Dairy free moms

I don't keep any formula,..hope one of the other ladies can advise :hugs: Let us knw how it goes with the dietician

Ladies! I've bitten the trail big bullet and had some ice cream. My most feared nemesis father a glass of milk. I want to see what stage we are at. I feel a bit lousy now...but don't care abou me..ljust please keep everything crossed that Ally is ok! She's been doing brilliantly with all sorts, so I was keen to see if we've really made big strides.

ooooooooooooh good luck, how long ago did you have it? And when would you expect to see any symptoms? I have my fingers crossed for you both.

Out of interest, how are you going about weaning A?
5:30! I think if I see anything, I will see it by 5:30 tomorrow. So nervous...!

I'm doing blw...Ally has shown varying interest, but the last couple of days has been really going for it! I'm using breast milk or oat milk in foods...and I will carry on like that until I am sure she's not reacting to anything I eat, and then I may start introducing bits of dairy in her diet. Lizzie always loved Philadelphia, cheese sticks etc...but because I am so used to keeping an eagle eye on what I eat, it's become easier to just give Ally what I have.

Current favourite is avocado on bagel ;) she is also obsessed with whacking asparagus spears around in quite a menacing fashion!

How will you go about it? We do have some purees I've frozen for sauces etc, but also to keep in check for reflux etc.

Well I hope things are still going smoothly TG and therehave been no signs after your ice cream.

i plan on doing BLW as well, and need to start getting a freezer stash of EBM to use, but I will also use rice/oat/almond milk as well until I am brave enough to introduce any dairy. I guess I am due another trial soon, 4 weeks since the last one.

It's so hard to see them in pain :nope: Just know that once dairy leaves your / his system he will be soooo changed and sooo happy. Are you planning to carry on BFing or moving to DF formula?

Absolutely continue breastfeeding.... nearly 5 months now and I'd love to continue as long as possible. LO has been offered 5oz of formula a day for about a month now because of weight issues... he doesn't always take it. He has terrible reflux which we've just been prescribed omeprozole for and struggles with feeding from both breast and bottle.

I have been 'dairy free' for a few weeks now but whilst I was still offering the regular formula I didn't feel justified in being ridicously strict about it... every other day I'd end up having something that had hidden dairy in it- like random tinned soup or a frozen meal... I've been REALLY strict now for 3 days and hope to start seeing a difference.

Is reading the allergy labels on food enough or is there any other classic ingredients I need to watch out for? I've found long lists of 'things to watch for' on the internet but I'm finding it a bit overwhelming!
Being really strict made a big difference to us...I initially thought it would be fine o have the odd bit, or cut down...but 'zero tolerance' was the only thing that really worked!

Labels tend to be ok, but I keep a wary eye out for whey, casein, milk/butter fats...just to be in the safe side.

Shiv, let me know how the trial goes! When are you planning trying?

Well, ladies, almost 26 hrs since ice cream...and nothing! Normal poo, wind, skin, sleep etc. I know it can take longer...so am not exhaling just yet. This time tomorrow, I may do. Fingers crossed this continues!

I've noticed I can pretty much eat something with dairy in everyday, just never tried a 'major offender' so to speak!
What a hellish night last night..........

I think these onion rings had milk in them (at a chinese buffet) fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Oh no, Booda :( Is little man any happier today? I wonder if they were dunked in milk before being crumbed...or milk put into batter? It's just a minefield. I swear dairy is the silent restaurant assassin. Killing any dish we may choose...
oh no Booda - sorry he has reacted badly, I bet it was the batter - bugger!

Tennisgal - looking good:thumbup:
Not sure when I will do a trial, I have friends visiting for the weekend on 23rd March so I may do it that weekend!
He seems better this evening, About 4am this morning I ended up making a gaviscon and calpol cocktail with expressed milk because he was screaming and crying so much he couldnt even catch his breath, screaming until the scream wasnt making noise anymore, puked ALL over his babygrow, sleeping bag, and cot-sheet, had properly foul smelling stringy slimy poo and he's still all snuffly but with no actual snot :S Finally after downing that followed by some boob he dozed off and slept til 9am. He's been grizzly today, but not as in pain - just a bit pukey, not interested in food at all and just generally pretty miserable.

I didnt think about onion rings til i was sittin last night thinking "what have i had/?? this can't just be soya from chineses" and it dawned on me to google onion rings recipes. nearly all the recipes i found had milk in them. I had 2 onion rings. Thats all it took.
fucksake, poor wee shite -i feel so bad but i suppose on the bright side at least i know im not restricting my diet (and his, now we've started weaning) unnecessarily......
So good you're able to have small amouts now TennisGal, hopefully it means it's getting better :D
Hello Mummies,

I actually posted this in the weaning section, but I have just remembered this thread and I am hoping you will be able to help...

My LO struggles with painful gas and whilst bf I was on dairy free diet. However, the gas issue continued so I thought that maybe it's nothing to do with dairy! Anyway, I have started reintroducing dairy to my diet and slowly giving my 7 month old a bit of dairy...her wind is now horrific so I think it could have been that in the first place. She also has silent reflux and is on omeprazole.

We are doing BLW, which is going ok, some days she will eat a lot, some days hardly anything. I have a few questions, since my gp/hv are completely useless:

-how did you discover your LO had a dairy intolerance? Did you do any tests? Apart from a horrific tummy, my daughter is putting on weight, so I am being fobbed off.

-what dairy alternatives can be used at such early age in cooking? Coconut/rice milk? Can I give it to her let's say with weetabix, or does it have to be only as a cooked product, i.e. in sauce?

-are there any alternatives to yoghurts/creme fraiche/cheese?

I don't worry about my diet, but I don't want to withdraw any nutrients from her unneseccarily, if you know what I mean

Thank you for reading and for possible answers
Hi Satine...

We've just started BLW, too...I am using the calcium enriched oat milk with Ally, and so far, so good. I use that or ebm in cereal and when making sauces. I dont use rice milk due to reports of it Having high arsenic levels. I've been using Pure sunflower as a butter alternative.

I've held off any yogurts etc as yet. I know soya is available, but I don't really want to give her that...I always get a bit concerned about the reports I read about soya, although I am probably being over cautious. Word of warning, though, a lot of little ones who show a dairy intolerance have the same with soya...we were just very fortunate that Ally has been ok with it.

I think you can just use the milk 'neat' so to speak.

You can get vegan cheese...I don't like the taste, but I may well try it for Ally (I just want to double check the salt content) You can also get oat cream by Oatley...again, I will use this sparingly due to salt contents.

Ally's symptoms were explosive, eggy poo...screaming and crying...writhing :( So far she has been fine with me reintroducing dairy to my diet, so I will continue to up my intake until it is time to try her out.

Has your little one been struggling to pass wind? Or is it just explosive/bit smelly? Let us know how you get on! :hugs: Am sorry am not much use, Ally is not convinced by solids as yet ;)

Booda, how is Danny? Did he get back to best quickly?
Hello girls :hi:

I quit dairy about a week ago. I also quit Coke, which was my staple drink, other than water. I am seriously missing Coke and cheese :brat:

I cut them out because my LO has terrible colic. Last night she had her first night without any symptoms. It made a huge difference, I cant even begin to explain. Basically, the frustration I felt was so much that I resented her and didn't even want to be around her. I seriously wondered whether I had PND :( Sounds exaggerated, but she was NEVER happy. She would scream all day and all night.

Anyway. Yes, I am dairy free. I spoke to my HV this morning when I went to get LO weighed, and she said that I'm okay to have goat's milk and cheese? Apparently it's only cow's milk that causes the colic in babies, and goat's milk doesn't do the same thing.

Also, I counted my freezer stash of EBM this morning, and I have 33oz. But I just realised that if I've expressed it while having dairy etc in my diet, then I won't be able to give it to LO... :dohh:
Hello girls :hi:

I quit dairy about a week ago. I also quit Coke, which was my staple drink, other than water. I am seriously missing Coke and cheese :brat:

I cut them out because my LO has terrible colic. Last night she had her first night without any symptoms. It made a huge difference, I cant even begin to explain. Basically, the frustration I felt was so much that I resented her and didn't even want to be around her. I seriously wondered whether I had PND :( Sounds exaggerated, but she was NEVER happy. She would scream all day and all night.

Anyway. Yes, I am dairy free. I spoke to my HV this morning when I went to get LO weighed, and she said that I'm okay to have goat's milk and cheese? Apparently it's only cow's milk that causes the colic in babies, and goat's milk doesn't do the same thing.

Also, I counted my freezer stash of EBM this morning, and I have 33oz. But I just realised that if I've expressed it while having dairy etc in my diet, then I won't be able to give it to LO... :dohh:

Aw hun that sounds so similar to my first 3-4 months of danny's life, i really felt like i just didn't like him very much at times :'( It doesn't sound exaggerated AT ALL, it sounds totally understandable.

Regarding goats milk and cheese, from what i've read the most reliable study ive came across suggests that only 25% of babies with CMPI can tolerate goats milk proteins too, because of their similar structure. It's another one of these "trial and error" things :(
Lara I'm afraid this is a huge myth; goats' milk is actually very similar to cows' milk and can cause colic and other symptoms as well. My son would react if I had any animal milk, from buffalo to sheeps' to goats' milk. Sometimes when there are allergies reactions to goats milk can be even more lethal than those to cows', this is one reason why goats' milk formula was banned in the UK (they can still sell it but just put it as powdered goats' milk as opposed to a breastmilk substitute or infant formula, and now it has to be sold in the 'adult' milk section) xx
Oh :( Thanks for letting me know. I had a teeny bit of goats cheese this morning, like enough to put on the tip of a butter knife, so I doubt it will affect her. Pity though.

Her colic has been a lot better in the last couple of days. I really hope this is why.

Quick question, although I don't know if anyone will be able to answer it: when you've had one of the foods your LO is sensitive to (i.e. causes colic), how long has it taken for your LO to react? We went to McDonalds yesterday and OH got me a Coke out of habit, and I drank it :blush: That was 24 hours ago now, and LO hasn't reacted to it. I would have thought she would have reacted to it last night if Coke was the culprit :shrug:

Also, if cutting dairy helps my LO's colic, do I assume she's got CMPI? And in that case, could I drink "Lacto Free" milk (milk minus the lactose)?
McDonalds coke is usually draught stuff isn't it? Maybe less caffeine in it or something (im just guessing)

as for the goats cheese, it depends how sensitive your LO is, i didn't think mine would react to me eating these thai sweet chilli walkers sensations crisps? he did :/ in the flavouring is apparently butter powder or something like that.......i didnt think at the time :/

hopefully your LO isn't that sensitive and might be lucky with goats cheese.......Cheezly is a good substitute, its better melted though :D
Also, if cutting dairy helps my LO's colic, do I assume she's got CMPI? And in that case, could I drink "Lacto Free" milk (milk minus the lactose)?

I'm afraid it won't make a difference as it still has the milk proteins in it.
Yeah, lactose is the "sugar" in milk. If yout hink all food is made up of protein, carbohydrate (sugars) and fat. It's the proteins that cause the reaction, real lactose intolerance is actually pretty rare compared to milk protein intolerance....... swap the milk for oat milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk, rice milk, whatever one you prefer, and swap the butter/marg for vitalite or "pure" dairyfree stuff :D If you love cheese, try Cheezly (made from pea proteins) and look out for hidden dairys!
Hi girls I'm so confused now. I've been on & off dairy since lo was born and not been much of a difference. When I first gave up dairy completely for 4 weeks she still had her fussy period at night where she'd have unconsolable crying-( which we later realised was just because she wanted us to take her up to her cot so she could get her head down properly) so I went back on dairy, she then seemed really bad & difficult to settle so went back off the dairy for another 3 weeks where there wasn't much change but just continued with the DF diet until the other day I thought I'd try it again and she has been ok. She has been settling ok and sleeping through (most nights) but I've noticed the days I've not remembered to keep up with the domperidone are the days she's better. So, I'm taking her off the domperidone for now and just continue with the omeprazole and see what happens! It's just so confusing! Lol

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