Then we saw my new FS. He is so much nicer than the one I saw last year and I do feel comfortable with him. DH was also very comfortable and he was able to give us far more information about DH than what DH's urologist was. He offered to refer DH to another urologist if we'd like but said that it was highly unlikely that anything would change which we accept. But he did mention that my AMH levels are a little low for my age (7.4) which wasn't explained to me last year and so has irrationally become a huge source of stress for me.
Then because of a change in the law here donors now not only have to be identifiable to any future child but also have to have undergone a counselling session with an accredited psychologist which means that there is an absolute shortage of DS and that for that reason, even though I am otherwise fine, clinics will not do IUI so I have to go straight to IVF. For the first time on this journey, I feel so resentful and angry at DH, my work, the world in general....
Then we had to have our mandatory counselling session and because we haven't told anyone yet, we are being made to go away and think about it and to come back again. I feel like we are being made to rethink decisions that we have thought long and hard about by someone who knows nothing of our family dynamics and situation. As DH said, we will just lie when we go back if we have to.
Like I've said before, we have no issues with telling our child or our families but we wanted to be sure of the diagnosis and have made a definite decision about what we were doing before we went there. I am not in a good headspace and I don't want to hear what others think about our decisions. As you all know, they are not easy decisions to made and I still feel a little bit uncomfortable.
A few months ago I remember reading about a book you'd all suggested. Can anyone give me the title again? I need to get some perspective as I am not in a good headspace.
Yes, the book I recommended is Helping the Stork, as PL mentioned
I found it very detailed and useful and it was great to read of other couples' experiences and those of the children themselves.
I'm sorry about how things are for you at the moment, KB.
My AMH was low for my age too (4.76 I think it was) and it freaked me out, but the clinic have said they have absolutely no worries because they saw 5 or 6 follicles in my luteal phase at my dildo-cam scan, so they're not concerned at all and it's just to guide them with regards to dosage of drugs. In fact, they said they'd be more worried if it was higher, as there would be a chance of hyper-stimulation, whereas it's very unlikely for me. 7.4 was classed as normal on the paperwork I was given
Our clinic actually recruits their own donors, so we can go to IUI. It's such a shame when ladies are forced to undergo IVF without trying IUI first for donor.
That's pretty shocking about the counselling.
I don't see why they've done that? Is there any way you can call and say you've had your counselling and that's that and you don't want any more? It seems entirely unreasonable to make you do more just because you hadn't shared with family???
I agree with you entirely about not wanting to think about what others thing of your decisions. I was the same and when we told family we said we weren't looking for negativity or opinions - this was what we'd chosen to do and we needed them to be prepared and to accept it (if not straight away, then at least with time). It seemed to work for us, but I had warned DH that if anybody dared to say anything derogatory about our decision then I would snap! It's nobody's decision but your own as a couple.
Hope you're feeling in a better place soon, KB
So, we're scheduled for hubby's TESE on the 21st. For those of you who have already gone through this, how quickly did you get results back? We're excited but nervous!
Unfortunately ours took 13 days. It was a lifetime, honestly, and ours was the same Consultant who did Deb's ... so I have no idea why there are different timescales. He did say DH's was being sent off for laboratory testing where they check to see exactly what stage any sperm are at in the creation stage and that's what took a long time. I really hope you hear shortly. I would advise to try and get an idea from the Consultant prior to the op, as it was a huge shock and upsetting to us on the day to find out we'd be waiting 2 weeks (we had previously been told the following day).
Hey ladies! I'm new here although we've been dealing with our azoo diagnosis for 7 months. I've just spent several hours reading through your stories and is it ever amazing how our experiences are so different yet so similar.
Glad to find this group- although I can't say it's fun to be a member of the exclusive azoo club that no one wants an invitation to
Hi Kendall and welcome. Yeah we all know what you mean!
I've not heard of this for azoo before but I really do hope that it works. Keeping everything crossed for the 2 of you.