I'm now reading Nineteen Minutes. Definitely on a Jodi Picoult kick at the moment
I'm now reading Nineteen Minutes. Definitely on a Jodi Picoult kick at the moment
This one is my favourite Jodi book!!! What part are you up to? I always blame the mum when I read it
I'm reading working stiff at the moment which was recommended to me which is very good. In the last two weeks I've read the three hunger games and the three fifty shades books. Not sure what I'm going to go onto after this one.
Yep can't beat the 99p reads I'm enjoying it too, an easy read, though I had to tear myself away to do my assignment boo!I read mum on the run as it was cheap on kindle. I actually enjoyed it xx
Almost finished The Woman Who Wasn't There
It's a true story about a woman who faked being a 9/11 survivor, I've barely been able to put it down!
I read that one too then the one from the a and e dr. I enjoyed them easy reads xxxConfessions of a GP- Benjamin Daniels
Almost finished The Woman Who Wasn't There
It's a true story about a woman who faked being a 9/11 survivor, I've barely been able to put it down!
I'd not heard about this woman before and you piqued my interest .... have now ordered the book myself and spent vast quantities of my day researching it
Fascinating story ...Thanks