Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Lolly I am sure everything will be fine. I have to say too I am jealous about your m&s splurge.. i so miss it for yummy food items. Hope you enjoyed it and the football not sure what the results are yet.
Hi ladies,

Lolly sorry to hear the midwife was not very helpful and would not entertain the doppler. Hope you enjoyed the footie and your M&S food! I can imagine how your feeling, but i'm sure everything will be ok. My friend did not start showing until 20 weeks, just after her 2nd scan.

HB not long now thats great! Yep getting very excited about glasto now!

Hotpink - sorry to hear you been bad with the MS, hope you manage to settle it somehow :hugs:

just back from the docs, she is sending me for full blood works next week, and then will refer me with all the blood works to a gyne. So now just relaxing and getting ready for glasto. Camper van pick up, but managed to get a puncture today, but trying to stay calm! OH and me said our aim next year is to go with our baby while on maternity leave, so aiming for a hippy baby!

Hope everyone else is good xx
That's great Lou, things are moving forward for you!! where are you in your cycle at the moment? I think the camper van sounds brilliant! what's it like?? i like the old 60's VW campers, think they are so retro!

Lolly, you can hire the dopplers, my friend hired hers..think it was around £15 a month. it might help to reassure you. if it helps i didn't show with Jessica till just after 20 friend is the same, nothing then one day it pops up!!! I'm sooooooo bloated, and the sickness is no better, tried ginger biscuits today, kept it off then was making tea and had to rush off....... i hate being sick :-(

How's everyone doing?

Em xx
I had a nap after work and ended up sleeping for 2 hours - oooops!! feel groggy and worried I won't sleep tonight. Getting lots of round ligament pain today - twinges always add to the stress...

Lou - Good news on the Dr's :) - never been with a baby to a festival but my friends did take their 6 mth old to Stonehenge when we went a couple of years ago - v cute :)

Goddess - good news on needing ginger biscuits :) am too jealous of lolly's M&S extraveganza but my oh is currently making one of my fave meals at the mo so mushn't grumble :)

Em - poor you - are you actually being sick? I have just had waves of nausea - came close a couple of times !! The bloat isn't fun - right with you there :)

Lou - have a fab time at Glastonbury - v jealous and the weather is going to be hot hot hot for once.

Lolly do you know anyone with a dopler you could use? I know the wait is interminable between scans - I've been having many more than is usual and still interminable - hopefully the next two weeks will fly.

Goddess and Hotpink sorry about the MS - i didn't get it too bad, just queasiness(only allayed by me eating=huge beached whale) and extreme hunger that makes me feel sick unless I eat quick - when I had my first m/c I had chronic ms so lucky this time I guess.

Does anyone know if certain foods cause more bloatedness? I have given up white bread and anything with white flour after an agonising night a few days ago but I'm still getting bloating and wonder if somethings causing it. Do you think cheese can?

HB am still getting twinges/cramps/ agoinising stabbing pains/burning pains all which freak me out. Hopefully its all normal.

I'm still spotting brown all day most days, but no fresh red bleed for 10 days. Just praying at scan on monday baby is still there and hematoma shrinking. I need to get back to exercise I am feeling monstrous.

Finally Bring on the Germans - its coming home its coming home - xxxxx
Lolly I bought my doppler off ebay quite cheap it was a new one and it came with the gel to use.. i never used it obsesively every few days just once...
Queenie my personal trainer (who is also preganant) always reconmends to me hot water in the morning, maybe with a slice of lemon. She swears by it to easy bloatness.

HB hope you managed to get to sleep ok last night, and enjoyed your dinner!

EM- its a converted toytoa van thing. its got a bed and fridge in the back, and some chairs. I'll prob but some pics on FB when i get back of it. I'm CD21, but ovulated 3 days late.
I was always going to get a doppler but the sonographer at my 12 week scan told my OH and I that they are really bad for the baby. Apparently my local hospital are piloting a scheme where they only use them if they absolutely need to as they believe they are a cause of miscarriage! I'm not saying this to be contraversial or scare anyone but it's what I was told. Part of me thinks it's rubbish but OH doesn't want to take the risk - therefore I'm going to remain doppler-less!

HB- Our scans are two weeks today! What time is yours? Mine's at 10am so nice and early. I am hoping to buy something baby related afterwards, if everything's ok, in an attempt to help it finally sink in.

I was convinced I'd have a bump by my 20 week scan but doesn't look like it :-(
Hb...yes, i'm really being sick. it's horrible :-(
queenie, i'm bloated too, it makes you feel awful doesn't it.
Lolly, i didn't know that...might have to re-think the doppler idea myself, not that i'm anywhere close enough to use one yet!! and i don't mind going red, i don't think it can change what's going to happen now.
Em xx
Hi Girls,
Lolly we got a doppler ver early on to use for reassurance. My midwife was ok about it so long as we used it every other week at most. But yes I have heard the same stories you have. Here is an article that may help explain things better : Home foetal heart monitors 'risk. Yeh a little controversal.
QM any news on how your hematoma is doing? Yesterday I had a massive bleed and ended up in A&E. Baby is doing fine thank goodness but I have been signed off work and given strick instructions to take it easy and complete bed rest for two weeks. So ladies you will start to see more of me on here now :blush:. Will be praying for all our TTCers and also for healthy 9mths to the rest of us. :hugs:
Hi Girls,
Lolly we got a doppler ver early on to use for reassurance. My midwife was ok about it so long as we used it every other week at most. But yes I have heard the same stories you have. Here is an article that may help explain things better : Home foetal heart monitors 'risk. Yeh a little controversal.
QM any news on how your hematoma is doing? Yesterday I had a massive bleed and ended up in A&E. Baby is doing fine thank goodness but I have been signed off work and given strick instructions to take it easy and complete bed rest for two weeks. So ladies you will start to see more of me on here now :blush:. Will be praying for all our TTCers and also for healthy 9mths to the rest of us. :hugs:

Thanks Key, my midwife seemed to imply that the doppler itself could cause a problem rather than just the misuse use of it delaying treatment etc. Hmmm, something to think about...

I've got myself in such a state, I feel sick. I've rung my GP but they're closed until 2pm and now not answering at all. My midwife is at the GP surgery this afternoon so I was hoping to speak to her. I've also rung Babybond and another private scan place in Cardiff. Babybond can fit me in on Monday for £79 and will tell us the gender and the other could see me tonight for £120 but won't tell us the gender. I'm in such a muddle and OH would probably go mad if he knew I was doing all this ringing around.
Lolly - I think you should have a scan if you're worried, its not good for you to get into a state and 2 weeks doesn't sound long but it is b****y long when you're baking a bun. I can tell you though that I think its perfectly normal to worry - I am terrified that on monday I will have bad news that I've had a mmc - there are so many posts in first tri and 2nd tri with people with the same fears so I think we're normal - also have you seen in 2nd tri - LOADS of people with no bumps at all yet so please try not to worry, everyone carries differently, I'm sure any day now you will pop out - but I think if your OH knew what a state you were in he would not mind you having a scan - especially after what you've been through with previous pregnancies. Sending lots of love - I am sure your LO is absolutely fine and dandy.

Key - I have my next scan on monday, I'm really scared - about mmc and also that the hematoma will have got bigger or that the placenta will have grown over it. My last major bleed was 2 weeks ago today - basically between 3 and 5 am I sat on the loo with blood gushing out, it was teh worst experience of my life, I then had heavy bleeding - I had to use tena lady maxis as only things thick enough to cope - till the sunday. For last 10 days or so I always have brown/black when I wipe and sometimes i have red/brown/black on the liner but thank god no gushing. I'm so sorry you have gone through another episode, it is so scary. Are you literally in bed now for 2 weeks or can you move around your house a bit? I did a week of sofa lying but now I come to work and sit with feet up as much as poss, in the evenings its back to the sofa.

Thing is I've read tons about these hematomas and I think whatever you do they just do what they want, resolve when they want and there's little we can do, however I think if we can minimise teh bleeding by being as still as possible thats good - in USA the attitude to these is totally different to here, everyone however big it is is put on bedrest, doesn't seem to happen here. From what I've read 99% clear by 21 weeks. Roll on 21 weeks!!!!!

Anyone sorry everyone - bit boring for those without a hematoma

Lou - thanks for the tip, will try that first thing and last thing at night, see if it helps. Was in agony in bed last night with the bloat.
Aaww Lolly hun go ahead and have the scan. Go with babybond, I have heard great things about them and you seem to get more for your money with them. During my recent scan the sonographer asked if I was booked in for my 20wk and when I said yes she said 'oh ok they will tell you the sex then'. She wouldnt tell us but it was obvious she had picked up on it, cheeky ey!. We werent too fussed, was just pleased bab was doing ok. But yes the last thing bab needs is mummy worrying, am sure DH will understand if you tell him how worried you are.
QM - your experience is exactly what I been going through. I think I've only had 2 clear weeks of no brown spotting or bleeding. Am allowed to move around the house but no hoovering, gardening, long walks or heavy lifting.I am to spend as much time as possible resting (with all the eating am doing, here comes the lbs *gulp*). I was meant to be doing the race for life this weekend, oh well. DH had to ask because he was worried I wouldnt be able to make his tea lol tsk men! To the rest of the girls I hope all this talk about hematomas is not frightening anyone, if so I apologise. QM here is to 21weeks, i so cant wait, roll on!
Haha, I still make the tea but OH has to do the clearing up - actually been feeling really guilty as OH having to do everything about the house, you don't realise how much stuff round house involves lifting - he's having to water all my plants every night - windowboxes and pots which he hates, poor OH, and get the washing out the machine and do all the shopping. Oh well at least he's getting trained up for when LO arrives.

I am huge because of not moving - havent dared weigh have put scales away - but I can tell looking in mirror its gross, really trying to watch what I eat now as don't want to put on more than 20-25lbs whole pregnancy, prob halfway there already!!!!

Lolly - have you booked your scan!!!
Hi Girls, Hope everyone is surviving!

Avoid pulses, legumes and refined carbohydrate for the bloating. Its a total nightmare and can be really sore. The worry never gets any less in my view, whether its spotting, no bumps,twinges but not much we can do about it I suppose, apart from trying to chillax.

I would get a scan lolly. I've had 2 private ones and did find it helps. Im sure your OH would understand. You cant put a price on peace of mind.

My nausea seems to have calmed down (touch wood), still get odd bits now and again but its such a relief. I to have gained a ton of weight already, mostly because of the constant snacking to treat the nausea but Im trying not to think about that either. Im sure the sleepless nights the breastfeeding will sort that out come december

My wee nephew has developed chicken pox this morning so Im now panicking about that. I've never had it but my mw refused to check my antibodies because she thinks im not at risk. When I looked on the Royal college of obs and gynae website they say significant exposure is 15min face to face contact which I've deffo had considering Ive put him to bed, bathed him etc so Iasked one of the drs at work to check my bloods instead. the annoying thiing was I asked the mw to check my antibodies at my booking appt and she said she would but never did. My booking appt was a total waste of time and feeling a bit angry about the whole thing!

Anyway sorry about the rant, keep cooking, oving and bding everyone. xx
Hey Lolly - go for th £79 one - maybe see if your folks would do it as an early xmas pressy? Please don't stress yourself - remember there is no reason for something to be wrong :hugs:

Key - :hugs: to you - glad that beany is good - rest up :flower: thanks for the info on dopplers - think I will get one - tbh you hear more scare stories over US but I don't believe them!

Oh Em - that's pants - keep an eye on it - don't get dehydrated!! Don't know if ginger would even touch that - have also been told to try arrowroot biscuits...

Lou - you will already be there but have a fun time :) seek out the posh loos!!

Lucy - good news on the recent lack of bleeding - keeping fxd for Monday :)

MrsG - really get on at the dr about the chickenpox thing - don't stop till they check you out!! grrrrrrr

Where's Kanga and M2A and the rest of the ladies ?

Hope everyone's well :hugs:

Mrs G glad you've got a doc that will test your immunity for you - think thats really bad of your midwife - I've never had chicken pox so when I started TTC I got tested and luckily was immune(loads of my friends kids were getting it so was worried). I'm sure you'll be immune too if you've gone this long without catching it. Fingers crossed.

I didn't know there was worries about dopplers and US - I'm having loads of US so I hope its just rumours.

Glad its not just me piling on the pounds - we'll have to all lose it together afterwards!!!

Mrs G what hospital will you be having baby at? I'm kingston.

I think Kanga said she was having a month off - hopefully she'll be back soon.

We do seem to have lost a few sisters recently though.

I've just been for the scan!

It was the £120 one but OH said it's nothing if it makes me feel better. He was so worried as when I got in from yoga I just burst into tears. It was brilliant and, wait for it....... it's a girl!!!! They said on the phone they wouldn't tell me the sex but they must have liked us as they asked at the end if we wanted to know!

I'm soooooo happy and relieved I can't even explain how it feels.

Thank you so so much for all your support and for encouraging me to do what feels right - and not take the sensible option! You're a lifeline you really are.

Hi girls hope your all doing well... Lolly defo pay for a scan it will be well worth it.

You should defintely get checked for chicken pox Mrs G you have been exposed.

Am feeling a bit stressed just now my best friend at home was 9 weeks pregnant she had a scan about 5 weeks to rule out a ectopic and they could see the sac etc but never re did the scan she called to tell me that she has a blighted ovum so now i am crapping it that there is nothing in me either. I found out yesterday about it...and i just feel so bad for her and i feel even worse because i am thinking about me.... what a crappy friend. The first thing i did this morning was do a preg test just a regular and the positive came up straight away as the pee was moving through the stick so no wait time at all which i know has got to be a good sign...

Sorry to moan but its just such a head ****. Dont like to swear but you know what I mean.
Lolly I am so happy for you, you totally did the right thing... now you can relax for the next few weeks and then you get to see your baby again.. Woohoo

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