Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Here you go Lucy

Lolly the bump's definitely coming on! I can see a difference even just frmo last week, you haev a little pointy (not pointy but you know what I mean!) near the base. V exciting.

Glad you had a good weekend Lucy, I am sure the next few weeks will fly by and all will be well. Its good you are being monitored so often!

I'm half way through Jules Oliver -9 to 1 - loving it! Any other book suggestions girls I thought about maybe getting one of those 'bibles' which tells you absolutely everything to do with baby making/baking/looking after. Yes, I am obsessed!!

There's more drama at work! My 'friend' who decided to tell ppl I had miscarried again has told my other friend who had a mc this year that I am pg again. So now she is p'd with me for not telling her as 'it would haev given me hope'. Seriously, i feel like I'm back at school, get a grip people!!
Lolly the bump's definitely coming on! I can see a difference even just frmo last week, you haev a little pointy (not pointy but you know what I mean!) near the base. V exciting.

I'm half way through Jules Oliver -9 to 1 - loving it! Any other book suggestions girls I thought about maybe getting one of those 'bibles' which tells you absolutely everything to do with baby making/baking/looking after. Yes, I am obsessed!!

I've just been out today to buy some maternity gear as the bump seems to have developed over night! New Look and H&M had some great stuff in the sale - I picked up some straight leg 'over the bump' jeans in H&M for £7! I also picked up some stretchy tops in Peacocks for £1.50 each!

On the book front, I've pretty much read them all.

My favourite all rounder is probably Kaz Cooke's Rough Guide to Pregnancy - it's nice and light hearted without making everything into a joke. Covers most stuff I've wanted to know and gives you a week by week summary of what's happening.

I loved Jools Oliver but not so keen on Tess Daley or Myleene's efforts.

I also have "What to expect when you're expecting" which I find good for referring to now and again but it's more of a manual than a read if you know what I mean.

I'm about to start reading "Blooming Birth" which my yoga instructor recommended. Think it's more labour / active birth related - will report back soon on that one.

I have just ordered "Save our Sleep" and "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" which have both been highly recommended for post-natal info.

For the guys - I bought OH "A blokes guide to pregnancy" by Jon Smith and "From lad to Dad" by Stephen Giles - both come with his seal of approval and he is no avid reader.

Hope that helps x
yes indeed it does, thanks, will see what I can find on tinterweb tonight x

Sounds like you got some good maternity bargains!
Oh dear Rachel - I can imagine you wouldn't have gone bounding up to your friend who had mc for worry of upsetting her - especially early on - as well as dealing with your own worries following a prev mc. Some people just need to know when to keep their mouths shut!!

Yey for Lauren's bump :yipee: :happydance: :dance:

afm - woke up at 1.30 this morning - had to come home at lunchtime and just passed out on the sofa!!

Hi girls, gosh i had so much to catch up on. So sorry i been mia, DH whisked me away to paris as a birthday treat. Glad you are all doing well, so sorry to hear about the scares, am glad we are past them. Welcome back M2A and hottie. Lauren I wish I had a bump like yours, omgoodness you girls should see mine, its popped in the last week out of nowhere, am hugh. Ohh my fav show is from here to maternity.
How wonderful being whisked off to Paris.... ah bliss.

Other good books are a guide to childbirth by Ina May Gaskin and I am reading a fantastic book right now called Birthing the Easy way by a woman named sheila stubbs she is basically a homebirth advocate and that is what I am planning this time around.
Has Jools Oliver got 2 books... I must look at ebay.
So I just bought Jools Oliver Minus 9-1 a diary of her pregnancy is the one that everyone says is good... It was only $2.54 plus a $1.00 postage that should be pounds not dollars I dont have a pound icon...

Anyway no more news... tomorrow is hump day for the work week, going round to a friends house for dinner which will be very nice, and I am counting the hours till the weekend as its a bank holiday on Monday although I am not entirely sure what for... I am still getting to grips with the Canadian holidays and confess to not knowing what they are for most of the time.

Anyway its 9pm and sadly its almost ready for my bedtime....
Key, hope you enjoyed Paris, what a fab treat, your dh could teach mine a thing or two!!

Baby is now the size of a blueberry, can't believe it :)
Hey Rachel...a blueberry!!! How are you feeling??? I've got my 12 week scan tomorrow, getting scared now :-( hope baby is ok in there xx
Em, am sure scan will be fine - I know how you feel though, am already nervous for next friday. Once you see baby though you will feel fantastic. Cant believe you are 12 weeks already!!! Good Luck and keep us posted.

Shattered today, thought we were supposed to bloom 2nd tri, I'm exhausted and my skin all blotchy. Keep getting shooting pains up my private lady parts (to be polite) do you think thats normal?
Lolly, Dee and Mrs G have you felt your first real movement yet? And if you have when did you feel it? I can't wait to start feeling some movement. xx
Hi All

Yey to Rachel's blueberry!!

Good luck Em - it is scary but it all ebs away when you see your baby :) am sure all is well in there :)

Lucy - reckon that is round ligament pain you're feeling - am sure all is well :)

I've gone up a fruit too - avacado!!

teehee!! Lucy am calling mine that from now onwards, private lady parts, teehee! but yeh i agree with h, they sound like ligament pains. I get those, mine come mostly round the sides just under the bump and are worse when I get up too fast, sometimes its hard to fully straighten up. About the quickenings, I felt mine around 16wk, felt like gas but midwife said it was baby moving. Now they are more obvious, its hard to explain what they feel like but its like gas, or bubbles, sometimes like little tapping from the inside, very weird feeling but makes me smile everytime
I was lying on the sofa today and felt a tiny bubbling sensation - maybe that was it?

I slept right through the last 2 nights - first time in ages! even overslept today - by nearly an hour!! managed to get in to work only 10 mins late - it's a nightmare as I live 27 miles from work and the later I leave the worse the traffic gets! sleep is obviously like buses for me :)

you must be about the same size Lucy - it is big isn't it!! - baby should be 10-11 cm now!

I wonder what fruit or veg my little Livi is now?! I dread to think!

As for movement, it was actually around 21 weeks before I knew for sure it was the baby I was feeling. Now the movements are really strong and are definite kicks more than flutters. OH can feel them by putting his hand on my tummy and he likes to think she's saying hello to Daddy!

Good luck for the scan Em - I'm sure you'll be just fine. Looking forward to the next round of scan pictures now. OH is keen to have a 4D scan at 30 weeks but I'm not so sure. He thinks it will be nice to show Livi in years to come - I'm on the fence.

Have a good day all of you!
Good luck with the scan today Em, Am sure all will be well and you'll see the little one floating around in there waving at you!!

H, Avocado - impressive! :happydance: I absolutely love avocados

I've been waking up at 4.30 each day feeling sick, it goes away just when its time to get up at 7, typical!!

Also had a little brown spotting yesterday and a bit more this morning :nope:
Em, good luck today - keep us posted. xx

I know was lying on bed this morning thinking I can't believe little baby size of avocado in me and I can't feel anything yet. Lolly must be so lovely and reassuring to get those kicks. At the moment I'd quite like a 4D scan but I might change my mind - I seem to be changing my mind about finding out gender too, now thinking I'd like a surprise.

Glad you're getting some sleep HB - I woke at 6 this a.m(usually get up at 8ish) so that was annoying but hopefully a one off. I hope you sleep through from now on.

Kanga, try not to worry(says the worry queen)am sure all is ok - as you know I had spotting and bleeding etc of the worst kind and all was ok, in first tri there's so many posts about brown spotting and always is ok. Its only a worry if red and cramping. Only a week till our scans, hopefully it will fly by, am already scared but also excited to see baby.
Yeah only 7 days to go. ive got a countdown on my desk at work, each day it goes down a number. I'm actually thinking of deferring my scan another week but I'll see how I feel next Thursday. Part of me doesn't want to know if its bad news. Part of me wants to wait as there will be more reassurance if i can get to say 10 weeks and alls well x

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