on your own! Fingers crossed for you!! Xx
I tested again with the tests that came in the mail. BFN this time, so I am guessing the result from the other day was a evap line. I am only 10 dpo though so its still really early.
awww sry about the :bfn: hello kitty, but you are so right, it is still early!!!! I love that chart that CP posted. I think it helps us keep early testing in perspective and shows that a lot of people don't get their :bfp: until later.

Man, I am so off this week. DH called me today and asked me if I wanted him to pick up lunch. I was so confused about him coming home, early. Then he told me it's Friday. I totally thought it was Thursday. This TWW is rotting my brain! Oy

Same symptoms for me at 9 dpo, but the cramping/twinges has been a lot less yesterday and today. Nipples are still sensitive.

I resisted testing, today!

Teacher congrats on Ovulating on your own! That is amazing!
So I'm joining this pretty late considering I'm due AF on the 2nd Feb. Me and my boyfriend weren't actually TTC but not preventing either and the last few days I've felt like I might actually be pregnant. I'm 8/9 dpo and my boyfriend asked me last night why my boobs were so swollen. So of course I got out of bed to check and they did indeed look a lot bigger than normal. Also, the last few days I've had a stuffy nose which I put down to a cold though I've heard it can be a symptom. Then today and yesterday I have had the worst heartburn. I also had a drop of brown spotting about 4 days ago and was wondering why because I was still a week of AF, no cramping accompanied this. This then turned to pink cm which then disappeared back to normal white cm. I have been extremely tired and had headaches lately but I used to suffer migraines so put this down to them possibly returning. I have been taking migraine medication which stopped them completely for years but since last night decided to stop this just in case I was pregnant. FX ladies! I'm getting a little excited now!
Welcome Jessie! I will add you for the 2nd or would you prefer the 3rd?

Dowd, lol I argued with my boss yesterday Cause I though for sure it was February already lol My mind is all askew :p
Opk negative today again. Lots of ewcm though and some cramps on my right side! Yay!

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