Hey everyone!
Been crazy busy here with work - I worked 6 of the last 8 nights so I've haven't been on much. Just went and caught up with the threads though.
Sar- hope you are feeling better! Dehy is no fun!
SND - thats great on the weight loss! You rock!

Canadian - I know where you are coming from. Waiting is one of the worst parts :/ It is hard to stay positive all the time, but I try to stay strong and positive, as I feel that being pessimistic doesn't really make things better anyway. I hope that you are having a good day today. Just take it one day at a time.

Rae- 47?! Thats a lot!

Hope things are going well!
Deb - Can't say how happy I am for you!
Ok so I probably missed a few, sorry if I did!!
As for Me...
We met with the RE the other day, it went very well. RE thinks they will find sperm on biopsy - which was a great thing to hear. Good news but still trying not to get our hopes up. Biopsy is next week. So in ONE week we will know about the sperm. I can't believe how far we have come since first hearing and wondering what the heck azoo was!!
RE said that if they do find sperm, we will start meds NEXT cycle. He will put me on BC for a few weeks before injections... Which for me, my next cycle should start around the end of the month. (Estimated March 27th for AF) Its crazy how I used to DREAD her and now we have to look FORWARD to her! hahahah.
He also said, to me "due to your youth I think we will find lots of very good eggs"

... hope he is right! I had my last blood test for a while, something about malaria, I think, to check egg reserve or something?
He said if they find sperm, call and do a phone consult so we can set up IVF dates. I cannot believe we were FINALLY talking dates! At first he said "if they find sperm all we have to work out is finances" which, THANK GOODNESS, is taken care of, DH's awesome insurance covers everything. We told him that and he double checked through the computer - looked up and told us we had the best insurance

so we could start right away!
Please keep your fingers crossed for our biopsy! I know we have probably crossed everything for people through this journey but I would so appreciate it!