Dealing with azoospermia?

snd- well done on the weight loss... That sounds like a feasible plan. I know it sucks to pay that much each month but like Deb said, it will stop each cycle from being a wasted one with them monitoring you.

I'm doing fine. Nothing to report.
I have a massive headache and am going to be back for personals later in the week. Quick question...
They are monitoring my cycle, CD3 was the whole hormonal panel. CD8 was LH/FSH, CD21 is this Thursday. I think I am just ovulating now, I'm getting my usual EWCM. I put a call into the clinic, but do you think they will still get me to do the the progesterone test? It's going to be low if I didn't ovulate. I would be interested in what my LH/FSH were right now too.
Oh, on a "better" note, I have lost 2 lbs since 2/14! Guess that is a plus! But I have also been going to the gym twice a day about 4-5 times a week too...

Wow! Thats fantastic! You're an inspiration, darling. Life is complete and utter bo**ocks. Tomorrow is the third anniversary of my mum's passing and this time I'll be mourning the loss of my dad, too AND with all this cr*p we've been dealt, yeah, it's amazing how any of us get through the day!

BUT I love your energy and spririt, you have your plan and you're going to get your baby, hun. Just remember that!

BIG :hugs:

C xx
snd that's great news about the weight loss - well done you :thumbup:

I'm sorry about the cost of the scans, but at least you'll know you ovulated from the correct side each month and it'll all be worth it when you get your little one.

Of course, it may be that you ovulate from the normal side the very first month, which would be amazing and I really hope this happens for you. x
I have a massive headache and am going to be back for personals later in the week. Quick question...
They are monitoring my cycle, CD3 was the whole hormonal panel. CD8 was LH/FSH, CD21 is this Thursday. I think I am just ovulating now, I'm getting my usual EWCM. I put a call into the clinic, but do you think they will still get me to do the the progesterone test? It's going to be low if I didn't ovulate. I would be interested in what my LH/FSH were right now too.

I'm not sure about this - do you mean you could be ovulating late? I would imagine they'll still do CD21 but they may check again next cycle after they see how long your cycle is and/or what the results are.

How long are your cycles normally? They like the test done 7 days before AF arrives.

Obviously if you're only just ovulating now then you'll be due in 10 to 14 days' time.

To start with I think they just assume you'll ovulate on the normal day 14 because it's the text-book average ovulation day.

I have had EWCM after ovulation before in the past, but only in about 2 cycles in the past couple 2.5 years, so it can happen.
I just called my clinic. They want me to do the CD21 test tomorrow and then if the progesterone isn't up, they will do a CD28 test on me. I think I am ovulating this week. My cycles are usually 33 days but I had an almost 50 day cycle in the fall. I've stopped charting since the azoo diagnosis.

I got DH's numbers, I think they are really bad news. Of course, they are making us wait for the genetic tests to wait, it may be May/June before we get answers. Here they are:
FSH: 21.4
LH: 14
Testosterone: 4.2

Anyone want to guess at what they mean? I've been trying to ignore the IF stuff, my doctor just told me this week that he thinks I have developed an ulcer. He's giving me a month on meds and I will have to do a GI scope if I don't get better. Work's been stressful too. It seems to be one thing after another and I just want answers so we can move on. Right now, DH sounds like it's game over for us if he doesn't have sperm.
:hugs: Oh Canadian... :nope: Just one curveball after another thrown at ya, eh? I'm hoping that mind set is just temporary... That your man will change his mind about what can be done about things if he has zero sperm. :hugs: :flower: I hope you don't have ulcer. :shock:
CanadianMaple - Sounds like they're doing good to work around your cycle to get accurate testing. Sorry I don't know the numbers for the hormone levels to offer any advice there, our urologist interpreted our numbers for us.

As for me - I had my antral follicle count done today, 15 on one side 27 on the other so 42 total. Not that I am surprised as I have PCOS. Guessing I'll be on a pretty low dose of stim meds so I don't get over stimulated. Uterine lining was 3.25 (I believe it is supposed to be between 3 and 4) so things are looking good.
I got DH's numbers, I think they are really bad news. Of course, they are making us wait for the genetic tests to wait, it may be May/June before we get answers. Here they are:

FSH: 21.4
LH: 14
Testosterone: 4.2

Anyone want to guess at what they mean?

The FSH indicates some testicular failure (but that does not mean that none of the areas of the testes are working - we were told some areas would be on strike, some would be starting and then stopping before the sperm were fully deveoped and some would be fine) and the fact that it higher than normal means that the body has recognised there's a problem and has raised the FSH to try to drive sperm production. At 21.4 it's not excessively high and we were told it can easily be pushed into the high 30's with medication which will hopefully increase any production that there is

I'm not too sure about the LH but think it goes hand in hand with the FSH

His testosterone is pretty low at 4.2 - Terry's was 5.8 I think at it's lowest and it will most likely mean he will need lifelong testosterone replacement therapy once the fertiliy side of thing has been dealt with else there can be long term health issues such as brittle bones ets

But please don't give up hope. As I said, Terry's testosterone was low and his FSH was raised. I would think he could be put on something like tamoxifen or arimadex which would boost his testosterone and his FSH and hopefully drive the sperm production

It is worth a 10 minute free phone consultation with Dr Turek - he gave is some very positive information about our results and even though we didn't end up using him, it was useful info to take with us (just google him and there's something on the right hand side of his website to arrange a chat)

keep your chin up hun - there is hope xx
Thank you, that really helps a lot. Having to wait months is torture. DH will be 44 in September and we just don't have the time, he's not comfortable with waiting another year. I'm guessing we could do something to equalize the hormones, but doesn't it take months? He just told me that we should call the contractor and do our basement reno we had put on hold while saving for IVF. He doesn't sound like he will even consider donor sperm. I am terrified this could mean the end of our journey.
Don't give up hope hun :hugs:

Have you had any counselling together?

I really hope you get your dream, but if you're like me, you need a back-up plan. Would you both consider a donor embryo? I know the child wouldn't be yours biologically, but to me it's easier than adoption because you get to experience the whole pregnancy things and scans and giving birth and how can a child not feel like your won when the 3 of you have been through that journey together? It's what we were considering as our back-up option xx
We haven't done any counseling. The fertility counselor is in the city, so it's not really doable right now. We're still newlyweds, just married 8 months, and the thought that we may need counseling is a tough pill to swallow. What a tough first year married, we should still be giddy.

I don't know much about embryo adoption. I'm not sure I am in a place to do it either. I have a son that's 4 next month and have always wanted to give him a sibling he could look a bit like and relate to. It's hard for me to let go of having my own genetic child too, especially since everything seems good on my end.

It's a rough night. DH is total denial about his T being low. He doesn't have a lot of symptoms and thinks it must be a mistake. He doesn't even want to talk about it. I'm hurting and want him to assure me all will be okay and he's retreated to his online poker for most of the evening.
So sorry you are going through this with your hubby :hugs: They seem to take this diagnosis very hard. I can say, my hubby was very closed off originally. He didn't want to talk about it, go over our options, or even admit there was a problem. It took me a while to understand how to approach him but once I figured out his way of dealing with things, I could talk to him in a way that wouldn't shut him down and we eventually got to a place where we could talk things over. We are now both in such a better place. My advice is just take it slow and try to find the best way to talk in his 'language'. It won't always be easy and it takes a lot of patience but hopefully you'll both get to a point where you can at least make a decision together. I know it is hard to consider counseling so early but think about investing in your marriage. It is better to build a strong foundation early than to start falling apart now. Sometimes an outside voice really helps. Hope things get better for you soon!! :hugs:
Rae-Sounds like a great plan! Clinic financial advisers tend to be awesome! Our insurance company was just extra difficult to deal with and gave different answers anytime someone talked to them so it took us, HR and the clinic financial adviser to deal with them and get everything straightened out.

Luv-I don't know if you saw my post to rae earlier, but we also have a 10,000 lifetime max. We did find out though that it is per person on the policy and not per policy so if you DH is on the policy as well anything he has done would be counted under his and the rest under yours. It doesn't help a lot, but a little.

Canadian-Don't give up hope, I know its hard but it may just take some time for your DH to come to terms with things. We all want everything to happen right now, but with infertility it always seems to be waiting. We tend to get a diagnosis and want to attack it head on and deal with it any way we can emotionally and medically. Men don't usually approach things like I think they have to get past dealing with it emotionally themselves first before they can move on to dealing with it in any other way. Also remember that counseling isn't giving up, it is fighting back against all the things that haven't gone as planned.

AFM-I have been kind of MIA for awhile because I have been really sick since last Wednesday. I am finally starting to feel better after 2 trips to the Dr. and a trip to the ER. Saturday I was told it was just viral, by Monday I was feeling even worse so 2nd trip to the dr. to be told I probably had bronchitis or Whooping cough and that I also had pink eye in both eyes, got an antibiotic and eye drops. Wasn't really feeling any better Tuesday and then started vomiting, it got to the point where I couldn't keep anything down so at 9:30 pm we went to the emergency room where I was told as I expected that I had some minor dehydration. So they gave me 2 litres of fluids through IV and a dose of anti-nausea medication which they also gave me a prescription for. Yesterday I slept most of the day and today I am feeling semi-normal. Hoping that by next week I start feeling like myself again. The ER wanted me to follow up with the OB so we have an appointment with him tomorrow.
Canadian - don't feel bad if you need counselling - it's not marriage counselling, just someone to talk to to help you both deal with a blow you never expected to be dealt :hugs:

Sar - sorry you've been ill - feel better soon xx
I'm not ready to drive the 2 hrs to see the counselor, I think we just need more processing time. Since DH is almost 44, we only have a small window for his own comfort zone. I'm going to start preparing myself to move on. Time just isn't on our sides and now we have to face the very real health implications this has highlighted.
Sar-Hope you are feeling better! :hugs:

CM- I'm soo sorry hon! Maybe with time your DH will start to see things in a different light! Seems like he just needs some time to digest things and get outta that "denial" stage. Mine was the same way, and look at him now; more optimistic than I am! Just hug and love on him and let him know that you care and are ready for the next step when he is, whatever that might be..... :hugs: to you both!

Rae- Don't feel bad, I have PCOS too... we just all a big ball o' mess! (Well, some of us anyways!) IDK weither to take my ov. test results serious anymore or not b/c of this PCOS. It said I ov'd yesterday, and it was only CD13, and after the HSG! Very unusual for me!!! Who knows!!! :growlmad:

:hugs: to everyone else!

PS- Weighed again on my lunch break today..... have lost a total of 5 lbs now since 2/14! I'm questioning it though..... :shrug:
Snd - I know I've never been able to trust an opk because of PCOS. Mine just appear almost positive for pretty much my entire cycle but hopefully you have better luck! Congrats on the weight loss!

Canadian - Sending lots of hugs! Just do your best to be their for your hubby. I'm sure it is frustrating since it seems us women just want to move on and get things done but eventually he should come around to at least discussing your options.
Hey everyone!
Been crazy busy here with work - I worked 6 of the last 8 nights so I've haven't been on much. Just went and caught up with the threads though.

Sar- hope you are feeling better! Dehy is no fun!
SND - thats great on the weight loss! You rock! :)
Canadian - I know where you are coming from. Waiting is one of the worst parts :/ It is hard to stay positive all the time, but I try to stay strong and positive, as I feel that being pessimistic doesn't really make things better anyway. I hope that you are having a good day today. Just take it one day at a time.:hugs:
Rae- 47?! Thats a lot! :) Hope things are going well!
Deb - Can't say how happy I am for you!

Ok so I probably missed a few, sorry if I did!!

As for Me...
We met with the RE the other day, it went very well. RE thinks they will find sperm on biopsy - which was a great thing to hear. Good news but still trying not to get our hopes up. Biopsy is next week. So in ONE week we will know about the sperm. I can't believe how far we have come since first hearing and wondering what the heck azoo was!!:haha:

RE said that if they do find sperm, we will start meds NEXT cycle. He will put me on BC for a few weeks before injections... Which for me, my next cycle should start around the end of the month. (Estimated March 27th for AF) Its crazy how I used to DREAD her and now we have to look FORWARD to her! hahahah.

He also said, to me "due to your youth I think we will find lots of very good eggs":blush:... hope he is right! I had my last blood test for a while, something about malaria, I think, to check egg reserve or something?

He said if they find sperm, call and do a phone consult so we can set up IVF dates. I cannot believe we were FINALLY talking dates! At first he said "if they find sperm all we have to work out is finances" which, THANK GOODNESS, is taken care of, DH's awesome insurance covers everything. We told him that and he double checked through the computer - looked up and told us we had the best insurance :) so we could start right away!:happydance:

Please keep your fingers crossed for our biopsy! I know we have probably crossed everything for people through this journey but I would so appreciate it!:flower:

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