Are you sure it's lactose and not cows' milk protein? Lactose is at high levels in breastmilk so if lactose was truly the problem your baby wouldn't have gained weight from birth and would have suffered severe health problems. Many doctors don't know the difference between the two though. Sainsbury's are really good for making own brand products that don't contain milk for no good reason. Their labelling is also some of the most clear I have found and they sell some of the Mrs Crimble cakes that are milk free (not all the range is so check labels). Sainsbury's also have a dairy free product list on their site that is updated monthly. I am vegan so consume no animal products at all and one of my older children is vegan by choice and has a dairy allergy, and even products that say may contain traces of milk have caused a reaction. There are loads of alternatives out there. If you're in the UK look up 'alternative stores' they have dairy free versions of pretty much anything you can think of, cheese, milks, chocolate and sweets, etc. xx