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Cystic hygroma and CVS....waiting for results

Had our cvs today. It was fine, they got a really good sample even with a posteria placenta . Baby is still on track and everything looks normal for the gestation. They're hopeful we'll get our results on Monday afternoon so that's the next milestone to get to xx
Had our cvs today. It was fine, they got a really good sample even with a posteria placenta . Baby is still on track and everything looks normal for the gestation. They're hopeful we'll get our results on Monday afternoon so that's the next milestone to get to xx

It's great that bub is doing well! Our NT measurements were around 6mm I think :cry: we got cvs results (FISH) in two days. It was an agonizing wait, but in my case, we knew definitely something was wrong coz the measurments were so high...

Fingers crossed for you!
When our little boy had t13 he measured a week behind from 6 weeks . Was this the same for you bunanie?
Also I can't find the comments but I seem to think I read on this thread that someone had lost a son to t13 and they only had girls in their family. If it was this thread I just wanted to say we were exactly the same. All girls in the family, boy lost to t13 and we went on to have a son so it really isn't a gender thing ️xx
When our little boy had t13 he measured a week behind from 6 weeks . Was this the same for you bunanie?
Also I can't find the comments but I seem to think I read on this thread that someone had lost a son to t13 and they only had girls in their family. If it was this thread I just wanted to say we were exactly the same. All girls in the family, boy lost to t13 and we went on to have a son so it really isn't a gender thing ️xx

My t13 bub was measuring fine all along... Only thing was his hb was 180ish, my ob didn't think too much of it until he saw my nuchal scan.

lol it was also me who said abt having all girls family as DH's male cousins all had girls and my mil was one of 7 girls. So hopefully we will have a boy to complete the family but really gender doesn't matter. Having gone thru this has really put things into perspective for me, that I shouldn't take things for granted.

Anyways, keep me posted about the results. good luck!
Results came back earlier, little boy with Down's . I had in my head we'd take that and carry on but now it's reality we've had to sit and actually talk about it. how do we ensure we still give Our two children amazing lives where they aren't sidelined as well as a little man who may or may not ( but we wouldn't know until he was here) need extra support not just love which we would obviously give him unconditionally. That's not withstanding we're approaching 40 who would look after him when we're gone ? His siblings? Or worse still carers ? So despite wanting him so very badly we've decided that the right thing for our family is to remain a 4 and love our 2 lost little men from afar. God my heart is broken but I'm also so grateful for my two beautiful children.. Not quite sure I'm ever going to get over this one and having to make the decision our selves .
Mrs e.e , I am so sorry you feel surrounded by darkness right now and that your heart will never heal.
I have sent you a pm
Sorry to hear your news, sending you a massive hug and strength. Your children will help heal you xxx
I am so sorry mrs e, I can relate to your feelings completely. My little t13 bub was still fighting hard till the day of d&c. I felt so bad for terminating, felt like I was giving up on him while he's trying his best to beat the odds. But on the other hand, we didn't want him to suffer. It was a difficult and heart breaking decision. But just like you, we were so thankful to have our beautiful daughter, who made the process less painful.

How did your scan go lizlemon, thinking of you XXX
Hello, my scan went ok, baby still stable and they think might need the pacemaker once they are a toddler as long as they stay stable. Have to have a c-section which is stressing me out as to the recovery and how I will cope with a toddler!
Hoes ttc going? Also I keep on working about mrs bumblebee as she never updated :(. Xxx
Hello, my scan went ok, baby still stable and they think might need the pacemaker once they are a toddler as long as they stay stable. Have to have a c-section which is stressing me out as to the recovery and how I will cope with a toddler!
Hoes ttc going? Also I keep on working about mrs bumblebee as she never updated :(. Xxx

Good to hear your baby is stable! I know it's easy for me to say don't worry etc, but take it a step at a time hun:hugs: Recovery of c section may not be as bad as you think... Coz there are a few mums I know who had multiple children and multiple c secs. Maybe someone would be available to help you by then? When is your next scan?
We ttc this cycle but dh was feeling pressured only dtd once. I didn't want to push and make him feel worse. I'm currently 7dpo and having absolutely no symptoms. Oh well... Maybe next month.
I kept coming back to check if bumblebee has updated too:nope:
How are you feeling mrs e?
Had scan today, baby still stable. Hope I will go to 37w then c-section and hopefully no pacemaker for a few years!
Had scan today, baby still stable. Hope I will go to 37w then c-section and hopefully no pacemaker for a few years!

Woohoo! That's great! You have a little fighter there. Stay strong mama, 8 weeks to go!
Just read this whole thread, love how your all there for each other.....although I haven't been involved I am now also worried about bumblebee :/ xxx
Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me crashing the party. This section of b&b didn't exist when I needed it years ago, but I wanted to share my story. My son was diagnosed with CH at 11weeks 6days. We were first told "she" had turners, then that was ruled out with the CVS and they thought noonans....then he had an abnormal sounding heart. Things cleared up on their own by 22-24 weeks if i remember correctly, but my pregnancy was still monitored until delivery. He was totally fine, and today he's a happy and healthy 3 year old little trouble maker.

I'm rooting for all your kiddos, and i am so sorry to read the stories that didn't turn out so well. Best of luck to everyone :hugs:
Hello ladies! How is everyone? Still no updates from bumblebee?
Sadly no update from bumblebee :(
I had a scan on tuesday, everything still ok next scan Wednesday - five weeks to baby hopefully arrives
Thought I'd update, baby still ok and the c-section is planned for 28th July, at 37w. So not long!!!!! Xxx

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