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Cystic hygroma and CVS....waiting for results

Hello ladies!

bumblebeettc1 - Sorry to hear your dr couldn't be more positive... that really pushes the wrong buttons for me! Wish drs would focus more on the good things and not in all the things that could go wrong.

My anomaly scan is on the 28th and I have mixed feelings right now. I am pretty sure in my heart that all will be fine... but can't be 100% sure until then, so it all keeps coming up in my head.

Bunanie, good luck with ttc!!! :) xxxxx
Sorry to hear the scan wasn't as positive as it could have been. It's good that your going to London for another opinion esp if they see many babies with similar conditions, which hospital is that at?
Keeping all fingers crossed and don't let their negativity get you down xx

We are off to Harley street in London, so hoping for more information.

Whether its good or bad I just feel we need more info.

The doctor who runs the clinic specialises in surgery of CH's so hoping he has some info for us.

Hope you're ok?

I'm sorry to hear your worries about the CH bumblebee :hugs: but from the sound of things, everything is looking positive... Isnt CH usually associated with heart/lung problems? So if they can't see any anomalies, I think that's great news!

Good luck with the appointment in London!

How are you going lizlemon?
Hello, I'm doing ok, scan in 3 weeks time. All my time is taken up with my fil, who is still very unwell - last week we were told there was no hope and they would not intervene if he got ill. He was unresponsive all week, dh and I visited on Sunday, he was alert and mouthing words so big change - it's hard getting hope one week then losing it the next! Old age is not nice!

When is your appointment in London bumblebee?
And how's ttc going bunanie? Xxx
Xuxa - not long now to wait for your scan, have my fingers crossed for you x
I'm so so sorry to about your fil! Stay strong and take care of yourself too..

As for tttc, I'm waiting after the next af... My first af was weird, I didn't bleed more or have more cramping, but it only lasted for 3 days, then stopped for two, then spotting for another 3 days... :shrug: I really want my body to be ready before trying again...
I can understand wanting to wait, though not the same circumstances we wait lady oct as I ended up in hospital for 6 days with a very bad UTI (my auto immune disease makes me more suspectable apparently) and I was on strong antibiotics that meant I had to stop bf my daughter, I wanted my body to recover as I had a very bizarre early af, we tried the next month after a normal af and hay presto here I am now! Xxx
Hello, I'm doing ok, scan in 3 weeks time. All my time is taken up with my fil, who is still very unwell - last week we were told there was no hope and they would not intervene if he got ill. He was unresponsive all week, dh and I visited on Sunday, he was alert and mouthing words so big change - it's hard getting hope one week then losing it the next! Old age is not nice!

When is your appointment in London bumblebee?
And how's ttc going bunanie? Xxx

Sorry you're still having so much uncertainty with your FIL. It's not nice to see your family poorly.

Good luck with your scan in 3 weeks!

My appointment is Monday in London, so I'll come & update when I can. X
I'm sorry to hear your worries about the CH bumblebee :hugs: but from the sound of things, everything is looking positive... Isnt CH usually associated with heart/lung problems? So if they can't see any anomalies, I think that's great news!

Good luck with the appointment in London!

How are you going lizlemon?

Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes.

Good luck with getting your cycles back to normal & TTC again.

How's life in general?

Good luck for tomorrow Bumblebee! Is it the fetal medicine center your going too? That's where I had my harmony test done, the people were really nice and the drs work under one of the best in the field and most work at kings too xxx
Hello ladies!
Just a quick update. Today I had my 20 weeks scan and I still can't believe our luck... The dr (fetal medicine specialist) couldn't find anything wrong with our baby boy!! She said everything looks absolutely normal.
She sent me back to my gynae, said she doesn't see the need for me to come back to her.

She also said she cannot find a reason for the NT measurement we got at 13 weeks. She suggested an early infection or just some lymphatic fluid that had trouble flowing, whatever it was it seems to have just resolved itself.

We are in cloud nine at the moment!

Can't wait to hear your updates... Xxxx
Hello ladies!
Just a quick update. Today I had my 20 weeks scan and I still can't believe our luck... The dr (fetal medicine specialist) couldn't find anything wrong with our baby boy!! She said everything looks absolutely normal.
She sent me back to my gynae, said she doesn't see the need for me to come back to her.

She also said she cannot find a reason for the NT measurement we got at 13 weeks. She suggested an early infection or just some lymphatic fluid that had trouble flowing, whatever it was it seems to have just resolved itself.

We are in cloud nine at the moment!

Can't wait to hear your updates... Xxxx

That's absolutly fantastic news!
Xuxa that's really good news :)
Bumblebee - how are you doing? Thinking about you a lot xxxx
Thank you!

How are all of you doing?

Any news?
Hi ladies I'm not sure if any of you still check this site but thought I'd comment just in case. Can't quite believe im in the complications section AGAIN !!!! We lost a boy to t13 in 2013 , had our scan today and have a high nt measurement of 4.6 as an average. No other markets and brain and heart look normal at the minute but it's obvi early. Have a cvs booked for Friday, I just can't quite believe I'm here again 😢
Hello mrs e.e, sorry to hear your going through it again. I lost a baby at 20w to T13. So unfair to have complications again. Hope all goes well for you.

As for me, I had my scan today, unfortunately the baby's heart beat was very low so we were sent straight to London for more info, the baby has a complete heart block and will need monitoring closely and if it get too low we will have to deliver early, plus at some time in the baby's life they will have to have a pace maker :( next scan is in a weeks time and I have ordered a Doppler so I have monitor the heart beat myself too!
Really sorry to hear about your babies heartbeat, how far along are you now ? It's bad luck to have complications once but twice is just cruel. I just keep thinking how lucky I am to have 2 healthy children and this will be it for me. I'm 36 so if this doesn't work out I will not be putting myself through it again.
Mrs e, I'm sorry you have to go thru this again... I lost mine to t13 at 13weeks. Everyone assures me it's plain bad luck, I can't imagine going thru it twice!!!

Lizlemon sending big hugs to you! I'm so so sorry to hear about your baby's heart. Do they know what is causing the low heart rate?

I am constantly thinking about you ladies and checking everyday, just keep me posted only if you are ready :hugs::hugs:
Hello, the low heart beat is caused by a heart block. My antibodies from my auto immune disease has attacked the baby's heart and stop it from being able to regulate it's rate so will need a pace maker once born. Hopefully baby will stay stable in me so we get close to term then there is more chance of survival.
Was not expecting this as it's very very rare (just my luck!)
Hello, the low heart beat is caused by a heart block. My antibodies from my auto immune disease has attacked the baby's heart and stop it from being able to regulate it's rate so will need a pace maker once born. Hopefully baby will stay stable in me so we get close to term then there is more chance of survival.
Was not expecting this as it's very very rare (just my luck!)

I'm so sorry! It's one thing after another isn't it:growlmad:

Stay strong! :hugs:

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