Oh well. We had the lunch...starter fine, dessert fine...was assured there was noooo butter in the spiced red cabbage, green vegetables and that this other dish was dairy free.
Well. Not so. The cabbage definitely had butter in it (so left most of it as soon as I twitted) the green veg definitely had a bit on...and another bit, well I couldn't be sure. I am even wondering if the meat had been basted in it.
I ended up leaving most of the cabbage, the green veg as soon as I realised, and giving some bits away,
I know how hard it is for people to know exactly what is in everything...but just say you don't know. Don't say it's fine when it isn't. This has happened to me a good few times now...
So far, all seems ok. Although I don't know if that will last. Hopefully the small amount won't do anything really bad, but who knows?! Argh. So annoyed. So. Very. Annoyed.