WEaning is turning into a bit of a nightmare for us, it seems Cora may have issues with wheat and egg too, although I am now questionign whether I am just over-reacting to everything and she is just normal

I just get the feeling everyone thinks I am making it up - yeah cos I have been dairy free for the past 6 months for fun!
I would be interested to know what sort of foods you try to feed your LO for additional calcium and protein, I use broccoli and other green veg but am going it alone as I haven't managed to get reffered to a paediatrician or dietician for help.
Hi shiv, sorry to hear you're having a tough time of it

I'm also going gluten-free with weaning now as I think she reacted and doctor said to do 2weeks off it then try again.
Tbh the dietician hasn't been as inspirational as my hippy vegan friends

Foods I recommend are: quinoa (for calcium and protein), millet, hemp seeds (amazing little powerhouses!) and I've yet to give it to dd as I've only made cookies out of it b4 now... Blackstrap molasses.
I make an awesome (not my recipe, credit where it's due!) hemp hummus, hemp is packed with protein and essential fatty acids, the tahini in it is a good source of calcium. So easy to make, and I stir a spoon of it into LO's dinner.
The company "plum" do an early weaning dairy-free "four grain porridge" which is delish and contains quinoa, amaranth, millet &?rice?. You could see how your LO likes it then make your own. Quinoa is an amazing food. I've bought quinoa flakes, millet flakes and brown rice flakes and mixed them for cooking porridge. I find it nice but I think it's a bit too lumpy/chewy for LO yet, although she will eat it, just slowly!
Here's some links: