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Cystic hygroma and CVS....waiting for results

That's excellent bumblebee! So happy for you! Looks like everything is going on the right track

Good luck with your scan today lizlemon
How's everyone doing? Ok?

I'm fine. Starting to tell a few more people now, but still no major announcement.

Lovely weather today in UK. Lets hope it continues!

Hello, yes I'm doing ok, the positive scan has been a bit marred by my fil becoming very ill and having to be airlifted to a specialist hospital last Wednesday - we still don't know what the outcome will be but at the moment he's stable, on the day we were told to say goodbye 😢
Hope everyone else is having a better time xxx
Hello, yes I'm doing ok, the positive scan has been a bit marred by my fil becoming very ill and having to be airlifted to a specialist hospital last Wednesday - we still don't know what the outcome will be but at the moment he's stable, on the day we were told to say goodbye 😢
Hope everyone else is having a better time xxx

I'm sorry to hear your FIL is unwell. I hope that he's ok & being looked after.

Hope that you can look after yourself too whilst helping look after your husband and child/bump too.

Hi ladies, I haven't been on for a while...

Lizlemon, I'm so so sorry to hear about your fil, take care of yourself and family!

I went back to the ob for a check on Tuesday, he said everything is looking ok, uterus was shrinking well and the lining is thickening.

I asked him a stupid question.. About the gender.. And was told it was a boy... He told us before that it's a girl coz he thought the baby has Turner's Syndrome. We were disappointed about our loss either way but we DID want a boy... DH was convinced his boy sperms were defective coz all the men in his family ALL have girls, and his mum is one of 8! girls... Everything was perfect, sigh.... Then on the same day, my friend posted her new baby boy on fb, her first girl was two months younger than my DD. I felt a bit upset, its hard to explain, I was really happy for her but I felt a bit jealous? I certainly don't like the crowning or the newborn stage, but I just wished I was still pregnant... Sorry if it's not making sense. But I'm ok now!

Anyways, OB advised to wait for two cycles before trying again, I just can't wait! I don't know if my body would be ready though, I'm hoping I would get lucky again and get pregnant.

Thanks for reading :)

Good luck with your scans bumblebee! It's coming up soon right? Keep us posted!
I think how you feel is completely natural, I really want 2 girls as the baby I lost was a girl and therefore I imagine myself with 2 girls. Don't know of this helps but as far as I can remember about 80% of the time a trisomy is caused by the egg during final stages of cell division ready to become an egg, therefore it is likely it was not a defective male sperm, so you have 50% chance of getting a boy next time!!!!
As for waiting well I probably wait one cycle so I knew when to time dtd but if I really wanted to try this month I would!!! Xxx
Hi ladies, I haven't been on for a while...

Lizlemon, I'm so so sorry to hear about your fil, take care of yourself and family!

I went back to the ob for a check on Tuesday, he said everything is looking ok, uterus was shrinking well and the lining is thickening.

I asked him a stupid question.. About the gender.. And was told it was a boy... He told us before that it's a girl coz he thought the baby has Turner's Syndrome. We were disappointed about our loss either way but we DID want a boy... DH was convinced his boy sperms were defective coz all the men in his family ALL have girls, and his mum is one of 8! girls... Everything was perfect, sigh.... Then on the same day, my friend posted her new baby boy on fb, her first girl was two months younger than my DD. I felt a bit upset, its hard to explain, I was really happy for her but I felt a bit jealous? I certainly don't like the crowning or the newborn stage, but I just wished I was still pregnant... Sorry if it's not making sense. But I'm ok now!

Anyways, OB advised to wait for two cycles before trying again, I just can't wait! I don't know if my body would be ready though, I'm hoping I would get lucky again and get pregnant.

Thanks for reading :)

Good luck with your scans bumblebee! It's coming up soon right? Keep us posted!

Everything you say makes perfect sense! It's sometimes the hardest bits of information that you just need to know. I hope that you can take a month & get back to trying. It's a personal choice so whenever you're both ready.

My scan is in 2 weeks....feels like time is standing still!

At least we have Easter in the middle so I can eat lots of chocolate!!

I think how you feel is completely natural, I really want 2 girls as the baby I lost was a girl and therefore I imagine myself with 2 girls. Don't know of this helps but as far as I can remember about 80% of the time a trisomy is caused by the egg during final stages of cell division ready to become an egg, therefore it is likely it was not a defective male sperm, so you have 50% chance of getting a boy next time!!!!
As for waiting well I probably wait one cycle so I knew when to time dtd but if I really wanted to try this month I would!!! Xxx

How are you lizlemon?

Hi ladies!

Bunanie, it all made perfect sense to me. Even though I have never been through the same thing, I can imagine that everyone would feel the same as you. Well done for being so strong! And try again whenever you are ready. I believe that if it is meant to happen, it will happen. :)

I had a scan yesterday... All looking normal for now. no more measures of the Nuchal fold but I know that now it is because it's not accurate. Everything else looked good. Baby boy still measuring about 1 week ahead - Big boy! Now just have to wait 4 more weeks until the 20weeks scan. I am still a bit scared about that one...

How is everyone else? anymore scans or news? xxx
Hi ladies!

Bunanie, it all made perfect sense to me. Even though I have never been through the same thing, I can imagine that everyone would feel the same as you. Well done for being so strong! And try again whenever you are ready. I believe that if it is meant to happen, it will happen. :)

I had a scan yesterday... All looking normal for now. no more measures of the Nuchal fold but I know that now it is because it's not accurate. Everything else looked good. Baby boy still measuring about 1 week ahead - Big boy! Now just have to wait 4 more weeks until the 20weeks scan. I am still a bit scared about that one...

How is everyone else? anymore scans or news? xxx

Glad that your scan has gone well! Lets hope the next 4 weeks go nice & fast for you. Hopefully your 20 week scan will be fine & you can move forward looking forward to meeting your baby.x

My next scan is 2 weeks Monday due to Easter holidays. I've not gone this long without a scan this pregnancy so its making me a bit anxious. I normally have had one every 1-2 weeks.

Keeping my fingers crossed everything looks ok for my anomaly scan.

How many weeks will you be next week?
All good here, had a nice Easter with my family.
Only down side pregnacy at the moment is my hips are hurting a lot, on plus side feel baby moving a lot, more than with my daughter.
Dh dad is still very unwell but at least in a hospital nearer to home.
Hope everyone else is ok x
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Good to hear you have a healthy active baby lizlemon!

And all the best for your scan next week bumblebee...

I just had my first period, exactly 5 weeks after D&C and its my normal cycle length...

Can't wait to ttc!
How many weeks will you be next week?
All good here, had a nice Easter with my family.
Only down side pregnacy at the moment is my hips are hurting a lot, on plus side feel baby moving a lot, more than with my daughter.
Dh dad is still very unwell but at least in a hospital nearer to home.
Hope everyone else is ok x

I'll be just over 21 weeks next week at scan. It's late due to the Easter holidays.

Did you have trouble with your hips with daughter?

Sorry your FIL is still unwell. Any ideas when he'll be home?

Glad baby is moving so much! How many weeks are you?

Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Good to hear you have a healthy active baby lizlemon!

And all the best for your scan next week bumblebee...

I just had my first period, exactly 5 weeks after D&C and its my normal cycle length...

Can't wait to ttc!


Glad your cycle is back on track! Good luck TTC!

Keep me updated as you go along! :happydance:

Well, I had my 21 week anomaly scan and all (aside from CH) looked fine.

No problem with any of the structures, but all my doctor dwelled on was the CH still being there and how it's usually gone/shrunk by now.

She said we face a lot of uncertainty and discussed a termination again.

My heads all over the place and I'm struggling to keep positive when my doctor is so cautious and hardly allowing me to enjoy any positives. ( ie all tests and scans have been clear/fine aside from this CH)

I'm going to London to the fetal medicine dept the week after next to have a scan with them and discuss what they think.

I feel I need so much more information, as my doctor hasn't seen anyone with a CH at this stage so I'm not sure even she knows what could happen good or bad.

Hope everyone is doing ok?

Sorry to hear the scan wasn't as positive as it could have been. It's good that your going to London for another opinion esp if they see many babies with similar conditions, which hospital is that at?
Keeping all fingers crossed and don't let their negativity get you down xx
My friend was warned about her baby as he had enlarged ventricles in his brain and they were advised that it was not a viable pregnancy, well that baby is now 2.5 and healthy and normal, so the dr don't know everything!

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