The news that he has low T and other hormonal issues that point to testicular failure hit me hard, even though I was expecting it. He's coping by not talking about it and pushing me away. The fact that we have to wait until early summer for answers is going to be even harder on me now that I have an idea what's going on.
It's hard being in here while in limbo. It feels like everyone is getting results and biopsies months quicker than us. I'm excited for those of you getting pregnant but even that is hard for me this week. I really don't think we will get that opportunity.
I will probably be back after a short break. I really hope everyone understands. I feel like I am being a big baby, but I know I'm not coping well and don't want to drag anyone else down until I get a hold of myself.
It's entirely understandable and most of us have been there with requiring a break from BnB. It's normal and natural. I'm sorry to hear about the troubles between the 2 of you, but I hope once you've both lived with the news for a little longer that you'll find your way back to one another again. I've always said the waiting is absolutely, horribly VILE. It's the hardest period of waiting you'll ever have to do and it stinks that everybody seems to be going at a quicker pace than you are ... but that's honestly not ever really the case. There are a lot of ladies on here and we're all at different stages and sometimes it can seem like things are happening really quickly, but in reality they rarely are. From our initial zero sperm SA results to the date of DH's operation, it was just over 7 months of long, hard waiting and quite honestly the worst period of our lives. It was the waiting and the 'not knowing' that was a living nightmare for us and we thought of little else that entire time, despite our efforts.
I wonder if counselling could help? It's a shame that it has the stigma that people have attached to it. It could help you work out some of the issues - either as a couple or individually and certainly isn't anything to be ashamed about. Getting a diagnosis like this is a majorly significant event in any couple's lives. I have read that the emotions in response to it are comparable with a diagnosis of a terminal illness or the death of a loved one. Most people wouldn't think twice to get counselling for either of those, so do bear that in mind.
In the meantime, I hope your break away goes as well as it can and that you and your DH can find a happier place together. We found a holiday really helped us to put things in perspective and just enjoy being together and being loved up, like we were before all this mess.
Thinking of you and hoping you and your husband are feeling better very soon
Hi girls,
So I had my hsg this morning, it went really well, wasn't half as bad as I had imagined and my tubes are open and my uterus is a normal shape (my gynae had thought it was bicornute). By the way, I am right around O and tomorrow Im taking a trip for a week without dh. Nurse said we shouldnt bd but my sister is a radio tech and said that sometimes girls are recommended to bd as tubes are wide open. What do you reckon?? What did you girls do?
How funny that I had the exact same happen to me (re the gynae telling me it was possibly bicornate and the HSG proving otherwise). I'm so pleased for you, as I know you were worried.
Amazing news about the biopsy date.
I would definitely BD - it's always worth a shot until you know the results of a TESE. I was told after my HSG that it was the perfect time to BD because it flushes the tubes out clear and widens them a bit and lots of ladies get pregnant after an HSG. We didn't actually bother as we already expected zero sperm, but it's clearly not a problem with my hospital either. Go for it - it can't hurt.
Raelynn - great news you have a date!

Having a Plan B really helps you deal with the TESE, I think.