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Cycle buddies??

:hugs: I know how frustrating it is when you don't know what's going on. Can you call and talk to a nurse or doctor about it?
Kiki, Sorry but I dont have any useful or constructive suggestions, all I can do is offer :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: We're here for you whenever you need us.

Shadra, That is one beautiful line! I bet you wish you'd never had that blood test because you'd have no doubts at all if it was just based on the tests. GL for Friday although I'm sure you don't need it! Sorry the link didn't work - it does for me so who knows! It's just a pic of my digi with conception indicator which says 1-2 weeks :happydance:

Janelle, My pink line tests take forever to come up as well and I'm sure it's the brand too because the digis are fine. Have you got docs lined up for Friday or ate you waiting to see if AF arrives before you book it?

I'm a state today! I have, literally, cried almost all day. Thank you hormones! My mum died 7 years ago and pregnancy/baby stuff makes the pain so bad. I was really close to her but it was a long time ago and when I'm not a hormonal mess I deal with it fine. But at the moment one of my best buds is staying with her mum for a week and I'm soooo jealous. There's nothing quite the same as being looked after by your mum. I miss her loads :cry: Fortunately I got about 6 hours sleep last night which is great compared to the last few nights, the nausea is under control thanks to regular snacking and all other symptoms have eased. I just need to stop crying and shouting now!! :haha:
I know just how you feel. My dad's been gone 13 years, and some days I really struggle, especially when I'm pregnant and after they're born. I know he would have absolutely loved them, and it really hurts that they missed out on knowing him.

She told me to just walk in if I missed AF, so I don't know if I'm gonna go Friday or wait til Monday. I'll probably go Friday, cause if it's the day of my missed period, then her test should be able to read positive.
kiki that's not necessarily true i had a few short cycles i believe they were 20-21 days wich is sooo unlike me i'm usually 30-32 day cycle. i know i didn't O and i still have no idea why my cycles were so short and the dr wasn't much help either but went back to normal soon after! so sorry your having a hard time ellie, i too know how you feel i lost my dad 8 yrs ago and it is hard when your preg or just had the baby and there not there to be with you to enjoy such a special time. just know your mom is watching down on you and smiling at this happy time you are embarking on!
Janelle - I've seen your various posts about what's been going on the last few days and I hope you don't mind me replying here instead of where you've talked about it. There is one thread in particular that I had to stop reading before I shouted at the women on it. I can't believe the things they've been saying even if they do want to call it constructive - I don't, I call it projection. Just because they've had bad experiences doesn't mean they should assume that you have too and they are just scaremongering whether they see it or not. Ignore them - you know the ins and outs of what's been going on and they've read a couple of lines and jumped to negative conclusions. And you know your body and intution is generally very accurate.

I can't believe you put your digi down in water, doh!! The result must have been very scary but I would completely disregard any test that has sat in water. Pretend you never took it at all. And I know your pink line tests take ages to come up but that's down to the brand and, I'm sure, nothing else. Maybe you should switch brands even if it does mean you start again on the progression. And when you say it looks faint, it's definitely not a squinter/tilter etc - its clear as day and does appear to be getting darker, albeit slowly. Until you have your bloods done no one can give you a definitive answer and you're just going to have to tough it out and gain some grey hairs in the process! It totally sucks that you're in this position but the last thing you need is to be paniced and stressed out and rushing to ER. There is no need for the ER - you are seeing your doc in a couple of days and nothing is going to significantly change in that time without obvious symptoms to boot.

Hang in there hun and if you want some rational people to speak to we are always here for you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
And on to other subjects....thank you for your support earlier in the week. What a crazy day for hormones that was!

I'm seeing my mums sister tomorrow and she has done her best to be a mum to me since mine died and I can't wait for cuddles and to share my good news! I'm likely to have a home birth and I'm going to ask her to be involved which I hope she'll be really pleased about.

I'm pleased to say that my symptoms have calmed right down over the last two days so I've been able to just enjoy being preggers. In my last pregnancy the symptoms kicked in at 6 weeks so I may only have a couple of weeks before I feel rubbish and I plan on making the most of it! Incredibly I haven't got paranoid about the lack of symptoms but I'm still POAS so that helps!

How is everyone else doing? xxx
i'm still poas to elli! lol, i can't help it, i don't have any symptoms so i have to make sure that it's still coming up pos. i agree with ellie janelle, just relax and you'll be seeing your dr soon! there's nothing more you can do right now it is what it is. were always here for you to vent or talk to!
Thank you guys. I was getting irritated with them too. I was trying my best to be polite and tell them that I really don't think anything is wrong, and they bombarded me with how my lines are getting lighter, and how I still shouldn't have symptoms. Wth? I clearly said I set the test down in water, and in my opinion, those lines are actually darker than they were when I first started all this! I agree with absolutely everything you just said Ellie.

I have another thread and the girls on there didn't like the negative people trying to scare me either.
Thanks cckarting. I know if it wasn't for my symptoms, I would really be worried!!! Then of course after I got the false bfn last night, I happened to not be having as many symptoms. But they do fluctuate from day to day, so it's probably just me being paranoid.

Ellie, I would be kinda scared to do a home birth! Something always goes wrong when I'm in labor!
i would be scared to do a home birth also, but thats because i had complications with my first and i can't have anything but a c-section now! you are definitely a strong woman to be going at it without drugs! i don't think i ever could have done it!
So for me... that 'spotting' or 'light AF' not really sure what it was lasted 2 days of 'flow' but yet liught enough for one pad per day to cover it :wacko: and then half a day of spotting WTF?! Anyways it has now stopped and I have 2 more days til my dr apt!! Well in 42 minutes it will be tomorrow so almost one more day! lol
Can't wait for you to figure out what's going on Kiki. Late implant?
Every time I give birth, my blood pressure either drops really low or shoots up. Every single time, they've had to intervene and speed up my labor to hurry up and get baby out. I was taking a bath the other night, and it made me start thinking about a water birth. But I really don't know if I could do it without any pain relief.

I remember going in to have my oldest one thinking I was going to do it without pain meds. Needless to say, that didn't last long... lol

So 2 more long long days til AF is due! I'm getting a bit scared!!!!
I originally wanted a water birth but when it came down to it I couldn't stay still! I literally walked, swayed and bounced my whole way through it! I had a quick labour so the hospital said I probably wouldn't make it to them in time if I had more. My waters broke at 12:00, I started having contractions I could time at 15:00, I went to hospital at 21:00 because my contractions were 3 mins apart, they examined me at 23:00 and I was 4 cm and by 01:07 I was holding my beautiful baby after just gas and air. It was seriously intense but absolutely incredible. I refused the injection to pass the placenta and left Abbie attached to the cord for nearly an hour so she got all the goodness. It was so calm and natural that she didn't cry at all! I'd love to have a repeat experience but who knows - all pregnancies are different and so are the labours! The hospital is only 10 mins away so if things went awry they could get me in there quickly. I'm just not sure about Abbie being in the house while I'm screaming like a banshee - I don't want to scare her. But I've got 8 months to think about it all and do more research.

My test today has the test line as dark as the control, woo hoo! I'm really starting to believe there'll be another baby in the house this time next year now!

Janelle, good luck for Friday, I'll be praying that AF stays away. Do you check your cp? Has it dropped?

Shadra, how are your tests looking? Are they as dark as the control yet?

Kiki, 1 day to go! I really hope your doc can give you some answers! Are you going to ask for bloodwork to see if that can shed some light?

Sorry, I write ridiculously long posts! And I could have written so much more!
What is my cp? (I'm guessing since I don't know, I don't check it.) haha Yay on your dark line!!!
Cp is cervical position. Your cervix drops very low and is firm and open when AF is about to arrive. Don't start checking now though - you need at least a months experience of what is normal for you before you can draw any conclusions so you'll probably just freak yourself out doing it now.

Cp was how I knew I was preg first time round.
I thought that's what it was, but wasn't sure. lol. And thank you for telling me not to do it now, cause I would have and probably been very freaked out! I really wish my tests would get here so I could go back to poas and freaking myself out that way. :haha:

I don't mind your long posts. I like them. And I do it also. lol
And my luck, it would irritate my cervix and I'd start spotting again. haha

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